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Oklahoma governor vetoes bill criminalizing abortion


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Oklahoma governor vetoes bill criminalizing abortion

SEAN MURPHY, Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed legislation that would have effectively outlawed abortion in the state by making it a felony for doctors to perform the procedure, saying the measure vague and would not withstand a legal challenge.

Fallin, a Republican who opposes abortion, vetoed the measure Friday, just a day after the Legislature passed it. The bill , which abortion-rights group Center for Reproductive Rights said was the first of its kind in the U.S., also would restrict any physician who performs an abortion from obtaining or renewing a license to practice medicine in Oklahoma.

"The bill is so ambiguous and so vague that doctors cannot be certain what medical circumstances would be considered 'necessary to preserve the life of the mother,'" Fallin wrote in her veto message . "While I consistently have and continue to support a re-examination of the United States Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, this legislation cannot accomplish that re-examination."

The bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Nathan Dahm, said the measure was aimed at ultimately overturning the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Dahm said Friday that he was considering whether to try to override the governor's veto, which would require a two-thirds majority in each chamber, a threshold that was not met in the House when the bill passed.

"Of course I'll consider it," Dahm said. "I'm weighing my options."

The bill would have made it a felony punishable by up to three years in prison for anyone who performs an abortion, including doctors. State law already makes it a felony for anyone who's not a doctor to perform an abortion, and Dahm's bill would have removed the exemption for physicians.

The Senate approved the bill 33-12 vote with no debate on Thursday; the 101-member House approved it April 21 on a 59-9 vote.

Dahm had said Thursday after the bill's passage that he hoped it could lead to overturning Roe v. Wade.

"Since I believe life begins at conception, it should be protected, and I believe it's a core function of state government to defend that life from the beginning of conception," said Dahm, from Broken Arrow.

But abortion-rights supporters — and the state's medical association — said the bill was unconstitutional. Sen. Ervin Yen, an Oklahoma City Republican and the only physician in the Senate, described the measure as "insane" and voted against it.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-21

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Interesting how outraged the right gets over abortion...'cause they're all about protecting the unborn. But...after you're stupid enough to get yourself born, screw you. One in five children goes to bed hungry in the US every night. We have a school shooting once a week. Last year one child a month killed themselves after finding an unattended gun. One toddler a week killed someone else with a handgun they found. After you're born, they really don't give a damn about you getting a first rate education, whether you eat or not, whether your parents have to work so many hours just to pay the bills that they're never home to raise you. You have no guarantee of access to adequate medical care.

So, yeah, they want to make sure you get born. But, after that, you're on your own. No, they're not pro-life. They're pro-birth.

Edited by Traveler19491
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Interesting how outraged the right gets over abortion...'cause they're all about protecting the unborn. But...after you're stupid enough to get yourself born, screw you. One in five children goes to bed hungry in the US every night. We have a school shooting once a week. Last year one child a month killed themselves after finding an unattended gun. One toddler a week killed someone else with a handgun they found. After you're born, they really don't give a damn about you getting a first rate education, whether you eat or not, whether your parents have to work so many hours just to pay the bills that they're never home to raise you. You have no guarantee of access to adequate medical care.

So, yeah, they want to make sure you get born. But, after that, you're on your own. No, they're not pro-life. They're pro-birth.

They're pro birth not pro life.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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The US government...most all liberal Dems and many others have no problem with a baby being torn limb by limb to kill it...it has become an industry in the US...

This same government has floated feelers about criminalizing anyone speaking out against this heinous inhumane act...

Soon criminals will rule the world...starting with abortion doctors, government officials, central banks, and Wall Street...

Little wonder that near total destruction of mankind may be on the horizon...

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Does this mean you will never return to the US Thank God! Pro live has NOTHING to do with other social issues. God forgive him for being so dense!

If it means never having to deal with grammatical and spelling illiterates the likes of you, perhaps that might be worth it. But, alas, you are here also, so I am doomed.

As to your pathetically laughable suggestion that "Pro live" (sic) has nothing to do with other social issues, all you do by that statement is reveal the bottomless level of your ignorance. But you do reinforce my argument. The fact that you actually believe that being pro-life should have nothing to do with other issues is exactly why it is so easy to see your hypocrisy. According to your "logic" then, life ends at birth, because you are only "pro-life" up to the point of birth. After that, using your words that pro-life doesn't affect other issues, life doesn't come into any other issue. Hence, mass shootings are OK. Hunger is OK. Capital punishment is OK (which is odd, because you are the same people who get outraged at the Saudis beheading people for violating their laws. I guess capital punishment is only OK if you get to say how it's done), poor education is OK...I mean, after all, since you're not pro-life where these issues are concerned, by your own admission, we shouldn't worry about any of these things, right?

Oh, and if caring about all of these issues, as well as a woman's undeniable human right to make her own decisions about her own body, then yeah, I don't have any problem with being "dense". At least I can spell and construct a readable sentence.

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The US government...most all liberal Dems and many others have no problem with a baby being torn limb by limb to kill it...it has become an industry in the US...

This same government has floated feelers about criminalizing anyone speaking out against this heinous inhumane act...

Soon criminals will rule the world...starting with abortion doctors, government officials, central banks, and Wall Street...

Little wonder that near total destruction of mankind may be on the horizon...

My Bold.

Well as most of mankind have evolved into creatures with brains like fruit cakes then frankly the sooner the better, or would you consider the lunacy that mankind has achieved in its regression all part of 'creation' and intelligent design'? We have been blessed with a planet that is nothing short of paradise and have gone all out to screw it up. What we see in the US now in terms of right wing legislation is beyond all reason.

Think for a minute - you have a beautiful daughter who at the age of 15 is raped by a psychopathic serial killer and rapist, she becomes pregnant as a result of the attack, your family are poor and now you are forced into ensuring your daughter goes to full term pregnancy because you have to do by state law. The serial killer/rapist is jailed (or worse is never found) and now your daughter has a life sentence also at the age of 16 when she gives birth to a child that everyday will remind her of the monster in the maximum security jail in the same state. That is one scenario out of a 1000. Will the legislators signing this into law volunteer to adopt the girls baby that may well have the same psychopathic murderous tendencies? I don't think so.

It is nobody's business what a woman decides to do with her body. It just seems a pathetic way of boosting the Christian population to make sure the Muslims can't catch up to easy, same as the complete ban on contraception by the Catholic church. When anybody can describe to me their memories from the moment of conception then you can tell me life was started as we know it at conception. Stop the bus, I want to get off.

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The US government...most all liberal Dems and many others have no problem with a baby being torn limb by limb to kill it...it has become an industry in the US...

This same government has floated feelers about criminalizing anyone speaking out against this heinous inhumane act...

Soon criminals will rule the world...starting with abortion doctors, government officials, central banks, and Wall Street...

Little wonder that near total destruction of mankind may be on the horizon...

My Bold.

Well as most of mankind have evolved into creatures with brains like fruit cakes then frankly the sooner the better, or would you consider the lunacy that mankind has achieved in its regression all part of 'creation' and intelligent design'? We have been blessed with a planet that is nothing short of paradise and have gone all out to screw it up. What we see in the US now in terms of right wing legislation is beyond all reason.

Think for a minute - you have a beautiful daughter who at the age of 15 is raped by a psychopathic serial killer and rapist, she becomes pregnant as a result of the attack, your family are poor and now you are forced into ensuring your daughter goes to full term pregnancy because you have to do by state law. The serial killer/rapist is jailed (or worse is never found) and now your daughter has a life sentence also at the age of 16 when she gives birth to a child that everyday will remind her of the monster in the maximum security jail in the same state. That is one scenario out of a 1000. Will the legislators signing this into law volunteer to adopt the girls baby that may well have the same psychopathic murderous tendencies? I don't think so.

It is nobody's business what a woman decides to do with her body. It just seems a pathetic way of boosting the Christian population to make sure the Muslims can't catch up to easy, same as the complete ban on contraception by the Catholic church. When anybody can describe to me their memories from the moment of conception then you can tell me life was started as we know it at conception. Stop the bus, I want to get off.

The overwhelming number of abortions...are abortions of convenience...nothing to do with rape or serial killers....that is a bit over the top...

The woman made her choices when she had unprotected sex...taking her chances...now she is carrying another human being...her own flesh and blood...and the US government says it is perfectly OK to kill your own child...how sick is that?

It is a sick world...killing one's own children is just one of many crimes against nature...

One angle that is seldom spoken of...is the depression and psychological damage many women experience after an abortion...

Any way you slice it...it is wrong...a no-brainer...even wild animals have more compassion for their own children...

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The US government...most all liberal Dems and many others have no problem with a baby being torn limb by limb to kill it...it has become an industry in the US...

This same government has floated feelers about criminalizing anyone speaking out against this heinous inhumane act...

Soon criminals will rule the world...starting with abortion doctors, government officials, central banks, and Wall Street...

Little wonder that near total destruction of mankind may be on the horizon...

My Bold.

Well as most of mankind have evolved into creatures with brains like fruit cakes then frankly the sooner the better, or would you consider the lunacy that mankind has achieved in its regression all part of 'creation' and intelligent design'? We have been blessed with a planet that is nothing short of paradise and have gone all out to screw it up. What we see in the US now in terms of right wing legislation is beyond all reason.

Think for a minute - you have a beautiful daughter who at the age of 15 is raped by a psychopathic serial killer and rapist, she becomes pregnant as a result of the attack, your family are poor and now you are forced into ensuring your daughter goes to full term pregnancy because you have to do by state law. The serial killer/rapist is jailed (or worse is never found) and now your daughter has a life sentence also at the age of 16 when she gives birth to a child that everyday will remind her of the monster in the maximum security jail in the same state. That is one scenario out of a 1000. Will the legislators signing this into law volunteer to adopt the girls baby that may well have the same psychopathic murderous tendencies? I don't think so.

It is nobody's business what a woman decides to do with her body. It just seems a pathetic way of boosting the Christian population to make sure the Muslims can't catch up to easy, same as the complete ban on contraception by the Catholic church. When anybody can describe to me their memories from the moment of conception then you can tell me life was started as we know it at conception. Stop the bus, I want to get off.

The overwhelming number of abortions...are abortions of convenience...nothing to do with rape or serial killers....that is a bit over the top...

The woman made her choices when she had unprotected sex...taking her chances...now she is carrying another human being...her own flesh and blood...and the US government says it is perfectly OK to kill your own child...how sick is that?

It is a sick world...killing one's own children is just one of many crimes against nature...

One angle that is seldom spoken of...is the depression and psychological damage many women experience after an abortion...

Any way you slice it...it is wrong...a no-brainer...even wild animals have more compassion for their own children...

As is typical of those who want to tell a woman what she "must" do with her own body, for the sake of THEIR moral standards, you are either misinformed, or willfully ignorant. "nothing to do with rape or serial killers....that is a bit over the top.." According to a study by the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5% of rapes end in pregnancy. There were just over 84,000 rapes reported in the US in 2014 (http://www.statista.com/statistics/191137/reported-forcible-rape-cases-in-the-usa-since-1990/). However 68% of rapes go unreported (https://rainn.org/statistics). That gives us a figure of 123,500. 5% of that figure is roughly 6,200. 44% of rape victims are under 18, meaning that 2,700 girls are impregnated annually by their attackers. That's 2,700 that you are saying should carry their rapist's baby to term. That's also a total of 6,200 women in general who you demand deliver their attacker's child. Your compassion is somewhat lacking. I submit that none of those figures are "over the top".

Rape aside, the fetus is nothing more than a mass of cells incapable of feeling pain until 20 weeks of gestation (http://www.doctorsonfetalpain.com/). Additionally, 40-65% of fertilized eggs end in miscarriage (pretty pathetic odds if God is supposedly in charge. http://ask.metafilter.com/203529/What-of-fertilized-human-eggs-die). What do you propose we do about those unconscionable numbers of "humans" being "murdered"?

One alternative would be massive education as to how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, otherwise known as sex education, along with distribution of contraceptives. "Abstinence Only" sex ed is a laughable failure (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/11/111129185925.htm), therefore it is a reasonable conclusion that young people need adequate education in all aspects of sex, so that they can make intelligent choices. To suggest that teens ignore the most powerful of all human drives, at a time in their lives when they are most susceptible, is ignorance at its finest.

However, I would assume that you still oppose abortion. Therefore, I would also assume that you will be more than happy to pay taxes to assist the mother in caring for her offspring, being as you are so morally outraged at the alternative. If not, then how about you shut the hell up and let the woman decide what is best for herself.

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The US government...most all liberal Dems and many others have no problem with a baby being torn limb by limb to kill it...it has become an industry in the US...

This same government has floated feelers about criminalizing anyone speaking out against this heinous inhumane act...

Soon criminals will rule the world...starting with abortion doctors, government officials, central banks, and Wall Street...

Little wonder that near total destruction of mankind may be on the horizon...

My Bold.

Well as most of mankind have evolved into creatures with brains like fruit cakes then frankly the sooner the better, or would you consider the lunacy that mankind has achieved in its regression all part of 'creation' and intelligent design'? We have been blessed with a planet that is nothing short of paradise and have gone all out to screw it up. What we see in the US now in terms of right wing legislation is beyond all reason.

Think for a minute - you have a beautiful daughter who at the age of 15 is raped by a psychopathic serial killer and rapist, she becomes pregnant as a result of the attack, your family are poor and now you are forced into ensuring your daughter goes to full term pregnancy because you have to do by state law. The serial killer/rapist is jailed (or worse is never found) and now your daughter has a life sentence also at the age of 16 when she gives birth to a child that everyday will remind her of the monster in the maximum security jail in the same state. That is one scenario out of a 1000. Will the legislators signing this into law volunteer to adopt the girls baby that may well have the same psychopathic murderous tendencies? I don't think so.

It is nobody's business what a woman decides to do with her body. It just seems a pathetic way of boosting the Christian population to make sure the Muslims can't catch up to easy, same as the complete ban on contraception by the Catholic church. When anybody can describe to me their memories from the moment of conception then you can tell me life was started as we know it at conception. Stop the bus, I want to get off.

The overwhelming number of abortions...are abortions of convenience...nothing to do with rape or serial killers....that is a bit over the top...

The woman made her choices when she had unprotected sex...taking her chances...now she is carrying another human being...her own flesh and blood...and the US government says it is perfectly OK to kill your own child...how sick is that?

It is a sick world...killing one's own children is just one of many crimes against nature...

One angle that is seldom spoken of...is the depression and psychological damage many women experience after an abortion...

Any way you slice it...it is wrong...a no-brainer...even wild animals have more compassion for their own children...

As is typical of those who want to tell a woman what she "must" do with her own body, for the sake of THEIR moral standards, you are either misinformed, or willfully ignorant. "nothing to do with rape or serial killers....that is a bit over the top.." According to a study by the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5% of rapes end in pregnancy. There were just over 84,000 rapes reported in the US in 2014 (http://www.statista.com/statistics/191137/reported-forcible-rape-cases-in-the-usa-since-1990/). However 68% of rapes go unreported (https://rainn.org/statistics). That gives us a figure of 123,500. 5% of that figure is roughly 6,200. 44% of rape victims are under 18, meaning that 2,700 girls are impregnated annually by their attackers. That's 2,700 that you are saying should carry their rapist's baby to term. That's also a total of 6,200 women in general who you demand deliver their attacker's child. Your compassion is somewhat lacking. I submit that none of those figures are "over the top".

Rape aside, the fetus is nothing more than a mass of cells incapable of feeling pain until 20 weeks of gestation (http://www.doctorsonfetalpain.com/). Additionally, 40-65% of fertilized eggs end in miscarriage (pretty pathetic odds if God is supposedly in charge. http://ask.metafilter.com/203529/What-of-fertilized-human-eggs-die). What do you propose we do about those unconscionable numbers of "humans" being "murdered"?

One alternative would be massive education as to how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, otherwise known as sex education, along with distribution of contraceptives. "Abstinence Only" sex ed is a laughable failure (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/11/111129185925.htm), therefore it is a reasonable conclusion that young people need adequate education in all aspects of sex, so that they can make intelligent choices. To suggest that teens ignore the most powerful of all human drives, at a time in their lives when they are most susceptible, is ignorance at its finest.

However, I would assume that you still oppose abortion. Therefore, I would also assume that you will be more than happy to pay taxes to assist the mother in caring for her offspring, being as you are so morally outraged at the alternative. If not, then how about you shut the hell up and let the woman decide what is best for herself.

Your maths is of. I'm on mobile, not easy to type, bug according to your links 84k reported tapes plus 68% unreported. That means that 68k equals 32%, so a lot more than you say.
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