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Budweiser Just Renamed Its Beer 'America'


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Budweiser Just Renamed Its Beer ‘America’
Eliana Dockterman

But how will this affect Donald Trump's "Make America great again" slogan?

Just in case Budweiser’s galloping horse-filled commercials overlaid with text like “not soft,” “not small,” “not imported” wasn’t a tipoff, the beer company wants you to know that they’re American as apple pie. (Well, except for the fact that they’re owned by Belgian corporation Anheuser-Busch, but let’s not get bogged down in minutia.) The company will double down on its patriotism this summer when it renames itself “America.”

No, this is not a Colbert bit. It’s a marketing strategy. Until the election in November, every bottle or can you pick up will read not “Budweiser” but “America.” In addition to changing the name, Budweiser is adorning their packaging with text like “Land of the Free,” “Indivisible Since 1776” and “Liberty and Justice for All.”

Full story: http://time.com/4324384/budweiser-america-rename-beer/

-- TIME 2016-05-11

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Not a bad beer as mass-market beers go.

Quite popular among those of us who were kids in the US during the 1960s.

But why the patriotic claptrap? A marketing ploy, or some right-wing nut behind it?

Adolph Coors was something like that, but at least he had the sense to keep from advertising it on his beer.

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It is the worst beer in America.

Trump's " Make America Great Again." does not work.

It never has been a great, or even a good beer.

Where I come from in America it has a nick name.

I don't want to break any forum rules here, so rather than use that name, I will just say, it is much like " Bum Wiper".

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Not a bad beer as mass-market beers go.

Quite popular among those of us who were kids in the US during the 1960s.

But why the patriotic claptrap? A marketing ploy, or some right-wing nut behind it?

Adolph Coors was something like that, but at least he had the sense to keep from advertising it on his beer.

1. 2016 Olympics

2. 2016 election year

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Renaming Budweiser to America is an insult to all the people living in the Americas because drinking BUD is like drinking dish water... On the other hand REAL Czech Budweiser is among my top 10 beers so maybe they can start selling that under it's real name in US instead of calling it Czechvar.

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Soon to be changed to "Freedom Water" after the next "terrorist" attack.

This story, the freedom fries stories and others makes me wonder if it is the american population who is retarded while their elite is smart enough to communicate at their level, or more worrying, if its maybe the american elite who is retarded... Worrying when you consider the fire power they hold. Well, we are past the worry point, we are actually in a permanent state of world war, and we keep on voting, i guess the overall world populatuon is retarded.
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“Land of the Free,” “Indivisible Since 1776” and “Liberty and Justice for All.”

Land of the Free - You can't live off grid nor grow your own tomatoes and give them to neighbours.

Indivisible since 1776 - The Republicans and Democrats have divided it for the last 50 years.

Liberty and Justice for all - 11 year olds jailed for life without parole for being at the scene of a murder when they did not actually commit any murder.

If only the USA had learned to copy beer as well as it copied so many other european inventions and claimed them.

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“Land of the Free,” “Indivisible Since 1776” and “Liberty and Justice for All.”

Land of the Free - You can't live off grid nor grow your own tomatoes and give them to neighbours.

Indivisible since 1776 - The Republicans and Democrats have divided it for the last 50 years.

Liberty and Justice for all - 11 year olds jailed for life without parole for being at the scene of a murder when they did not actually commit any murder.

If only the USA had learned to copy beer as well as it copied so many other european inventions and claimed them.

Hmmm....I think you lived in a different America than I did! 5555 I grew tomatoes and gave them to the neighbors all the time.

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Not a bad beer as mass-market beers go.

Quite popular among those of us who were kids in the US during the 1960s.

But why the patriotic claptrap? A marketing ploy, or some right-wing nut behind it?

Adolph Coors was something like that, but at least he had the sense to keep from advertising it on his beer.

1. 2016 Olympics

2. 2016 election year

Yes, the Olympics with a tie-in to the election.

I didn't even think of that. You're probably right.

I'm somewhat surprised at all the negative comments on the taste of Budweiser. I haven't had one since I was in my teens and as I remember it was fairly good compared to the other popular beers of the time. But then we only drank it to catch a buzz, not for the taste.

If ThaiVisa excels at anything, it is as a forum of discerning critiques of food and drink. So I will defer to expert opinion.

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Renaming Budweiser to America is an insult to all the people living in the Americas because drinking BUD is like drinking dish water... On the other hand REAL Czech Budweiser is among my top 10 beers so maybe they can start selling that under it's real name in US instead of calling it Czechvar.

I wonder what country, you come from ?

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The original Budweiser was Czech. Some years ago there was a court case over the name. Maybe that has something to do with it. A backroom agreement? I'll take the original over the American brand any day.

Have to say, American style beer is really good on a hot day, you are dying of thirst and you want to down something cold and bubbly that's not 50% sugar. German beer ... well, that's something you want to sit down and enjoy.

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“Land of the Free,” “Indivisible Since 1776” and “Liberty and Justice for All.”

Land of the Free - You can't live off grid nor grow your own tomatoes and give them to neighbours.

Indivisible since 1776 - The Republicans and Democrats have divided it for the last 50 years.

Liberty and Justice for all - 11 year olds jailed for life without parole for being at the scene of a murder when they did not actually commit any murder.

If only the USA had learned to copy beer as well as it copied so many other european inventions and claimed them.

Hmmm....I think you lived in a different America than I did! 5555 I grew tomatoes and gave them to the neighbors all the time.

Do that now and Monsanto will sue you for breach of copyright.


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The original Budweiser was Czech. Some years ago there was a court case over the name. Maybe that has something to do with it. A backroom agreement? I'll take the original over the American brand any day.

Have to say, American style beer is really good on a hot day, you are dying of thirst and you want to down something cold and bubbly that's not 50% sugar. German beer ... well, that's something you want to sit down and enjoy.

And Czech beer is even better.

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