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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :)

Drogba and Chelsea FC Statement

I was very upset at what happened during the game, but having seen the pictures on TV I accept that I overreacted.

'I also fully accept that the language I used did not set a good example for those watching at home, especially children. I regret that in the heat of the moment I let out my incredible frustration and disappointment in this way, and for that I apologise.'

Chelsea Football Club has issued the following after Didier Drogba's statement:

'Chelsea welcomes Didier's statement today which was made honestly and after reflection. We are all acutely aware of the responsibilities that lie with both the club and its players towards setting a good example as role models.

'While it is clear that some of the events last night were regrettable, they occurred only because of the high emotions and frustrations which arose from the disappointment of a controversial defeat in such an important game.

'We made representations to UEFA immediately after the game and we await their comments following a review of the match officials' report.'

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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :D

You were very unlucky last night BUT does that now mean Man Utd can count on your support now for the Final :):D


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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :D

You were very unlucky last night BUT does that now mean Man Utd can count on your support now for the Final :D:D


I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time! :)

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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :D

You were very unlucky last night BUT does that now mean Man Utd can count on your support now for the Final :D:D


I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time! :)

WHAT after you were robbed :D

Your an Englishman and Man Utd are English :D (well they play in the EPL)

You want to be on the losing side AGAIN :D

Very strange :D


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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :D

You were very unlucky last night BUT does that now mean Man Utd can count on your support now for the Final :D:D


I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time! :)

WHAT after you were robbed :D

Your an Englishman and Man Utd are English :D (well they play in the EPL)

You want to be on the losing side AGAIN :D

Very strange :D


It's not strange in the slightest & completely understand & i wouldn't expect any less from Mr S who is 100% right in my opinion as i & millions of other, i would presume, would say the same thing...

Domestic rivalry is stronger than wanting a Club to be successful just because they're based in the same Country as where you're from, that's for sure..

Where are you from out of curiosotiy BT ??

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It's not strange in the slightest & completely understand & i wouldn't expect any less from Mr S who is 100% right in my opinion as i & millions of other, i would presume, would say the same thing...

Domestic rivalry is stronger than wanting a Club to be successful just because they're based in the same Country as where you're from, that's for sure..

Where are you from out of curiosotiy BT ??

I certainly couldn't bring myself to support Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool if they had been in the final, but in the end it's irrelivent because they're not. :)

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Having just come to terms of what happened last night I can now face people again! haha :D

You were very unlucky last night BUT does that now mean Man Utd can count on your support now for the Final :):D


I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time!

WHAT after you were robbed

Your an Englishman and Man Utd are English :D (well they play in the EPL)

You want to be on the losing side AGAIN

Very strange :D


It's not strange in the slightest & completely understand & i wouldn't expect any less from Mr S who is 100% right in my opinion as i & millions of other, i would presume, would say the same thing...

Domestic rivalry is stronger than wanting a Club to be successful just because they're based in the same Country as where you're from, that's for sure..

Where are you from out of curiosotiy BT ??]/b]

Let's face it anyone who calls the Premier League the EPL is either a Yank or a Scot. :D

Barça !

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It's not strange in the slightest & completely understand & i wouldn't expect any less from Mr S who is 100% right in my opinion as i & millions of other, i would presume, would say the same thing...

Domestic rivalry is stronger than wanting a Club to be successful just because they're based in the same Country as where you're from, that's for sure..

Where are you from out of curiosotiy BT ??

I certainly couldn't bring myself to support Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool if they had been in the final, but in the end it's irrelivent because they're not. :)

I have given up on Sunderland ever making it into Europe for a second time and therefore resting my throat to cheer on Torquay in the 2015 UEFA Champions League Final to be held in Milton Keynes. :D

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John Terry has been quoted as saying he feels Chelsea were robbed against Barcelona. Marks & Spencers have said "Now he knows how we feel when his mum has been in store".

A Chelsea fan walks into a library and asks for a book on penalties. The librarian says **** off you ain't getting one!

Why do women love Chelsea? They can stay on top for ninety minutes and still come second! :)

Edited by sanmiguel
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And i couldnt resist this one

One of Germany's biggest pop stars has been arrested on suspicion of knowingly infecting a lover with HIV. Let's hope it gives Cheryl Cole some inspiration.


& the Librarian one too...


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oh no.. this is my home.. i just found the reall place where i have to be. :) i am just a crazy chelsea fan.

if i were drogba sanding infront of the ref thief i would have pulled out the thief's eye..


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I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time!

WHAT after you were robbed

Your an Englishman and Man Utd are English :D (well they play in the EPL)

You want to be on the losing side AGAIN

Very strange :)


It's not strange in the slightest & completely understand & i wouldn't expect any less from Mr S who is 100% right in my opinion as i & millions of other, i would presume, would say the same thing...

Domestic rivalry is stronger than wanting a Club to be successful just because they're based in the same Country as where you're from, that's for sure..

Where are you from out of curiosotiy BT ??]/b]

Let's face it anyone who calls the Premier League the EPL is either a Yank or a Scot. :D

Barça !

As I am sure you are aware there is only one Premier league and that is in Scotland of course that is why I said EPL.

Its just like the FA is English, why I don't know, :D and the home of Football is the SFA :D:D

Mr S if you look under my Toe on the left hand side of screen it clearly states where I am from.... :P

If and I know its a BIG IF a Scottish team ever managed to get to the final AGAIN I would support them no matter WHAT there colour was as I just enjoy football and support my Country.

Have a good day as the Yanks would say. :D


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I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time!

there is no sense in this speech of u. English teams are the strongest and best physical and techtical teams in the world. you can see that clearly as this year also in UEFA champions league the 3 semi finalists are from EPL.

UEFA didnt want all english final match again. its their plan to take out chelsea thats clear to all. If UEFA bans or put any deciplinary action against chelsea or their player and didnt do anything to the refree its a well clear picture that they pre-planned the match!!!

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As I am sure you are aware there is only one Premier league and that is in Scotland of course that is why I said EPL.

Its just like the FA is English, why I don't know, :) and the home of Football is the SFA :D:D

Mr S if you look under my Toe on the left hand side of screen it clearly states where I am from.... :D

If and I know its a BIG IF a Scottish team ever managed to get to the final AGAIN I would support them no matter WHAT there colour was as I just enjoy football and support my Country.

Have a good day as the Yanks would say. :D


You're right, it's a big if & in fact a virtually impossible scenario but no disrespect, it would be good for a Country like Scotland to have a CL Finalist but us people from accross the Border have had plenty of success in the Competition recently so now the domestic rivalry takes over..

& i'll tell you a secret, Man Ure are American owned, Chelsea are Russian owned, Liverpool are American/Spanish & Arsenal regulary field Teams that don't even have Englishmen in them so please, forgive our lack of Nationalism.... :D

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there is no sense in this speech of u. English teams are the strongest and best physical and techtical teams in the world. you can see that clearly as this year also in UEFA champions league the 3 semi finalists are from EPL.

UEFA didnt want all english final match again. its their plan to take out chelsea thats clear to all. If UEFA bans or put any deciplinary action against chelsea or their player and didnt do anything to the refree its a well clear picture that they pre-planned the match!!!

Tell me this, if your had taken any one of your missed chances, combined with barca being down to 10 men, would you still be talking conspiracy? Face it, chelsea choked-did u see ballack ducking on inesta's shot that flew passed chech? Inesta wasn't even marked and you paid for it.

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whoever owns you can see in chelsea there are english players like lampard, terry, cole x 2, mancienni. and in MANU ronny, ferdinand and so on.. well we dont talk about Arsenal which is like pre-school or maybe arsene wenger is like MJ who loves the kids. luckily they have walcot with them.

anyways we cant talk about scottish teams in UEFA CL. they are not fit for the competition. we can see it clearly that they always go out in the final round. and your domestic league is like french league where Lyon is always the Top team.

Chelsea were robbed isnt it?

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I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time!

there is no sense in this speech of u. English teams are the strongest and best physical and techtical teams in the world. you can see that clearly as this year also in UEFA champions league the 3 semi finalists are from EPL.

UEFA didnt want all english final match again. its their plan to take out chelsea thats clear to all. If UEFA bans or put any deciplinary action against chelsea or their player and didnt do anything to the refree its a well clear picture that they pre-planned the match!!!



I'm gonna have some fun with you..

Are you insinuating that it was Pre Planned for Barcelona to have NO shots on Goal for 90 mins then have one chance in the 92nd minute that they put into the Top Corner after a dreadful Michael Essien clearance ???

If you are insinuating that, which you are as per your previous Post, do you not them think that Chelsea too would not have to be involved in this " Pre Planned Match " ??

Absolute hogwash of the highest order i'm afraid Fella, absolute hogwash..

Here you go Stellone, these are for you Mate..

Bwahaahahahahaha :D


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there is no sense in this speech of u. English teams are the strongest and best physical and techtical teams in the world. you can see that clearly as this year also in UEFA champions league the 3 semi finalists are from EPL.

UEFA didnt want all english final match again. its their plan to take out chelsea thats clear to all. If UEFA bans or put any deciplinary action against chelsea or their player and didnt do anything to the refree its a well clear picture that they pre-planned the match!!!

Tell me this, if your had taken any one of your missed chances, combined with barca being down to 10 men, would you still be talking conspiracy? Face it, chelsea choked-did u see ballack ducking on inesta's shot that flew passed chech? Inesta wasn't even marked and you paid for it.

well that iniesta got that chance to shoot luckily. ballack was alright to move his body. Cech could have saved it but the way it went no one could have stopped. neither Van Der Sar no Almunia.. not even Reina.

It was just becaz Essien couldnt clear the ball. there was no problem of that moment but what i was telling is why on earth the GOD da** refree couldnt just blow for 1 penalty atleast? out of those 4 fouls in the P area???

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well that iniesta got that chance to shoot luckily. ballack was alright to move his body. Cech could have saved it but the way it went no one could have stopped. neither Van Der Sar no Almunia.. not even Reina.

It was just becaz Essien couldnt clear the ball. there was no problem of that moment but what i was telling is why on earth the GOD da** refree couldnt just blow for 1 penalty atleast? out of those 4 fouls in the P area???

No, no, it wasn't lucky was it, you just said it was Pre Planned so make your mind up ???

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I'm afraid not BT I will be supporting Barca this time!

there is no sense in this speech of u. English teams are the strongest and best physical and techtical teams in the world. you can see that clearly as this year also in UEFA champions league the 3 semi finalists are from EPL.

UEFA didnt want all english final match again. its their plan to take out chelsea thats clear to all. If UEFA bans or put any deciplinary action against chelsea or their player and didnt do anything to the refree its a well clear picture that they pre-planned the match!!!



I'm gonna have some fun with you..

Are you insinuating that it was Pre Planned for Barcelona to have NO shots on Goal for 90 mins then have one chance in the 92nd minute that they put into the Top Corner after a dreadful Michael Essien clearance ???

If you are insinuating that, which you are as per your previous Post, do you not them think that Chelsea too would not have to be involved in this " Pre Planned Match " ??

Absolute hogwash of the highest order i'm afraid Fella, absolute hogwash..

Here you go Stellone, these are for you Mate..

Bwahaahahahahaha :D

Singh are you from where i am thinking you are?? the people from there dont think much before they talk! sounds same for u..

well mate UEFA refree cant shoot the ball right? but he can protect the team from demaging by chelsea isnt it? maybe in ther break time he got a order from top to stop chelsea scoring more and prevent them..

it could be the other way too.. maybe the norwegian was a MANU Fan.. isnt it?

he didnt let chelsea go to final.. he made barca valnurable???

oh i suggest you go to toilet and P..

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I'm gonna have some fun with you..

Are you insinuating that it was Pre Planned for Barcelona to have NO shots on Goal for 90 mins then have one chance in the 92nd minute that they put into the Top Corner after a dreadful Michael Essien clearance ???

If you are insinuating that, which you are as per your previous Post, do you not them think that Chelsea too would not have to be involved in this " Pre Planned Match " ??

Absolute hogwash of the highest order i'm afraid Fella, absolute hogwash..

Here you go Stellone, these are for you Mate..

Bwahaahahahahaha :D

Singh are you from where i am thinking you are?? the people from there dont think much before they talk! sounds same for u..

well mate UEFA refree cant shoot the ball right? but he can protect the team from demaging by chelsea isnt it? maybe in ther break time he got a order from top to stop chelsea scoring more and prevent them..

it could be the other way too.. maybe the norwegian was a MANU Fan.. isnt it?

he didnt let chelsea go to final.. he made barca valnurable???

oh i suggest you go to toilet and P..


You're obviously very familiar with East London.. :D

With regards ot the rest of the Post, i'll have to use an online translator if you don't mind telling me what Language it is in that you use from where YOU are from ?? :D

& for the record, you didn't answer either of my questions at all but i never for one moment thought you would as the answer to them doesn't fit in with your Hogwash .. :D

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