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My GF needs a real Myanmar Passport to go to University -suggestions?

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Hi My Myanmar GF has a Myanmar temporary Passport which only allows travel and between Thailand and Myanmar. We are trying to get her enrolled in a University in Thailand, but keep hitting some roadblocks. From everything I read it seems she will need to get a real Myanmar passport, most likely with a tourist stamp if needed and then get an ED visa when she is accepted.

I would like to know how involved it is in 2016 to get a normal Passport for her. She has many things going for her from my understanding:

1. She has a pink ID card - which is apparently gold.

2. She has a document that shows her and her brother are are a document for her mothers house (sorry I am not sure how to say that.. I think that they will inherit their mother's house... gf says this is important as a document.

I think I can manage the University process just fine ie. diploma, copies, translations, english proficiency, matriculation equivalent etc...

We do not have much savings so I was hoping the procedure would not be too costly. And also is there a service (recommendations) that she can contact in Myanmar to make things go faster for a little extra that is reliable?

We were thinking she could fly to Yangon try to deal with it and if it didn't go smoothly to fly back on her temporary passport. She says they will charger her 1500 or so baht everytime she crosses the boarder, which is fine... not exactly sure why? But the bigger question is if there is a possibility her old passport could be taken or she could be denied reentry.

She may do better not to even show her old passport which was procured from Thailand and doesn't even have her correct birthday... So would you think she just applies for a new passport without showing her old one?

and finally can she keep the old passport as well and use it for work etc? she just had it renewed for another 2 years. She wants to wait on the education for 2 years - but I know she'd be happier studying now if possible.

Thanks, I hope this isn't too confusing. Scott

Edited by rcoyote
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Has anyone had a positive experience getting a Myanmar citizen a normal passport when they already have a pink ID?

If so how long did it take and how much did it cost?

thanks, S

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I have only a very little first hand knowledge on this subject but since no one else has replied I'll tell you what little I know. I have previously had a Burmese employee that had a similar issue but the only language we could communicate in is Thai which neither of us were/are fluent in.

The temporary passport (red document, passport sized but printed very cheaply) has a limited lifespan for use by migrant workers in Thailand. I'm not sure whether the time limit is set by Thai or Myanmar authorities. Probably it is Thailand.

To get a full passport a Myanmar citizen must first have a modern (computerised) National ID card issued. These ID cards are relatively recent. The old style ID cards can't be used to have a passport issued.

Passports can be issued at the Embassy in BKK but only if the applicant already holds the New ID card and the ID card can only be issued in Myanmar.

I believe that the house document you refer to is very similar to a House Registration book or Tabien Baan (Thor.Ror.14) as used in Thailand. That document is necessary in having an ID card issued.

I assume that the Pink ID card you refer to is the ID card issued by Thai authorities to migrant workers. If so, though useful in Thailand, I doubt it is relevant to issuing a Myanmar passport.

In my (uninformed) opinion most of your questions really need to be answered by someone with firsthand knowledge in Myanmar. You might get better answers if you post in the Myanmar forum: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/166-myanmar-forum/

Best of luck!

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Yes that is definitely an option. Do you know if anyone has an opinion which is better Thai vs. Myanmar education? Since more than likely we would be here for 2 years I was hoping she could do 2.5 and get a bachelors degree and then consider a masters in thailand or myanmar, but depending on how tough it is to get the ID card and passport we may not have too much of a choice. Thanks for all the answers. I am going to post in the Myanmar visa forum also and see if I get any more information. Thanks, Scott

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