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German woman suffers broken nose after attack in Ayutthaya historical park


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As a former resident of Ayutthya, I've been saying for years that the temples in Ayutthya are a potential 'gold mine' for villains.

They are quiet, rarely busy apart from the crowds of Asian tourists photographing the 'Buddha Root head' at Wat Mahathat, and offer plenty of quiet hidden corners for a crook to strike in. No security staff to speak off who seem more interested in stopping paying tourists from 'sneaking in' or pinching souvenirs than keeping out any undesirable elements who can literally just wander in off the streets. I used to hang out at a pal's Guest House from time to time and he was always telling his guests to be on their guard when wandering the temples alone even during he day.

One lass had her day pack stolen (containing a camera, cash, and a CDWalkman- we're going back a bit here) in the beautiful Palace grounds to the side of Wat Phra Si Sanphet simply because she let her guard down and didn't notice that she was being followed. She had sat down, put her bag down and the villain struck.

I hope the lass makes a full recovery and returns.

Sad, horrible story, but it can happen anywhere, not that that makes it 'right' and this sort of crime IS an increasing problem in Thailand (for whatever reason) as punishments for getting caught seem scarcely a deterrent.

And you are the one saying a bloke should be charged with rape because he said 'I am a policeman ?

She should be charged with soliciting or being a prostitute, or both.

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As a former resident of Ayutthya, I've been saying for years that the temples in Ayutthya are a potential 'gold mine' for villains.

They are quiet, rarely busy apart from the crowds of Asian tourists photographing the 'Buddha Root head' at Wat Mahathat, and offer plenty of quiet hidden corners for a crook to strike in. No security staff to speak off who seem more interested in stopping paying tourists from 'sneaking in' or pinching souvenirs than keeping out any undesirable elements who can literally just wander in off the streets. I used to hang out at a pal's Guest House from time to time and he was always telling his guests to be on their guard when wandering the temples alone even during he day.

One lass had her day pack stolen (containing a camera, cash, and a CDWalkman- we're going back a bit here) in the beautiful Palace grounds to the side of Wat Phra Si Sanphet simply because she let her guard down and didn't notice that she was being followed. She had sat down, put her bag down and the villain struck.

I hope the lass makes a full recovery and returns.

Sad, horrible story, but it can happen anywhere, not that that makes it 'right' and this sort of crime IS an increasing problem in Thailand (for whatever reason) as punishments for getting caught seem scarcely a deterrent.

And you are the one saying a bloke should be charged with rape because he said 'I am a policeman ?

She should be charged with soliciting or being a prostitute, or both.

No, I'm saying he should (and in some countries would be) be charged with rape because he lied to get a woman in bed.

The replies on that thread siding with the deviant calling the woman a 'slut' 'prostitute' (or similar) really are a revolting, worrying, disturbing and embarrassing expose to the Thai 'expat' mindset yourself included. Why not take it over to the relevant thread?

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As a former resident of Ayutthya, I've been saying for years that the temples in Ayutthya are a potential 'gold mine' for villains.

They are quiet, rarely busy apart from the crowds of Asian tourists photographing the 'Buddha Root head' at Wat Mahathat, and offer plenty of quiet hidden corners for a crook to strike in. No security staff to speak off who seem more interested in stopping paying tourists from 'sneaking in' or pinching souvenirs than keeping out any undesirable elements who can literally just wander in off the streets. I used to hang out at a pal's Guest House from time to time and he was always telling his guests to be on their guard when wandering the temples alone even during he day.

One lass had her day pack stolen (containing a camera, cash, and a CDWalkman- we're going back a bit here) in the beautiful Palace grounds to the side of Wat Phra Si Sanphet simply because she let her guard down and didn't notice that she was being followed. She had sat down, put her bag down and the villain struck.

I hope the lass makes a full recovery and returns.

Sad, horrible story, but it can happen anywhere, not that that makes it 'right' and this sort of crime IS an increasing problem in Thailand (for whatever reason) as punishments for getting caught seem scarcely a deterrent.

And you are the one saying a bloke should be charged with rape because he said 'I am a policeman ?

She should be charged with soliciting or being a prostitute, or both.

No, I'm saying he should (and in some countries would be) be charged with rape because he lied to get a woman in bed.

The replies on that thread siding with the deviant calling the woman a 'slut' 'prostitute' (or similar) really are a revolting, worrying, disturbing and embarrassing expose to the Thai 'expat' mindset yourself included. Why not take it over to the relevant thread?

So, she is not a slag ?

Think again, had he said he was a refuse collector, she would not have slept with him.

She was out for personal gain, so, she is a slag.

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My friends who had lived in Jomtien Beach for the last

Ten years had enough. They relocated to Costa Rica.

Cost of living is about the same as Thailand, warm weather.

Great food.

Anyone lived in Costa Rica ?? I will visit them over Christmas.

Thinking about doing the move too, Thailand is not what it was

10 years ago, but I guess no place stays the same.

Any helpful info, would be appreciated from someone that

Has lived there.

Too much damn Black beans, it ain't Mexico, San Jose is a Pit, Food Sucks, Beautiful
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Thailand has it apologists here.

So I recommend google or just browse this site.

Not smooth as silk

All the while a steady stream of millions of Farangs are coming to Thailand and thousands upon thousands of expats choose to live in Thailand, it sends out a strong message.

The message is, It can't be that bad.

There are posters on this forum that appear to hate everything about Thailand, whine and moan continually, yet they still choose to stay here, unlike most Thai's that have no choice, most Farang have a choice, and their choice is to stay in Thailand, they join an anonymous forum and moan and whine every waking hour, but stay they do.

Not supporting or agreeing with tourists being assaulted and killed by thais doesn't mean that people hate Thailand. Having an opinion about crime in Thailand doesn't mean people hate the place. Are you against people having an opinion, you would make an excellent dictator
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Thailand has it apologists here.

So I recommend google or just browse this site.

Not smooth as silk

All the while a steady stream of millions of Farangs are coming to Thailand and thousands upon thousands of expats choose to live in Thailand, it sends out a strong message.

The message is, It can't be that bad.

There are posters on this forum that appear to hate everything about Thailand, whine and moan continually, yet they still choose to stay here, unlike most Thai's that have no choice, most Farang have a choice, and their choice is to stay in Thailand, they join an anonymous forum and moan and whine every waking hour, but stay they do.

Not supporting or agreeing with tourists being assaulted and killed by thais doesn't mean that people hate Thailand. Having an opinion about crime in Thailand doesn't mean people hate the place. Are you against people having an opinion, you would make an excellent dictator

these thai apologists do work in the tourism industry! thats why, over and over again( with dozenS of thousandS of posts here) they try to sell us a safe thailand when this country is clearly unsafe.

This german lady was a victim of chiang mai, soi biker and others apologists.

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The fact is that Thailand is a tough country, not only for us foreigners but also for many, many locals.

There is no recourse to social security or governmental aid. In such circumstances people turn to crime the world over.

To try and macro/micro-analyse this social problem in a singularly Thai context is probably beyond most members of this forum (certainly judging from some of the replies thus far) unless they have degrees, or vast professional experience in such fields as Criminology or Sociology as well as in depth understanding of the Thai Nation (not something apparent from this thread).

That a lone young lady in a fairly isolated location was seen as a 'good/easy target' by an opportunistic criminal is not particularly Thai specific, nor exclusive to Thailand.

In an extreme case scenario one could say she is fortunate it was only a petty robber and not some drugged up rapist, who would/could kill to get their 'fix'. We could be looking at a far grimmer article today had it been so.

Thailand is a dangerous place, as are millions of places the world over.

Until tourists exercise common sense and awareness of their surroundings, law enforcement improves to prevent such occurrences or society improves to Utopian standards where crime is non existent we shall continue to hear of such things. As all three of these are unlikely to happen any time soon be prepared for more of such occurrences here.

Apologist 101

Realist 101 you mean.


If you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and you choose not to live in Thailand, fair enough, but if you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and yet choose to live in Thailand, it can't be that bad can it ?

Or are you being held in Thailand against your will ?

I didn't like living in my home country, so guess what, I left, if I didn't like living in Thailand, guess what, I'd leave, if that makes me a Thai apologist then so be it, but I'm happy in Thailand and have been for a long time, if not, I would have left.

I make no apologies for that way of thinking.

But I can't get my head around the perennial whiners who choose to remain here, you must be living the dream, I bet you pretend to friends and relatives that you're having a great time laugh.png

Edited by Broken Record
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If you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and you choose not to live in Thailand, fair enough, but if you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and yet choose to live in Thailand, it can't be that bad can it ?

Or are you being held in Thailand against your will ?

I didn't like living in my home country, so guess what, I left, if I didn't like living in Thailand, guess what, I'd leave, if that makes me a Thai apologist then so be it, but I'm happy in Thailand and have been for a long time, if not, I would have left.

I make no apologies for that way of thinking.

But I can't get my head around the perennial whiners who choose to remain here, you must be living the dream, I bet you pretend to friends and relatives that you're having a great time laugh.png

I like living here and enjoy the company of the people I know here.

However that does not blind me to things that are wrong.

I would judge them wrong anywhere.

Apologists fail to do this and justify their obsequious attitude under the guise of "it's not my country".

Some of us can enjoy ourselves without leaving our values and opinions at passport control

Sad that others feel the need to do so.

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Some of us can enjoy ourselves

Yes, you seem like you are very happy.whistling.gif

Like you have the ability to work out how I feel...

P.S. no need to like my posts before responding to them, you have done so twice now.

I'm sure you're just being polite and want to let me know the latest apologist position, but please don't worry, I'll check on my own...

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If you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and you choose not to live in Thailand, fair enough, but if you moan and whine every waking hour about Thailand and yet choose to live in Thailand, it can't be that bad can it ?

Or are you being held in Thailand against your will ?

I didn't like living in my home country, so guess what, I left, if I didn't like living in Thailand, guess what, I'd leave, if that makes me a Thai apologist then so be it, but I'm happy in Thailand and have been for a long time, if not, I would have left.

I make no apologies for that way of thinking.

But I can't get my head around the perennial whiners who choose to remain here, you must be living the dream, I bet you pretend to friends and relatives that you're having a great time laugh.png

It is You and all the other Thai apologists, that bitch, moan and whine when you read one negative word about Thailand. If the topic is negative then just avoid it, or try grow some skin.

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