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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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A delusional American expat, trying to debunk delusional American conspiracy theories, in Thailand, such irony.

I've actually heard these ridiculous conspiracy theories more from non-American than from Americans. This guy is a nut.

True, Americans do not have a monopoly on nuttiness.

Just sometimes they approach it with....a unique style and sense of scale!

Still, we're always being told that farmers need to diversify - I just wonder if forensically recreating the 9/11 attacks in the Issaan countryside is a tad ambitious - all for 10 million Baht?

Edited by JAG
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Yeah, even if the Ends justify the Means, and its bogus, it happened. History has unfurled from that day in this fashion. Better off take your 10 million, find Doc Emmett Brown, build a Delorian, go back and save the future. Then you can stop Biff running for Pres also...

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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

Aviation Engineer and a Demolitions Supervisor - that's an interesting combination of trades!

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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

I agree, those who believe the US government are incredibly ignorant but happy that way.

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Great idea - will make a great event, I don't want to obstruct your brilliant idea but a few questions arises:

  1. Let's say you do find your 747 airplane - do you really think Thai aviation authorities will allow you to make essentially a huge drone that will used for demoltion in a huge uncontrolled explosion?
  2. Where will you find a structure lage enough in the Thai countryside - and with no residents or factories nearby?
  3. How will you find a structure that is made out of the same steel and other building materials as the Twin towers? And recreate that so it resembles the same age as the Twin towers?
  4. Who will clean up afterwards bearing in mind all the asbestos and everything?
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Apologies, could not download link for my previous post.

Suggest Google:

Corbett Report : Episode 308

9/11 Trillions : Follow the Money


Youtube : 9/11 Trillions : Follow the Money.

Anzacs might be interested to know that Mr Lowy of Westfield Shopping Malls fame did rather well out of 9/11 also.....

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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

I think the same can be said for the conspiracy theory nuts. Delusional. I worked in these buildings every week for years. Saw the plane hit the building. Watched it fall. Was on site as soon as they opened the area.

To deny reality is a disrespect to all those who lost their lives. And to the thousands who have to live with what happened that day for the rest of their lives.

Shame on you guys.

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always lovely to see threads like this filled with assumptions and opinions.

i have learned quite a bit about peoples behaviour on different topics and what amazes me most is when someone believes something and other party does then usually the ones who do not believe will fight hard and strong with them, instead of just not caring when some concept is just way below common sense. i then always wonder do those non believers try to fight so that they too can start to believe.. 55.

do you see what i see?


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I very much believe this could have been a conspiracy of some sort. I would put nothing past the administration of Tiny Goerge II, and his band of hooligan fools. Nothing. Their thirst for power, control, and their delusional belief that they could somehow change, or influence the world has created, and continues to create, untold suffering around the world, and has no doubt made the US, Europe and the entire Middle East, infinitely less stable and far more dangerous.


However, having said that, the plan this guy is proposing is going to prove nothing. Neither the situation, the environment, the circumstances, the buildings, or the crash, will even be similar. This has to be some sort of publicity stunt, or his desire for 15 minutes of fame. Either that or he is off of his meds. Regardless of the reason for this proposed stunt, this guy is coming off as a major fool, a total goon, and a crackpot. He might get his moment of fame, but at what cost?

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Only a fool would believe the Official Conspiracy Theory re 911 reported by the controlled Main Steam Media.

Almost everyone around the world knows 911 was an inside job - except for most Americans unfortunately - you've only got to open your eyes and look.

Over 2,500 highly qualified Architects and Engineers from around the world including the US have signed and stated that the collapses were not impossible from the planes and office fires only. If you want to argue with 2,500 Architects and Engineers go right ahead - best of luck with that.


Even the owner of Building 7 Larry Sliverstein stated the next day that they had to demolish the building because it was a danger to surrounding buildings - what else do you want folks?

I believe very, very little of what I hear and read in the mainstream media. Their credibility is as low as it has ever been.

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A delusional American expat, trying to debunk delusional American conspiracy theories, in Thailand, such irony.

There are many reasons to doubt the official version of 9/11, as anyone who has taken the time to do the research will be aware. Unfortunately, most of us are brainwashed into believing what the mass media - the mouthpiece for the establishment and its corporate sponsors - tells us.

The doubters include more than 50 per cent of US citizens, according to polls). That a so-called journalist working for a minor publication with a name which reflects its gravitas should not be among them is hardly surprising - any more than the gratuitous comment that Paul Salo is "delusional" (a blatant breach of the basic tenet of journalism that "news" reporting should be impartial.

As someone who spent a lifetime in newspapers during the golden years of nvestigative journalism, I find it sickening to observe the Press morph egregiously from watchdog into establishment lapdog, peddling a diet of propaganda and "celebrity"-based trivia to an increasingly dumbed-down and complacent readership.

Coconuts are fine for monkeys, but better brain food can be found by trawling the growing number independent alternative news sites on the Internet.

Edited by Krataiboy
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You don't need to be a physics expert to understand that the official version of what brought down the 3 buildings is not possible, and there already is sufficient evidence to support the controlled demolition theory. There is actually more evidence for the controlled demolition than there is for the official version.

I am surprised how willingly TV and it's readers will accept what the authority tells them and ridicule and oppose those who dare question the oh so trustworthy government.

in any case, his experiment wouldn't proof anything, as to truly proof it you would need to actually have a building made with the same material and same specification.

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Obviously been here far too long......the Thai psyche has attached!

"the Thai psyche has attached!"

I think you mean the Thai Visa love of conspiracies has engulfed him.

Of course if you read anything about government involvement in such things as the Iran-Contra fiasco you'll quickly realize that the US government gets its inspiration from the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges. More (deadly and costly) slap-stick than conspiratorial.

Maybe this guy is laying the ground work for his candidacy for political office.

Edited by Suradit69
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" speculation that the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC were fake"

Granted the 9/11 attack was REAL- not fake! But if you apply science to the facts you will be left with too many questions to close the book so quickly.

Please don't be flippant and accuse people who question the facts as being "conspiracy theorists" . Watch first , with an open mind.

I highly recommend "LOOSE CHANGE 9/11" which is available on YouTube. But be prepared to listen and think about the facts for more than your basic 2 minute news clip.

Hundreds of educated and intelligent people are still asking who was BEHIND it. No it wasn't FAKED. It was planned and executed in real time. But WHO did the planning?

* Why was the bomb sniffing dog detail in the World Trade Center Bldgs taken off duty 2 weeks before 9/11 ?

* Why were there a disproportionate number of "Put Options" placed on the stock of airlines that had planes crashed the day before 9/11 ?

* Why did World Trade Center Bldg 7 collapse in free fall at about 5:30 in the afternoon - about 8 hours after the twin towers collapsed - when it was never hit by a plane or any major debris ?

(HINT - all the evidence that would incriminate many Wall Street big shots on insider trading was destroyed in the collapse)

* Why did a BBC reporter give a sound bite about the collapse of WTC 7 when it was still standing in the background behind her. She miscued on her timed report.

************ The list of relevant questions goes on for 2 hours. The evidence is staggering. The answers are still missing.

Good post but completely over the tops of the heads of most on this forum.

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

Most accurate and best Post of the lot.

Best part on record in the domain is the BBC showing SEVERAL MINUTES BEFORE building 7 started to go down in its own footprint. Something only can happen by controlled building demolition experts. But these experts cannot make it happen several minutes BEFORE it does really happen.

Edited by swerver
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theres tons of delusional conspiracy people. they include commercial pilots, engineers, physicists, MIT professors, PhD's, senior military intelligence officers, demolition experts, doctors, nurses, emt's, architects

partial list. how can there be so many delusional people with delusional ideas?






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The funny thing is that he thinks people actually care about 9/11.

Many people do, for starters the people who lost loved ones surrounding that event. Then there are the people who realise things do not add up whatsoever according to the mainstream narrative that the US government force-feeds it's people and the rest of the world. And of course the fact that the entire situation is merely a tool to continue destroying lives around the world, as well as being a means to control aspects of life in certain parts of the globe. It is one thing to not know about such a thing but it is another to wilfully ignore something of this magnitude. The fact that a government of a 'developed country' can have a hand in the death of thousands of it's own people and subsequently hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas should be something to care about, just saying

Edited by ExpatLife
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Why can't y just ask the aliens at Area 51 what happened ? Surely that would be easier than scouring youtube for nutjob videos.

BTW....nobody seems to want to answer the question I posed earlier....where are the planes that were airborne and then went missing after 9-11....their families would LOVE to hear your theories on that considering you don't apparently believe they crashed into buildings....held at some secret CIA base ? Passengers brainwashed and re-integrated into society as TV member s? I really want to hear what you have got on this one .

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A good example of the real intelligence behind this thinking - none.

If he wants to recreate the event he would need the plane to be the exact same mass, the building to be the exact same design and the foundations to be exactly the same in exactly the same kind of ground.

Just putting up a building the same shape and sending a random plane into it is not going to prove a single thing. That's on top of the fantastical notion of getting this idiot idea off the ground in the first place.

Either he wants publicity for something or he needs special care.

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whistling.gifwhistling.gif Tell him not to bother, not to waste his money.

The U.S, goverment took away a few tons of debries from the World trade center for analysis.

They even built a scale model replica of the buildings.

There is a classified video of the collapse of that scale model....which has never been shown to the public.

The experts have determined where the start of the collapse began.

it began in the floor ABOVE where the fire from the plane was.

The collapse began in the central elevator shafts....which the firefighters had used to bring heavy water pumping equipment up to fight the fires one floor below.

To cut to the chase......the collapse began a floor above the main fire area......when the support for that elevator shaft structure melted from the heat below.

The heavy elevator and the firefighting equipmentt then began a chain reaction collapse floor by floor down from above.

This has never ben publicaly revealed as it shows that the New York City firefighters were the ultimate cause of the collapse of the world trade center and killed themselves in that collapse.

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