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Lack Of Family Affecftion


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General rule when shaking hands with a Thai..... Count your fingers after.....One or more may be missing

Only people to ever steal anything from me in Thailand has been other Farangs.

I would rather trust a Thai than another Farang in most cases.

I'm afraid that many of the Farang living in Thailand leave a lot to be desired, many are not that solvent when it comes to money, and would not hesitate to rip off a fellow farang for a few bucks.

Hmmm, I wonder if your 'experience' was gained in Pattaya, the place most close to your apparent angst.

Care to quote some examples...? :o

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I am happily surprised at the amount or replies to this .... expected 1 or 2 only. Just goes to show :D

I do believe that most parents do have feelings for their children and that we do show it in different ways.

Just because us Farrangs do things differently does not mean we are right, though I would rather give my child a hug to show him he is loved and also for that physical sense of security. That way I also feel he can show love and affection in the future and not be embarrassed about doing so both to a future wife and children in private and in public.

My Thai g/f seems happy to show affection to me in public but noit to her own family / children and that DOES seem strange.

So, which one is this. :D:D

The one who has been separated for 5 years? :D:D

Same same :o

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From the Thai point of view (of just one Thai mind you), if I only saw my parents once every year or even once every few to several years on Thanksgiving or Christmas, I'd probably be all huggy buggy too. The thing is, after seeing/talking/having at least one meal together every single day for years and years on end... and likely for the next thirty or so years until they stop breathing, hugs and kisses everyday would seem kind of.... what's the word I'm looking for... overly dramatic? gay? pretentious? I'd hardly call our cohesive family structure lacking in affection.


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I am happily surprised at the amount or replies to this .... expected 1 or 2 only. Just goes to show :D

I do believe that most parents do have feelings for their children and that we do show it in different ways.

Just because us Farrangs do things differently does not mean we are right, though I would rather give my child a hug to show him he is loved and also for that physical sense of security. That way I also feel he can show love and affection in the future and not be embarrassed about doing so both to a future wife and children in private and in public.

My Thai g/f seems happy to show affection to me in public but noit to her own family / children and that DOES seem strange.

So, which one is this. :D:D

The one who has been separated for 5 years? :D:D

Same same :o

Hmmm. perhaps she is ashamed to be seen with you.

Shame shame... :D

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This topic is just one of many posted by this TROLL member. In my view he should be DIS MEMBERED

I have to agree.

I also have a rusty knife out the back that seems purpose-built.

The only worry is that he does not have any to hack off, which seems quite likely... :o

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This topic is just one of many posted by this TROLL member. In my view he should be DIS MEMBERED

I have to agree.

I also have a rusty knife out the back that seems purpose-built.

The only worry is that he does not have any to hack off, which seems quite likely... :o

Too true.

Hope you and the girlfriend are well. :D:D:D

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This topic is just one of many posted by this TROLL member. In my view he should be DIS MEMBERED

I have to agree.

I also have a rusty knife out the back that seems purpose-built.

The only worry is that he does not have any to hack off, which seems quite likely... :o

Too true.

Hope you and the girlfriend are well. :D:D:D

We are both fine thanks, and my girlfriend has a niece who is 14 and unattached.

Please PM me if you are interested (as I suspect you might well be, given your history of 'protesting too much') and I will see what I can do.

I have already picked which brother/uncle will greet you and he is looking forward to it. :D

Only kidding of course... :D

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From the Thai point of view (of just one Thai mind you), if I only saw my parents once every year or even once every few to several years on Thanksgiving or Christmas, I'd probably be all huggy buggy too. The thing is, after seeing/talking/having at least one meal together every single day for years and years on end... and likely for the next thirty or so years until they stop breathing, hugs and kisses everyday would seem kind of.... what's the word I'm looking for... overly dramatic? gay? pretentious? I'd hardly call our cohesive family structure lacking in affection.


If this is indeed the case, that it looks "gay" then why do so much of the Thai population do their best to look gay in every environment outside their home?

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I talked about this once with my ex. She said hugging her parents & general physical contact is a no-no. Yet she openly 'flirts' with her father, using her tone of voice and mannerisms. So, although seemingly devoid of physical affection, there is plenty of other affection there. It's only one observation but something I never completely understood. Is it Thai? I don't know.

Edited by Grover
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I know very well that there is dysfunctionell families in our homecountry, and that wasn't the argument. It's that I think not showing a wide range of emotions (only neutral to upset) and not showing enough affection to a child, is bad for it.

Anyone disagree?

(Dr Mengele did some tests in this area btw if anyone would like to read up on it.)

Certainly showing affection to children, particularly very small children, seems to be a normal practice by all people, regardless of culture and customs. Thai people are no different in that regard. However, I suspect Mengele’s conclusions cannot be considered universal as it pertains to those who are no longer regarded as ‘children’ in certain societies and not necessarily reflective of all culture around the world but rather based on observations of practices within his own western culture.

I'm a westerner and one of the things I like best about living in Thailand is NOT having to shake hands! The promiscuity of hand shaking among westerners is extremely unsanitary.

Handshaking is promiscuous? Can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone describe it that way before. Promiscuous perhaps if someone uses their middle finger to tickle your palm while shaking your hand.

The origins of both the handshake and the wai are based on similar reasons, namely to determine who’s friend or foe. It’s just the techniques that vary. Today, both are merely customary acts of courtesy and greeting.

While the wai is most commonly practiced among Thais, I’ve certainly found no shortage of Thais being the ones to extend an arm to give a handshake. No doubt it’s a courtesy gesture intended to be a bit more comfortable with something ‘Westernized’ and familiar to a farang.

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I'm a westerner and one of the things I like best about living in Thailand is NOT having to shake hands! The promiscuity of hand shaking among westerners is extremely unsanitary.

do you wear rubber gloves when handling money? perhaps you should just live in a plastic bubble.

i know it's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it, but to me, that's a little over the top....

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Because their bums and have no class.

Just give them. Do crooks in your country say thanks.

bit of a chip on your shoulder, hank?

that's just their way, get over it or quit whining about it.

don't be discouraged, though. judging by your impeccable spelling and punctuation, you have a lot of valuable insight to add to this forum.

oh, by the way, my lack of capital letters is just a sign of laziness, not stupidity.

must have been hanging around thais too long, i guess... :o

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Because their bums and have no class.

Just give them. Do crooks in your country say thanks.

bit of a chip on your shoulder, hank?

that's just their way, get over it or quit whining about it.

don't be discouraged, though. judging by your impeccable spelling and punctuation, you have a lot of valuable insight to add to this forum.

oh, by the way, my lack of capital letters is just a sign of laziness, not stupidity.

must have been hanging around thais too long, i guess... :D


Anyway, HenryB, calling Thai "no class" is pretty offensive and moreover you are in a Thai Forum..... :D

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My inlaws must be odd then, the MIL bawls & hugs both me & hubby at the airport in Khon Kaen, we always do the wai thing on arriving or leaving but after that it is hugs all round & when the aunts arrive same again. Throughout our stay she is always touching him & me & holding on to our arms when we are out.

Although generally thai's aren't as demonstrative as I am used to in the UK many have no problem hugging their grown up kids but some displays of affection may not be obvious to us as foreigners, like giving the best bits of food to each other, for example.

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