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Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring 'chaos'


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Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring 'chaos'

LONDON: -- The European Council president has said the only alternative to the EU is "political chaos" and key Leave campaigner Boris Johnson's recent comments were "absurd".

Donald Tusk said he was speaking out to defend his "vision of Europe".

He said he could not "remain silent" after Mr Johnson compared the EU's aims with Hitler's.

Leave campaigners said EU chiefs joining the referendum debate would help their cause.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36314814

-- BBC 2016-05-18

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Poking their nose in again I see. Careful, all that will end up doing is push more people towards the OUT.

Boris' comments have been taken out of context. He didn't say anyone was Hitler and resorting to genocide, etc, but Hitler did try to take all of Europe as one and currently the EU is trying to unify it again using 'different methods'. Why get all PC just because AH has been mentioned? This is what is happening. Problem for Boris is, he's light years ahead of most of these EU buffoons and isn't afraid to speak his mind. Individuality is not welcome in the EU model.

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Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring 'chaos'


What it will definitely bring is the No1 Objective of the EU to its knees,

The European Union (EU) is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries.


2020 is the magic year when the next phase of integration is implemented.

Edited by SgtRock
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Poking their nose in again I see. Careful, all that will end up doing is push more people towards the OUT.

Boris' comments have been taken out of context. He didn't say anyone was Hitler and resorting to genocide, etc, but Hitler did try to take all of Europe as one and currently the EU is trying to unify it again using 'different methods'. Why get all PC just because AH has been mentioned? This is what is happening. Problem for Boris is, he's light years ahead of most of these EU buffoons and isn't afraid to speak his mind. Individuality is not welcome in the EU model.

I am sorry to disagree but the state relocating rapidly breeding muslims to areas like the outer Hebrides and Orkneys is actually genocide, more so when you consider each one of them can bring over up to 19 relatives in the first 3 years. How long before the ethnic caucazoids that inhabited the islands are wiped out? Sarkozy even spoke that he was prepared to use force to end the culture of Northern Europe. Evil men engaged in a truly evil war against white people and their culture ( a culture considerably more rich than the one they want to replace it with). Donal Tusk, please live long and be sane enough to answer to your crimes of genocide when we get our countries back.

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Tusk is only scared that he might have to return to Poland. It is clear that the Polish people love him and will welcome him with open arms.

After all they agree with him 100% on refugees.

Poland slams door on refugees

Warsaw says its people’s safety comes first.


Edited by SgtRock
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See Heseltine pulling Boris's trousers down!


Poor Boris. Political future is finished

As for Tusk, he just might have a slight interest in the future of the EU don't you think?

Major interest in his own future you mean, because if Britain votes out and EU collapses it will be the end of the gravy train for him.

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So if the UK Government plus all sorts of learned experts and outgoing Presidents say it's such a bad idea ..... why are we wasting a fortune on a referendum?

"We're going to ask you to vote on an important issue - but there's only one right answer, so don't get it wrong"

What a load of crock.

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All that Boris did was tell the truth that several times in European history the UK has had to intervene to sort out the mess that they created. Hopefully on June 23rd enough people in the UK will vote to Leave so we can get on with the business of running our own country. Let the Europeans sort out their own problems.

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Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring 'chaos'


What it will definitely bring is the No1 Objective of the EU to its knees,

The European Union (EU) is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries.


2020 is the magic year when the next phase of integration is implemented.

Also, the European Union aims to respect its cultural richness and linguistic diversity (23 official languages) and, to ensure the conservation and development of European cultural heritage.

Guess Merkel and her mates missed this bit then.
As for Boris, he's a buffoon who does a good act but is still another rich old Etonian whose totally focused on his own career and what he thinks is best for him.
Merkel and the federalists strive for a socialist federal EU with centralized control of a free market that they want to change to a controlled planned market, a central military, police, financial controls, and media. They would be close to creating the embryo of Orwell's worst dream given the slightest chance. Massive central control, endless committees and sub-committees, massive increase in non elected non accountable bureaucrats and a political elite who will preside over a hierarchical monster.
Wonder where Angela and her mates got all those ideas from?
That's why the UK and others need to stay in and fight against Merkel and like minded federalist socialist / communists.
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Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring 'chaos'


What it will definitely bring is the No1 Objective of the EU to its knees,

The European Union (EU) is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries.


2020 is the magic year when the next phase of integration is implemented.

Also, the European Union aims to respect its cultural richness and linguistic diversity (23 official languages) and, to ensure the conservation and development of European cultural heritage.

Guess Merkel and her mates missed this bit then.
As for Boris, he's a buffoon who does a good act but is still another rich old Etonian whose totally focused on his own career and what he thinks is best for him.
Merkel and the federalists strive for a socialist federal EU with centralized control of a free market that they want to change to a controlled planned market, a central military, police, financial controls, and media. They would be close to creating the embryo of Orwell's worst dream given the slightest chance. Massive central control, endless committees and sub-committees, massive increase in non elected non accountable bureaucrats and a political elite who will preside over a hierarchical monster.
Wonder where Angela and her mates got all those ideas from?
That's why the UK and others need to stay in and fight against Merkel and like minded federalist socialist / communists.
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Brexit will bring chaos will it. OK but for which side?

I think the UK leaving will have more ramifications for the EU and their plans than it will for the UK.

As for the EU has stopped wars etc, what garbage, have they already forgotten the Balkans?

NATO would have stopped it but the EU wouldn't allow it, hypocrites.

It was only after a few countries had had enough and mainly due to the US that the war was stopped.

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Well now ... the European Council president and council are not elected ... why don't they shut up.These weak, timid, unassertive, and ineffectual jerks are one of the major reasons the EU is so dysfunctional and the Brexit is even on the table.

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So if the UK Government plus all sorts of learned experts and outgoing Presidents say it's such a bad idea ..... why are we wasting a fortune on a referendum?

"We're going to ask you to vote on an important issue - but there's only one right answer, so don't get it wrong"

What a load of crock.

It's not about Europe

Cameron was trying to calm backbenchers who were spooked by the rise of UKIP

To call a referendum and ask the great unwashed was an act of extreme folly

We shall see what results!

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Brexit will bring chaos will it. OK but for which side?

I think the UK leaving will have more ramifications for the EU and their plans than it will for the UK.

As for the EU has stopped wars etc, what garbage, have they already forgotten the Balkans?

NATO would have stopped it but the EU wouldn't allow it, hypocrites.

It was only after a few countries had had enough and mainly due to the US that the war was stopped.

Nah. The EU and predecessors have been hugely successful in avoiding major European wars for 75 years. The Balken carry on was a minor side effect.

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Brexit will bring chaos will it. OK but for which side?

I think the UK leaving will have more ramifications for the EU and their plans than it will for the UK.

As for the EU has stopped wars etc, what garbage, have they already forgotten the Balkans?

NATO would have stopped it but the EU wouldn't allow it, hypocrites.

It was only after a few countries had had enough and mainly due to the US that the war was stopped.

Nah. The EU and predecessors have been hugely successful in avoiding major European wars for 75 years. The Balken carry on was a minor side effect.

Irony I hope, considering the death tolls of this conflict.

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Brexit will bring chaos will it. OK but for which side?

I think the UK leaving will have more ramifications for the EU and their plans than it will for the UK.

As for the EU has stopped wars etc, what garbage, have they already forgotten the Balkans?

NATO would have stopped it but the EU wouldn't allow it, hypocrites.

It was only after a few countries had had enough and mainly due to the US that the war was stopped.

Nah. The EU and predecessors have been hugely successful in avoiding major European wars for 75 years. The Balken carry on was a minor side effect.

Unless of course you were a Moslem man or boy who was slaughtered in Srebrenica by the Bosnian Serb Army. Does the term "ethnic cleansing" or genocide ring any bells?



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