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Donald Trump's ex-butler calls for Obama to be killed


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I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

All I asked was who Obama had murdered and I get all this tripe. What on earth are you talking about? Roman Empire ? can we narrow it down to the last 8 years when the supposed murder took place?

It is not true that you ever asked "...who Obama had murdered?" This is not rhetorical, this is deceit. You specifically state that was "all" you asked when in fact any question is the single thing you did not post. No question at all!

In fact, you stated quite clearly in your own post Obama has murdered: "there isn't an American President that isn't guilty of murder." This makes your concluding post, false!

This is a perfect microcosm for why the left is always fighting with people: Personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation, and when necessary, deceit, appeal to ridicule, repetition, revision... "tripe." Perhaps you should spend less time defining others you disagree with and stick to the OP, or even close.

"You seem to be a person of average intelligence." up2u2 13 may 2006

Intelligent enough to know the question being asked in post #48 and also you conveniently edited my post removing 'by your standards...........there isn't an American President that is not guilty of murder'.

and it's 2016 not 2006

So can you point out who Obama has murdered or are you just bloviating?

Edited by up2u2
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The man is 84 years old and been hobnobbing with the upper crust of society for many years,

you'd think that by now he would have chosen his words more carefully, my motto is, if you haven't

got something nice to say, than shut da hell up.... and if you wanna be nasty, keep it to yourself or

your friends only.....

make sure you leave some of those unkind words for TV.

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