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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

I'm quite certain if you showed up at the next school board hearing and announced you were an Australian citizen and that you find it...

"Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father."

I'm equally certain you would be laughed out of the meeting.

As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

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It's not the same thing as citizenship.

That's a legal matter.

Gender identity in some cases, transgender people, does vary from the designation of their birth documents.

This is real.

Right wing bigots want to push the hateful lie that it isn't.

But it is. and transgender people and their advocates are NOT going away.

No doubt, it is a sensitive and complex issue, and transgender people that decide to take any action to TRANSITION are in a PROCESS that will generally take many years. For some of them, it involves ultimately changing their genitals, and for others not. That's their personal choice!

These folks would be better off instead of spending those years in transition.. spending those years in taking proper psychiatric medications of reset their brain chemistry ... for that is where the problem lies... the same as with other obsessive - compulsive disorders.

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I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

I knew it --- had to bring in racism ... Racism and minority rights do not apply in this pee pee case. The 14th. Amendment is about issues dealing with freed slaves and other related issues... Liberal / Leftist courts have shoehorned every conceivable grievance both real and imagined into this. But it is going to stop. Trump will also appoint a conservative onto the SCOTUS and it will then stop this finding everything and the kitchen sink in the U.S. Constitution to justify willy nilly social change. Those days of manufacturing new interpretations of the Constitution have about 8 months left in life. Actually they are mostly gone now as the absence of one Justice make for a 4/4 tie for most of the time that any Conservative to moderate decisions come to SCOTUS for appeal from lower courts - most all of them will go back to the lower court unchanged in the ruling...

He didn't he used it as an analogy where the Feds stepped in and shut down a State from enacting racist laws in contravention of federal law. Your suggestion is that to solve this a bigot is required to be appointed to the Supreme Court. You gotta love the Right and their ability to problem solve lol

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

It'll go the way of Obamacare. Sorta similar to the Dodo Bird! smile.png

Obamacare will stay even if trump is elected, so nice try, no cigar.

It's collapsing as we speak. Seen the numbers of Insurance companies bailing?

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It's not the same thing as citizenship.

That's a legal matter.

Gender identity in some cases, transgender people, does vary from the designation of their birth documents.

This is real.

Right wing bigots want to push the hateful lie that it isn't.

But it is. and transgender people and their advocates are NOT going away.

No doubt, it is a sensitive and complex issue, and transgender people that decide to take any action to TRANSITION are in a PROCESS that will generally take many years. For some of them, it involves ultimately changing their genitals, and for others not. That's their personal choice!

These folks would be better off instead of spending those years in transition.. spending those years in taking proper psychiatric medications of reset their brain chemistry ... for that is where the problem lies... the same as with other obsessive - compulsive disorders.

A 'magic pill' wonderful lol

Oh man. Not a clue.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

It'll go the way of Obamacare. Sorta similar to the Dodo Bird! smile.png

Obamacare will stay even if trump is elected, so nice try, no cigar.

I know you are in some sort of out of touch fantasy now -- you are in total denial that obamacare is failing or has failed in almost every category ... and is hanging by a thread ... but don't believe me ... just do some objective research ... oh well save my typing that will never happen.

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Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

He said that accomodations could be made.

Is it bigoted because you aren't getting your own way?

His statement is far more balanced than your own.

No it is just bigoted.

No need to single these people out to be 'accommodated'.

He is a bigot nothing balanced about him at all.

The LGBT community is asking for accommodation.

Because they are asking for a change. After all, right now mens toilets are for men.

So yes - crying bigotry because you don't get accommodated in the way you want is puerile at best.

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It's not the same thing as citizenship.

That's a legal matter.

Gender identity in some cases, transgender people, does vary from the designation of their birth documents.

This is real.

Right wing bigots want to push the hateful lie that it isn't.

But it is. and transgender people and their advocates are NOT going away.

No doubt, it is a sensitive and complex issue, and transgender people that decide to take any action to TRANSITION are in a PROCESS that will generally take many years. For some of them, it involves ultimately changing their genitals, and for others not. That's their personal choice!

These folks would be better off instead of spending those years in transition.. spending those years in taking proper psychiatric medications of reset their brain chemistry ... for that is where the problem lies... the same as with other obsessive - compulsive disorders.

A 'magic pill' wonderful lol

Oh man. Not a clue.

John Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist says it is and the disorder is along similar lines of the delusions that possess the minds of people with Anorexia Nervosa...

I understand these kinds of diseases and disorders because I am very educated and experience in the fields of science/biology, health and medicine and pharmacology ... but you on the other hand wouldn't know a Mycoplasma from a Prion without using google.. So you dismiss it out of hand and out of ignorance.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

No need Obama will sort this bigot out. Everyone has a right to present their view. Even you.

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Obamacare will stay even if trump is elected, so nice try, no cigar.

I know you are in some sort of out of touch fantasy now -- you are in total denial that obamacare is failing or has failed in almost every category ... and is hanging by a thread ... but don't believe me ... just do some objective research ... oh well save my typing that will never happen.

Obamacare has a real problem if the previous payment of $175 Billion in subsidies remains unconstitutional.


Judge strikes down Obama health law insurance subsidy in victory for House GOP
White House: no decision on whether to appeal Obamacare ruling
By Spencer S. Hsu, Greg Jaffe and Lena H.
Sun May 12
A federal judge struck down a portion of President Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act health law Thursday, ruling that Obama exceeded his authority in unilaterally funding a provision that sent billions of dollars in subsidies to health insurers.
In a 38-page decision, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer of the District put her ruling on hold pending the administration’s certain appeal. Her decision sided with the U.S. House of Representatives, which brought the lawsuit challenging more than $175 billion of spending after a party-line vote by House Republicans in July 2014.
The House GOP argued that the administration’s decision to subsidize deductibles, co-pays and other “cost-sharing” measures was unconstitutional because Congress rejected an administration request for funding in 2014. Obama officials said they withdrew the request and spent the money, arguing that the subsidies were covered by an earlier, permanent appropriation.
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As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

No need Obama will sort this bigot out. Everyone has a right to present their view. Even you.

I don't recall needing your permission to voice my opinion but, thank you none the less.

Now, pray tell me how is Obama going to sort out the Superintendent of the Port Neches-Groves ISD?

Will he put his wolves at the IRS on him, the FBI, TSA, Homeland Security or, God forbid, Valerie Jarrett?

Just for informational purposes, Port Neches-Groves ISD has a total of 4,671 students.

That is exactly 4,671 more students than the Department of Education has. Maybe the tail really is trying to wag the dog.


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As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

No need Obama will sort this bigot out. Everyone has a right to present their view. Even you.

I don't recall needing your permission to voice my opinion but, thank you none the less.

Now, pray tell me how is Obama going to sort out the Superintendent of the Port Neches-Groves ISD?

Will he put his wolves at the IRS on him, the FBI, TSA, Homeland Security or, God forbid, Valerie Jarrett?

Just for informational purposes, Port Neches-Groves ISD has a total of 4,671 students.

That is exactly 4,671 more students than the Department of Education has. Maybe the tail really is trying to wag the dog.


You don't need my permission.

Obama will de-fund his schools. He should really be sacked. His views are ignorant and bigoted. He really shouldn't be anywhere near children.

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As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

No need Obama will sort this bigot out. Everyone has a right to present their view. Even you.

I don't recall needing your permission to voice my opinion but, thank you none the less.

Now, pray tell me how is Obama going to sort out the Superintendent of the Port Neches-Groves ISD?

Will he put his wolves at the IRS on him, the FBI, TSA, Homeland Security or, God forbid, Valerie Jarrett?

Just for informational purposes, Port Neches-Groves ISD has a total of 4,671 students.

That is exactly 4,671 more students than the Department of Education has. Maybe the tail really is trying to wag the dog.


You don't need my permission.

Obama will de-fund his schools. He should really be sacked. His views are ignorant and bigoted. He really shouldn't be anywhere near children.

The sitting Lt. Governor of Texas had this to say about the threat from Obama.

"He says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States."
Noting that Texas public schools get $10 billion of federal funds over a two-year budget, Patrick said the majority of that is for free breakfast and lunch programs.
"So Barack Obama, if schools don't knuckle down to force girls showering with boys and force 8-year-old girls to have to endure boys coming into their bathroom, he's taking money from the poorest of the poor. The president of the United States will be ending the free breakfast and free lunch program. That's what he's saying."
It would appear the State of Texas will be backing the Superintendent.
Now what will Obama do?
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The sitting Lt. Governor of Texas had this to say about the threat from Obama.

"He says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States."
Noting that Texas public schools get $10 billion of federal funds over a two-year budget, Patrick said the majority of that is for free breakfast and lunch programs.
"So Barack Obama, if schools don't knuckle down to force girls showering with boys and force 8-year-old girls to have to endure boys coming into their bathroom, he's taking money from the poorest of the poor. The president of the United States will be ending the free breakfast and free lunch program. That's what he's saying."
It would appear the State of Texas will be backing the Superintendent.
Now what will Obama do?

What is it with Right Wingers and 8 year old girls?

Getting a little too stupid for me to respond too chuckd.

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K. Jingthing, (i don't like the "dude" thing really) but I bet you will use it in your next post. As you defend all minorities with sexual orientations who are different from heteros may I ask your opinion regarding peadophiles?

Ignore list worthy. Dude.
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Even as the president of The US Obama can't not impose any law or order to the citizens of the US.His so called "order" caries no weight.I would bet that his daughters would never be made to go into such a toilet.

The question will eventually be decided in the supreme court. For the time being federal funds can be denied under current laws. It's a matter of who blinks first. I think most states will cave when they realize funds will really be cut if they don't.

May be "most states" but not all

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As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

As a citizen of the world, if you want to make an impact then do as I suggested.

Go to the next school board meeting and voice your contempt for the Superintendent and everything he stands for.

You will not make one ounce of difference the way you are doing it now.

Read my signature below for a dose of reality.

No need Obama will sort this bigot out. Everyone has a right to present their view. Even you.

I don't recall needing your permission to voice my opinion but, thank you none the less.

Now, pray tell me how is Obama going to sort out the Superintendent of the Port Neches-Groves ISD?

Will he put his wolves at the IRS on him, the FBI, TSA, Homeland Security or, God forbid, Valerie Jarrett?

Just for informational purposes, Port Neches-Groves ISD has a total of 4,671 students.

That is exactly 4,671 more students than the Department of Education has. Maybe the tail really is trying to wag the dog.


Jingthing brought it up ask him

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Even as the president of The US Obama can't not impose any law or order to the citizens of the US.His so called "order" caries no weight.I would bet that his daughters would never be made to go into such a toilet.
The question will eventually be decided in the supreme court. For the time being federal funds can be denied under current laws. It's a matter of who blinks first. I think most states will cave when they realize funds will really be cut if they don't.

May be "most states" but not all [/quote

It will never make it to the SCOTUS

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what has the Affordable Care Act got to do with transgender rights

Nothing. Which is why I won't reply about that here on this thread.

Jingthing you very proudly brought up the subject of obamacare

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what has the Affordable Care Act got to do with transgender rights

Nothing. Which is why I won't reply about that here on this thread.

Jingthing you very proudly brought up the subject of obamacare

I did not. bah.gif Just one very, very brief response to BM who falsely claimed it was dead. Obviously, any further detail on Obamacare is way OFF TOPIC here ...

Edited by Jingthing
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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

You understand states rights is a real thing , right? It's how Gays eventually attained their freedom to marry, over the objections of the federal government.

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Easay fix....3 rooms......Ladies/girls.......Gents/boys.........Up to you......thumbsup.gif

Sounds like a sensible and correct solution to the 'problem'. BUT - most people have missed that this is what caused the rabid Liberals to create an agenda to get things changed (and bugger the consequences - sic). The 'gay lobby' (including Transgenders - TGs) have complained to the President (and his lackeys) that making TGs use a third bathroom is like making African Americans use a seperate toilet in 50s/60s. That is why the POTUS and his lackeys have taken the action that they have - they have over-reacted and over-reached (me thinks some personal feelings got involved). They have taken a very Liberal approach to a social problem - force the people to comply with their solution by passing laws making it illegal not to agree with their solution.

There are TGs that were being unfairly teased and made feel bad by some nasty little sheeites - we all know some kids are - to deny there is a problem is wrong. Many schools came up with the solution to make the disabled toilet into the TGs toilet - and they had the choice if they wanted to use that toilet. Problem was, this made those sheeite nasty kids force the TGs to use the third toilet - which made things worse. It has all been a bit of a faeces storm ever since - trying to solve the problem actually made it worse in many schools. Other schools then didn't know whether to make the Disabled toilet the TG toilet as well - they didnt want to create the problems that doing so caused in other schools - but they saw no other solution. Children can be such nasty things - especially girls - and thus this is not an easy matter to resolve.

Seems to me that the only solution is to set an arbitrary age at which any person can legally be TG - we use the same laws to limit children with regards to sex, drugs, movies etc etc. Could a 6 year old truly claim to be a TG? Me thinks not. 10? 12? 16? 18? I dont know. But I think that child pyschologists and paediatricians (and other experts) should be drawn together to agree an age. Up to that age then children have to dress (and use the toilet) of their 'plumbing' or use the disabled toilet (whether uncomfortable with it or not). Once past that age, then there needs to be an 'approved process' (not - I feel like a girl or boy today) whereby a young person can be declared as TG male/female (including dressing that way) by an approved body/group - but it has to be seen as a permanent thing (as much as it ever can be) - not a temporary thing to 'give it a try'.

Once that occurs then at whatever that age is, any TG should be able to use the appropriate toilets of their approved sex. One of the things that will need to be taken into account in this solution (the age chosen) would be at what age the other children will be able to deal with the situation in the school toilets. And that is the main issue for me - as a father I would not allow my 9 year old daughter to attend any school where a 16/17 year TG (with male plumbing) could use the same toilets/showers - end of story - never. This means that there will need to be 2 sets of toilets in schools for any schools that cover above/below the age of TG approval - part of the deal (and Obama can pay for it :)).

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Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

At the same time, there is much work to be done to combat homophobia and transphobia, both at home and abroad.‎ In too many places, LGBT individuals grow up forced to conceal or deny who they truly are for fear of persecution, discrimination, and violence. All nations and all communities can, and must, do better. Fortunately, human rights champions and good citizens around the world continue to strive towards this goal every day by lifting up the simple truth that LGBT rights are human rights. The United States honors their work and will continue to support them in their struggle for human dignity



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