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UN sounds alarm over record-breaking temperature rise


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UN sounds alarm over record-breaking temperature rise

By Joanna Gill


Another month, another record high temperature. Figures released by NASA show that 2016 is on track to being the hottest year ever recorded, and the UN is sounding the alarm.

“This is the 12th straight month that we have seen temperatures records broken,” explained Claire Nullis, from the World Meteorological Organisation. “What is particularly concerning is the margin at which these records are being broken…They are not being broken, they are being smashed, and on a fairly consistent basis.”

The UN is calling for the urgent implementation of the Paris climate deal which commits countries to keeping the rise in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius.

The El Nino weather system accounts for some of the rise in temperatures in 2016, but climate observers say it merely worsened conditions on an already rapidly-warming planet triggered by human emissions.

They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-21

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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

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From the research i have done,reading as many sources of information i can,i am strongly starting to think we may have actually silently passed the tipping point,as the last few months indicate,sea ice in the Arctic at lowest ever extent,highest ever temp recorded in India this week,highest ever temps recently recorded in SE Asia,massive droughts in Africa,Australia having a record warm autumn,record sea temps leading to biggest bleaching event in recorded data.

Does anyone really think that the paris accord will do much to lower co2 emissions,i am afraid it is looking more like we w ill be hitting the 4-6c temp rise which will prove catastrophic for much of humankind,and change many areas of the planet,Se Asia at least the mainland is very vunerable,lets not forget once the Sahara,and large parts of Australia were once lush forests.

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the authorities have known about this for over 30 years but have been silenced by the energy giants,and nothing is going to change,we will see an increase in summer temps and more erratic weather patterns,more siesmic activity,everything i see is "too little too late".

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

... without humans

it will work better

Its amazing the world has survived in a beautiful lush state for billions of years and then mankind comes along for a couple hundred and ruins everything.
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Even if true, carbon credit taxes and globalist government will do nothing to alleviate the "climate change problem".

Why all the anger at "climate deniers".

Whether I accept or deny all the real or bogus reports by paid off "scientists" about mankind's contribution to climate change, I can clearly see the offered solutions as a means of further enslavement of humanity's masses under globalist elite rule.

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Well there is evidence that mankind has been busy screwing things up for THOUSANDS of years. Jared Diamond has written some interesting books on the subject.

I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

... without humans

it will work better
Its amazing the world has survived in a beautiful lush state for billions of years and then mankind comes along for a couple hundred and ruins everything.
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The UN is calling for the urgent implementation of the Paris climate deal which commits countries to keeping the rise in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius.

The global business is not interested in this and way too many individuals think they have no impact or don't understand the entire issue.

I also wonder if they ever took the afford to translate the Paris climate deal to Mandarin (just to name one of the countries who gives a shitake)

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Lame duck sounds alarm. Reinvent yourselves bunch of ducks.

And while you are at it, you better make rain to be people's water iso some government's or corporations ownership ploys.

Edited by wabothai
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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

... without humans

it will work better

Its amazing the world has survived in a beautiful lush state for billions of years and then mankind comes along for a couple hundred and ruins everything.

10,000 years ago the earth started coming out of the last ice-age, during which time most of the earth's landmass was covered by ice more than a kilometre thick. Where did you get your info that its been "lush" for billions of years, the Beano !

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We all need to dig deep and give up our hard earned so the Un can save us from climate change , Yet as stated earlier in this thread they knew for 30 years yet did nothing and its highly likely we have reached and passed the tipping point.

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They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

I see typical UN BS.

Why don't you buy a nice villa just on the beach ...?

Might suit you well , jetsetbkk , you'll find out later ...

Edited by pumpuy
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They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

I see typical UN BS.

the only BS is the fact that the UN does nothing

There is enough hot air coming out the UN to power 90% of the worlds countries...i will glady do my part for the enviroment by setting fire to my local UN delegate if that helps

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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

They've been recording coral bleaching for only about 60 years or so. Coral bleaching is not coral death. Bleaching is a natural response to one or more of many things that happen.

There are all kinds of things that scientists predict that DO NOT come true..

Here are just a few....... if you wish... I can find lots more:

Top Ten Science based predictions that didn’t come true:

10. “The earth’s crust does not move”– 19th through mid 20th century accepted scientific consensus in geological science.

9. “The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives.” — Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project

8. “That virus is a pussycat.” — Dr. Peter Duesberg, molecular-biology professor at U.C. Berkeley, on HIV, 1988

7. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

6. “Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” — William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, British scientist, 1899.

5. “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein, 1932

4. “Space travel is bunk.” — Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).

3. “If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.” — Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads.

2. “Stomach ulcers are caused by stress” — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.

1. “Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.” — Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University in Time Magazine’s June 24th, 1975 article Another Ice Age?

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

Mankind proved not to be intelligent enough to manage the planet in a way that the ecosystem keeps functioning .

The price we will have to pay for this is simply the extinction of mankind , and a lot of other , innocent species .

Time is a healer , nature will recover in a few million years , but for the human race , that really proved to be greedy , ignorant and arrogant , and most of all simply stupid , the game will be over soon .

I understand the young generation : party till you drop , there is no tomorrow ...

May be a few of mankind will adapt to the climatic changes , ( the one's with a lot of money ) , but life will never be the same it was .

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Do you simply ignore the facts ?


Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

They've been recording coral bleaching for only about 60 years or so. Coral bleaching is not coral death. Bleaching is a natural response to one or more of many things that happen.

There are all kinds of things that scientists predict that DO NOT come true..

Here are just a few....... if you wish... I can find lots more:

Top Ten Science based predictions that didn’t come true:

10. “The earth’s crust does not move”– 19th through mid 20th century accepted scientific consensus in geological science.

9. “The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives.” — Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project

8. “That virus is a pussycat.” — Dr. Peter Duesberg, molecular-biology professor at U.C. Berkeley, on HIV, 1988

7. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

6. “Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” — William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, British scientist, 1899.

5. “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein, 1932

4. “Space travel is bunk.” — Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).

3. “If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.” — Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads.

2. “Stomach ulcers are caused by stress” — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.

1. “Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.” — Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University in Time Magazine’s June 24th, 1975 article Another Ice Age?

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They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

I see typical UN BS.

yes.... typical UN BS..... We've only came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. (L.I.A. from approx. 1300 - 1850 with a few breaks here and there. It was a horrible time for crops and harvests, lots of famine) What did they expect to happen following the end of the L.I.A. ? For it to get colder ? ?

Not to mention the Medieval Warm Period, Roman Warm Period and Minoan Warm Period were warmer than today. And civilization, historically, has always done better during warmer times.

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At least the lemmings knew when it was the time for collective suicide .

Mankind is doing the same but destroying the planet as well .

Don't forget to listen to your white shirted , necktied leaders , they teach you what is good , ( for their own bank accounts )

Capitalism in the present form leads straight to destruction .

Some thing wrong with the system we are living in !

And I know what I talk about , my profession was to analyze systems .

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Even if true, carbon credit taxes and globalist government will do nothing to alleviate the "climate change problem".

Why all the anger at "climate deniers".

Whether I accept or deny all the real or bogus reports by paid off "scientists" about mankind's contribution to climate change, I can clearly see the offered solutions as a means of further enslavement of humanity's masses under globalist elite rule.

Which is exactly the type of narrative for which the big polluters have paid huge amounts of money.


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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

They've been recording coral bleaching for only about 60 years or so. Coral bleaching is not coral death. Bleaching is a natural response to one or more of many things that happen.

I'll just start with the first one. Yes, they have been studying coral bleaching for decades, and as a result, they also know that coral bleaching is a direct result of elevated temperatures.

And yes, corals can survive periods of bleaching. But when the elevated temperatures are sustained, that causes coral death. It is sustained elevated temperatures that we are seeing now (perhaps if you live in Thailand you might have experienced it yourself?).

It is the coral deaths that are ringing the alarm bells.


I'm here in the sandpit, if we get our peak high 40C's sustained for the entire summer it will have a profound effect on the human population, let alone the coral!

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Mankind proved not to be intelligent enough to manage the planet in a way that the ecosystem keeps functioning .

The price we will have to pay for this is simply the extinction of mankind , and a lot of other , innocent species .

Time is a healer , nature will recover in a few million years , but for the human race , that really proved to be greedy , ignorant and arrogant , and most of all simply stupid , the game will be over soon .

I understand the young generation : party till you drop , there is no tomorrow ...

May be a few of mankind will adapt to the climatic changes , ( the one's with a lot of money ) , but life will never be the same it was .

By the way ,

This photo is from the Cannes film Festival 2016 , that ends today .

I can only say that I share the opinion of Jim Jarmusch and Iggy Pop .


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With all the well-monied self interest groups trying for years to surpress and debunk the warnings from the environmetal scientists, I'm impressed that the truth ever got out.

But the people who still believe the oil, coal and auto industry propaganda have helped to delay the long overdue tough decisions needed to tackle the issue.

We're all doomed by self-interest and wilful ignorance.

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