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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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theres tons of delusional conspiracy people. they include commercial pilots, engineers, physicists, MIT professors, PhD's, senior military intelligence officers, demolition experts, doctors, nurses, emt's, architects

partial list. how can there be so many delusional people with delusional ideas?






I dunno...how many expats have traveled to Thailand to meet their dream girl they met online ?

Edited by tonray
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The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

No, he's not thinking at all.

Conspiracy theorists fantasize, they don't think.

Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA in 1964 so anyone not agreeing with the official story> Kennedy's Death< would be considered a tin foil wearing hat nut job. Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth and most put a lot of time into researching to find out what really happened.. The People that don't and cant think,(the majority) believe what governments and media tell them.

You are entitled to your own opinion,but not your own facts...

Dr Judy Wood : Where did the Towers Go


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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

I think the same can be said for the conspiracy theory nuts. Delusional. I worked in these buildings every week for years. Saw the plane hit the building. Watched it fall. Was on site as soon as they opened the area.

To deny reality is a disrespect to all those who lost their lives. And to the thousands who have to live with what happened that day for the rest of their lives.

Shame on you guys.

Your conveniently forgetting the families who for many years now have been fighting to get the "truth" - shame on You!

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theres many delusional americans who dont believe GW Bushes story. there must be something in the water to make all these nut jobs create those theories.

even senior military officers, mit professors, PhD's, engineers, faa commercial pilots, doctors, nurses, engineers, physicists, lawyers, architects, demolition experts, etc etc.


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If IQ is equivalent to the number of posts then most people with 1000 post or more believe 911 actually happened. You insult the dead with nonsense and the survivors and relatives of the dead. The Boston bombing was a hoax too right? Go tell the people left with horrific injuries that it too didnt happen.

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If IQ is equivalent to the number of posts then most people with 1000 post or more believe 911 actually happened. You insult the dead with nonsense and the survivors and relatives of the dead. The Boston bombing was a hoax too right? Go tell the people left with horrific injuries that it too didnt happen.

You are in denial.

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If the plane did not hit the Pentagon....where is it and its passengers ? Again....deafening silence from the conspiracy crowd.

Oh wait...here it is....a piece with the airline logo....laying right on the lawn !


Edited by tonray
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Your conveniently forgetting the families who for many years now have been fighting to get the "truth" - shame on You!

The truth has been vetted by hundreds of professionals. Only conspiracy theory nuts don't accept it. And perhaps some who are still grieving and just can't accept what happened. Totally understandable.
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If the plane did not hit the Pentagon....where is it and its passengers ? Again....deafening silence from the conspiracy crowd.

Oh wait...here it is....a piece with the airline logo....laying right on the lawn !


where is malaysia air mh370 ???

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If the plane did not hit the Pentagon....where is it and its passengers ? Again....deafening silence from the conspiracy crowd.

Oh wait...here it is....a piece with the airline logo....laying right on the lawn !


Plenty of info out there that discusses this. Look for reputable websites and you will find the info.
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I pressed the big red button by accident, leaning on it with my elbow, whilst sipping my coffee and chatting to Bob...and the buildings fell! It was me. Please pay me the cash. I solved it for you. Satisfied now?

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Your conveniently forgetting the families who for many years now have been fighting to get the "truth" - shame on You!

The truth has been vetted by hundreds of professionals. Only conspiracy theory nuts don't accept it. And perhaps some who are still grieving and just can't accept what happened. Totally understandable.

There are varying lengths and degrees of conspiracy theories with 9/11. There are those who think it basically did not take place and that there were no planes flying in to say the Pentagon. The there are those who suggest that the US government were behind it 100%, and then there are those who suggest the US government knew about it but let it happen anyway as it was in their best interest to happen.

There are some very suspicious coincidences though such as the fact that the owner of the WTC building took out a huge insurance policy mere days before. Many high profile people were not in the towers that day when they usually are. Building 7 was reported to have been hit and already dropped on BBC before it happened to fall. All airlines and flights were grounded APART from the Saudi royals who were flown out of the country. Jets were scrambled but very late and in the wrong direction, when the US is meant to be one of the most guarded states in the world. Why hasn't the 9/11 report been made public what is there to hide in it? Such things as this do strike some suspicions.

Edited by ExpatLife
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I'm assuming the "delusional" bit is the cost. The way building 7 went down, it's clear to all that something was not all it has been reported to be.

You may think your tin foil hat is protecting you but your dog knows what you know, I suggest you buy it one of these http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/281332431636?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


Edited by cat handler
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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

Not true.

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The only one making money off this is TV, from all you lonely guys with too much time on your hands....click click clicking away while the google ad revenue climbs higher and higher...

oops, i never see a single advert thx to advert blocker.

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If the plane did not hit the Pentagon....where is it and its passengers ? Again....deafening silence from the conspiracy crowd.

Oh wait...here it is....a piece with the airline logo....laying right on the lawn !


That just proves the conspiracy is bigger than we originally thought!


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The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

No, he's not thinking at all.

Conspiracy theorists fantasize, they don't think.

Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA in 1964 so anyone not agreeing with the official story> Kennedy's Death< would be considered a tin foil wearing hat nut job. Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth and most put a lot of time into researching to find out what really happened.. The People that don't and cant think,(the majority) believe what governments and media tell them.

You are entitled to your own opinion,but not your own facts...

Dr Judy Wood : Where did the Towers Go



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I'm assuming the "delusional" bit is the cost. The way building 7 went down, it's clear to all that something was not all it has been reported to be.

I saw a dust cloud ......

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


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What an idiot. Sure there are a lot of unanswered questions about 911 but I hardly think this guy and 300k us will demonstate it. I think its more likely he ran out of money and needs some cash for his gals.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

Not true.

funny too that TV is full with supervisors, specialists, engineers, special forces, etc.

i am a quantum physicist specialised in the mechanics of big banging...wink.png

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The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

No, he's not thinking at all.

Conspiracy theorists fantasize, they don't think.

Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA in 1964 so anyone not agreeing with the official story> Kennedy's Death< would be considered a tin foil wearing hat nut job. Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth and most put a lot of time into researching to find out what really happened.. The People that don't and cant think,(the majority) believe what governments and media tell them.

You are entitled to your own opinion,but not your own facts...

Dr Judy Wood : Where did the Towers Go



The CIA features big in many conspiracy theory, even the theory about who invented the phrase. :-)

This little nugget, like most, is laughable and easily disproved. To wit, according to the Oxford English Dictionary:

The earliest appearance of “conspiracy theory’ in the OED goes as far back as 1909 to an article from the American Historical Review:

Amer. Hist. Rev. 14 836 The claim that Atchison was the originator of the repeal may be termed a recrudescence of the conspiracy theory first asserted by Colonel John A. Parker of Virginia in 1880.


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