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SURVEY: Should followers of Islam be allowed to work in Airport Security?


SURVEY: Should Muslims be barred from sensitive security jobs?  

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In light of the recent downing of the Egypt Air Flight and the possibility of terrorism, as well as recent indications that airport security may have been breached in France and Belgium, do you believe that Muslims should be barred from employment in security jobs at airports and other sensitive sites?

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It seems that at least in Europe, there is probably a good reason to limit security access for Muslims. In addition to airports, I think there has been a problem at one of the nuclear plants.

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

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Actually the question strikes me as ridiculous ... and very Trump-esque.

In many western countries banning someone from employment because of his religion would be illegal and in those countries where the majority of people are Muslim it would be impossible to ban Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database


Edited by Suradit69
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No one should be barred, singled out or disadvantaged based on gender, religion, sexual orientation or race. Should christians be barred from sensitive security jobs because they may harbour far Right Wing evangelical extremest views and act on them harming or prejudicing others?

Should EVERYONE!! working on Airport security and safety of Air travel be THOROUGHLY! vetted be they black, white, biege or brindal - christian, muslim or Calithumpian? ABSOLUTELY!!!

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Actually the question strikes me as ridiculous ... and very Trump-esque.

In many western countries banning someone from employment because of his religion would be illegal and in those countries where the majority of people are Muslim it would be impossible to ban Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

I don't believe the pie chart shown here for a minute. Where is the listing of Right Wing Extremists on the chart. Who was Timothy McVeigh if not the poster boy for such things. And where are the Klan listings, the White Supremisists, the bigots and racists that killed the gay man in Wyoming. What a crock of SHIT!

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

But if you read or get out at ALL, you know that it does. Get over it? No. You deal with it! Muslims pass these "screenings", and then get turned/recruited/homegrown/whatever. It's not equitable that they should have to be scrutinized and treated differently, but it IS the world we live in. Those of us who AREN'T Muslims are certainly being treated differently by THEM! Apologists are quite fond of quantifying the miscreants as "very few", but somehow this violence is occurring everywhere, and in some countries groups like the Muslim Brotherhood win elections! Very few? Apparently not quite so few. No one ever wants to talk about what more "mainstream" Muslims should be doing to eliminate this scourge. It's not "PC". Well, too bad. Here and around the world they should be standing up to their clerics & screamers, and demanding, not asking, not pleading, not recommending, DEMANDING that the violence STOP, and refuse to set foot in any mosque or participate in any religious gathering where the monsters and Islamist leaders aren't loudly and openly condemned or where terms like "unbelievers" or "infidels" are even used. Until then, they should pay some price for turning a blind eye to what goes on in the name of their so-called "religion of peace".

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Whilst most Muslims do not engage in terrorist activities and condemn those that do, the screening techniques currently used are insufficient to detect those that have intentions in that direction. As such there can not be any chances taken just to boost someones over inflated ego that their system is infallible. Until a system of screening s found that is 100% then Muslims should not be allowed in areas that could if they have the wrong intent, maim or kill innocent people.

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

But if you read or get out at ALL, you know that it does. Get over it? No. You deal with it! Muslims pass these "screenings", and then get turned/recruited/homegrown/whatever. It's not equitable that they should have to be scrutinized and treated differently, but it IS the world we live in. Those of us who AREN'T Muslims are certainly being treated differently by THEM! Apologists are quite fond of quantifying the miscreants as "very few", but somehow this violence is occurring everywhere, and in some countries groups like the Muslim Brotherhood win elections! Very few? Apparently not quite so few. No one ever wants to talk about what more "mainstream" Muslims should be doing to eliminate this scourge. It's not "PC". Well, too bad. Here and around the world they should be standing up to their clerics & screamers, and demanding, not asking, not pleading, not recommending, DEMANDING that the violence STOP, and refuse to set foot in any mosque or participate in any religious gathering where the monsters and Islamist leaders aren't loudly and openly condemned or where terms like "unbelievers" or "infidels" are even used. Until then, they should pay some price for turning a blind eye to what goes on in the name of their so-called "religion of peace".

They would do as you said, if they did not tacitly support the terror acts that are committed to propagate islam worldwide- as their religion demands. That is the reason most muslims support it, although of course it can be embarrassing and counter productive to be honest when they are polled so they claim not to support the terrorists in the main. They even have a word for this dishonesty - taqiya. Can you believe they have a word for lying about their intentions to us kaffirs? Absolutely shocking and for that one reason alone I would expatriate all of them to a more suitable area - somewhere hot with a lot of sand.

Up to 90% of Europe born muslim youths support the islamic terror against infidels. There is no place for any of them in any sensitive or security job. To have the enemy policing itself is foolish beyond words.

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Well I must admit I am changing my mind. Used to be very liberal but look at the mess that has got us into. A recent survey by the BBC reveals that almost 40% of Muslims surveyed in the UK do not believe in the freedoms & social equalities we enjoy in the UK. There are over 100 illegal Muslim schools operating in the UK & over 80 Sharia "law courts". How did this happen? Because we were too liberal. It seems to me that this is too big a price to pay

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There was an incident reported in Australia about 10 years ago, when they found that some Muslim men, who were employed by a security company that guarded an Australian army base, were plotting some act of terrorism for the army base. I always thought the army used their own soldiers to guard the bases, that's how it was back in the past, but seems today they use security companies. So this security company employed Muslim men, who were recent arrivals to Australia, and had not even been given Australian citizenship. I remember thinking how dumb can they get? If Australia is really that dumb then they deserve to be terrorized.

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The poll has a few options missing, because all Muslims aren't equal.

I would allow Muslims to work at sensitive sites if they have been thoroughly screened and it was made sure that they aren't hardline Muslims nor islamists, i.e. if their wives or daughters have to wear a headscarf or if they place the word of the Quran above the word of the Law, then they can't work.

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Would we be allowed in such positions (or any other job in public services and the like) in their countries? As they are followers of a religion which has been fighting against us either directly or insidiously for centuries they should all be banned. We rarely if ever hear any condemnation from the followers of that religion. If they go to the mosque and listen to the rantings of an Imam then they are part of the enemy; an enemy that has already been allowed a large foothold in the UK and allowed to do as they please in their many ghettos.

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Whilst most Muslims do not engage in terrorist activities and condemn those that do, the screening techniques currently used are insufficient to detect those that have intentions in that direction. As such there can not be any chances taken just to boost someones over inflated ego that their system is infallible. Until a system of screening s found that is 100% then Muslims should not be allowed in areas that could if they have the wrong intent, maim or kill innocent people.

Screening is based on what is already known about a person, so a person with a clean record could be targeted by radicals for recruitment because they already work in a sensitive post. This has been the modus operandi for political extremists for years!

Muslim = one who follows the Islamic faith.

Islamists = one who uses Islam to further political ideology.

Using religion to further political ideology isn't new, it happens all the time, which is why separation of church and state is important.

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If Moslems aren't allowed to work in airport security, who's going to provide the workforce in countries such as Egypt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?

Even those Moslems, however, represent a threat to us, even if we don't travel to/from their countries. A suitcase full of explosive can be automatically routed onto a second flight and blow up a plane with no connection to the originating country/airline. This is exactly what happened with Pan Am 103/Lockerbie.

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All aircraft should prominently carry a copy of the koran.

The penalty for desecrating a copy of the koran is death, and no true follower of islam would deliberately destroy a copy of the word of the prophet.

Just an idea.

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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The whole premise of this poll is ridiculous and yet another indicaion of the depths to which Thai Visa is sinking.

There is no firm indication yet of the cause of the Egypt Air crash; other than there appears to have been a fire of some sort. That fire could have had many causes; including of course terrorism.

But simply because it was an Egypt Air crash and it's last port of call was CDG the usual suspects immediately jump to the conclusion it was downed by Islamic terrorists.

They may be right; even though no group has yet claimed responsibility, which is very unusual if terrorism was the cause.

The UK security services recently raised the threat from dissident Irish republican terrorists to 'Severe' in Great Britain and 'Substantial' in Northern Ireland. Based upon the hysterical premise of this poll and the beliefs of some members that means all Irish people should be instantly removed from all security sensitive jobs within the UK and at any airport serving the UK or UK based airlines.

I wonder how that would go down with the average TV member.

To be consistent, they would have to support such a measure; but, of course, their assumption that all Muslims secretly support Islamic terrorism is based upon their own ignorant prejudice, not on reality.

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The whole premise of this poll is ridiculous and yet another indicaion of the depths to which Thai Visa is sinking.

There is no firm indication yet of the cause of the Egypt Air crash; other than there appears to have been a fire of some sort. That fire could have had many causes; including of course terrorism.

But simply because it was an Egypt Air crash and it's last port of call was CDG the usual suspects immediately jump to the conclusion it was downed by Islamic terrorists.

They may be right; even though no group has yet claimed responsibility, which is very unusual if terrorism was the cause.

The UK security services recently raised the threat from dissident Irish republican terrorists to 'Severe' in Great Britain and 'Substantial' in Northern Ireland. Based upon the hysterical premise of this poll and the beliefs of some members that means all Irish people should be instantly removed from all security sensitive jobs within the UK and at any airport serving the UK or UK based airlines.

I wonder how that would go down with the average TV member.

To be consistent, they would have to support such a measure; but, of course, their assumption that all Muslims secretly support Islamic terrorism is based upon their own ignorant prejudice, not on reality.

the Egyptian government said terrorism was the most likely cause of the crash.

and proof of Muslims' culpability is not needed to ask a poll question.

leftists are quick to denounce "wrong" public opinions, in this they are as disrespectful of democracy as the junta is.

look how funny Swiss politicians are acting now because a referendum forces them to introduce quotas on immigrants in Switzerland... the voters got it wrong, certainly.

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How many flights d you expect to leave from the middle east, North Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.?

Or should we ban flying to these regions and countries?

Ridiculous question!

Edited by recycler
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The reason entire world has airport security, which costs billion each year not to mention infringement of personal rights and inconvenience, is because of one group only, muslims. As far as I am concerned they should be barred from flying. I checked through Krabi security recently, and to my astonishment, all muslims running security. Like having foxes guard the hen house.

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No one should be barred, singled out or disadvantaged based on gender, religion, sexual orientation or race. Should christians be barred from sensitive security jobs because they may harbour far Right Wing evangelical extremest views and act on them harming or prejudicing others?

Should EVERYONE!! working on Airport security and safety of Air travel be THOROUGHLY! vetted be they black, white, biege or brindal - christian, muslim or Calithumpian? ABSOLUTELY!!!

hmmm For all you liberals out there in the US you have freedom and can attend any church , practice any religion you want. How many Muslim countries even allow a Christian church or volunteers in their country> Some Muslims who want to convert to Christianity are subject to be executed so don't just talk about Isis being extreme.

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The reason entire world has airport security, which costs billion each year not to mention

infringement of personal rights and inconvenience, is because of one group only, muslims.

As far as I am concerned they should be barred from flying.

I checked through Krabi security recently, and to my astonishment, all muslims running security. Like having

foxes guard the hen house.

And the bigoted paranoia runs wild...now lets see

1. World first in flight terrorist attack - 1976 - Cubana flight 455 - anti-castro exiles with links to the CIA

2. Air India flight 182 - 329 killed -1985 - Sikh extremists

3 1972 Japan Red Army - Lod Aitport massacre

Yes yes all this bloody security was put in place because of muslims

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

If only what you say were true! Of course not all Muslims are terrorists but most of the others are sympathisers and they are conspicuous by their absence when it come to condemning those who are. Why? because Islamic doctrines forbid them to betray their own.

Any persons. Muslim or otherwise, who act or condone their barbarity are NOT friends or neighbours of mine.

And religion DOES divide us - by the religious people themselves.

You need to be careful on that high horse of yours - you may fall off and hurt yourself.

The answer to the OP's question is NO! I don't trust any of them!

And how do I arrive at my stance? Not from a self-opinionated position but the evidence that allows me to make a balanced judgment.

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