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Man arrested after horrific drug rape-murder of eight year old in Trang


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The percentage of human garbage inhabiting this planet is increasing.

what is happing in this country is behond belief.the past few months there has been some horrendous crimes. what we say doesnt make one happeth a difference

the latest must go to the top and fast about it to.we all feel ashamed to say we live in thailand.what this little girls parents must be going through one can only guess.

so myself i plead with the prime minister to get out the iron fist and ACT now in the name of this poor child,and sociaty.


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I'd like to see him chained in shackles and left in a soundproof room with the little girl's parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles for a while... On a table for the relatives to use..... pliars, hammers, saws, electric shock machine... propane torch, small ax... .

Requiescat In Pacé little girl... 402.gif402.gif402.gif

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The percentage of human garbage inhabiting this planet is increasing.

It is only increasing as the population is growing exponentially. But going by ratio person to population as a whole, we are living in the most peaceful time of humanity. Sure there are real pieces of work and evil out there, but there always has been, only in this day and age we hear about it a lot of thanks to the media.

RIP to the poor girl and I hope the family and find some peace, their lives have no doubt been ripped apart and turned upside down.

The most peaceful time in humanity? BS. People are more and more selfish and separated due to technology, money and greed have speeded(sped) this process up and turned people into sicker beings than before. Perhaps it's nice and peaceful in your life, moo baan or village but Europe, Africa, The Middle East and North and South America are burning.

I'm pretty sure that this piece of human excrement that did this to this little girl was himself the victim of something similar or either extremely abused as a kid. The world is indeed a very sick place and those who deny this and say it's no different than before are the true ostriches among us and rather part of the problem instead of the solution.

RIP little girl.

For those of you that don't believe we live in the most peaceful time in Human history, I suggest you watch this video by Stephen Pinker who is actually educated and doesn't make arbitrary statements about anything. You will be surprised! It's only 20 minutes for you to adjust your perspective as it did for me when I first heard it a few years ago.


Please! It's another privileged foreigner talking for all of humanity. Of course it's peaceful for the privileged. What about all those suffering in wars? Or the impoverished? Billions of people are suffering. I watched this TED talk with Pinker years ago and I laughed. It's the view of a privileged westerner who uses some fraudulent statistics made up by the elite(UN, Amnesty, Bilderberg) to give us the impression that everything is just fine. Stop buying into this brainwashing and do some real research. 1% of humanity now own more than all of us put together so how on earth can this mean progress? Wake up

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All the posts screaming for revenge in the most horrible ways only show that you are no better. Of course this crime is horrific and the man should be punished, locked away forever, but hey we live in the 21st century and an eye for an eye reaction is quite backwards.

Your response shows nicely how soft- and brainwashed the western world has become.

An eye for an eye would be a logical and legit answer to a case like this and the persons who carry the right to bring the revenge would be the victim's parents.


Upon finding of guilt, I would be all for the parents getting to choose his punishment - execution or life imprisonment with no hope of parole.

I would also provide the parents the option to let the state decide, if they did not want that decision on their conscience.

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Man arrested after horrific drug rape-murder of eight year old in Trang


TRANG:-- Police have arrested a man for a gruesome drugging and rape that left an eight year old girl dead.

The girl is believed to have given vital evidence of the identity of her rapist as she lay in hospital before she died, reports Daily News.

A man had earlier entered a house in the Trang area of southern Thailand while the girl's parents were not around and given the little one a concoction of Krathom tea and soft drinks laced with Ya Ba.

In her drugged state he then raped her so forcefully that her vagina and rectum were torn. He then fled and the girl, named only as "B" was hospitalized in Trang.

The girl suffered severe pains and doctors announced yesterday that she had died from the drugs overdose that she was given.

The distraught father, named only as "A" said that when his wife had left the house to go to work on a rubber plantation she had not locked the door because he was sleeping out back. He had not heard anything untoward in the house and thinks that the man who committed the crime knew the layout of the house well.

He said that before his daughter died she had told nurses that the man who attacked her was someone she knew. It was not reported if she mentioned a name.

But very quickly police rounded up a local youth known only by his nickname of "Fris". His DNA is being checked along with DNA found inside the body of the deceased girl. Police found no marks on the body of the youth.

Investigations continue.

Source: Daily News


-- 2016-05-13

Speechless ???

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The percentage of human garbage inhabiting this planet is increasing.

Don't think so...just more ways of reporting how sick mankind in general really is.

Is it? really?

Or is it more a case of scum like this feel more empowered to 'get away with it'

Suspend this piece of filth from a tree by his wrists, tie lead weights to his genitals and let him slowly starve in that position.

Fitting punishment and deterrent.

Or he could be sent for counselling.

Oh yes, definately send him for counselling in Oz! You see, they're such limp d#@$s in Oz they would take the position that he had to be mentally unstable to commit such a crime and it wouldn't be fair to the criminal to hold his mental state against him!

Really! That's the way they think in the nanny state of Oz, the victim must have encouraged the criminal in some way!! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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If he is guilty he should get the death penalty,

That would be too easy. I have always thought stoning and other seemingly barbaric customs were abhorrent, however in this guys case, absolutely nothing would be nasty enough. This is sick beyond belief.

Break him on the Wheel.

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All the posts screaming for revenge in the most horrible ways only show that you are no better. Of course this crime is horrific and the man should be punished, locked away forever, but hey we live in the 21st century and an eye for an eye reaction is quite backwards.

Your response shows nicely how soft- and brainwashed the western world has become.

An eye for an eye would be a logical and legit answer to a case like this and the persons who carry the right to bring the revenge would be the victim's parents.

Look - now you come and say that death penalty, etc would be cruel and prison is enough... A few years later another softie will come, softened down further by our western weakling agendas, stating that even prison is cruel and that we have no right to imprison anyone, no matter what. Then all rapists, murderers, drug dealers, etc... would run free, while leftist dogooders let balloons fly, applause those liberated crooks, handing them Teddy Bears and candies...

And you know what will happen then, don't you? All those predators that you set free, with your whining about being cruel and that an eye for an eye is not justified, would kill, rape, mug, and take out for good all those "Softies", simply because they give a toss and have no empathy at all...

And - as I type - there is a certain group of people on the move now, with their point of destiny being our nice, kind, and sophisticated western Micky Mouse World, and they will pray on our weaknesses, on our "we all are equal" blahblah, let's open our hearts and other crap the brainwashed western world recites over and over again.

And when they arrive (many already have) you'll see what they'll do with people like you, who think that you can talk it all over, we all are equal, murderers and rapists can be re-integrated in society, and similar utter nonsense... There will be blood, rivers of blood!

This post would indicate how sick members of the general public can get....it is no wonder when that is the case that others commit these horrible crimes.

Would you take the same stance if it had been your child? I doubt it. Scum like this deserve to suffer

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All the posts screaming for revenge in the most horrible ways only show that you are no better. Of course this crime is horrific and the man should be punished, locked away forever, but hey we live in the 21st century and an eye for an eye reaction is quite backwards.

Your response shows nicely how soft- and brainwashed the western world has become.

An eye for an eye would be a logical and legit answer to a case like this and the persons who carry the right to bring the revenge would be the victim's parents.


Upon finding of guilt, I would be all for the parents getting to choose his punishment - execution or life imprisonment with no hope of parole.

I would also provide the parents the option to let the state decide, if they did not want that decision on their conscience.

muslim by any chance?

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Please! It's another privileged foreigner talking for all of humanity. Of course it's peaceful for the privileged. What about all those suffering in wars? Or the impoverished? Billions of people are suffering. I watched this TED talk with Pinker years ago and I laughed. It's the view of a privileged westerner who uses some fraudulent statistics made up by the elite(UN, Amnesty, Bilderberg) to give us the impression that everything is just fine. Stop buying into this brainwashing and do some real research. 1% of humanity now own more than all of us put together so how on earth can this mean progress? Wake up

To whoever wrote the above:

And you think I accept the points you make rather that of an acknowledged expert at delivering authentic material? I want to hear your evidence, not prejudicial remarks and conspiracy theories that violence happens only to those less privileged and using "fraudulent" statistics to make his case. Pinker has already referred to all those in wars and comparing them with wars of the past. Also, who owns what is irrelevant to the argument of the "decline in violence" Yours is a cynical, NOT a respectable refutation of Pinker's work, and unless you can prove it, there is little point in you pursuing it.

I was unable to add my reply to those already in place


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If he is guilty he should get the death penalty,

That would be too easy. I have always thought stoning and other seemingly barbaric customs were abhorrent, however in this guys case, absolutely nothing would be nasty enough. This is sick beyond belief.

Break him on the Wheel.

before you set out on a journey for revenge, dig two graves. Confucious

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What is so damn troubling to me...is these are not isolated cases...it happens with abnormal frequency in Thailand...

Sometimes I wonder if Thais do not take their violent soap operas...as a blueprint for how to live one's life...

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The percentage of human garbage inhabiting this planet is increasing.

It is only increasing as the population is growing exponentially. But going by ratio person to population as a whole, we are living in the most peaceful time of humanity. Sure there are real pieces of work and evil out there, but there always has been, only in this day and age we hear about it a lot of thanks to the media.

RIP to the poor girl and I hope the family and find some peace, their lives have no doubt been ripped apart and turned upside down.

The most peaceful time in humanity? BS. People are more and more selfish and separated due to technology, money and greed have speeded(sped) this process up and turned people into sicker beings than before. Perhaps it's nice and peaceful in your life, moo baan or village but Europe, Africa, The Middle East and North and South America are burning.

I'm pretty sure that this piece of human excrement that did this to this little girl was himself the victim of something similar or either extremely abused as a kid. The world is indeed a very sick place and those who deny this and say it's no different than before are the true ostriches among us and rather part of the problem instead of the solution.

RIP little girl.

For those of you that don't believe we live in the most peaceful time in Human history, I suggest you watch this video by Stephen Pinker who is actually educated and doesn't make arbitrary statements about anything. You will be surprised! It's only 20 minutes for you to adjust your perspective as it did for me when I first heard it a few years ago.


YES...Stephen Pinker...brilliant man and scholar thumbsup.gif

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What is so damn troubling to me...is these are not isolated cases...it happens with abnormal frequency in Thailand...

Sometimes I wonder if Thais do not take their violent soap operas...as a blueprint for how to live one's life...

It is strange how in the Thai soaps they blank out a cigarette but don't blank out gratuitous violence. I think Freud would have a field day here

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I'm impressed by the number of people in this forum who seemingly want compete with each other in the level of barbarity they can achieve ... all these creative forms of torture being offered. You'd be well at home with the Nazis or ISIS.

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Ah! DOCNO good,

Therefore, it was not of barbarism rape a little girl in atrocious conditions in addition.

So yes, I am for barbarism, snatching balls and waving them on a stick, and passing the video over networks.

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If he is guilty he should get the death penalty,

That would be too easy. I have always thought stoning and other seemingly barbaric customs were abhorrent, however in this guys case, absolutely nothing would be nasty enough. This is sick beyond belief.

Who says the death penalty has to be quick? He needs it to be very slow over a period of a few days

Crucifixion comes to mind.

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Lets hope the bastard is not rich with a posh name

I thought I asked for no cynical remarks about corruptive influences in this case!

Do you have something sensible or positive to say?

This is a public forum and you are not the censor. By all means ask no on makes these comments,yes I am sick of it too, but with physical freedom comes the freedom of speech. Well sort of in Thailand.
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The percentage of human garbage inhabiting this planet is increasing.

It is only increasing as the population is growing exponentially. But going by ratio person to population as a whole, we are living in the most peaceful time of humanity. Sure there are real pieces of work and evil out there, but there always has been, only in this day and age we hear about it a lot of thanks to the media.

RIP to the poor girl and I hope the family and find some peace, their lives have no doubt been ripped apart and turned upside down.

You're absolutely right...thanks for reminding us that fact...given the comparative peace we now live in, it's too easy to forget how barbaric we were merely a few decades ago...still, it's so jarring to hear about a story such as this...makes me wonder if the fellow who did this crime had done similar, more minor crimes in the recent past...

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All the posts screaming for revenge in the most horrible ways only show that you are no better. Of course this crime is horrific and the man should be punished, locked away forever, but hey we live in the 21st century and an eye for an eye reaction is quite backwards.

Your response shows nicely how soft- and brainwashed the western world has become.

An eye for an eye would be a logical and legit answer to a case like this and the persons who carry the right to bring the revenge would be the victim's parents.

Look - now you come and say that death penalty, etc would be cruel and prison is enough... A few years later another softie will come, softened down further by our western weakling agendas, stating that even prison is cruel and that we have no right to imprison anyone, no matter what. Then all rapists, murderers, drug dealers, etc... would run free, while leftist dogooders let balloons fly, applause those liberated crooks, handing them Teddy Bears and candies...

And you know what will happen then, don't you? All those predators that you set free, with your whining about being cruel and that an eye for an eye is not justified, would kill, rape, mug, and take out for good all those "Softies", simply because they give a toss and have no empathy at all...

And - as I type - there is a certain group of people on the move now, with their point of destiny being our nice, kind, and sophisticated western Micky Mouse World, and they will pray on our weaknesses, on our "we all are equal" blahblah, let's open our hearts and other crap the brainwashed western world recites over and over again.

And when they arrive (many already have) you'll see what they'll do with people like you, who think that you can talk it all over, we all are equal, murderers and rapists can be re-integrated in society, and similar utter nonsense... There will be blood, rivers of blood!

And what about all those killed by the state while being not guilty.

Because, sir, if they were not guilty, they were murdered!

Are the legal people now guilty if murder?

No, of course not, it was a judicial mistake, yes?

That is why a life sentence, without any possible parole, is always better.

Besides, the death penalty does not lessen crime, very long and harsh life imprisoning does.

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Ah! DOCNO good,
Therefore, it was not of barbarism rape a little girl in atrocious conditions in addition.
So yes, I am for barbarism, snatching balls and waving them on a stick, and passing the video over networks.

Yes, certainly this man's actions were barbaric... no-one doubts that [where did I suggest it was not?]. The only question (for only some of us, it seems) is whether equally barbarity is the appropriate response in a civilised society.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind" - Ghandi

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