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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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Sooooooo..........How much of this 10 million baht will go to "administrative" costs? What a <deleted>.

clown yes. 10.000.000 for the plane and the building. coffee1.gif

no hope for the human race..............

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If the really "cockoo people out there will send money to the online Nigeria scam scammers out there, why not give money for something that has at least some merit in disproving the obvious lies that people have been told to believe (which spurred an insane war which persists today, which you cockoo people out there are paying for with your taxes to your governments in the increase of "terrorism" spending which the 9/11 disaster provided as impetus for wars galore)? Many architects and experts in demolition have already gone on record to state that the collapse of the towers and the other building #7 are products of demolition, and that an airplane hitting these buildings cannot physically collapse buildings in a demolition type of collapse. How can you armchair lazyboys counter those arguments? As for the Apollo moon landings that you say are point blank stupid conspiracy theories, I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube with Stanley Kubrick openly confessing to having made the NASA videos of a faked moon landing which was a hoax handed over to the US public from the US Government.

I don't where you was at the time of the attacks on the wtc, but I will tell you one thing!

Please stop your conspiricy BS!!!

I lost some good friends and the only reason I'm still writing this post is because I was late for a meeting. I had to take care of my dog on Staten Island, where I lived.

The first plane hit when I was about one block away!

And about the nummer 7building, it came down later in the eavening.

The reason I know that was that the nypd created a corridor on the east side for people that had to go back home to Staten Island.

It came down when when I was walking there.

If you don' t believe, pm me, I will give you the phone number of my mother, because I was talking to her at that moment.

Please show some respect!!!

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Maybe not so delusional, sounds like it could be a nice little earner.

Exactly. I know him. While he may not be the brightest flame in the chandelier, he has always been very mercenary about money. He was a headhunter in Japan and once offered up this pearl of wisdom and morality--As a headhunter, you want to make big money you can't care about the guy at all.

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Obviously been here far too long......the Thai psyche has attached!

No, he has not been here for long, and when he arrived, penniless, after overpromising and underdelivering in some real esteate scheme in Shanghai, he appealed to all his old acquaintances for money because he was broke.

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“Several people have estimated costs to recreate 9/11 and they usually are about USD3 million. We are trying to do it for 10 percent of that," said Paul.

"I wanna fly that sucker in there and see what happens," he said in the video. "We're gonna prove it once and for all: Was 9/11 a hoax or was it real?"

Let me save you some time and money on that...it was real.

"We deserve to find out what happened.”

We already know what happened.

ah finally some one who knows what happened. tell the rest of how building 7 cam down. i have watched all the footage and it look exactly like it was bough down with explosives. it was not struck by anything large enough to damage it structurally.


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Not so strange you say bluespunk. It is VERY strange when a massive building is reported to have fallen when it hadn't.... And then it did!!!

Read the link I posted to that particular piece of conspiracy BS.

It's on page 1.

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If the really "cockoo people out there will send money to the online Nigeria scam scammers out there, why not give money for something that has at least some merit in disproving the obvious lies that people have been told to believe (which spurred an insane war which persists today, which you cockoo people out there are paying for with your taxes to your governments in the increase of "terrorism" spending which the 9/11 disaster provided as impetus for wars galore)? Many architects and experts in demolition have already gone on record to state that the collapse of the towers and the other building #7 are products of demolition, and that an airplane hitting these buildings cannot physically collapse buildings in a demolition type of collapse. How can you armchair lazyboys counter those arguments? As for the Apollo moon landings that you say are point blank stupid conspiracy theories, I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube with Stanley Kubrick openly confessing to having made the NASA videos of a faked moon landing which was a hoax handed over to the US public from the US Government.

I don't where you was at the time of the attacks on the wtc, but I will tell you one thing!

Please stop your conspiricy BS!!!

I lost some good friends and the only reason I'm still writing this post is because I was late for a meeting. I had to take care of my dog on Staten Island, where I lived.

The first plane hit when I was about one block away!

And about the nummer 7building, it came down later in the eavening.

The reason I know that was that the nypd created a corridor on the east side for people that had to go back home to Staten Island.

It came down when when I was walking there.

If you don' t believe, pm me, I will give you the phone number of my mother, because I was talking to her at that moment.

Please show some respect!!!

Many of us had friends or family that were directly involved.

I lived north of NYC. My brother was sitting in his office at #2 World Financial Center, adjacent to the WTC site, when the first plane hit. He was on the street when the second plane hit, and he saw people jumping from the towers. He was on one of the last ferries across the Hudson river when the first tower came down. We learned this all later that evening, as we had no idea about his status for most of the day.

I had other friends who worked on Wall Street who rushed north away from the towers. Many of them walked the entire length of Manhattan to the Bronx, where they could get transportation to Westchester County or Connecticut.

If you ask someone from the Tristate area (NY, NJ, CT) where they were that morning, they will tell you in vivid detail. Every town lost a few that morning.

Indeed, I suspect the idiot who is the subject of the OP above has little respect for the subject or the people involved. But I also suspect he has left a trail of disappointments behind him in life. We should just be happy when he fails again.

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He could have just started a whole new variation on the sick buffalo story... Random bargirl: "Please, I need money so my father in Isaan can recreate the attack on Pearl Harbour in the village pond".

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Says it all really, an Delusional American Expat. Nuff said leave him to wither and hopefully die somewhere . If it was not true youwould never believe it would you !!

Edited by Khun Paul
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I was shown pictures by nutters and rubbishers that "proved" no airplane hit the Pentagon. There was the burned core of a Rolls-Royce RB211 jet engine on the grass in the picture. I know what I am talking about.

I am also still a current member of the national pilot union that represents the UA pilots who were killed ( not the American Airlines pilots who died at the Pentagon).

The widows and children would like to know thewhereabouts of their Fathers , if you freaks spouting rubbish could please let them know it would be greatly appreciated.

Here is what actually happened. The most ideological and incompetent Right-wing administration in US History was given warning of the attacks by their own CIA which they ignored. 19 highjackers with box-cutters brought the entire establishment to its knees. The same failed leaders used their own failure and stupidity as an excuse to start a war of convenience based on lies they would have started anyway, for no reason. The lowest of the low scum and rubbish. They created ISIS and most of the problems in the region we deal with now.

Edited by arunsakda
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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

........and now the conspiracy theorists.............. saai.gifsaai.gifsaai.gif

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Nuttets and theorists....please stop posting until you examinw real evidence. They found plane parts at all 3 sites. The planes, their pilots and the passengers are all still missing according to you but you ognore hard evidence to the contrary. You are an embarrassment. Stop

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Conspiracy Theory......The claim is more that the CIA "popularized" it, as a dismissive term.


1870 the phrase was used in a Journal of mental science....


More of the thinking population is starting to figure out, that what was a Conspiracy Theory is becoming Conspiracy Fact. All Governments lie to their debt slaves.....

Government> definition, Govern=Control ,Ment= Mind

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Nuttets and theorists....please stop posting until you examinw real evidence. They found plane parts at all 3 sites. The planes, their pilots and the passengers are all still missing according to you but you ognore hard evidence to the contrary. You are an embarrassment. Stop

The Commission on 9/11 knew that there was a massive cover up, 4 planes flying around in the most protected airspace in the world and not one of them gets an Airforce escort ya right.... Professional pilots that have thousands of hrs flying these type of planes, said they couldn't of did the same maneuvers that 19 arabs who couldn't even fly a Cessna 150 were capable of doing at 500 MPH lol

I suppose the real hard evidence you speak of comes from the government that committed the crime.............. OK signing off.......

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

Must be a goddamn hoax cooked up by those same evil people that gave us that climate change nonsense, eh? I bet Al Gore is behind it. rolleyes.gif

Edited by plachon
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Khun Somchai must be rubbing his hands together with his contract to build the 'twin towers' for this little fiasco.

Mr. Paul Salo hopes "to buy an airplane similar to the ones used in the World Trade Center...." and all for a mere USD300,000.

Now, call me skeptical if you wish, and I hold my hand up to not being qualified in physics and any other qualifications necessary to disprove the released story about 9/11, my understanding of what he needs to do is as follows:

1. If he is using a plane of similar size he will need to have the same fuel mass on the plane, also accounting for the cargo and passenger weights. The fuel will wipe out a fair percentage of his budget before he even begins to play.

2. If he is using a plane of similar size, the target will have to be constructed to the same size of one of the towers, same number of floors, same layouts, same materials used in the original tower.

3. Similar climatic conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc) need to be in place for the simulation as was there on 9/11.

The owner of the bar (and there is no other place for this mission control that i can think of) where the planning and amassing of funds is being done needs to be keeping a journal of this epic fail foil against the American government for book & film rights at a later date.

And the real scary thing about this is that there are enough 'like-minded people' out there to make this possible, at least getting the asking money. The mind boggles............... sad.png

Edit for clarity: IMHO

Edited by chrisinth
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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


Actually they had four vanishing airplanes that day.

Credible links to this info would be appreciated.

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

........and now the conspiracy theorists.............. saai.gifsaai.gifsaai.gif

Oh yes it is politically incorrect these days to believe in conspiracies. It's a dirty word now.

But if you open a history book you will find conspiracies from beginning to end. This is the natural state of man. To conspire, to cheat for personal gain. Bad people become powerful people because good people play by the rules. By default, the foxes run the hen house. And the hens vote them back for a second term.

How many nations have been affected by the regime change plots of the CIA? How many Dictators have been placed into power by American hands? How many trillions have been made from weapons and bomb production since 2001. How many people are dead as a result of a foreign policy that appears to only ever escalate the situation.

But somehow to say conspiracy makes me crazy. People are making trillions, and millions are getting dead, but I am crazy.

Forgetting history is crazy, I am simply keeping an open mind.

edit: By the way 9/11 was a conspiracy. Both sides agree on that.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

The cherry picking mr biker, is just what is needed to establish the truth, which is withheld from the world, even O'bama didn't dare touch it.

The CABAL ???? The FULCRUM ????

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The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

No, he's not thinking at all.

Conspiracy theorists fantasize, they don't think.

Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA in 1964 so anyone not agreeing with the official story> Kennedy's Death< would be considered a tin foil wearing hat nut job. Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth and most put a lot of time into researching to find out what really happened.. The People that don't and cant think,(the majority) believe what governments and media tell them.

You are entitled to your own opinion,but not your own facts...

Dr Judy Wood : Where did the Towers Go



Delusional indeed.

"Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth..."

Absolute tosh. Many of them are no more interested in truth than religious fanatics. Conspiracy Theory is essentially a God-Proxy for mediocre intellects who need to replace their lack of Faith with some other means to order the universe. That they also tend to be paranoid just means the conspiracy theorizing is all the more attractive to them.

Empiricism, reason, considering the source, peer review... all goes to hell in the face of Conspiracy Theorists denial and projection fantasies.

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Obviously been here far too long......the Thai psyche has attached!

No, he has not been here for long, and when he arrived, penniless, after overpromising and underdelivering in some real esteate scheme in Shanghai, he appealed to all his old acquaintances for money because he was broke.

Living the dream...555... Everything about the guy breaths cheap, farce, illusion, aso. Successful businessman looking for 10.000.000 thb using some idiotic YT channel. Digital nomad who "has everything on his iphone" (no backup) LOL. The guy should sell Tupperware. Clown.

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I don't where you was at the time of the attacks on the wtc, but I will tell you one thing!

Please stop your conspiricy BS!!!

I lost some good friends and the only reason I'm still writing this post is because I was late for a meeting. I had to take care of my dog on Staten Island, where I lived.

The first plane hit when I was about one block away!

And about the nummer 7building, it came down later in the eavening.

The reason I know that was that the nypd created a corridor on the east side for people that had to go back home to Staten Island.

It came down when when I was walking there.

If you don' t believe, pm me, I will give you the phone number of my mother, because I was talking to her at that moment.

Please show some respect!!!

Many of us had friends or family that were directly involved.

I lived north of NYC. My brother was sitting in his office at #2 World Financial Center, adjacent to the WTC site, when the first plane hit. He was on the street when the second plane hit, and he saw people jumping from the towers. He was on one of the last ferries across the Hudson river when the first tower came down. We learned this all later that evening, as we had no idea about his status for most of the day.

I had other friends who worked on Wall Street who rushed north away from the towers. Many of them walked the entire length of Manhattan to the Bronx, where they could get transportation to Westchester County or Connecticut.

If you ask someone from the Tristate area (NY, NJ, CT) where they were that morning, they will tell you in vivid detail. Every town lost a few that morning.

Indeed, I suspect the idiot who is the subject of the OP above has little respect for the subject or the people involved. But I also suspect he has left a trail of disappointments behind him in life. We should just be happy when he fails again.

9/11 was a life changing event for me. I had an apartment on W 70th, 26th floor facing the south. Clear view of the towers. I had a 9am meeting that morning in the old Banker's Trust building. It was changed to 10am late the day before. People were flying in from all over the country, including Boston. As usual, listening to the weather channel before heading out. Reports said a small plane had hit the WTC. I didn't pay much attention. Didn't sound like a big deal. Then they said another plane had hit the other tower.

I called my boss as I had a clear view of the towers. I told him, it looks big. End to end big. He told me to not be lazy and get my butt in a taxi and head down there for our meeting. Well, things escalated quickly. We decided to hold off on the meetings and then the cell phone went dead. I looked out my window and the building was gone. I saw the other one fall not long after. Many cell antennas were on that building. So no cell calls. We still had internet.

I was the "point" man for our company. Trying to locate employees, get the status of our customers, etc. Who's alive and who's in trouble. Insane to put it mildly, especially as one of our execs was on a plane coming from Boston.

We lost the relative of one employee, but that was it. I had friends standing there watching the bodies fall from the towers. I was there the following Monday. One of only a few in that area. I watched the survivors walk up Broadway from Wall Street. No mass transport. Everything was stopped. You had to walk across the bridges. Some were walking with no shoes, one show, covered in soot, and exhausted. Nothing I could do. Just watch. Fighter jets were roaring around, tanks in the streets. Crazy.

I moved away not long after. So to put it mildly, I have a hard time with conspiracy theories. Right or wrong.

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I don't where you was at the time of the attacks on the wtc, but I will tell you one thing!

Please stop your conspiricy BS!!!

I lost some good friends and the only reason I'm still writing this post is because I was late for a meeting. I had to take care of my dog on Staten Island, where I lived.

The first plane hit when I was about one block away!

And about the nummer 7building, it came down later in the eavening.

The reason I know that was that the nypd created a corridor on the east side for people that had to go back home to Staten Island.

It came down when when I was walking there.

If you don' t believe, pm me, I will give you the phone number of my mother, because I was talking to her at that moment.

Please show some respect!!!

Many of us had friends or family that were directly involved.

I lived north of NYC. My brother was sitting in his office at #2 World Financial Center, adjacent to the WTC site, when the first plane hit. He was on the street when the second plane hit, and he saw people jumping from the towers. He was on one of the last ferries across the Hudson river when the first tower came down. We learned this all later that evening, as we had no idea about his status for most of the day.

I had other friends who worked on Wall Street who rushed north away from the towers. Many of them walked the entire length of Manhattan to the Bronx, where they could get transportation to Westchester County or Connecticut.

If you ask someone from the Tristate area (NY, NJ, CT) where they were that morning, they will tell you in vivid detail. Every town lost a few that morning.

Indeed, I suspect the idiot who is the subject of the OP above has little respect for the subject or the people involved. But I also suspect he has left a trail of disappointments behind him in life. We should just be happy when he fails again.

9/11 was a life changing event for me. I had an apartment on W 70th, 26th floor facing the south. Clear view of the towers. I had a 9am meeting that morning in the old Banker's Trust building. It was changed to 10am late the day before. People were flying in from all over the country, including Boston. As usual, listening to the weather channel before heading out. Reports said a small plane had hit the WTC. I didn't pay much attention. Didn't sound like a big deal. Then they said another plane had hit the other tower.

I called my boss as I had a clear view of the towers. I told him, it looks big. End to end big. He told me to not be lazy and get my butt in a taxi and head down there for our meeting. Well, things escalated quickly. We decided to hold off on the meetings and then the cell phone went dead. I looked out my window and the building was gone. I saw the other one fall not long after. Many cell antennas were on that building. So no cell calls. We still had internet.

I was the "point" man for our company. Trying to locate employees, get the status of our customers, etc. Who's alive and who's in trouble. Insane to put it mildly, especially as one of our execs was on a plane coming from Boston.

We lost the relative of one employee, but that was it. I had friends standing there watching the bodies fall from the towers. I was there the following Monday. One of only a few in that area. I watched the survivors walk up Broadway from Wall Street. No mass transport. Everything was stopped. You had to walk across the bridges. Some were walking with no shoes, one show, covered in soot, and exhausted. Nothing I could do. Just watch. Fighter jets were roaring around, tanks in the streets. Crazy.

I moved away not long after. So to put it mildly, I have a hard time with conspiracy theories. Right or wrong.

I am not trying to antagonize anyone that was affected. A crime was committed that day, the biggest crime ever perhaps. But disagreeing about the details and the credibility of the orthodox version of events in no way reflects a callous attitude towards the victims of this crime. Like it or not, this was the most important historical event since WW2 and history will be debated indefinitely.

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In respose to post # 234


"Delusional indeed.

"Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth..."

Absolute tosh. Many of them are no more interested in truth than religious fanatics. Conspiracy Theory is essentially a God-Proxy for mediocre intellects who need to replace their lack of Faith with some other means to order the universe. That they also tend to be paranoid just means the conspiracy theorizing is all the more attractive to them.

Empiricism, reason, considering the source, peer review... all goes to hell in the face of Conspiracy Theorists denial and projection fantasies."


many "theories" envisioned by einstein were ridiculed even by fellow physicists (highly educated people) that guy that had a theory the earth was a globe and not square was opposed by the great majority that had been taught the earth is square and they cannot sail the sea because they will fall off.

theres tons of highly intelligent, highly educated, critical thinking professionals and even highly decorated accomplished military officers whose careers were to analyze information.

can we understand from your post that you are a superior intellect recognizing all the mediocre ones?

Below is a fair use snipped, one of many mediocre harvard intellects. from http://mp911truth.org/

John C. Hiebert, MD, Harvard Medical School; PhD (Evolutionary Biology), Harvard University; Postdoctoral Fellow (Developmental Biology), Stanford University School of Medicine – ABA Board Certified Anesthesiologist. Assistant Clinical Professor, Tufts University

  • Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

    "The events of September 11, 2001 have been used by our government to justify killing over one million people. President Obama, within weeks of his inauguration, invoked 9/11 as a justification for sending 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Our civil liberties have been eroded by the Patriot Act of 2001, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the Protect America Act of 2007, and numerous other Orwellian edicts. The official explanation for 9/11 has been conveyed in the mainstream media with astonishing certainty beginning within hours of the attacks. Does this explanation deserve merit? Sadly and disturbingly not. High school physics, a bit of chemistry, and common sense lay bare a false narrative pushed aggressively by the mainstream media.

    ‘We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’ -- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981-1987.

    ‘The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.’ -- William Colby, CIA Director, 1973-1976.

    The facts of 9/11 tell the real story. Here are a few impossibilities that serve as tip to the iceberg:

    Impossible: rapid and extreme destruction without additional energy source.

    Impossible: free-fall speed by pile driver mechanism.

    Impossible: molten steel from office fires, still flowing weeks later.

    Impossible: numerous examples of prior knowledge -- WTC collapse known by Giuliani; WTC 7 collapse known by officials on the scene, on video; WTC 7 ‘collapse’ reported by multiple news media outlets while the building still stood.

    Impossible: that X-ray energy dispersive spectra of multiple 9/11 dust samples would show the chemical fingerprint of the high-energy explosive thermate, if no explosives were used on that day. (ref. J. 9/11 Studies, vol. 19, Jan. 2008)"
  • Charter Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

    "As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth,Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."
  • Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,500 Architects and Engineers:

    "On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911truth.org/joinus.php
  • Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories. It would have been the tallest building in 33 states. Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers. However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." Watch the collapse video here. Finally, on 11/20/08, more than seven years after 9/11, the Federal government published its final report on the collapse of WTC 7, which "found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event." Despite the absence of any visible fire at the time of collapse, the government report alleges WTC Building 7 is the first and only steel-framed high-rise building in the history of mankind to collapse simply as the result of a fire.
  • Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."
Edited by atyclb
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I read this some time ago. Makes sense. As much as any other info out there. But having seen it with my own eyes, I'm pretty opinionated. Sorry!! Please understand.




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