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Transport Minister Blames Garages for Overloading

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Khmer Times/Pav Suy

The Minister of Transport and Public Works has targeted unlicensed truck modification garages as the cause of overloading trucks, threatening to shut down any garage that fails to apply for a license. However the minister did not clarify when the crackdown would officially start.

Last Thursday minister Sun Chanthol announced sweeping weight restrictions on trucks, blaming overloaded vehicles for damaging hundreds of kilometers of the Kingdom’s roads. During a visit to National Road 11 yesterday, the minister said trucks were being modified at hundreds of unlicensed garages, altering them to transport loads far greater than originally intended by the truck’s manufactures, and threatened to shut down all unlicensed garages.

“There are 1,923 [unlicensed garages] around the country. And we will instruct all provinces to explain to them about the rules on technical specifications and tell them to apply for licenses to ensure legal business operations,” he said. “We have to follow the law to close the business so it does not operate anymore. If they are unlicensed, we need to take legal action. The ministry won’t do anything against the law.”

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25073/transport-minister-blames-garages-for-overloading/

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