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Best Visa option for 5 weeks family stay

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We are a family of 3 (Father, Mother, Son).

All 3 are French nationals.

Son is 5.

We are planning a 5 weeks vacation in Thailand this summer.

What would be the best option for the visa? We don't want to make any visa runs.

1) Ask for a 60 day visa at our Thai consulate before coming

2) Come in on the 30 day visa exemption allowed to French citizen then extend for another 30 while inside the country (taking into account that our plane tickets will show that we intend to stay longer than 30 days)

3) something else

Many thanks in advance for your help.

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Best, I think, is to get tourist visas, though I appreciate this is not always convenient in France.

I have many times traveled to Thailand without a visa or onward ticket within 30 days, and always managed to travel. There is sometimes a problem at check in. If you appear affluent, the airline supervisor will usually let you check in, sometimes after signing an agreement to indemnify them against any costs they incur if you are refused entry to Thailand. I would not recommend doing this if of a nervous disposition. You could be refused check in.

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Nothing to worrie about, France is on the 30 day visa exemption waver.

1) Obtain the Visa's in your own country will guaranty you the full stay per immediate, 30 euro's p/p.

2) Fly in on a 30 day free visa waiver with extension of 30 days will do also, 1900 Bath, app. 50 Euro's p/p.

Choice is yours, both will be granted in the standard procedure, I would say take the most convenient one for yourself.

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Number 1 would be the best option.

Agree, number 1

Ditto - enjoy relaxed holiday. Immigration officers here can be problematic - you (+WIFE) don't need the worry that something may go wrong.

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One way or another, it will take you spend bhts 1900 per person, since you stay 5 weeks.

Do not complicate life, ask your visas or Paris, Lyon or Monaco, depending on what area you are.

Have a good stay.

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