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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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It's hardly a blog. The Advocate has been the most important gay news organ for many, many decades.

Gay is not a lifestyle. Gay is a sexual orientation and sexual orientation is a vital part of any person's IDENTITY.

The magazine, established in 1967,[2] is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and the only surviving one of its kind that was founded before the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, an incident that is generally credited as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.


I have google too....

From www.out.com:

"What are the accoutrements of your gay lifestyle? Out Magazine covers the latest trends in LGBT fashion, entertainment, politics, and relationships. From NYC to Dallas, we're here to celebrate the many stripes of LGBT as your one-stop gay news source."


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It's hardly a blog. The Advocate has been the most important gay news organ for many, many decades.

Gay is not a lifestyle. Gay is a sexual orientation and sexual orientation is a vital part of any person's IDENTITY.

The magazine, established in 1967,[2] is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and the only surviving one of its kind that was founded before the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, an incident that is generally credited as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.


Peadophilia is also a sexual orientation, But I hope they will never be allowed to be alone with children. Luckily they are a minority.
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It's hardly a blog. The Advocate has been the most important gay news organ for many, many decades.

Gay is not a lifestyle. Gay is a sexual orientation and sexual orientation is a vital part of any person's IDENTITY.

The magazine, established in 1967,[2] is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and the only surviving one of its kind that was founded before the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, an incident that is generally credited as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.


I have google too....

From www.out.com:

"What are the accoutrements of your gay lifestyle? Out Magazine covers the latest trends in LGBT fashion, entertainment, politics, and relationships. From NYC to Dallas, we're here to celebrate the many stripes of LGBT as your one-stop gay news source."


It's like you intentionally didn't get my point.

Life's too short. I don't see any value in further "banter" at this low level. Welcome to my ignore list.

I have no doubt there will be scads of other people obsessed with opposing GLBT civil rights to fill the gap.

Also in future be advised it is NOT OK to alter the fonts or emphasis in other people's quotes.

Edited by Jingthing
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If the liberals have their way everyone will be genderless and the next generation will be dumbed down to the point of retardation.

No, that won't happen and that certainly is not the goal of the GLBT civil rights movement.

However, it IS true there are some individuals who aggressively reject any kind of gender labeling. I just can't see how that will ever be a thing for a significant number of people.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's hardly a blog. The Advocate has been the most important gay news organ for many, many decades.

Gay is not a lifestyle. Gay is a sexual orientation and sexual orientation is a vital part of any person's IDENTITY.

The magazine, established in 1967,[2] is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and the only surviving one of its kind that was founded before the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, an incident that is generally credited as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.


I have google too....

From www.out.com:

"What are the accoutrements of your gay lifestyle? Out Magazine covers the latest trends in LGBT fashion, entertainment, politics, and relationships. From NYC to Dallas, we're here to celebrate the many stripes of LGBT as your one-stop gay news source."


It's like you intentionally didn't get my point.

Life's too short. I don't see any value in further "banter" at this low level. Welcome to my ignore list.

I have no doubt there will be scads of other people obsessed with opposing GLBT civil rights to fill the gap.

Also in future be advised it is NOT OK to alter the fonts or emphasis in other people's quotes.

Don't worry, Jingthing adds on average one TV member per day to his ignore list, welcome to the club. Members like Jingthing who accumulate an abnormal high number of people on their ignore list should be banned from TV IMO..

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Don't worry, Jingthing adds on average one TV member per day to his ignore list, welcome to the club. Members like Jingthing who accumulate an abnormal high number of people on their ignore list should be banned from TV IMO..

Putting a person on an ignore list is certainly everyone's right but announcing it is the same as name calling and certainly a flame discussing the poster instead of his message. Once in a while would be understandable but as a response to any valid opposing argument seems a bit over the top.

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That's silly. This is about everyone. All people that identify as female and all people that identify as male having the legal right to use the gender toilet of their identify.

But do they have the right to use, " shower rooms, bathhouses and similar facilities?"

I don't think you will answer the question as it has been asked a number of times in this thread and all you men who would tell women who to get naked with have not answered it yet.

Perhaps it is too simple a question. Do women have a right to choose whom to undress with?

They won't answer it.

Not that it matters because Obama already did. This is about locker rooms, not just toilets.

So a 14 year old sexually mature boy that is physically attracted to women but is a Trans-lesbian (do keep up) will be allowed to change in the local pool with your 14 year old daughter.

JingThing and the other gay members will never state their position on this.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Let's invent unlikely scenarios to scare people, especially to create fictional monster boogeyboys that are after the children. That's the right wing game today, as always. In reality, in a case where that sort of kid exists, it would be the KID who would be totally freaked out and having a real social problem as far as how to deal with it. No, don't worry about the trans kids. They don't exist to the right wing transgender demonizers. In reality, the group here that is subject to violence, attacks, even murder are the TRANSGENDER people themselves. Now, more than ever, thanks to relentless demonization of transgender Americans resulting from these localized toilet bigot laws. Not only transgender people, but even more people who are CISGENDER but happen to present in gender non-conforming ways.

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It really is down to support for civil rights vs. ignorance and bigotry. Just like Jim Crow.

It isn't a Civil Rights issue at all. The video presented of the Army dude who was awarded a Pentagon job based on his resume, but was later refused the job because he was now a female, THAT is a Civil Rights issue. I hope he sues their ass off for their bigotry. This bathroom issue is not a Civil Rights issue. No one is denying bathroom access to anyone based on their gender or even their imagined gender.

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Dude, the Obama administration obviously thinks that IT IS a civil rights issue. You can try to trivialize it all you want ... but that is the conflict here, and yes it will decided more definitively someday and most likely the place it will be decided is the supreme court.

The faction that is so aggressively against this sensible solution to ALLOW (not require) people who identify as gender different than their birth gender to use the gender toilet of their IDENTITY -- NEVER seem to have any answer about the transgender people who present as CISGENDER and when they walk into a toilet based on their birth gender, they are subject to harassment or even violence. They want to FORCE such people under rule of law to use toilets where there are going to be such problems. I think that is SADISTIC and morally repugnant. The right wingers put on a big act that their movement is all about morality. Really, it's the OPPOSITE. As we used to say about Jerry Falwell, the moral majority is NEITHER. Civil rights for minorities is the right thing to do, and the MORAL thing as well.

Edited by Jingthing
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Let's invent unlikely scenarios to scare people, especially to create fictional monster boogeyboys that are after the children.

That's the right wing game today, as always.

In reality, in a case where that sort of kid exists, it would be the KID who would be totally freaked out and having a real social problem as far as how to deal with it. No, don't worry about the trans kids. They don't exist to the right wing transgender demonizers.

In reality, the group here that is subject to violence, attacks, even murder are the TRANSGENDER people themselves.

Now, more than ever, thanks to relentless demonization of transgender Americans resulting from these localized toilet bigot laws.

Not only transgender people, but even more people who are CISGENDER but happen to present in gender non-conforming ways.

But what about the children!!! They invent scenarios to sow hatred. It's the wingnut way.

There is no relationship between transgender and sexual predators. None. Except in the paranoid minds of wingnuts.

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I doubt most of them even believe their fear based lies themselves.

What this is about is a general backlash against ALL GLBT civil rights from right wingers.

They've found an emotional hot button area of attack -- TOILETS -- and they're running with it as long as it lasts, until it gets FLUSHED down like the fear mongering EXCRETA that it is.
Similar TOILET MANIA fear campaigns have been used in the past against other unpopular minorities ... blacks, gay men, etc.

This too will pass.

The cause of civil rights will triumph over the forces of ignorance and bigotry.

Edited by Jingthing
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There is no relationship between transgender and sexual predators. None. Except in the paranoid minds of wingnuts.

Here we go again with this oft repeated, yet highly dubious, talking point.

There have been multiple examples posted on these threads of men wearing women's clothes who sexually assaulted women.

But let me guess, you know that they're not really 'transgender', right? You just know it.

How convenient for you to be able to determine who should and shouldn't be classified as 'transgender'.

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I don't classify. No need for anyone to classify. There is no issue. You want to classify when no classification is needed. You just want to hate...those people. The ones not like us. The evil ones. The ones that will rape our children. cheesy.gif

What about them showering with our babies! Jesus wept.

Low-info, fear mongering, dunces just want to hate.

How sad. sad.png

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They won't answer it.

Not that it matters because Obama already did. This is about locker rooms, not just toilets.

So a 14 year old sexually mature boy that is physically attracted to women but is a Trans-lesbian (do keep up) will be allowed to change in the local pool with your 14 year old daughter.

JingThing and the other gay members will never state their position on this.

You would need to be guided by medical / psychiatric specialists to formulate guidelines for this scenario. I simply do not have the knowledge of all the issues involved to formulate guidelines that would fully respect each persons rights to privacy and safety for both.

This scenario would bump up against existing Laws and may require some adjustment to those Laws.

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That's silly. This is about everyone. All people that identify as female and all people that identify as male having the legal right to use the gender toilet of their identify.

But do they have the right to use, " shower rooms, bathhouses and similar facilities?"

I don't think you will answer the question as it has been asked a number of times in this thread and all you men who would tell women who to get naked with have not answered it yet.

Perhaps it is too simple a question. Do women have a right to choose whom to undress with?

Who cares? It never happens. Worry about a coconut hitting you on the head, it happens regularly.

Wingnuts worry themselves sick over shit that doesn't happen. The power of Fox News.

It is amazing how out of date you are ... about 8 years behind the times of what news sources influence non liberals and non leftists

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I doubt most of them even believe their fear based lies themselves.

What this is about is a general backlash against ALL GLBT civil rights from right wingers.

They've found an emotional hot button area of attack -- TOILETS -- and they're running with it as long as it lasts, until it gets FLUSHED down like the fear mongering EXCRETA that it is.

Similar TOILET MANIA fear campaigns have been used in the past against other unpopular minorities ... blacks, gay men, etc.

This too will pass.

The cause of civil rights will triumph over the forces of ignorance and bigotry

This is not a civil rights issue - the more you try to piggyback this special privilege issue onto classic civil rights struggles the more you cheapen your argument.

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Don't worry, Jingthing adds on average one TV member per day to his ignore list, welcome to the club. Members like Jingthing who accumulate an abnormal high number of people on their ignore list should be banned from TV IMO..

Putting a person on an ignore list is certainly everyone's right but announcing it is the same as name calling and certainly a flame discussing the poster instead of his message. Once in a while would be understandable but as a response to any valid opposing argument seems a bit over the top.

Some TVF members are 'One Issue Wonders' and can relate any subject to their 'one issue' . Some on this topic thread have a sexuality obsession and could relate a tree stump to be an object in the way of their sexuality and demand that it be uprooted. 'One issue wonders' are also tunnel vision experts - they see only one issue controlling all other issues ... they have a telescope mounted in reverse affixed to one eye.

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Let's invent unlikely scenarios to scare people, especially to create fictional monster boogeyboys that are after the children.

That's the right wing game today, as always.

In reality, in a case where that sort of kid exists, it would be the KID who would be totally freaked out and having a real social problem as far as how to deal with it. No, don't worry about the trans kids. They don't exist to the right wing transgender demonizers.

In reality, the group here that is subject to violence, attacks, even murder are the TRANSGENDER people themselves.

Now, more than ever, thanks to relentless demonization of transgender Americans resulting from these localized toilet bigot laws.

Not only transgender people, but even more people who are CISGENDER but happen to present in gender non-conforming ways.

There is no demonization in my post. The scenario itself is very real. Or are you making the assumption that all M2F trans people are sexually attracted to men? Is accusing somebody of being heterosexual heresy to you for some reason.

There are multiple potential solutions for boys that think they are girls. If those boys are sexually attracted to girls, it is a hazard putting them in a locker room, naked right next to those girls.

The LGBT community is only aggressively pushing one solution and naming any other solution as bigoted. Yet this 'issue' will not be decided by what a minority insists on. It will be decided based on what is best for everyone.

As for "CISGENDER" that you keep shouting about. We really do not need a word to describe that we are not of of the one in a thousand people that have gender identity issue. Normal will suffice.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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I am curious about what people think should be done with people like these:


Since a fair number of soldiers have lost their penis' in battle and others due to disease, should be they be forced to use the women's bathroom? I mean, they don't have that appendage that would allow them to use the men's room. Or should they be allowed to use the bathroom that their gender identity allows them to use?

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They won't answer it.

Not that it matters because Obama already did. This is about locker rooms, not just toilets.

So a 14 year old sexually mature boy that is physically attracted to women but is a Trans-lesbian (do keep up) will be allowed to change in the local pool with your 14 year old daughter.

JingThing and the other gay members will never state their position on this.

You would need to be guided by medical / psychiatric specialists to formulate guidelines for this scenario. I simply do not have the knowledge of all the issues involved to formulate guidelines that would fully respect each persons rights to privacy and safety for both.

This scenario would bump up against existing Laws and may require some adjustment to those Laws.

I agree 100% - the whole issue necessitates a review of the law.

But it is nuanced and we need to ensure we consider all the nuances so we have a solution that everyone is comfortable with.

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I am curious about what people think should be done with people like these:


Since a fair number of soldiers have lost their penis' in battle and others due to disease, should be they be forced to use the women's bathroom? I mean, they don't have that appendage that would allow them to use the men's room. Or should they be allowed to use the bathroom that their gender identity allows them to use?

I do not think that anyone who have lost their penis through battlefield injuries or some form of illness have any issues with their gender identity.

I would doubt that they would be seeking to use a female restroom due to their very unfortunate circumstances.

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That's silly. This is about everyone. All people that identify as female and all people that identify as male having the legal right to use the gender toilet of their identify.

But do they have the right to use, " shower rooms, bathhouses and similar facilities?"

I don't think you will answer the question as it has been asked a number of times in this thread and all you men who would tell women who to get naked with have not answered it yet.

Perhaps it is too simple a question. Do women have a right to choose whom to undress with?

Who cares? It never happens. Worry about a coconut hitting you on the head, it happens regularly.

Wingnuts worry themselves sick over shit that doesn't happen. The power of Fox News.

It is amazing how out of date you are ... about 8 years behind the times of what news sources influence non liberals and non leftists

By the sophisticated bastions of journalistic integrity the wingnuts constantly link here, I see nothing but a Fox News echo chamber. Did I forget to include Breitbart and Drudge?

Yeah, I'm really clueless when it comes to wingnut news. Consider the source, every last one of them have gone the hate route and are ignored by everyone except the lemmings.

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