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Trump and frequent target Megyn Kelly call a truce


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Trump and frequent target Megyn Kelly call a truce
JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly appear to have called a truce.

The two sat down for a much-ballyhooed interview that was the culmination — at least for now — of the frequent sparring between the now-presumptive Republican presidential nominee and one of the biggest stars on the conservative-leaning Fox News Channel. It was taped last month and aired Tuesday night on the Fox broadcast network.

Their fight began last August, in the first GOP debate, when Kelly lobbed several tough questions at Trump, including one about how he has publicly talked about women. Trump escalated the feud over Twitter for months.

But the brash celebrity businessman appeared somewhat sheepish in the interview when Kelly asked him about some of the insults he tweeted — or retweeted — her way, frequently including "bimbo."

"Uh, that was a retweet. Did I say that?" Trump asked.

"Many times," Kelly responded.

"Ooooh. OK," said Trump, who insisted that he didn't want his followers bombarding Kelly with ugly social media posts.

Kelly made a clandestine visit to the Trump Tower in April to negotiate the interview.

Trump praised her for that, saying he had "great respect" for Kelly's willingness to make the initial approach. He also turned, at times, somewhat introspective, saying "he could have done without" his retweet of a post that mocked the appearance of Heidi Cruz, the wife of former rival Ted Cruz.

"The thing that gets me in trouble is the retweet," Trump said. "The retweet is really more of a killer than a tweet. I seem to do pretty well with the real tweet."

But he largely defended his attacks as counter-punching and "not bullying."

"When I'm wounded, I go after people hard. I try to un-wound myself," said Trump.

"I'm responding," he added. "Now, I then respond times 10, I don't know. I then respond pretty strongly."

At the conclusion of the interview, Trump tweeted "Well done Megyn — and they all lived happily ever after!" But he told Kelly sometimes stayed angry and appeared to hint that their feud could re-ignite someday.

"This could happen again with us," he said.

But the proceedings clearly lacked any of the fiery denunciations Trump has been lobbing at Kelly since the night of the first debate, beginning with a tweet that declared Kelly was "not very good or professional."

The relationship only worsened from there. Trump skipped the second Fox News-sponsored debate because of Kelly (though he attended the third) and kept up a steady stream of insults on Twitter. He unleashed screeds about her "dopey lies" and how her show was better when she was on vacation. He later called her "highly overrated and crazy," retweeted a follower who called her a "bimbo" and called for a boycott of her show.

Kelly, meanwhile, told Vanity Fair that she could never be intimidated or "be wooed" by the celebrity businessman and insisted her coverage of Trump was fair.

Even as that largely one-sided feud raged, Trump enjoyed rather warm coverage from other hosts at Fox News. Kelly is in the final year of her contract with the network and has been non-committal about returning.

Trump had pledged to live-tweet the taped interview Tuesday night but instead largely engaged with followers who praised the show, all while insisting the interview "was not soft at all!" He also posted "I like Michael Douglas!" in praise of one of the other guests on Kelly's hour-long special.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-18

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Megan Kelly had a brief interview on Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos about the upcoming interview.

It was nice that the MSM gave this some coverage.

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More along the lines of Roger Ailes / Rupert Murdoch and Trump have called a truce. Megyn Kelly is a talking head. She is given her Republican 'talking points' each morning at 8:30am and does not divert one syllable from what she is told.

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

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Is this the stupid airhead who can't even pronounce her own name?....it comes out as Maygan.... The other one I can't stand is the one named after a road salting vehicle... Gritter. Fux Noos

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

'she presents the Conservative agenda' = 'talking head'

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The poor woman was forced to sit with and interview this sexist creep who must turn her stomach.

If she wants to continue her career as a major player in the main stream media, she had no choice but to interview the presumed nominee of the republican party.

I am not a fan of hers, but I feel sorry for her.

Like a rape victim, I bet she took a long shower when the interview was over.

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The poor woman was forced to sit with and interview this sexist creep who must turn her stomach.

If she wants to continue her career as a major player in the main stream media, she had no choice but to interview the presumed nominee of the republican party.

I am not a fan of hers, but I feel sorry for her.

Like a rape victim, I bet she took a long shower when the interview was over.

When that big fat check from Rupert rolls into her bank account each month any angst of selling out the American people will fade from her mind. Her nest is being well and truly feathered. She just reads her Teleprompter while Rupert Murdoch types in what she is required to say.

Kelly, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, et al all reading from the same script

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Trump gains points for agreeing not to call Megan a Bimbo any more.

It's like when Trump mentioned Cruz, and didn't call him 'Lyin' Ted' .....that evening all the news reports said Trump was acting more presidential.

Trump set the bar so low, that when he doesn't call someone a denigrating name, he's praised as being decent or presidential.

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The poor woman was forced to sit with and interview this sexist creep who must turn her stomach.

If she wants to continue her career as a major player in the main stream media, she had no choice but to interview the presumed nominee of the republican party.

I am not a fan of hers, but I feel sorry for her.

Like a rape victim, I bet she took a long shower when the interview was over.

That poor woman voluntarily visited Trump Tower to meet with Trump and reconciled, Trump said it was a great meeting and praised her. So where is the rape victim?

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

She is and does indeed. But if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists by law. Eloquence and logic are not a defense. It's on the membership card somewhere, and must be chanted or spray-painted on something - along with rabid condemnations of Fox - five times a day. To ignore that blood mandate is to risk ostracism and scorn (and who know what other indignities and assaults) from the mob. The graffiti appears here on TVF regularly.

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

She is and does indeed. But if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists by law. Eloquence and logic are not a defense. It's on the membership card somewhere, and must be chanted or spray-painted on something - along with rabid condemnations of Fox - five times a day. To ignore that blood mandate is to risk ostracism and scorn (and who know what other indignities and assaults) from the mob. The graffiti appears here on TVF regularly.

The idea that all conservatives are wingnuts or all liberals are out to destroy the US (or any other country) is simply ludicrous. I am pretty much a liberal, but I have a lot of conservative friends. A few are hateful, bigoted people, but most are level-headed people with whom you can have a civil argument. In most cases, both sides broadly agree with what they want, but they don't agree with the method of getting there.

I don't know what Trump is. He has statements that pretty much fit the liberal agenda on some issues (most of those are in the past). He has others, that cater specifically to the far right.

Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

She is and does indeed. But if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists by law. Eloquence and logic are not a defense. It's on the membership card somewhere, and must be chanted or spray-painted on something - along with rabid condemnations of Fox - five times a day. To ignore that blood mandate is to risk ostracism and scorn (and who know what other indignities and assaults) from the mob. The graffiti appears here on TVF regularly.

The idea that all conservatives are wingnuts or all liberals are out to destroy the US (or any other country) is simply ludicrous. I am pretty much a liberal, but I have a lot of conservative friends. A few are hateful, bigoted people, but most are level-headed people with whom you can have a civil argument. In most cases, both sides broadly agree with what they want, but they don't agree with the method of getting there.

I don't know what Trump is. He has statements that pretty much fit the liberal agenda on some issues (most of those are in the past). He has others, that cater specifically to the far right.

Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

Oh please your killing me. Kelly is no more a journalist than a pig is a duck. Completely two different species. Kelly was the GOP and Murdoch right wing media 'attack dog' in their attempt to fire a ballistic missile at Trump to eliminate him. Pure and simple. Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and Trump lathered them up and reigned supreme. Now the GOP have had to bend over and do a deal with Trump. Everyone now has to get on board the Trump train and cuddle up. The RNC has just released all the Citizens United bribes for Trumps General Election campaign and Kelly will be kissing Trumps butt from here on in. It's as obvious as a dog that just whelped a litter of kittens.

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I am definitely not a fan of Fox News and I am not a conservative, but it is an insult to call her a talking head. I seldom agree with her, but she is bright and articulate. She presents the conservative agenda in a much more positive and acceptable manner than many.

She is and does indeed. But if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists by law. Eloquence and logic are not a defense. It's on the membership card somewhere, and must be chanted or spray-painted on something - along with rabid condemnations of Fox - five times a day. To ignore that blood mandate is to risk ostracism and scorn (and who know what other indignities and assaults) from the mob. The graffiti appears here on TVF regularly.

The idea that all conservatives are wingnuts or all liberals are out to destroy the US (or any other country) is simply ludicrous. I am pretty much a liberal, but I have a lot of conservative friends. A few are hateful, bigoted people, but most are level-headed people with whom you can have a civil argument. In most cases, both sides broadly agree with what they want, but they don't agree with the method of getting there.

I don't know what Trump is. He has statements that pretty much fit the liberal agenda on some issues (most of those are in the past). He has others, that cater specifically to the far right.

Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

Oh please your killing me. Kelly is no more a journalist than a pig is a duck. Completely two different species. Kelly was the GOP and Murdoch right wing media 'attack dog' in their attempt to fire a ballistic missile at Trump to eliminate him. Pure and simple. Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and Trump lathered them up and reigned supreme. Now the GOP have had to bend over and do a deal with Trump. Everyone now has to get on board the Trump train and cuddle up. The RNC has just released all the Citizens United bribes for Trumps General Election campaign and Kelly will be kissing Trumps butt from here on in. It's as obvious as a dog that just whelped a litter of kittens.

"if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists"

"Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and"

I rest my case.

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She is and does indeed. But if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists by law. Eloquence and logic are not a defense. It's on the membership card somewhere, and must be chanted or spray-painted on something - along with rabid condemnations of Fox - five times a day. To ignore that blood mandate is to risk ostracism and scorn (and who know what other indignities and assaults) from the mob. The graffiti appears here on TVF regularly.

The idea that all conservatives are wingnuts or all liberals are out to destroy the US (or any other country) is simply ludicrous. I am pretty much a liberal, but I have a lot of conservative friends. A few are hateful, bigoted people, but most are level-headed people with whom you can have a civil argument. In most cases, both sides broadly agree with what they want, but they don't agree with the method of getting there.

I don't know what Trump is. He has statements that pretty much fit the liberal agenda on some issues (most of those are in the past). He has others, that cater specifically to the far right.

Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

Oh please your killing me. Kelly is no more a journalist than a pig is a duck. Completely two different species. Kelly was the GOP and Murdoch right wing media 'attack dog' in their attempt to fire a ballistic missile at Trump to eliminate him. Pure and simple. Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and Trump lathered them up and reigned supreme. Now the GOP have had to bend over and do a deal with Trump. Everyone now has to get on board the Trump train and cuddle up. The RNC has just released all the Citizens United bribes for Trumps General Election campaign and Kelly will be kissing Trumps butt from here on in. It's as obvious as a dog that just whelped a litter of kittens.

"if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists"

"Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and"

I rest my case.

Don't come the raw prawn with me Hawker. I did not say ALL Conservatives were redneck, racist bigots just a larger percentage than the GOP reckoned. If a person supports building walls, torturing people, killing innocent relatives, inciting violence, deporting an entire Race, labelling an entire Race criminals and rapists, closing borders on the basis of a persons religion don't come whining to me when they are referred as redneck racists and bigots because that's precisely what they are.

Kelly's turnaround are orders from Roger Ailes and Murdoch working in conjunction with the Republicans, absolutely nothing to do with journalism. It is as obvious as a one legged duck.

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The idea that all conservatives are wingnuts or all liberals are out to destroy the US (or any other country) is simply ludicrous. I am pretty much a liberal, but I have a lot of conservative friends. A few are hateful, bigoted people, but most are level-headed people with whom you can have a civil argument. In most cases, both sides broadly agree with what they want, but they don't agree with the method of getting there.

I don't know what Trump is. He has statements that pretty much fit the liberal agenda on some issues (most of those are in the past). He has others, that cater specifically to the far right.

Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

Oh please your killing me. Kelly is no more a journalist than a pig is a duck. Completely two different species. Kelly was the GOP and Murdoch right wing media 'attack dog' in their attempt to fire a ballistic missile at Trump to eliminate him. Pure and simple. Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and Trump lathered them up and reigned supreme. Now the GOP have had to bend over and do a deal with Trump. Everyone now has to get on board the Trump train and cuddle up. The RNC has just released all the Citizens United bribes for Trumps General Election campaign and Kelly will be kissing Trumps butt from here on in. It's as obvious as a dog that just whelped a litter of kittens.

"if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists"

"Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and"

I rest my case.

Don't come the raw prawn with me Hawker. I did not say ALL Conservatives were redneck, racist bigots just a larger percentage than the GOP reckoned. If a person supports building walls, torturing people, killing innocent relatives, inciting violence, deporting an entire Race, labelling an entire Race criminals and rapists, closing borders on the basis of a persons religion don't come whining to me when they are referred as redneck racists and bigots because that's precisely what they are.

Kelly's turnaround are orders from Roger Ailes and Murdoch working in conjunction with the Republicans, absolutely nothing to do with journalism. It is as obvious as a one legged duck.

It's typical wingnut BS.

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Megan Kelly is quite capable of making a coherent and reasonable argument for much of what she believes. At the end of the day, however, she is a journalist and she can probably make herself interview the most despicable of characters. I have a feeling she finds DT one of those people.

Oh please your killing me. Kelly is no more a journalist than a pig is a duck. Completely two different species. Kelly was the GOP and Murdoch right wing media 'attack dog' in their attempt to fire a ballistic missile at Trump to eliminate him. Pure and simple. Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and Trump lathered them up and reigned supreme. Now the GOP have had to bend over and do a deal with Trump. Everyone now has to get on board the Trump train and cuddle up. The RNC has just released all the Citizens United bribes for Trumps General Election campaign and Kelly will be kissing Trumps butt from here on in. It's as obvious as a dog that just whelped a litter of kittens.

"if you're a wingnut, then ALL conservatives are morons, haters, and racists"

"Turns out the Republican Party have more redneck racist bigoted supporters than the GOP had accounted for and"

I rest my case.

Don't come the raw prawn with me Hawker. I did not say ALL Conservatives were redneck, racist bigots just a larger percentage than the GOP reckoned. If a person supports building walls, torturing people, killing innocent relatives, inciting violence, deporting an entire Race, labelling an entire Race criminals and rapists, closing borders on the basis of a persons religion don't come whining to me when they are referred as redneck racists and bigots because that's precisely what they are.

Kelly's turnaround are orders from Roger Ailes and Murdoch working in conjunction with the Republicans, absolutely nothing to do with journalism. It is as obvious as a one legged duck.

It's typical wingnut BS.

A well thought out intelligent and articulated response to the points set out in my post hawker. Megyn Kelly a journalist. It is like saying a Cockatoo that has learnt to squawk out 'Hello Cocky' is fluent in English.

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