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Lawyers appeal against death sentences over murder of British tourists in Thailand


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DiscoDan:- Islandlover happens to be attending a family bereavement, I have every expectation that you will hear from her again in due course

But show me the link and prove me wrong funny how islandlover has vanished since she admitted to being one of the admins on the Thailand justice page,

and no I was not at the party I have never stepped foot on Koh Tao

If anyone can find evidence to prove someone else did the crimes I will be more than happy to come and watch their execution Nomsod Mon wig man Sean Mcanna or whoever you want no problem. Can you put your hand on your heart and honestly say you will happily watch the B2 be executed if evidence came forward to prove there guilt beyond reasonable doubt in court and the eye of the public ?

Glad you could join Thaivisa less than an hour ago to give me this vital info, you are not fooling anyone except yourself

I was trying to avoid you make yourself look a further fool by providing you with accurate information, I was unsuccessful. Have a good day

Oh no look that bad man that thinks the B2 are guilty has said that islandlover is not posting because he pointed her out as a admin on Thailand justice, better not wait till she can get to a wifi hotspot to inform him, must set up a thai visa account and set the facts right straight away.

Please you just continue to insult my Intelligence.

I hope mods remove you along with shillhater most probably another part of the TJ propaganda machine.


The FB page or the website? Or are they one and the same- both of which do not allow fair comment. Both put up non stop essays stuffed with misinformation " used up DNA" from that property lawyer in Australia- another blatant publicity seeker.

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This has been refuted a least 20 times on the various threads. Montiwat was questioned his DNA sample taken, he was NEVER "arrested" that article you post from Sept 23 was corrected the very next day Sept 24 to this...


Police interrogated Woraphan Toovichien, 49, a village headman and owner of AC Bar which is located near the murder scene, and his brother, Montriwat Toovichien, owner of In Touch resort and caretaker of AC Bar.

Both gave good cooperation to the police and they denied they had any connection.

DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victim’s body.

And the bit you add in about " used up." DNA evidence - It was a miscommunication seized on as " evidence" the police were liars. I'd say about 80% of what I've read here on on the other threads exonerating the convicted is miscommunication and elaborations gleaned off those very same FB pages- quite the study in social media as a propagator of propaganda.

Nothing has been refuted, but plenty has been done to keep the heat off the original suspects, among others.

I have no doubt that they became very co-operative with the police, after Pol Lt-Gen Panya was removed from the case.

You might keep in mind Panya was still on the case 23/ 24th Sept.

Wai was always an original suspect from CCTV footage because it looked like him.

attachicon.gifRun man orig.png

Here's the pic after CSI LA "enhanced" altered it and made the nose subtly more pronounced- like NOm Sod's (Tuvichien)

attachicon.gifhead running man.jpg

Here is Dear little Wai at arrest attachicon.gifZaw at arrest.jpg


The RTP could easily have established if the B2 had used a cloth/shirt or other whilst using the hoe. Surely with the absence of the B2 dna on the hoe , the RTP would of enquired about this during the B2 confession.

Since the cloth/shirt is not in the prosecutions case it is reasonable to assume that they do not believe any such items were used.

Really ? Like how? It is not reasonable to assume anything in a capital murder case.

Maybe the cloth/ shirt was never found would be my answer.

The explanation is in the post

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"That's your opinion.

But, notwithstanding the performance and competence levels of the police and their inherent nature in such matters, the court believed otherwise; so did the British police forces who received reports and sent observers; so did the families of the victims.

We, unless you can say different, have not been privy to all the evidence against the two convicted of this crime.

We simply don't know all the facts and so with respect, you can't possible be 100% accurate".

Received reports from whom Baerboxer? The RTP and prosecution no doubt. Hardly independent. And the British police were only allowed to observe what the Thai authorities wanted them to observe and did not send observers to the trial AFAIK.

Last, but by no means least, only the Miller family believed the prosecution. The Witheridges most certainly did not.

Last, but by no means least, only the Miller family believed the prosecution. The Witheridges most certainly did not.

I don't think it's accurate to assign Laura's position to the entire family. Please provide a link to interviews where other members indicate dissatisfaction with the verdict.

As I wrote earlier, I believe Laura has become entangled in the FB misinformation snare. Many, many have.

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The explanation is in the post


The RTP could easily have established if the B2 had used a cloth/shirt or other whilst using the hoe. Surely with the absence of the B2 dna on the hoe , the RTP would of enquired about this during the B2 confession.

Since the cloth/shirt is not in the prosecutions case it is reasonable to assume that they do not believe any such items were used.

I do not see such a thing, Please explain how the RTP could have established if a cloth was used to hold the hoe handle, especially if said cloth then went missing- as such cloths are prone to do.

Edited by Moonsterk
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The explanation is in the post


The RTP could easily have established if the B2 had used a cloth/shirt or other whilst using the hoe. Surely with the absence of the B2 dna on the hoe , the RTP would of enquired about this during the B2 confession.

Since the cloth/shirt is not in the prosecutions case it is reasonable to assume that they do not believe any such items were used.

I do not see such a thing, Please explain how the RTP could have established if a cloth was used to hold the hoe handle, especially if said cloth then went missing- as such cloths are prone to do.

To repeat

In the abscence of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

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Island mafia trolls are active. No honest, thinking person in their right mind could think the B2 guilty. If I had ever botched a crime scene, the evidence and especially the chain of custody I would have been fired on the spot and rightly so. Not even a black man in the south would have been convicted of this crime. This case should have never gone to court. The real murders have done this before and will do so again.

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Island mafia trolls are active. No honest, thinking person in their right mind could think the B2 guilty. If I had ever botched a crime scene, the evidence and especially the chain of custody I would have been fired on the spot and rightly so. Not even a black man in the south would have been convicted of this crime. This case should have never gone to court. The real murders have done this before and will do so again.

Some of them might well have already done so again: there have been several suspicious deaths on and connected to Koh Tao since this crime.

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See. They will fight on the technicalies of the case.

The new mantra.

Maybe they are innocent.

Maybe they are guilty.

It doesn't matter ☺☺

Protocol was not followed.


Guilty as sin. even their own lawyers don't shout their innocence anymore.

Would like to see the death sentence overturned. Other than that, right where they should be.

And your reasoning ?

doesn't need a reason, just thinks they are guilty, why - cause that's what I think so they must he guilty.

You know the argument, because I said so.

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Some of the defence points that have been submitted in relation to DNA from a defence lawyer.

DNA files presented had the accused names on them rather than a proper sample reference number. This is not possible without pre-knowledge of who’s DNA the sample being tested belonged to.

Retesting of the handle of murder weapon found DNA matching the male victim, but DNA matching neither of the accused was discovered. Originally police claimed there was no DNA evidence found on the handle of the murder weapon.

After results of DNA found on the handle of the murder weapon was disclosed in court to be from the male victim, prosecution admitted they had also found DNA matching the male victim on the handle of the murder weapon, but no DNA matching the accused. This case damaging evidence had not been introduced by the prosecution and raises the question of what other potentially case damaging evidence may have been withheld such as clothes of the victims allegedly not tested for DNA and why blood in the sand at the murder scene allegedly produced no DNA results, etc.

Multiple procedures are required in order to meet ISO 17025 international standards in DNA testing. The chain of custody, method of testing, graph generated and case notes resulting in the analysis report produced are all required in order to allow an independent expert to verify the results. Only the results of the test without any required supportive documents was provided by the prosecution witness.

Police claimed a 100% DNA match with the accused from samples allegedly taken from the victim’s body. This is scientifically impossible in any forensics testing laboratory anywhere in the world. For example, swabs taken from the victim would contain a minimum of three different DNAs producing what is known as a “mixed sample”. Mixed samples can be the most difficult to interpret, and from which a 100% match is never possible.

Thai forensic scientist Dr. Porntip’s DNA testing listed the statistical probability of a match on the results report. None of the prosecution’s DNA results presented indicated a statistical probability on the results reports. The “100% match” was only delivered verbally in court by a prosecution witness.

I dont understand

' After results of DNA found on the handle of the murder weapon was disclosed in court to be from the male victim, prosecution admitted they had also found DNA matching the male victim on the handle of the murder weapon, but no DNA matching the accused '

It was my understanding that the RTP claimed they did not dna test the hoe

We still don't know for sure if the hoe was washed as it was reported that Mon and a policeman requested O to wash the hoe and he refused but some one else may of and that is why it was so clean.

It is very possible that the hoe was checked for DNA and cleaned to protect the real killer.

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"Technicalities" include...

- confession made under torture

- no lawyer present during "questioning"

- DNA- evidence more than questionable, because (among others) chain of custody was broken, DNA- samples are used up and can not be retested...

- several questionable practices during evidence collection (messing with the clothes, trampling of "outsiders, all over the crime- scene)

- "evidence" produced out of thin air

- several possibly/ probably involved persons just left of the hook

- several leads not followed




the list is -literally- endless!

Have no idea if any or all of the above occurred bur regardless of what you have stated it is the death sentence they are appealing, nothing more, nothing less.

Untrue, did you even bother to read the source of this OP ?

First paragraph :

"Lawyers filed an appeal on Monday against the conviction of two Myanmar migrant workers sentenced to death in Thailand for the 2014 murder of two British backpackers on a holiday island, another twist in a case mired in controversy and dispute."

Appeal against the conviction, not against the death sentence only...

The DNA that was the main reason for convicting the B2 is just non existent if it can't be properly retested and before somebody says the defense refused to retest it, again, it is untrue, they refused the conditions of the retesting, under the RTP supervision and with processed sample whose source couldn't be traced, could have been saliva, sperm, blood... DNA is irrefutable evidence only with perfect chain of custody, otherwise, it can be very easliy falsified, that is the whole point here...

I haven't commented on this case and I didn't follow it as closely as others but does the DNA even prove rape let along murder?


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The explanation is in the post


The RTP could easily have established if the B2 had used a cloth/shirt or other whilst using the hoe. Surely with the absence of the B2 dna on the hoe , the RTP would of enquired about this during the B2 confession.

Since the cloth/shirt is not in the prosecutions case it is reasonable to assume that they do not believe any such items were used.

I do not see such a thing, Please explain how the RTP could have established if a cloth was used to hold the hoe handle, especially if said cloth then went missing- as such cloths are prone to do.

To repeat

In the abscence of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

And so how do you know they did not? And could have the confession been prior to when such DNA processing was completed.

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The explanation is in the post


The RTP could easily have established if the B2 had used a cloth/shirt or other whilst using the hoe. Surely with the absence of the B2 dna on the hoe , the RTP would of enquired about this during the B2 confession.

Since the cloth/shirt is not in the prosecutions case it is reasonable to assume that they do not believe any such items were used.

I do not see such a thing, Please explain how the RTP could have established if a cloth was used to hold the hoe handle, especially if said cloth then went missing- as such cloths are prone to do.

To repeat

In the abscence of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

And so how do you know they did not? And could have the confession been prior to when such DNA processing was completed.

Exactly you answer your own question,

Edited by rockingrobin
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I almost want to applaude greenchair, DiscoDan, moonsterk and -the shortly showing up - AleG for their stamina!

It has been pointed out to them, that whole case was shambles from the beginning, that the DNA"-evidence" is worthless, that there are more holes in the story, presented by the RTP, then in a fishing net...still, here they are, spouting nonsense about wine-bottles, telephones and confessions (under torture)...kind of admirable, if it wasn't so very sad!

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He went back to get a bottle of alcohol thats what MM said if you want to twist that to beer you are welcome,

Yes thats what I said they were sitting 65 meters from the crime scene.

no because no one knows for sure what time they were killed.

If they have nothing to hide why would they be in a rush to sell they could wait to get the right price or they might not be working.

WP on the other hand couldn't wait to give his away and then his mate smashed it up after WP found it on the beach.

Why did WP not take it back ? instead letting his friend destroy it

And explain this one, why would WP say he found it in a bar if he had nothing to hide ?

And last but not least MM went back to look for his guitar with WP they looked high and low and could not find it, yet the next day it was found in the exact spot where they left it,

No Dan, you're the one doing the twisting by claiming that MM got them more wine. He didn't, he got them beer, as he stated himself. But you told porkies to the forum that it was wine, so that you could reinforce the red herring about a wine bottle being incriminating. It isn't.

They were sitting 65m from the crime scene several hours before the crime. There was a beach party going on near the crime scene (not investigated by the police) which was a continuation of the party in a bar managed by Mon Tuvichien at the time of the crime. Were you in attendance by any chance?

Check the time that the attending doctor gave as the time of death. Has this been disputed?

You were creating a 'should be desperate to raise money' line of argumentation. But the phone saga's the biggest red herring in the stitch-up anyway.

MM was released as unconnected to the crime. If you have evidence that he was involved, you should present it. But you don't, so you endlessly and grotesquely twist circumstances to defame the two scapegoats and anyone connected with them.

Seems to me you have some of contact with people within or around defense team as I have not seen anywhere a mention of MM saying he went back to get a bottle of beer I have only found a link to a bottle of alcohol.

But show me the link and prove me wrong funny how islandlover has vanished since she admitted to being one of the admins on the Thailand justice page,

and no I was not at the party I have never stepped foot on Koh Tao

If anyone can find evidence to prove someone else did the crimes I will be more than happy to come and watch their execution Nomsod Mon wig man Sean Mcanna or whoever you want no problem. Can you put your hand on your heart and honestly say you will happily watch the B2 be executed if evidence came forward to prove there guilt beyond reasonable doubt in court and the eye of the public ?

You know very well that all the evidence likely to incriminate those other than the B2 has either been overlooked, binned, used up, lost, burned or buried/cremated. Sorry, forgot the Police also ran out of Tea Money, and couldn't afford the cost of crime scene 'photos. Do you really believe what you write, or are there more covert reasons for your rhetoric?

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He went back to get a bottle of alcohol thats what MM said if you want to twist that to beer you are welcome,

Yes thats what I said they were sitting 65 meters from the crime scene.

no because no one knows for sure what time they were killed.

If they have nothing to hide why would they be in a rush to sell they could wait to get the right price or they might not be working.

WP on the other hand couldn't wait to give his away and then his mate smashed it up after WP found it on the beach.

Why did WP not take it back ? instead letting his friend destroy it

And explain this one, why would WP say he found it in a bar if he had nothing to hide ?

And last but not least MM went back to look for his guitar with WP they looked high and low and could not find it, yet the next day it was found in the exact spot where they left it,

No Dan, you're the one doing the twisting by claiming that MM got them more wine. He didn't, he got them beer, as he stated himself. But you told porkies to the forum that it was wine, so that you could reinforce the red herring about a wine bottle being incriminating. It isn't.

They were sitting 65m from the crime scene several hours before the crime. There was a beach party going on near the crime scene (not investigated by the police) which was a continuation of the party in a bar managed by Mon Tuvichien at the time of the crime. Were you in attendance by any chance?

Check the time that the attending doctor gave as the time of death. Has this been disputed?

You were creating a 'should be desperate to raise money' line of argumentation. But the phone saga's the biggest red herring in the stitch-up anyway.

MM was released as unconnected to the crime. If you have evidence that he was involved, you should present it. But you don't, so you endlessly and grotesquely twist circumstances to defame the two scapegoats and anyone connected with them.

Seems to me you have some of contact with people within or around defense team as I have not seen anywhere a mention of MM saying he went back to get a bottle of beer I have only found a link to a bottle of alcohol.

But show me the link and prove me wrong funny how islandlover has vanished since she admitted to being one of the admins on the Thailand justice page,

and no I was not at the party I have never stepped foot on Koh Tao

If anyone can find evidence to prove someone else did the crimes I will be more than happy to come and watch their execution Nomsod Mon wig man Sean Mcanna or whoever you want no problem. Can you put your hand on your heart and honestly say you will happily watch the B2 be executed if evidence came forward to prove there guilt beyond reasonable doubt in court and the eye of the public ?

You know very well that all the evidence likely to incriminate those other than the B2 has either been overlooked, binned, used up, lost, burned or buried/cremated. Sorry, forgot the Police also ran out of Tea Money, and couldn't afford the cost of crime scene 'photos. Do you really believe what you write, or are there more covert reasons for your rhetoric?

They had enough money to offer a bribe to a taxi driver.

The Nation October 2, 2014 1:00 am

A TAXI driver on Koh Tao off the Surat Thani coast yesterday went public with his accusation that police investigating the murders of two British tourists had tried to intimidate him into providing false testimony.


Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

Edited by Khun Han
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To repeat

In the abscence of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

And so how do you know they did not? And could have the confession been prior to when such DNA processing was completed.

Exactly you answer your own question,

No it doesn't Pretzels are for eating, not for logic except of course if you have no answer.

Question 1 : How do you know the RTP did not ask about a cloth in any interview, or confession

you said

To repeat

In the abscence [sic] of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration [sic]when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

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Some of them might well have already done so again: there have been several suspicious deaths on and connected to Koh Tao since this crime.

Not one death is suspicious, all explained all accepted except for the attention junky re Luke Miller

Some of the defence points that have been submitted in relation to DNA from a defence lawyer.

DNA files presented had the accused names on them rather than a proper sample reference number. This is not possible without pre-knowledge of who’s DNA the sample being tested belonged to.

Retesting of the handle of murder weapon found DNA matching the male victim, but DNA matching neither of the accused was discovered. Originally police claimed there was no DNA evidence found on the handle of the murder weapon.

After results of DNA found on the handle of the murder weapon was disclosed in court to be from the male victim, prosecution admitted they had also found DNA matching the male victim on the handle of the murder weapon, but no DNA matching the accused. This case damaging evidence had not been introduced by the prosecution and raises the question of what other potentially case damaging evidence may have been withheld such as clothes of the victims allegedly not tested for DNA and why blood in the sand at the murder scene allegedly produced no DNA results, etc.

Multiple procedures are required in order to meet ISO 17025 international standards in DNA testing. The chain of custody, method of testing, graph generated and case notes resulting in the analysis report produced are all required in order to allow an independent expert to verify the results. Only the results of the test without any required supportive documents was provided by the prosecution witness.

Police claimed a 100% DNA match with the accused from samples allegedly taken from the victim’s body. This is scientifically impossible in any forensics testing laboratory anywhere in the world. For example, swabs taken from the victim would contain a minimum of three different DNAs producing what is known as a “mixed sample”. Mixed samples can be the most difficult to interpret, and from which a 100% match is never possible.

Thai forensic scientist Dr. Porntip’s DNA testing listed the statistical probability of a match on the results report. None of the prosecution’s DNA results presented indicated a statistical probability on the results reports. The “100% match” was only delivered verbally in court by a prosecution witness.

I dont understand

' After results of DNA found on the handle of the murder weapon was disclosed in court to be from the male victim, prosecution admitted they had also found DNA matching the male victim on the handle of the murder weapon, but no DNA matching the accused '

It was my understanding that the RTP claimed they did not dna test the hoe

We still don't know for sure if the hoe was washed as it was reported that Mon and a policeman requested O to wash the hoe and he refused but some one else may of and that is why it was so clean.

It is very possible that the hoe was checked for DNA and cleaned to protect the real killer.

And it's possible it wasn't and the real killer is convicted, awaiting appeal.

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,


I'm surprised Sean McAnna has gone quiet all this time. does he really know nothing ?

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

No because they know they're guilty, too and it would be a waste of dwindling resources.

What about a former crime from a few years back, remarkably similar- a real biter.... and in a location that is highly pertinent, would that put this case in a whole new light?

And if it explained the Myanmar govt's refusal to allow a Rohingya to take the witness stand ( no Tweets from Andy that day) and a bizarre assignation of a upper govt official to ferry mommies about ...

....would that blow it sky high?

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

We've been through this 100 times, there was nothing suspicious to point to anyone about the subsequent deaths, as shown on her facebook page Christine was mixing a dangerous combination of drugs and alcohol, the Frenchman who hanged himself left a note in French to his parents ( I'm not sure the' Koh Tao mafia' have graduated in French),Luke Miller was 'living life to the full' as they say, getting out of it and the Englishman found dead on the rocks was so drunk he had to be helped to bed by his relatives.

The'wall of silence' could be because no islander saw what happened, the murders happened around 4.00 or 5.00 am behind large rocks, who on earth would be there apart from the killers and a witness or two?

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To repeat

In the abscence of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

And so how do you know they did not? And could have the confession been prior to when such DNA processing was completed.

Exactly you answer your own question,

No it doesn't Pretzels are for eating, not for logic except of course if you have no answer.

Question 1 : How do you know the RTP did not ask about a cloth in any interview, or confession

you said

To repeat

In the abscence [sic] of the B2 dna or fingerprints on the hoe, would you not think the RTP would have queried if they had used such items during their interregoration [sic]when they freely confessed, after all it is the alleged murder weapon.

I thought it was self explanatory and didnt require any further consideration

In the absence of any dna or fingerprint linking the B2 to the alleged weapon

If the B2 had used cloth or similiar , then when the RTP conducted the interrogation of the freely given confession , the RTP would have enquired about the handling of the hoe if it had not been already explained by the accused.

As it is not in the prosecution case , then the cloth is moot

As for the earlier point you made about the confession might have been before the hoe being tested , well this is just absurd and does not warrant an explanation

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This has been refuted a least 20 times on the various threads. Montiwat was questioned his DNA sample taken, he was NEVER "arrested" that article you post from Sept 23 was corrected the very next day Sept 24 to this...


Police interrogated Woraphan Toovichien, 49, a village headman and owner of AC Bar which is located near the murder scene, and his brother, Montriwat Toovichien, owner of In Touch resort and caretaker of AC Bar.

Both gave good cooperation to the police and they denied they had any connection.

DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victim’s body.

And the bit you add in about " used up." DNA evidence - It was a miscommunication seized on as " evidence" the police were liars. I'd say about 80% of what I've read here on on the other threads exonerating the convicted is miscommunication and elaborations gleaned off those very same FB pages- quite the study in social media as a propagator of propaganda.

Nothing has been refuted, but plenty has been done to keep the heat off the original suspects, among others.

I have no doubt that they became very co-operative with the police, after Pol Lt-Gen Panya was removed from the case.

You might keep in mind Panya was still on the case 23/ 24th Sept.

Wai was always an original suspect from CCTV footage because it looked like him.

attachicon.gifRun man orig.png

Here's the pic after CSI LA "enhanced" altered it and made the nose subtly more pronounced- like NOm Sod's (Tuvichien)

attachicon.gifhead running man.jpg

Here is Dear little Wai at arrest attachicon.gifZaw at arrest.jpg

Wai at arrest,….. Yes, that curl does resemble the one in the CCTV picture some weeks earlier, but it is but one identifying characteristic. The face is blurred, and the rest of the body has been cropped out. As with the other so called forensic evidence, it is far from clear. It could even be dear little Nomsod before he had his locks trimmed…… which he had plenty of time to do before he surfaced in Bangkok a week or so later.

Wai was not an original suspect. Panya would have been leaned on by 24 September, and is likely to have been on the way to being taken off the case by then.

Edited by Aj Mick
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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

We've been through this 100 times, there was nothing suspicious to point to anyone about the subsequent deaths, as shown on her facebook page Christine was mixing a dangerous combination of drugs and alcohol, the Frenchman who hanged himself left a note in French to his parents ( I'm not sure the' Koh Tao mafia' have graduated in French),Luke Miller was 'living life to the full' as they say, getting out of it and the Englishman found dead on the rocks was so drunk he had to be helped to bed by his relatives.

The'wall of silence' could be because no islander saw what happened, the murders happened around 4.00 or 5.00 am behind large rocks, who on earth would be there apart from the killers and a witness or two?

But they need the Koh Tao Bogey man to still be out there- forcing women to take drugs and drink, making Frenchman hang themselves, (and even reportedly force them into heinously poor lifestyles to invite early death) They entice young men to crawl around on small buildings while inebriated and hack their Fb accounts to post about taking drugs- that sort of stuff

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

We've been through this 100 times, there was nothing suspicious to point to anyone about the subsequent deaths, as shown on her facebook page Christine was mixing a dangerous combination of drugs and alcohol, the Frenchman who hanged himself left a note in French to his parents ( I'm not sure the' Koh Tao mafia' have graduated in French),Luke Miller was 'living life to the full' as they say, getting out of it and the Englishman found dead on the rocks was so drunk he had to be helped to bed by his relatives.

The'wall of silence' could be because no islander saw what happened, the murders happened around 4.00 or 5.00 am behind large rocks, who on earth would be there apart from the killers and a witness or two?

Excuses, excuses.....

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This has been refuted a least 20 times on the various threads. Montiwat was questioned his DNA sample taken, he was NEVER "arrested" that article you post from Sept 23 was corrected the very next day Sept 24 to this...


Police interrogated Woraphan Toovichien, 49, a village headman and owner of AC Bar which is located near the murder scene, and his brother, Montriwat Toovichien, owner of In Touch resort and caretaker of AC Bar.

Both gave good cooperation to the police and they denied they had any connection.

DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victim’s body.

And the bit you add in about " used up." DNA evidence - It was a miscommunication seized on as " evidence" the police were liars. I'd say about 80% of what I've read here on on the other threads exonerating the convicted is miscommunication and elaborations gleaned off those very same FB pages- quite the study in social media as a propagator of propaganda.

Nothing has been refuted, but plenty has been done to keep the heat off the original suspects, among others.

I have no doubt that they became very co-operative with the police, after Pol Lt-Gen Panya was removed from the case.

You might keep in mind Panya was still on the case 23/ 24th Sept.

Wai was always an original suspect from CCTV footage because it looked like him.

attachicon.gifRun man orig.png

Here's the pic after CSI LA "enhanced" altered it and made the nose subtly more pronounced- like NOm Sod's (Tuvichien)

attachicon.gifhead running man.jpg

Here is Dear little Wai at arrest attachicon.gifZaw at arrest.jpg

Wai at arrest,….. Yes, that curl does resemble the one in the CCTV picture some weeks earlier, but it is but one identifying characteristic. The face is blurred, and the rest of the body has been cropped out. As with the other so called forensic evidence, it is far from clear. It could even be dear little Nomsod before he had his locks trimmed…… which he had plenty of time to do before he surfaced in Bangkok a week or so later.

Wai was not an original suspect. Panya would have been leaned on by 24 September, and is likely to have been on the way to being taken off the case by then.

Sure, blurry as heck, it could have been anyone those sideburns are very popular- and it could have been Wai But what makes it interesting is how CSI LA altered the still, and then for the next 6 months it circulated on FB with Nom Sod's nose. look at the two pics, see a difference?

One's blurry, the orig video still; post-249774-0-85790400-1464093795_thumb.

one has a clearer nose;post-249774-0-88067700-1464093676_thumb.

And here's the post pic from CSILa where he shows how is installs the nose on it. This is the pic that circulated, not an original unaltered picture, but this one.


Panya is quoted by Thai PBS on 24th- he was promoted BTW but it was after this date

Edited by Moonsterk
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This has been refuted a least 20 times on the various threads. Montiwat was questioned his DNA sample taken, he was NEVER "arrested" that article you post from Sept 23 was corrected the very next day Sept 24 to this...


Police interrogated Woraphan Toovichien, 49, a village headman and owner of AC Bar which is located near the murder scene, and his brother, Montriwat Toovichien, owner of In Touch resort and caretaker of AC Bar.

Both gave good cooperation to the police and they denied they had any connection.

DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victim’s body.

And the bit you add in about " used up." DNA evidence - It was a miscommunication seized on as " evidence" the police were liars. I'd say about 80% of what I've read here on on the other threads exonerating the convicted is miscommunication and elaborations gleaned off those very same FB pages- quite the study in social media as a propagator of propaganda.

Nothing has been refuted, but plenty has been done to keep the heat off the original suspects, among others.

I have no doubt that they became very co-operative with the police, after Pol Lt-Gen Panya was removed from the case.

You might keep in mind Panya was still on the case 23/ 24th Sept.

Wai was always an original suspect from CCTV footage because it looked like him.

attachicon.gifRun man orig.png

Here's the pic after CSI LA "enhanced" altered it and made the nose subtly more pronounced- like NOm Sod's (Tuvichien)

attachicon.gifhead running man.jpg

Here is Dear little Wai at arrest attachicon.gifZaw at arrest.jpg

Wai at arrest,….. Yes, that curl does resemble the one in the CCTV picture some weeks earlier, but it is but one identifying characteristic. The face is blurred, and the rest of the body has been cropped out. As with the other so called forensic evidence, it is far from clear. It could even be dear little Nomsod before he had his locks trimmed…… which he had plenty of time to do before he surfaced in Bangkok a week or so later.

Wai was not an original suspect. Panya would have been leaned on by 24 September, and is likely to have been on the way to being taken off the case by then.

AJ I have a video from a foreign news outlet , that I cannot post here that will cast doubt over the veracity of the cctv,

Will PM

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Panya is quoted by Thai PBS on 24th- he was promoted BTW but it was after this date

Panya was "kicked up stairs", as they say….. Could be seen as a face saving way of getting him off the case. It does happen in Thailand, as I am sure you are aware.

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

We've been through this 100 times, there was nothing suspicious to point to anyone about the subsequent deaths, as shown on her facebook page Christine was mixing a dangerous combination of drugs and alcohol, the Frenchman who hanged himself left a note in French to his parents ( I'm not sure the' Koh Tao mafia' have graduated in French),Luke Miller was 'living life to the full' as they say, getting out of it and the Englishman found dead on the rocks was so drunk he had to be helped to bed by his relatives.

The'wall of silence' could be because no islander saw what happened, the murders happened around 4.00 or 5.00 am behind large rocks, who on earth would be there apart from the killers and a witness or two?

Excuses, excuses.....

What do you mean by 'excuses'?

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