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Thais think anyone who lives outside of thailand is rich.

My (Thai) wife's complaint too!

Some do ok with restaurants but the ones i know are pretty much at the lowend of the wage scale here.

Same here in England. Mind you, if they save, it is still a lot of money in Thailand.

spot on.

the best way to get to know your partner is to get to know her folks.

Too right.

If you married a girl in your home country, and her parents hit hard times and needed assistance, would you be willing to give it? In most cases I would expect the answer to be yes. If this is the case, why is your outlook so different to your Thai parents-in-law? Probably because you don't know them.

thats true!

i only hope why wife does'nt look like her mother in a few years. :D:o

So true and always my advice although onloy valid ha sib ha sib. (50/50)

Seems with the first wife I had made a mistake, should have married her father, he was the right person :D

A lot of wonderful insights and comments have come from this topic.

Now I have a question. How in heck do you explain personal hygene to an illiterate obstinate mother in law? At the least, how do you explain pigs don't belong in the house and especially, chickens don't belong on the food service table? (Add facepalm here)

The reality is, in my case and some of you can relate, I married into a rather primitive hilltribe family. They have done things certain ways all their lives. Trying to get 'Mom' to equate her almost weekly trips to the doctor with the filth is proving to be like pushing $hit up hill with a pointed stick.

This is like being back in the hills of northern California!

The problem you're facing on the hygeine issue is that in their minds, they have lived like this forever and it either didn't kill anyone before, or they never put two-and-two together when someone did fall sick due to poor hygeine.

Educating a Thai on matters they feel they already know enough about can be an arduous task, and must be approached very delicately. Telling them what they do is wrong will get you nowhere, because they already know it works for them.

Another point is that you must have their full respect - if you don't your suggestions/teachings will always be duly disregarded. This can be a tough one, depending on how your partner decided to "present" you to the family, and their differing opinions on what consitutes an intelligent/knowledgable person.

I was living with my fiance for more than 8 months when one day she turned around and said, with a tone of enlightenment, "you're really smart". Most Westerners I come into contact with (well, I hope) come to the conclusion that I'm not stupid within the first few minutes of meeting.

Needless to say, after my fiance had her enlightening insight, my relationship with both her and her family took a dramatic swing - no doubt because of the way she had originally presented me to her family compared to the updated information she then passed on. I am now in the position where my opinions and ideas are heard, whereas before I was blissfully ignored :o

In the case of your mother-in-law, I would pay a visit to the doctor and request they explain the benefits and methodlogies of good hygeine. There's a better chance the doctors voice will be heard.



I see you have missed me in your sad little lives, I have been in BKK for 2 nights and I am now at the Airport waiting for my flight to Chang Mai (some of us have lives you know).

Get to know her folks, the majority only know the Prostitute about 10 days before they purchase gold and a motorcycle, then they purchase a business or build her a house in her home village.

Take her back to your own country and lock the Hooker in your bedsit or best still get her a job off the streets into a massage parlour and make a few bob, thats all they can do anyway. Atleast you wont be a laughing stock like the losers on this forum.

I am back he he.


twa... I mean, erco, they don't discuss prostitutes. Try to read the thread first, then reply. It'd make you more fun to bash.

Take her back to your own country and lock the Hooker in your bedsit or best still get her a job off the streets into a massage parlour and make a few bob, thats all they can do anyway.

Ahh, speaking from experience then. :o


This sad fn**er has now posted the same garbage on three different threads. If anyone is in the domestic airport look out for a middle aged fat sleazy looking pervo hanging around the internet shop. Give him a good kicking from all his mates.

The reality is, in my case and some of you can relate, I married into a rather primitive hilltribe family. They have done things certain ways all their lives. Trying to get 'Mom' to equate her almost weekly trips to the doctor with the filth is proving to be like pushing $hit up hill with a pointed stick.

Would you have considered marrying a girl in your own country whose family was this far down the social ladder.

Probably not, and for obvious reasons.


the so called social ladder is b***ocks. if you love the girl and she loves you, who gives a toss.

one thought thats just come to mind, who the <deleted> are these people who come to thailand to live, and live cheaply, not pay excessive tax bills (or excessive bills of any kind) and then sit at there pc's slagging off thailands own people whether they are bargirls or not,

i live here and have got my complaints here but thats going to far.

its clear that there are alot of happy farangs here with thai girls whether they are married or not i'm one of them.

erco, rangsit and all the others who for some reason think they can sit in judgement, piss off back home if you don't like it, or don't come on holiday here.

let the ones who appreciate it do so with being criticized,


erco, rangsit and all the others who for some reason think they can sit in judgement, piss off back home if you don't like it, or don't come on holiday here.

It seems Erco did not like his name anymore,...

Rangsit is sure better.

I'm looking forward to the next one,... :o


I think that if I did not want anything to do with her family there would be considerable strains on the marriage (the wife says not tho).

Yes indeed for the most part one does marry a family when marrying a Thai girl, I am happy to say in my case my Thai/Chinese wife's family do not need help from me and my wife treats me like royalty, but I have seen time and time again where a Farang marries a Thai girl of Thai/Chinese and gets blindsided by her family, as we sit here now this very thing is happening to a friend of mine and of course he doesn't see what is going on(he's been in the LOS one year), yes indeed they have a walking ATM machine and I am sure they all are jumping with joy, but this is none of my business and I keep my mouth shut. Her Policeman brother(me thinks husband) is in on the bleed also, this friend of mine is a highly educated guy and I wonder why he cannot sort this out before he gets in any deeper, I guess it's that love thing. Oh well, I will continue to keep quiet and wish him happiness.

GR, If you were my friend, I would want you to tell me what you could see from the "outside", thats what friends are for,no? :o

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