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EgyptAir flight MS804 disappears from radar on flight from Paris to Cairo


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MS804 is missing exact 804 days after MH370 got missed.

Mai 19. 2016 - 804 Days = March 7. 2014

Show a little respect! There are probably lives lost here and you act like a lottery number selling monk?

Of course this is shocking news because yet another airliner has 'crashed' and we feel very much for the victims, it is inhumane not to.

But I don't see how alocacoc is being disrespectful by highlighting an eerie numerological coincidence which increases the possibility that this was a pre-planned event.

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

At about 07:40L (05:40Z) Egyptair updated their statement saying, that the contact with the aircraft was lost 280km (151nm) from the Coast of Egypt at 02:30L (00:30Z). The crew comprised the captain, first officer, 5 cabin crew and 3 sky marshals. Amongst the passengers there were 30 Egyptians, 15 French, 2 Iraqis, 1 British, 1 Belgian, 1 Kuwaiti, 1 Saudi, 1 Sudanese, 1 Chadian, 1 Portugese, 1 Algerian and 1 Canadian.

No mention of a Thai so are you just trolling for a reaction?.

Agreed. The odds of someone from TV having a relative on board would be ZERO

What a sad person to be trolling for attention like that

Edited by mcfish
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Having flown Egyptair many times for business i am saddened to hear this news .... also not wishing to get into the "race" war , i would assume the majority of the passengers would be Muslim

They do not seem to bothered about killing each other,do they?

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Having flown Egyptair many times for business i am saddened to hear this news .... also not wishing to get into the "race" war , i would assume the majority of the passengers would be Muslim

Race War?

You mean "religious" war?

Muslims are not a race, can be from many races, like Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and many others.

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The Latest: France: 3 security officers on EgyptAir flight

CAIRO (AP) — The latest news on EgyptAir Flight 804 from Paris to Cairo, carrying 66 people, which disappeared early Thursday. (All times are Egyptian.)

9:38 a.m.

France's transport chief says there were three Egyptian security officers on the EgyptAir flight that disappeared after leaving Paris for Cairo.

Alain Vidalies told reporters Thursday after an emergency government meeting that the plane had seven crew members and three Egyptian security officers, "which is the usual practice."

He said the plane was not carrying freight.


9:35 a.m.

Egypt's state news agency quotes Prime Minister Sherif Ismail as saying he can't "rule out" any possibility when asked whether a terrorist attack is behind the missing plane. He said there was no "distress call" but there was a "signal" received from the plane.


9:30 a.m.

The spokesman of the Egyptian army, Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir, says in a statement posted on the army's official Facebook page that the army has not received any distress call from the missing plane.


9:20 a.m.

France is offering to send military planes and boats to help search for an EgyptAir flight that disappeared en route from Paris to Cairo.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault says the government is in constant contact with Egyptian authorities since the plane's disappearance early Thursday.

He said: "We are at the disposition of the Egyptian authorities with our military capacities, with our planes, our boats to help in the search for this plane."

He spoke after French President Francois Hollande held an emergency meeting at the Elysee Palace.

Ayrault confirmed 15 French people were on the flight. "We imagine the anguish of the families."


9:10 a.m.

Relatives of passengers on a vanished EgyptAir flight have started arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris, where their loved ones boarded the aircraft.

A man and a woman, identified by airport staff as relatives of the flight's passengers, sat at an information desk near the EgyptAir counter Thursday at the airport's Terminal 1. The woman was sobbing, holding her face in a handkerchief.

The two were led away by police and airport staff and did not speak to journalists.

The French government is setting up a crisis center for relatives at the airport.


8:30 a.m.

Egyptian aviation officials say an EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo with 66 passengers and crew on board has crashed.

The officials say the search is now underway for the debris. They say the "possibility that the plane crashed has been confirmed," as the plane hasn't landed in any of the nearby airports.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.


8:05 a.m.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls says France is ready to join the search operation if Egyptian authorities request it.

Speaking on RTL radio, Valls says the Paris airport authority has opened a crisis center to support the families coming to Charles de Gaulle Airport.


7:55 a.m.

The French government says President Francois Hollande spoke with Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi by telephone, and they agreed to "closely cooperate to establish the circumstances" in which the EgyptAir flight disappeared.

The government statement cited Hollande as saying he shares the anxiety of families, in a written statement.


7:50 a.m.

EgyptAir says passengers on Flight 804 included 30 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis, and one each from Algeria, Britain, Belgium, Canada, Chad, Kuwait, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.


7:25 a.m.

Reporters gathered in front of the small, empty EgyptAir counter at Terminal 1 of Charles de Gaulle Airport. Airport staff said EgyptAir staff were on their way.

Neither France's Foreign Ministry nor Interior Ministry would comment on the disappearance of the jet or on whether it could have been an attack.

EgyptAir said the Airbus A320 was carrying 66 people on a flight from Paris to Cairo when disappeared from the radar at 2:45 a.m. Egypt time.

France remains under a state of emergency after Islamic extremist attacks killed 130 people in November. The Islamic State group continues to threaten the country.


6:55 a.m.

Ahram, Egypt's state-run newspaper, quoted an airport official as saying that the pilot had not sent a distress signal before the plane disappeared early Thursday. The last contact with the plane was 10 minutes before it vanished, he was quoted as saying.


6:50 a.m.

The maker of the EgyptAir plane that has gone missing on a flight from Paris to Cairo says it's unclear what happened.

Airbus spokesman Jacques Rocca says Thursday the company is aware of the disappearance but "we have no official information at this stage of the certitude of an accident."

The A320 is one of the most widely used Airbus planes, a single-aisle plane that usually seats about 150 people and is used for short- and medium-range flights around the world. Nearly 4,000 are in operation, according the company's website.


6:45 a.m.

Greece is participating in the search and rescue operation for the missing EgyptAir flight with two aircraft. Helicopters are on standby on the southern island of Karpathos for potential rescue or recovery operations.

The Hellenic National Defense General Staff said one frigate is also heading to the area where the plane disappeared and is about 100 nautical miles or 4 hours away at this time.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-19

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

How is being anti Muslim 'racist'? Muslim is not a race of people? Do you think they come from Muslimland?!

I am sorry you have family on their plane... but please keep you religions view to yourself... as not everyone on here is Christian or wants to pray to Jesus.... and think of the people that will be praying to Allah, or some other god from the thousands or different religions in the world.

Edited by jak2002003
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Aviation officials: EgyptAir plane carrying 66 has crashed
MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press

CAIRO (AP) — An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo with 66 passengers and crew on board crashed in the Mediterranean Sea early Thursday morning, Egyptian aviation officials said.

Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail said it was too early to say whether a technical problem or a terror attack caused the plane to crash. "We cannot rule anything out," he told reporters at Cairo airport.

EgyptAir Flight 804 was lost from radar at 2:45 a.m. local time when it was flying at 37,000 feet, the airline said. It said the Airbus A320 had vanished 10 miles (16 kilometers) after it entered Egyptian airspace, around 280 kilometers (175 miles) off the country's coastline north of the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria.

The aviation officials later said the plane crashed and that a search for debris was now underway.

The "possibility that the plane crashed has been confirmed," as the plane hasn't landed in any of the nearby airports, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

EgyptAir said a "distress call" had been received from the plane two hours after it disappeared from radar, thought to have been an emergency beacon. The Egyptian military denied that any distress calls were received.

Egyptian military aircraft and navy ships were taking part in a search operation off Egypt's Mediterranean coast to locate the debris of the plane, which was carrying 56 passengers, including one child and two babies, and 10 crew members. The pilot had more than 6,000 flight hours.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault offered to send military planes and boats to join the Egyptian search for wreckage.

"We are at the disposition of the Egyptian authorities with our military capacities, with our planes, our boats to help in the search for this plane," he said. He spoke after French President Francois Hollande held an emergency meeting at the Elysee Palace.

Hollande spoke with Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi on the phone and agreed to "closely cooperate to establish as soon as possible the circumstances" surrounding the incident, according to a statement issued in Paris.

Those on board, according to EgyptAir, included 15 French passengers, 30 Egyptians, two Iraqis, one Briton, one Kuwaiti, one Saudi, one Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Belgian, one Algerian and one Canadian. Ayrault confirmed that 15 French citizens were on board.

Egypt's state-run newspaper Al-Ahram quoted an airport official as saying the pilot did not send a distress call, and that last contact with the plane was made 10 minutes before it disappeared from radar. It did not identify the official.

Airbus is aware of the disappearance, but "we have no official information at this stage of the certitude of an accident," the company's spokesman Jacques Rocca said.

The Paris airport authority and the French civil aviation authority would not immediately comment.

Queries about the missing plane sent out to the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency were not returned early Thursday.

Around 15 relatives of passengers on board the missing flight have arrived at Cairo airport. Airport authorities brought doctors to the scene after several distressed family members collapsed.

In Paris, relatives of passengers on the EgyptAir flight started arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport outside the French capital, where their loved ones were last seen alive.

A man and a woman, identified by airport staff as relatives of the flight's passengers, sat at an information desk near the EgyptAir counter Thursday at Charles de Gaulle Airport's Terminal 1. The woman was sobbing, holding her face in a handkerchief. They pair were led away by police and airport staff and did not speak to gathered journalists.

Greece joined the search and rescue operation for the EgyptAir flight with two aircraft: one C-130 and one early warning aircraft, officials at the Hellenic National Defense General Staff said. They said one frigate was also heading to the area, and helicopters are on standby on the southern island of Karpathos for potential rescue or recovery operations.

The Airbus A320 is a widely used twin-engine, single-aisle plane that operates on short and medium-haul routes. Nearly 4,000 A320s are currently in use around the world. The versions EgyptAir operates are equipped to carry 145 passengers.

The ubiquity of the A320 means the plane has been involved in several accidents over the years. The last deadly crash involving the plane was Germanwings Flight 9525, in which all 150 onboard died when one of the pilots intentionally crashed it in the French Alps.

An EgyptAir plane was hijacked and diverted to Cyprus in March. A man who admitted to the hijacking and is described by Cypriot authorities as "psychologically unstable" is in custody in Cyprus.

The incident renewed security concerns at Egyptian airports after a Russian passenger plane crashed in Sinai last October, killing all 224 people on board. Moscow said it was brought down by an explosive device, and a local branch of the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for planting it.

In 1999, EgyptAir Flight 990 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near the Massachusetts island of Nantucket, killing all 217 people aboard, U.S. investigators filed a final report that concluded its co-pilot switched off the autopilot and pointed the Boeing 767 downward. But Egyptian officials rejected the notion of suicide altogether, insisting some mechanical reason caused the crash.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-19

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It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

I hope this turns out well for all concerned

But my friend if I had a relative or anybody else on this aircraft this is the last place I would be

You really need to go to a more professional news portal

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Quote AP

Those on board, according to EgyptAir, included 15 French passengers, 30 Egyptians, two Iraqis, one Briton, one Kuwaiti, one Saudi, one Sudanese, one Chadian, one Portuguese, one Belgian, one Algerian and one Canadian. Ayrault confirmed that 15 French citizens were on board.
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There is an unconfirmed report that the plane crashed in the Mediterranean 130 miles from the Greek island of Karpathos. AFP’s Jean-Marc Mojon cites a Greek aviation source for the report.

#EgyptAir plane crashed 130 nautical miles off #Greek island of Karpathos in Egyptian airspace at 0029 GMT: Greek civil aviation source @AFP

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Crash was 'almost certainly an attack' says expert

Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit, the BEA, said the disappearance was “almost certainly” caused by “an attack”.

Mr Troadec, one of the most respected names in aviation, said the lack of live emergency alert suggested a “brutal event”.

He told Europe 1 radio station in Paris: “A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident, and the team has time to react.

“The team said nothing, they did not react, so it was very probably a brutal event and we can certainly think about an attack

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First and most important of all - huge condolences to the friends and family of those who lost their lives.

My take on the cause is this: if someone were to go to the trouble of getting a bomb on a plane in France, it would take an awful lot of planning and I do not believe they would go to such trouble with the end result in mind being to take down a small plane. They would instead plan to go for a large plane with several hundred passengers - same amount of planning and work involved but a much more shocking result.

I could be completely wrong but my guess would be the cause of the tragedy was a sudden catastrophic mechanical failure. So sad either way.

RIP to all concerned.

Edited by PJ33
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Crash was 'almost certainly an attack' says expert
Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit, the BEA, said the disappearance was “almost certainly” caused by “an attack”.
Mr Troadec, one of the most respected names in aviation, said the lack of live emergency alert suggested a “brutal event”.
He told Europe 1 radio station in Paris: “A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident, and the team has time to react.
“The team said nothing, they did not react, so it was very probably a brutal event and we can certainly think about an attack

I wish some of these experts would S T F U.

The only known facts about the incident are that the plane disappeared off radar without communication, and what may be an ELT signal has been detected.

If they have a signal, they can triangulate and home in on it.

They just need some time.

And I'm baffled that someone supposedly involved in aircraft investigations say that a technical problem can't cause an "instant accident"!

Edited by Chicog
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wouldn't be easy to get a bomb on Board in Paris

Wouldn't had been easy to carry out a major terror act in Paris too...

Many muslims works at the airport.

Political correctness, and stupidity, have prevented authorities from taking any lessons from the Sinai crash. It will continue.

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wouldn't be easy to get a bomb on Board in Paris

Wouldn't had been easy to carry out a major terror act in Paris too...

Many muslims works at the airport.

Political correctness, and stupidity, have prevented authorities from taking any lessons from the Sinai crash. It will continue.

So how will you prevent muslim countries to hire muslim people, smart guy?!

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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MS804 is missing exact 804 days after MH370 got missed.

Mai 19. 2016 - 804 Days = March 7. 2014

Show a little respect! There are probably lives lost here and you act like a lottery number selling monk?

I do not believe this is disrespectful. It is an interesting although meaningless fact that most people would not have spotted.

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Having flown Egyptair many times for business i am saddened to hear this news .... also not wishing to get into the "race" war , i would assume the majority of the passengers would be Muslim

Followers of Islam do not constitute a race ... all races including Caucasian make up the racial complement of Muslims. Please can we just once not throw out a RACE CARD... Good Grief.

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Crash was 'almost certainly an attack' says expert
Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit, the BEA, said the disappearance was “almost certainly” caused by “an attack”.
Mr Troadec, one of the most respected names in aviation, said the lack of live emergency alert suggested a “brutal event”.
He told Europe 1 radio station in Paris: “A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident, and the team has time to react.
“The team said nothing, they did not react, so it was very probably a brutal event and we can certainly think about an attack

I wish some of these experts would S T F U.

The only known facts about the incident are that the plane disappeared off radar without communication, and what may be an ELT signal has been detected.

If they have a signal, they can triangulate and home in on it.

They just need some time.

And I'm baffled that someone supposedly involved in aircraft investigations say that a technical problem can't cause an "instant accident"!

You could challenge Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit or even enlighten him with your expertise.

Your arrogant wishes would be good kept for yourself in tragic incidences such as this.

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"There has been an unconfirmed report that the plane came down 130 miles off the Greek Island of Karpathos."

Thinking of the relatives in these difficult hours.

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