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State Dept. says it has no emails from ex-Clinton staffer


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State Dept. says it has no emails from ex-Clinton staffer

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department can find no emails to or from a former Hillary Clinton aide who worked for the agency and also managed Clinton's private computer server while she served as secretary of state, the government told a Republican party group in a court filing made public Monday. The agency insisted later that some messages to and from the ex-aide were recovered and turned over in other inquiries.

The government's revelation in U.S. District Court in Washington came in answer to a lawsuit by the Republican National Committee. The committee had sued over its public records request for all work-related emails sent to or received by Clinton's former aide, Bryan Pagliano, between 2009 and 2013, the years of Clinton's tenure. The lawsuit also pressed for other State Department records from the Clinton era.

The RNC's filing said lawyers for the agency had informed them in discussions that "the State Department has represented that no responsive records exist" for any Pagliano emails. Pagliano was hired at the agency after reportedly setting up Clinton's server in 2009, but the lack of any official State Department emails raises the question whether he limited his email traffic using a private account, much like Clinton did during her four years as secretary, or whether his government emails were deleted.

A State Department official said Monday that the agency possessed emails from Pagliano from the period after Clinton's term had ended, when he continued to work as a technology contractor. Agency spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau then added Monday evening that some Pagliano emails dating from Clinton's tenure had been recovered from agency officials' files and turned over to other organizations, including Senate investigators.

"We have previously produced through FOIA and to Congress emails sent and received by Mr. Pagliano during Secretary Clinton's tenure," Trudeau said in a public statement. At least one email, which was sent in November 2012 to Clinton from Pagliano — but possibly from his private email address — was released as part of 30,000 Clinton emails made public by the agency over the past year.

A spokesman for the RNC said the organization stood by its description of the discussions with lawyers for the State Department. The group said in its filing that "the State Department has represented that no responsive records exist."

Raj Shah, the RNC spokesman, added, "It's hard to believe that an IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton's reckless email server never sent or received a single work-related email in the four years he worked at the State Department." Clinton's campaign officials declined to comment in response to questions from The Associated Press.

Trudeau said the State Department is working with Congress and several public records requesters to provide relevant material. She also said agency officials continue to search for "Mr. Pagliano's emails, which the department may have otherwise retained." Trudeau also said the department would respond further to the RNC in court.

State Department officials told Senate investigators last year they could not find a file containing Pagliano's work emails during Clinton's tenure, an assertion first reported by Politico.

Pagliano has been offered immunity by the Justice Department in its continuing investigation into Clinton's server and emails and whether the setup violated national security laws. Pagliano's lawyer, Mark MacDougall, declined to comment.

The one email sent by Pagliano that surfaced among Clinton's 30,000 emails was sent to Clinton was a November 2012 birthday greeting. He wished her "Happy Birthday Madam Secretary. To many more!"

Pagliano's email address was censored, unlike numerous official State Department addresses that are listed in Clinton's emails — suggesting he may have sent the message from a private address.

Clinton did not reply directly to Pagliano. Instead, she sent a copy of an email to an aide with the instruction "Pls respond."


Associate Press Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee and writer Eric Tucker contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-10

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I wonder why, with all the shenanigans that happen inside the beltway, there is never an obstruction of justice charge filed against anyone. dry.png

"Because if one domino falls, they all fall." whistling.gif

Yeah, I knew that! thumbsup.gif

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Is this really a surprise to anyone? HRC's strategy rests upon the numbness of America to her antics and criminal enterprise. In this numbness she compromises public resolve, and even the meaning of words (this point defines both Clintons); but it is not accidental, rather it is a plank of Progressive Disassembly.

Under any other conditions of life normal American's prosecutors/agents would have kicked down doors, impaneled a Grand Jury, had a made for TV movie, and people sent to the big house. Hillary Clinton? The magnitude of obstructions, RICO enabling, millions of millions of cash changing hands, dead bodies, endless subterfuge, amnesia, sabotage, missing documents, 5th Amendment invocations, sterilized hard drives, forgetful public servants... it's really no more than the same mechanics behind:

"I don't know how it works [digitally]." Really?

HRC made an awful lot of decisions for a leader who can openly declare her ignorance as to "how it works." Is this the type of leader America wants? Someone who readily admits to a deficiency of knowledge yet singularly wades in and changes the landscape? Its exactly her same psychological deportment, question/answer and accountability on display regarding the dreadful war Hillary Clinton personally championed in Libya, and its sorrow jihadi condition of countless dead today. An unguarded peek into her mentality is simply horrifying- repugnant! "We came; We saw; He died," chuckle, cackle, cackle (hands clapping in joy). HRC on being notified of the death of Mohamar Qaddafi.

She is a liar and her staffers are conspirators in a grand subterfuge of power and money. It is a non-stop march of criminal enterprise. No matter which approach you consider of HRC's defenses there are only 3 possibilities: she is either a criminal, incompetent, or both.

Did you wipe the server? "What, like, with a cloth, or something?" Or, "...it depends on what the meaning of what the world is 'is'."

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Is this really a surprise to anyone? HRC's strategy rests upon the numbness of America to her antics and criminal enterprise. In this numbness she compromises public resolve, and even the meaning of words (this point defines both Clintons); but it is not accidental, rather it is a plank of Progressive Disassembly.

Under any other conditions of life normal American's prosecutors/agents would have kicked down doors, impaneled a Grand Jury, had a made for TV movie, and people sent to the big house. Hillary Clinton? The magnitude of obstructions, RICO enabling, millions of millions of cash changing hands, dead bodies, endless subterfuge, amnesia, sabotage, missing documents, 5th Amendment invocations, sterilized hard drives, forgetful public servants... it's really no more than the same mechanics behind:

"I don't know how it works [digitally]." Really?

HRC made an awful lot of decisions for a leader who can openly declare her ignorance as to "how it works." Is this the type of leader America wants? Someone who readily admits to a deficiency of knowledge yet singularly wades in and changes the landscape? Its exactly her same psychological deportment, question/answer and accountability on display regarding the dreadful war Hillary Clinton personally championed in Libya, and its sorrow jihadi condition of countless dead today. An unguarded peek into her mentality is simply horrifying- repugnant! "We came; We saw; He died," chuckle, cackle, cackle (hands clapping in joy). HRC on being notified of the death of Mohamar Qaddafi.

She is a liar and her staffers are conspirators in a grand subterfuge of power and money. It is a non-stop march of criminal enterprise. No matter which approach you consider of HRC's defenses there are only 3 possibilities: she is either a criminal, incompetent, or both.

Did you wipe the server? "What, like, with a cloth, or something?" Or, "...it depends on what the meaning of what the world is 'is'."


Very unlike you to be so unbalanced! This woman is absolutely no different to any other politician, it is just her case has given all the others time to wipe their drives clean and get their house in order.

Your comments on Libya make it appear that you are completely uneducated to every other conflict that has been started by the USA putting their boot in, and I am disappointed that an Ajarn is unaware that the 'we came, we saw, he died' - 'giggle' was a complete mickey take of Julius Ceasar's famous quote 'Veni Vidi Vici' and is used to refer to a swift conclusive victory. I seem to recall many parties all over the world by various people on the deaths of certain Dictators and the like. The really disgraceful thing is that more money has been spent on this than the 9/11 investigation. The Republicans called for and got the release of all of these work related emails. Well precedent has been set and I am sure it will be a regular cross party occurrence from now on and the loser is the tax payer. We want to bang Assange up for ever for releasing Gov emails, yet now the Republicans have set a precedence for the entire process.

Everything going on around this is the symptom of mad desperation for power and certain people will stop at nothing to get it, because it is the route to Eldorado. Politicians are all scum, they are all bottom feeders, all criminals, and all liars (what perplexes me is why as society we continue to vote for them. If the US people do not think that either Clinton or Trump should be President then here is an idea to put things straight - NOBODY go and vote on polling day - NOBODY!) singling one out above the others is simply silly.

Edited by Andaman Al
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