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Netanyahu reshuffle means Israel being taken over by ‘extremists’


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Netanyahu reshuffle means Israel being taken over by ‘extremists’


Reports from Israel say Benjamin Netanyahu has offered the job of defence minister to his far-right rival Avigdor Lieberman in a move to strengthen his coalition.

It has prompted the man being replaced to claim the country is being taken over by “extremist and dangerous elements”.

The defence portfolio is crucial for a country on a permanent war footing. It also runs civil affairs in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians struggling for statehood live in friction with Jewish settlers.

The reports about Netanyahu’s offer quote political sources but have not been confirmed. The prime minister spoke after Moshe Yaalon resigned as defence minister saying he had not seen eye to eye with Netanyahu.

The head of the government disagreed.

“The reshuffle in portfolios did not result from a crisis in faith between us. It resulted from the need to expand the government so as to bring stability to the State of Israel given the great challenges it faces. I reckon that if Moshe Yaalon had not been asked to leave the Defence Ministry and move to the Foreign Ministry, what he calls a crisis of faith between us would not have developed and he would not have quit.”

At the moment Netanyahu doubles his job of prime minister with the post of foreign minister.

A former armed forces chief, Yaalon had provided a bridge with the US to balance Netanyahu’s policy feuds with Washington over Palestinian peace talks and Iran’s nuclear programme.

“To my great regret, I have recently found myself in difficult disputes over matters of principle and professionalism with the prime minister, a number of cabinet members and some lawmakers,” he said earlier.

“To my great regret extremist and dangerous elements and dangerous elements have overrun Israel as well as the Likud party,” he added, hinting he might quit the ruling party.

His potential replacement could give Netanyahu’s coalition more stability: the inclusion of Lieberman’s nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party would increase its current razor-thin majority of one, by several seats.

But the reported newcomer to the defence post is inexperienced militarily and has adopted a hardline stance towards the Palestinians.

It might dent confidence in the government at home and abroad.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-21

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Thorgal and GeorgesAbitbol are the new additions to the older crop of "Israel lovers" who profess to know everything

about politics in Israel and the middle east, so much so that they find it ok to use foul language while showing

their ignorance on the subject, so much so that it's a waste of breath to explain how wrong they're....

Edited by ezzra
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Not that it would be newsworthy if ANY other country in the Middle East was in supposed danger of being taken over by extremists, indeed the contrary would apply.

P.s it is comical how badly the talking heads are misunderstanding what's going on in the Middle East. Peace may be poised to break out, which would of course be a nightmare for some of our esteemed members.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

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I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

Assuming that Lieberman actually provides the required propaganda ammunition. As a reminder, he already served as Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs. Can't recall it severely effecting Israel's diplomatic relationship with Western democracies. Like many politicians, bark is worse than bite.

On the other hand, it is always easy for keyboard warriors to express support for "little short term pain" to be visited upon others. All for the Cause, of course.

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Yeah, I don't believe there will be any actual follow through on the more toxic aspects of his quotes over the years, but still, someone like that in power does do harm to Israel's already very damaged international image. I get it that Israelis mostly don't really care. But that doesn't mean it isn't a problem. This kind of thing drives more American Jews, especially young ones, away from relating to Israel and harder to be advocates. I reckon he is probably competent but he can't take back those quotes.

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Thorgal and GeorgesAbitbol are the new additions to the older crop of "Israel lovers" who profess to know everything

about politics in Israel and the middle east, so much so that they find it ok to use foul language while showing

their ignorance on the subject, so much so that it's a waste of breath to explain how wrong they're....

I probably know more than you on the subject. But i understand your lack of knowledge on the subject irritates you.. I am not the only one saying that, even israeli newspapers tell it : Lieberman is a far right ex bouncer who wants to retake the west bank, lives in a settlement and support them.. he is a dumb politician and even some members of the Likoud ate worried... but you will probably tell me i am a jew hater and avoid any constructive answer on the subject...
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Thorgal and GeorgesAbitbol are the new additions to the older crop of "Israel lovers" who profess to know everything

about politics in Israel and the middle east, so much so that they find it ok to use foul language while showing

their ignorance on the subject, so much so that it's a waste of breath to explain how wrong they're....

Which is why you said nothing specific at all and just made empty assertions. I think you just wasted quite a bit of breath.

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A racist slang slur has been removed also two quoted replies to the post.

A further post has been removed referring to another member who will be along shortly, he could not make it but will I do instead?

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What's the big deal? Israel has been run by extremists for decades.

True. But it seems the extremists are getting more extreme. The progression of radicalised Israeli politicians and their parties is there for all to see. And their form is on the board.

I believe it has a lot to do with an increase in bitter and twisted ex military personnel, with a personal axe to grind at the helm . Especially those in the higher echelons of Israel's political apparatus. Current leader included.

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The appointment of Avigdor Lieberman as Minister of Defense confirms the recent warning by Maj Gen Yair Golan.

Israelis have a self-protective habit: when confronted with inconvenient truths, they evade its essence and deal with a secondary, unimportant aspect. Of all the dozens and dozens of reactions in the written press, on TV and on political platforms, almost none confronted the general's painful contention.

Golan was accused of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Nothing of the sort. A careful reading of his text shows that he compared developments in Israel to the events that led to disintegration of the Weimar Republic. And that is a valid comparison.

Things happening in Israel, especially since the last election, bear a frightening similarity to those events. True, the process is quite different. German fascism arose from the humiliation of surrender in WWI, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium from 1923-25, the terrible economic crisis of 1929, the misery of millions unemployed. Israel is victorious in its frequent military actions, the overwhelming majority of Israelis live comfortable lives. The dangers threatening them are of a different nature. They stem from their victories, not their defeats.

Indeed, the differences between Israel today and Germany then are far greater than the similarities. But those similarities do exist, and the general was right to point them out. Discrimination against Palestinians in practically all spheres of life can be compared to the treatment of the Jews in the first phase of Nazi Germany.

It seems that Golan is not only a courageous officer, but a prophet, too. The inclusion of Lieberman's party in the government coalition confirms Golan's blackest fears. This is another fatal blow to the Israeli democracy.

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What's the big deal? Israel has been run by extremists for decades.

I'm not sure, but perhaps the trend is getting worse over time?

people like Lieberman are a danger to Israel. but obviously "Bibi" needs him and his party to make his own position more secure.

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What's the big deal? Israel has been run by extremists for decades.

I'm not sure, but perhaps the trend is getting worse over time?

people like Lieberman are a danger to Israel. but obviously "Bibi" needs him and his party to make his own position more secure.

Yes it appears to be internal politics.
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I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

The western democracies you mention are rapidly losing any leverage they had with Israel. Lieberman or no Lieberman there are moves afoot which will culminate in peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, I guess western leftists will then miraculously start taking an interest in their human rights records.


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I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

The western democracies you mention are rapidly losing any leverage they had with Israel. Lieberman or no Lieberman there are moves afoot which will culminate in peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, I guess western leftists will then miraculously start taking an interest in their human rights records.


Good point. There is definitely a double standard from the Israel demonization agenda. But those head chop quotes are still despicable regardless. Edited by Jingthing
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Israel has always been run by extremists.

Israel demonization arrives on schedule.

you are not fair JT. the precarious situation in Palestine after WWII required extremists applying extreme measures of all sorts to make a Jewish state feasible. and extreme measures are still applied especially when it concerns settlements and treatment of Palestinians.

i am stating facts without rendering a judgment!

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Avigdor Lieberman's pipedreams of ethnic cleansing are futile. Israel is on a collision course with acceptable global political norms. They cannot continue repressing in the most atrocious ways the non Jewish majority of the population in historic Palestine, the area Israel now completely controls, with impugnity. It is already de facto apartheid.

There will be no more large scale aliyahs while such extreme right wing policies are in force. Why would American Jewry and others from elsewhere migrate to Israel when they are doing very nicely practising their faith and living secure prosperous peaceful fully integrated lives in the USA and other countries. Thus Israeli Jews will inevitably become an embarrassing minority ruling regime, just like other colonial enterprises doomed to failure, when the world finally ostracizes them, if the Israeli electorate doesn't come to its senses sooner.

It is not BDS nor probably EU sanctions, but it is liberal democratically minded young American Jewry who will eventually see through the monster that their forebears have created. And good riddance to xenophobic Lieberman, Netanyahu, and the whole racist supremacist Zionist regime.

Edited by dexterm
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I think it is a good move. Nothing like a little short term pain for long term gain so to speak. In the long term it is sure to alienate this administration even further with the plethora of Western democracies that are already voicing their concerns with Israel's ongoing oppression of Palestine. Go ahead Benjamin.

The western democracies you mention are rapidly losing any leverage they had with Israel. Lieberman or no Lieberman there are moves afoot which will culminate in peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, I guess western leftists will then miraculously start taking an interest in their human rights records.


You mean the corrupt autocratic aristocratic and military Arab dictatorships that are Zionism's natural bedfellows. Well, they are destined to the trashcan of history eventually too.

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Israel has always been run by extremists.

Israel demonization arrives on schedule.

you are not fair JT. the precarious situation in Palestine after WWII required extremists applying extreme measures of all sorts to make a Jewish state feasible. and extreme measures are still applied especially when it concerns settlements and treatment of Palestinians.

i am stating facts without rendering a judgment!

That's total BS. Israel's top government officials have not always included characters like Liberman. I get it to the Israel demonization agenda Israel should have never existed. Tough latkes.
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Israel has always been run by extremists.

Israel demonization arrives on schedule.

you are not fair JT. the precarious situation in Palestine after WWII required extremists applying extreme measures of all sorts to make a Jewish state feasible. and extreme measures are still applied especially when it concerns settlements and treatment of Palestinians.

i am stating facts without rendering a judgment!

That's total BS. Israel's top government officials have not always included characters like Liberman. I get it to the Israel demonization agenda Israel should have never existed. Tough latkes.

>Israel should have never existed.

​Got it in one!

But it does exist. There's no turning back the clock. So they have to find peaceful ways of co-existing with their neighbors. And Lieberman isn't one of them.

Edited by dexterm
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Israel has always been run by extremists.

Israel demonization arrives on schedule.

Sometimes you seem quite reasonable, and then you go screaming "demonization" again, like so many times before. You do know that if you cry "wolf" too many times, no one's going to hear or believe you any more, don't you?

Plenty of posters on this forum are closed minded, have no interest in any kind of reasonable discussion, and in their eyes Israel is lily-white, completely innocent and not to blame in any way in this conflict. Utter one word of criticism and you're automatically branded a hater or an anti-semite by these people.

True, there may be some haters or even anti-semites on this forum, but I think most posters who criticize Israel are genuinely concerned that Israel is shooting itself in the foot and is just making things worse and worse. No hate, no anti-semitism, no demonization, just genuine concern.

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Israel has always been run by extremists.

Israel demonization arrives on schedule.

you are not fair JT. the precarious situation in Palestine after WWII required extremists applying extreme measures of all sorts to make a Jewish state feasible. and extreme measures are still applied especially when it concerns settlements and treatment of Palestinians.

i am stating facts without rendering a judgment!

That's total BS. Israel's top government officials have not always included characters like Liberman. I get it to the Israel demonization agenda Israel should have never existed. Tough latkes.

not always but they included former terrorists like Begin and extremists like Ariel Scheinermann (aka Ariel Sharon). in my view Golda Meir was also an extremist but she did what had to be done to succeed.

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