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SURVEY: Should followers of Islam be allowed to work in Airport Security?


SURVEY: Should Muslims be barred from sensitive security jobs?  

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Muslims pass these "screenings", and then get turned/recruited/homegrown/whatever. It's not equitable that they should have to be scrutinized and treated differently, but it IS the world we live in.

I voted the middle ground, "after thorough screening" but you are right and it isn't worth the risk.

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Considering that most mass murders in America are committed by Christians, I'd say in general we'd be safer having Muslims take care of security.

Seriously? The Christians in America killing people aren't doing so out of some warped sense of duty to Jesus.

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Actually the question strikes me as ridiculous ... and very Trump-esque.

In many western countries banning someone from employment because of his religion would be illegal and in those countries where the majority of people are Muslim it would be impossible to ban Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

I don't believe the pie chart shown here for a minute. Where is the listing of Right Wing Extremists on the chart. Who was Timothy McVeigh if not the poster boy for such things. And where are the Klan listings, the White Supremisists, the bigots and racists that killed the gay man in Wyoming. What a crock of SHIT!

And where are the false flag operations committed by one group but attributed to another group !!! the FBI has a impressive history in this kind of operations...

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Yes, they absolutely should. While only a tiny amount are actively extreme, that's still a huge amount of the 1.6 billion in the world. And survey after survey has found that the majority of them are sympathetic to extremism. It all comes down to that religion.

As William Gladstone said as long ago as the 19th century... “As long as there is this book [the Quran], there will be no peace in the world.''

As far as I'm concerned, people who deny it and say Islam is a peace-loving religion (which it's clearly not), are aiding and abetting terrorism.

Edited by RandolphGB
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Of course not all Muslims are terrorists but most of the others are sympathisers and they are conspicuous by their absence when it come to condemning those who are.

Do I, yet again, have to post the long list of Muslims, from political and religious leaders statements to ordinary people demonstrating, who have publicly and regularly condemned Islamist terrorists?

Such as:-

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Open Letter to Al-Baghdadi

The answer to the OP's question is NO! I don't trust any of them!

And how do I arrive at my stance? Not from a self-opinionated position but the evidence that allows me to make a balanced judgment.

It seems obvious that you have ignored all the evidence which contradicts your prejudice and therefore your judgement is anything but balanced!

Of course, your stance could be justified by the mainstream media's failure to report such condemnation and demonstrations!

You wouldn't know it from the press but moderate Muslims do denounce terrorism.

'Hundreds of Muslims flooded the streets of London to condemn terrorism. Media’s response: Silence'

Although Shia Muslims take part in the march each year to mark the Arbaeen, or mourning, anniversary of Imam Husain - a seventh-century leader who fought for social justice - this year organisers decided to use the event as a platform to denounce terrorism following the recent Isis attacks in Paris, Beirut and elsewhere.

Organiser Waqar Haider said: "This year we had hundreds of placards which were basically saying ‘no’ to terrorism and ‘no’ to Isis. A very direct message.

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The reason entire world has airport security, which costs billion each year not to mention

infringement of personal rights and inconvenience, is because of one group only, muslims.

As far as I am concerned they should be barred from flying.

I checked through Krabi security recently, and to my astonishment, all muslims running security. Like having

foxes guard the hen house.

And the bigoted paranoia runs wild...now lets see

1. World first in flight terrorist attack - 1976 - Cubana flight 455 - anti-castro exiles with links to the CIA

2. Air India flight 182 - 329 killed -1985 - Sikh extremists

3 1972 Japan Red Army - Lod Aitport massacre

Yes yes all this bloody security was put in place because of muslims

It is certainly, 100% without any doubt whatsoever the reason we have increased airport security to this day. Hijackings used to be common, but hostages were taken and set free in almost all cases. Muslim hijackers and bombers since 9/11 have changed that. Open your eyes.

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Whilst most Muslims do not engage in terrorist activities and condemn those that do, the screening techniques currently used are insufficient to detect those that have intentions in that direction. As such there can not be any chances taken just to boost someones over inflated ego that their system is infallible. Until a system of screening s found that is 100% then Muslims should not be allowed in areas that could if they have the wrong intent, maim or kill innocent people.

Screening is based on what is already known about a person, so a person with a clean record could be targeted by radicals for recruitment because they already work in a sensitive post. This has been the modus operandi for political extremists for years!

Muslim = one who follows the Islamic faith.

Islamists = one who uses Islam to further political ideology.

Using religion to further political ideology isn't new, it happens all the time, which is why separation of church and state is important.

Doesnt solve the problem thought does it and that is what really matters

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

How often to Catholic and Jewish groups go around cutting the heads off of innocent people while they are conscious, using dull knives... including cutting the heads off of children ? ?

How often do Catholics and Jews put bombs on buses?

How often to Catholics and Jews blow themselves up with suicide vests and set car bombs off to kill as many innocents as possible?

When was the last time Catholics or Jews executed people for being "gay" ?

When was the last time Catholics or Jews flew plane loads of people into buildings, killing thousands of innocents ? ?

When was the last time Catholics or Jews executed a woman because SHE was raped by men ? ?

When was the last time Catholics or Jews tried to murder a young teen girl, shooting her in the head and putting a "fatwa" out on her, simply because she spoke out and wanted freedom of education for girls ? ?

How often do Catholics or Jews blow up ancient monuments ? ?

How often do Catholics and Jews call for Jihad against everyone not Catholic or Jewish ? ?

Do Catholics and Jews tell you to convert or die ? ?

There is ONE huge religion...... where they do all those things quite regularly...

And it isn't Catholicism or any other Christianity or the Jewish religion... or Buddhism or Hinduism..

Edited by Catoni
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Do I, yet again, have to post the long list of Muslims, from political and religious leaders statements to ordinary people demonstrating, who have publicly and regularly condemned Islamist terrorists?

What you are failing to acknowledge is that the condemnation comes in two forms: (1) fringe groups with no real authority in the Moslem community, and (2) Shiites condemning Sunis and vice versa.

What would be good to see is more mainstream Sunni leaders publicly condemning ISIS.

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A lot of European airports use robots for the luggage handling.

I'm rather surprised to see such a point of religious discrimination.

Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

As other posters mentioned, this absurd hard line should be extended to the Muslim nations too. And even beyond that, all services like catering should be included.


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The reason entire world has airport security, which costs billion each year not to mention

infringement of personal rights and inconvenience, is because of one group only, muslims.

As far as I am concerned they should be barred from flying.

I checked through Krabi security recently, and to my astonishment, all muslims running security. Like having

foxes guard the hen house.

And the bigoted paranoia runs wild...now lets see

1. World first in flight terrorist attack - 1976 - Cubana flight 455 - anti-castro exiles with links to the CIA

2. Air India flight 182 - 329 killed -1985 - Sikh extremists

3 1972 Japan Red Army - Lod Aitport massacre

Yes yes all this bloody security was put in place because of muslims

It is certainly, 100% without any doubt whatsoever the reason we have increased airport security to this day. Hijackings used to be common, but hostages were taken and set free in almost all cases. Muslim hijackers and bombers since 9/11 have changed that. Open your eyes.

Could we suggest the increase in muslim terrorist attacks may have something to do with the US bombing multiple muslim countries and killing various dictators who kept the more extereme elements in Check ?

Lets suppose 9/11 hadnt of happened, it follows then that Afghsnistan wouldnt have been invaded, Iraq wouldnt have been invaded and the crap wouldnt have bombed out of Libya...

so would be see the same level of extremism today if those events hadnt have happened ?...i would suugest we wouldnt have nowhere the problems that exist today

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Of course not all Muslims are terrorists but most of the others are sympathisers and they are conspicuous by their absence when it come to condemning those who are.

Do I, yet again, have to post the long list of Muslims, from political and religious leaders statements to ordinary people demonstrating, who have publicly and regularly condemned Islamist terrorists?

Such as:-

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Open Letter to Al-Baghdadi

The answer to the OP's question is NO! I don't trust any of them!

And how do I arrive at my stance? Not from a self-opinionated position but the evidence that allows me to make a balanced judgment.

It seems obvious that you have ignored all the evidence which contradicts your prejudice and therefore your judgement is anything but balanced!

Of course, your stance could be justified by the mainstream media's failure to report such condemnation and demonstrations!

You wouldn't know it from the press but moderate Muslims do denounce terrorism.

'Hundreds of Muslims flooded the streets of London to condemn terrorism. Media’s response: Silence'

Although Shia Muslims take part in the march each year to mark the Arbaeen, or mourning, anniversary of Imam Husain - a seventh-century leader who fought for social justice - this year organisers decided to use the event as a platform to denounce terrorism following the recent Isis attacks in Paris, Beirut and elsewhere.

Organiser Waqar Haider said: "This year we had hundreds of placards which were basically saying ‘no’ to terrorism and ‘no’ to Isis. A very direct message.

"Hundreds" at an annual event cannot be considered as proper representation of the hundreds of thousands who live in London and whose numbers came out in force recently to vote for the new Mayor! That was their priority - to get power to drive the iron-age Islamic wedge further into our civilised society.

How could hundreds "flood" the streets of London?? In any event, hardly a consensus, is it?

How many of 70,000 clerics are in London or Paris? How many go back to their madrasa to continue training otherwise innocents how to maim and kill?

I stand by what I said!

Please, no more apologies on behalf of these wretched people

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Do I, yet again, have to post the long list of Muslims, from political and religious leaders statements to ordinary people demonstrating, who have publicly and regularly condemned Islamist terrorists?

What you are failing to acknowledge is that the condemnation comes in two forms: (1) fringe groups with no real authority in the Moslem community, and (2) Shiites condemning Sunis and vice versa.

What would be good to see is more mainstream Sunni leaders publicly condemning ISIS.

I suggest that you read links before commenting on them!

For example, from How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Almost 70,000 Muslim clerics have come together to pass a fatwa against global terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, al Qaeda and the militant group that calls itself the Islamic State.

During an annual gathering of South Asian Sunni Muslims in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh this week, almost 1.5 million attendees signed a document protesting global terrorist activity........

(7by7 emphasis)

The open letter to Al-Baghdadi has been signed by Muslims of all sects.

Are you blindly following the usual tactic of dismissing as lies or irrelevant all condemnation of terrorism by Muslims because that condemnation proves your view to be based upon nothing except ignorance and prejudice?

Do some proper research instead.

You will find many, many examples of condemnation of ISIS from Sunni Muslims from individuals through small groups to government and religious leaders.

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I see that when faced with the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support Islamist terrorists in any way, and in fact condemn them, that you have fallen back on the tired, feeble accusations that those who point out this truth are in some way apologists!

Accusations thrown out many times before by those who have no other argument.

I have no need to 'apologise' for the majority of Muslims, and am certainly not, and never have nor ever will, 'apologise' for terrorists.

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I see that when faced with the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support Islamist terrorists in any way, and in fact condemn them, that you have fallen back on the tired, feeble accusations that those who point out this truth are in some way apologists!

Accusations thrown out many times before by those who have no other argument.

I have no need to 'apologise' for the majority of Muslims, and am certainly not, and never have nor ever will, 'apologise' for terrorists.

Your response doesn't address the points I made.

The arguments and sources you have cited refer to "hundreds" and therefore cannot be remotely considered as the overwhelming majority.

You have chosen the wrong person when it comes to truth. When I realise the truth that conflicts with a position I held then I change my mind.

You can continue this discussion with others - as I said, I have no sympathy with Apologists or Sympathisers.

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What makes such racist ask .... are about all Muslim jihadists? All employees in security-related areas, I speak of European countries, of airports and most other transport companies are screened, regardless, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or non-religious beliefs.

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All muslims should be expelled from Europe.

Then it would be academic about muslim terrorists.

lf they weren't there we wouldn't have this islamic problem.

We'd have other problems, but the main one would be gone.

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Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

Are you sure about that? Isn't a large majority of Berbers Sunni Moslem? And aren't the North African Arabs who are attempting genocide in Darfur Moslem?

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I see that when faced with the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support Islamist terrorists in any way, and in fact condemn them, that you have fallen back on the tired, feeble accusations that those who point out this truth are in some way apologists!

Accusations thrown out many times before by those who have no other argument.

I have no need to 'apologise' for the majority of Muslims, and am certainly not, and never have nor ever will, 'apologise' for terrorists.

Your response doesn't address the points I made.

The arguments and sources you have cited refer to "hundreds" and therefore cannot be remotely considered as the overwhelming majority.

Just ONE of the sources I used was about a demonstration by only hundreds.

Had you been open minded enough to read the others you would know that the others show such opposition and condemnation is widespread and overwhelmingly greater than any support the criminals and murderers such as ISIS receive from Muslims worldwide.

The 70,000 clerics for example. The thousands of Muslims, politicians, clerics, ordinary individuals, who have signed the open letter is another.

You will find many more examples if you could be bothered to look.

You have chosen the wrong person when it comes to truth. When I realise the truth that conflicts with a position I held then I change my mind.

Your remarks show this not to be the case. The truth does conflict with your position, but you are attempting to belittle and dismiss the truth; when you aren't actually ignoring it.

You can continue this discussion with others - as I said, I have no sympathy with Apologists or Sympathisers.

What, exactly, are you accusing me of apologising for and sympathising with?

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Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

Are you sure about that? Isn't a large majority of Berbers Sunni Moslem? And aren't the North African Arabs who are attempting genocide in Darfur Moslem?
Junior Abdeslam was gay and used marijuana and alcohol.

Senior Abdeslam used also marijuana and alcohol. He made his money with small burglaries and theft. He was known to open a pub for dealing soft drugs.

Asna Ait Boulahcen was known as a party cow girl which had multiple random boyfriends.

El Bakraoui brothers were arrested for carjacking and shootout. They've served prison time.

And I can go on...

None of above could be included in the Muslim community. Their controversial lifestyle isn't a pinpoint reference to result in a false collective judgement of Islam.

Many here tend to forget that the Toulouse, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels attacks were perpetrated including many Muslim and/or Arab innocent victims.

The Egyptair crash has yet not been confirmed as being a terrorist attack...here again (a majority) victims were Muslim...

Edited by Thorgal
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The poll result thus far show the opinion of the silent majority. The pc crowd who pander to muslims are costing lives. It's time to open your eyes, and see the threat.

I dont pander to muslims and by the same token i dont pander to old bitter paranoid racist white men either

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The poll result thus far show the opinion of the silent majority. The pc crowd who pander to muslims are costing lives. It's time to open your eyes, and see the threat.

I dont pander to muslims and by the same token i dont pander to old bitter paranoid racist white men either

So because someone doesn't agree with you they are "old bitter paranoid racist white men"?

How can lslam be a "race"?

lf you cannot see the threat of lslam, then you are a part of the problem.

How many more bombs are going to go off, airports & aircraft destroyed, lives lost, while you PCIs refuse to see where the problem lies.

l would say that you DO pander to muslims.

Some of you people disgust me.

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Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

Are you sure about that? Isn't a large majority of Berbers Sunni Moslem? And aren't the North African Arabs who are attempting genocide in Darfur Moslem?
Junior Abdeslam was gay and used marijuana and alcohol.

Senior Abdeslam used also marijuana and alcohol. He made his money with small burglaries and theft. He was known to open a pub for dealing soft drugs.

Asna Ait Boulahcen was known as a party cow girl which had multiple random boyfriends.

El Bakraoui brothers were arrested for carjacking and shootout. They've served prison time.

And I can go on...

None of above could be included in the Muslim community. Their controversial lifestyle isn't a pinpoint reference to result in a false collective judgement of Islam.

Many here tend to forget that the Toulouse, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels attacks were perpetrated including many Muslim and/or Arab innocent victims.

The Egyptair crash has yet not been confirmed as being a terrorist attack...here again (a majority) victims were Muslim...

So you are in effect, saying that these people DIDN'T kill other people, in the name of lslam?

So, in who's name did they kill?

Take the stage, we're all ears.

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