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Explosion Reported at Hua Lamphong Station


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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

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Heading south..do a job n hurry back up north....well,that confirms my thai friends conspiracy theory about certain official group fanning the fire in the south in order to increase the clandestine sales of arms to Southern rebels


Read the story.

Why bother it's bound to be the Reds.


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Well, there was certainly an explosion, albeit small, but there was a good amount of blood there as a result. No, it was NOT a bomb, but it could very well have been a initiating device or detonator that is used to set off an explosion. There is no way that they set it off by butting a cigarette out on it, they must have been crimping it or set it off via static or inappropriate handling. This is a concern, and when you consider what is happening down south, and that is where they were allegedly going, they will be more of this thanks to the religion of peace....

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Heading south..do a job n hurry back up north....well,that confirms my thai friends conspiracy theory about certain official group fanning the fire in the south in order to increase the clandestine sales of arms to Southern rebels

I expect Goofy1, Dumbo1, and Pluto1 were already taken.....

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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour, it is quite complicated and involves temperature as well, not getting into that - go look it up, a good place to start would be something we are all familiar - lighter gas which is a liquid stored under pressure until it hits atmosphere, the temp and pressure are linked, regardless I still don't see as stated above how this could happen the way it is described

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Why on earth were they carrying explosive devices ???? Boarding a passenger train, alay wa?????

They weren't carrying anything.

Read the story.

Thank you, Mr Story Police. Please don't arrest him, for not reading the story.

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Heading south..do a job n hurry back up north....well,that confirms my thai friends conspiracy theory about certain official group fanning the fire in the south in order to increase the clandestine sales of arms to Southern rebels

Your views are noted.Broadly speaking there are two interpretations of them.

1.You have applied your intelligence to come up with a most interesting and persuasive theory which fits all the known facts.

2.You and your Thai friends are crazier than a boxful of frogs.

Personally I'm sticking with the view it was the work of The Man in Dubai.After all he is responsible for all such incidents in his war against our Beloved Leader.

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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour

That's nonsense. Take a petri dish, put some alcohol in it, or gasoline for a little more excitement, bring a match close to the surface. That flash is the alcohol/gasoline 'vapor' +air none of which is pressurized. Forgot your 1st year chemistry?

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Some of the 'Chinese Medicine' cough remedies can have a high alcohol content (around 40% alcohol) - so I think it's possible that alcohol vapour in the bottle could have been ignited by a cigarette - the expanding gasses could them cause the bottle to explode.

It's one possibility - and small explosive devices are also used by small-time gangsters - so I guess we'll never know for sure.

But perhaps this is one reason why smoking in public places is (supposed to be) illegal in Thailand?

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Why on earth were they carrying explosive devices ???? Boarding a passenger train, alay wa?????

They weren't carrying anything.

Read the story.

Thank you, Mr Story Police. Please don't arrest him, for not reading the story.

Yeah, such a tough task to actually find out what happened before actually posting.

Why not just post any old thing, who needs facts, the truth or relevance eh?


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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour

That's nonsense. Take a petri dish, put some alcohol in it, or gasoline for a little more excitement, bring a match close to the surface. That flash is the alcohol/gasoline 'vapor' +air none of which is pressurized. Forgot your 1st year chemistry?

<deleted>, different liquids have different "boiling points" or when they turn to a gas or vapor which can all be altered by pressure, like I said not wanting to get into it, Liquid does not burn, vapour or gas from a liquid can, no need to get into it this level on here, as I said above - I can think of nothing that would expand/explode to cause such damage as described above - seriously leave it there

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So what I gather happened from my little knowledge of Thai is that:-

1- Two men are waiting for a train sat down outside.

2- One of them decides to smoke and wants an ashtray.

3- He goes outside and gets a bottle out of the bin.

4- He returns sits down and enjoys his cigarette.

5- He puts his cigarette out in the bottle.

6- Boom!!!!

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After watching the video I posted before.

So what I gather happened from my little knowledge of Thai is that:-

1- Two men are waiting for a train sat down outside.

2- One of them decides to smoke and wants an ashtray.

3- He goes outside and gets a bottle out of the bin.

4- He returns sits down and enjoys his cigarette.

5- He puts his cigarette out in the bottle.

6- Boom!!!!

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Well, it would help everyone's comprehension here if the Thai news reports didn't keep changing their version of events and "facts" with every new report.

First they were carrying. Then they weren't. First it was a bottle, then a box, then a bottle again. First it was gunpowder, then something else. Etc etc etc.

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I think the man farted,and when he tried to put out his cigarette

next to his arse,there was an explosion of the nefarious gases.

Well that explanation is as good as what has been reported,

stubbed cigarette out on bomb,no it was not a bomb,throw

dump into box and it went bang,NO he put it in bottle,confused?

i think that's what they want you to be.there was no bomb just

a bottle.

regards worgeordie

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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour, it is quite complicated and involves temperature as well, not getting into that - go look it up, a good place to start would be something we are all familiar - lighter gas which is a liquid stored under pressure until it hits atmosphere, the temp and pressure are linked, regardless I still don't see as stated above how this could happen the way it is described

Really don't think I need to "look it up"...give me 250ml of a volatile highly inflammable liquid, diethyl ether for example, pour it into a dish and set light to it and it will burn away. Put the same amount into a 500 ml glass bottle and put a cigarette end into it and watch the result....personally I wouldn't.

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I don't see how any liquid could explode with such veracity, it would need to be in a sealed pressurised container first before ignition and even then would be unlikely to expand with such energy and cause the injuries shown to those two people, to me this story doesn't make sense or seem remotely possible as described

That's true of a liquid, the vapour of a liquid is another story.

it is only the vapour that ignites, liquids need to be stored under pressure to turn to vapour, it is quite complicated and involves temperature as well, not getting into that - go look it up, a good place to start would be something we are all familiar - lighter gas which is a liquid stored under pressure until it hits atmosphere, the temp and pressure are linked, regardless I still don't see as stated above how this could happen the way it is described

Really don't think I need to "look it up"...give me 250ml of a volatile highly inflammable liquid, diethyl ether for example, pour it into a dish and set light to it and it will burn away. Put the same amount into a 500 ml glass bottle and put a cigarette end into it and watch the result....personally I wouldn't.

yes there just happened to be one laying around all sealed up - oh wait, he must have opened it to get the cigarette inside, oh wait, now container not sealed no bang.

back to the drawing board :)

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Home brewed Thai alcohol is sometimes sold in those bottles, no?

Could the remains blow up like that when exposed to an ember?

In theory the right mix of air & alcohol fumes could be explosive.

Still more holes in this story than swiss cheese

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To quote:-

THE NATIONAL Security Council (NSC) Wednesday expressed concern over a minor explosion inside Hua Lamphong Railway Station that wounded two people, although police played it down, calling it an accident.

"Although it was a small incident, we didn't overlook it. No matter what caused it, we will have to find out what it was," said General Taweep Netrniyom, secretary-general of the NSC.

The news was reported to the NSC's meeting at Government House by deputy national police chief Sriwarah Rangsitpramkul.

The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who ordered police to reveal to the public full details even though the blast was small-scale.

Pol General Sriwarah told reporters there was no bomb and no attack.

There was only a bit of gunpowder left inside a bottle that was discarded at a garbage site.

Someone happened to pick up the bottle to use as an ashtray.

The person who threw the bottle away has been found and interrogated.

It was learned that the incident was not politically motivated, he added.

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Explosion at Hua Lampong station injures two


BANGKOK: -- A bomb went off in front of Hua Lampong railway station at 1.00 pm today injuring two train passengers.

The bomb exploded at the entrance to the station near KFC shop.

EOD police are now sealing off the station to inspect the area.

Initial report quoted witnesses as saying that the bomb was contained in a box and one of the injured was said to throw a cigarette butt into the box, igniting the explosion.

Two injured were admitted to the Klang Hospital.

However railway police commander said it was not a bomb but a bottle of inflammable substance in a bottle that exploded.

The cigarette butt which one passenger discarded off in the box triggered it to explode.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/162911


-- Thai PBS 2016-05-11

"Inflammable substance" could have been water. FLAMMABLE substance eg gasoline, alcohol, will burn.

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