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Lawyers appeal against death sentences over murder of British tourists in Thailand


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I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

We've been through this 100 times, there was nothing suspicious to point to anyone about the subsequent deaths, as shown on her facebook page Christine was mixing a dangerous combination of drugs and alcohol, the Frenchman who hanged himself left a note in French to his parents ( I'm not sure the' Koh Tao mafia' have graduated in French),Luke Miller was 'living life to the full' as they say, getting out of it and the Englishman found dead on the rocks was so drunk he had to be helped to bed by his relatives.

The'wall of silence' could be because no islander saw what happened, the murders happened around 4.00 or 5.00 am behind large rocks, who on earth would be there apart from the killers and a witness or two?

Excuses, excuses.....

What do you mean by 'excuses'?

Nick's, Christina's and Luke's families are all deeply unhappy with the 'investigations' into their deaths, and have pushed for further investigations. But, surprise, surprise, have all hit a brick wall in the Thai authorities.

Jean's death in Surat Thani is strange to say the least. I have heard (but I make this quite clear: it is hearsay) that he was in Intouch bar on the night of the murders and had tried to speak to police about it.

Edited by Khun Han
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Khun Han, Parents don't want to accept their children have died because of their own excesses and abuse of alcohol and substances . it's natural- ' My boy/ girl couldn't have done that' - especially when it's public news, it's shameful.

Jean was suffering from various ailments as you well know, especially from his diving, are you suggesting the 'Koh Tao mafia ' were lying in wait in Surat, knowing he would leave the ferry moments before the departure to buy cigarettes??

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As before, this topic seems to attract a lot of personal attacks on other members. In the past the most effective way to deal with it was to suspend the posting ability of offenders until the conclusion of the case. As this is a high profile item that attracts many readers, they want to see discussion, not petty bickering and childish name calling. We will not hesitate to silence people who drag down the conversation.

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Khun Han, Parents don't want to accept their children have died because of their own excesses and abuse of alcohol and substances . it's natural- ' My boy/ girl couldn't have done that' - especially when it's public news, it's shameful.

Jean was suffering from various ailments as you well know, especially from his diving, are you suggesting the 'Koh Tao mafia ' were lying in wait in Surat, knowing he would leave the ferry moments before the departure to buy cigarettes??

Every death has a litany of excuses. Every possible excuse jumped all over and done to death. But when these deaths are looked into by anyone with intelligence and integrity, the investigations and official conclusions never quite add up. Though it's not as though this fabulously rich and well connected and organised mafia are going to advertise their 'accomplishments', is it? Isn't it bizarre and desperately unlucky for such a small island to have so many strange deaths connected to it in such a relatively short space of time? It must be one of the unluckiest islands in the history of the world in that respect.

I suppose you put Kirsty Jones's mother in the "my girl couldn't have done that" catergory? A case, by the way, that echoes this one in many respects.

Edited by Khun Han
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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

I see Hannah's parents have not come forward to say they are innocent,

The Millers have made there stance clear and stuck by it what they saw in the court convinced them the B2 are guilty and the right verdict was reached.

On the other hand the Witheridge's have not come forward and made a formal statement to say they believe the police got the wrong men.

I think Hannah's family would be shouting from the rooftops if they thought court had convicted the wrong men but they aren't, and I am sure they would do everything in there power to make sure their daughter got justice or would of at least made a statement to say they believe the real killers are still on the loose.

Also none of her friends have come forward either as witnesses you would think they would be all over social media warning people.

I think Laura has been brainwashed by certain individuals who are only interested in getting the B2 of the hook and not about justice or the truth.

also another rumor on the internet is a group of activists went to the pre trial hearing and pretending to be Hannah's family, this might explain why she said the judge made disrespectful remarks to her family maybe these people lied to her about that and remarks made by judge

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They were seen buying beer at a shop in cctv footage.

In there alibi they had one beer each so if the alcohol that MM brought was beer they were lying if it was something else they were not.

After finishing the beer and cigarettes, Maung Maung said he told his two friends he was leaving, but they insisted on having more to drink, so he went back to the room and got an extra bottle of alcohol and took it to them. That was all around 1am, he said.

"He did mention that there was an English or Western couple at some point.


Who is this English or western couple ?

I don't know but obviously there is no way in the world it could been David or Hannah could it ?

Spot on

It could be Hannah with somebody else, but definately not David

Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

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He went back to get a bottle of alcohol thats what MM said if you want to twist that to beer you are welcome,

Yes thats what I said they were sitting 65 meters from the crime scene.

no because no one knows for sure what time they were killed.

If they have nothing to hide why would they be in a rush to sell they could wait to get the right price or they might not be working.

WP on the other hand couldn't wait to give his away and then his mate smashed it up after WP found it on the beach.

Why did WP not take it back ? instead letting his friend destroy it

And explain this one, why would WP say he found it in a bar if he had nothing to hide ?

And last but not least MM went back to look for his guitar with WP they looked high and low and could not find it, yet the next day it was found in the exact spot where they left it,

No Dan, you're the one doing the twisting by claiming that MM got them more wine. He didn't, he got them beer, as he stated himself. But you told porkies to the forum that it was wine, so that you could reinforce the red herring about a wine bottle being incriminating. It isn't.

They were sitting 65m from the crime scene several hours before the crime. There was a beach party going on near the crime scene (not investigated by the police) which was a continuation of the party in a bar managed by Mon Tuvichien at the time of the crime. Were you in attendance by any chance?

Check the time that the attending doctor gave as the time of death. Has this been disputed?

You were creating a 'should be desperate to raise money' line of argumentation. But the phone saga's the biggest red herring in the stitch-up anyway.

MM was released as unconnected to the crime. If you have evidence that he was involved, you should present it. But you don't, so you endlessly and grotesquely twist circumstances to defame the two scapegoats and anyone connected with them.

Seems to me you have some of contact with people within or around defense team as I have not seen anywhere a mention of MM saying he went back to get a bottle of beer I have only found a link to a bottle of alcohol.

But show me the link and prove me wrong funny how islandlover has vanished since she admitted to being one of the admins on the Thailand justice page,

and no I was not at the party I have never stepped foot on Koh Tao

If anyone can find evidence to prove someone else did the crimes I will be more than happy to come and watch their execution Nomsod Mon wig man Sean Mcanna or whoever you want no problem. Can you put your hand on your heart and honestly say you will happily watch the B2 be executed if evidence came forward to prove there guilt beyond reasonable doubt in court and the eye of the public ?

You know very well that all the evidence likely to incriminate those other than the B2 has either been overlooked, binned, used up, lost, burned or buried/cremated. Sorry, forgot the Police also ran out of Tea Money, and couldn't afford the cost of crime scene 'photos. Do you really believe what you write, or are there more covert reasons for your rhetoric?

You are making nothing more than assumptions if you know evidence has been destroyed you will know how and not give a list of options

An example of this is I know a phone that the suspects friend thought was connected to the murders smashed it up and put it in a bag of water and dumped it in the jungle behind his lodgings.

confirmed by the man himself in court.

Where you have zero prove of your claims.

And if you think I have more covert reasons you will have to supply proof of that as well.

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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

What do you mean not contesting the match?

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

I see Hannah's parents have not come forward to say they are innocent,

The Millers have made there stance clear and stuck by it what they saw in the court convinced them the B2 are guilty and the right verdict was reached.

On the other hand the Witheridge's have not come forward and made a formal statement to say they believe the police got the wrong men.

I think Hannah's family would be shouting from the rooftops if they thought court had convicted the wrong men but they aren't, and I am sure they would do everything in there power to make sure their daughter got justice or would of at least made a statement to say they believe the real killers are still on the loose.

Also none of her friends have come forward either as witnesses you would think they would be all over social media warning people.

I think Laura has been brainwashed by certain individuals who are only interested in getting the B2 of the hook and not about justice or the truth.

also another rumor on the internet is a group of activists went to the pre trial hearing and pretending to be Hannah's family, this might explain why she said the judge made disrespectful remarks to her family maybe these people lied to her about that and remarks made by judge

In view of the fact that Laura has stated that she has been repeatedly threatened and followed in her car, it's understandable that Hannah's friends want to stay out of this. And it shows just how brave Laura was to go public. And such a callous, petty and small-hearted response from the Thai authorities too, with no offer to investigate the the threats (which could have gone either way: if they came from B2 supporters conducting 'black ops' as previously suggested on here by the hang 'em high brigade, what a publicity coup!).

Time for you to ramp up the personal attacks on Laura, Dan.

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Is anyone aware if the defence has or is doing any sort of private investigation in who did comit this act.

There must be a witness out there who could blow this case sky high,

I strongly suspect that some of the subsequent suspicious deaths happened to discourage that from happening.

Remember Laura Witheridge's facebook post?

And the wall of silence met by international reporters on the island? "We don't want to talk about it" was the mantra.

I see Hannah's parents have not come forward to say they are innocent,

The Millers have made there stance clear and stuck by it what they saw in the court convinced them the B2 are guilty and the right verdict was reached.

On the other hand the Witheridge's have not come forward and made a formal statement to say they believe the police got the wrong men.

I think Hannah's family would be shouting from the rooftops if they thought court had convicted the wrong men but they aren't, and I am sure they would do everything in there power to make sure their daughter got justice or would of at least made a statement to say they believe the real killers are still on the loose.

Also none of her friends have come forward either as witnesses you would think they would be all over social media warning people.

I think Laura has been brainwashed by certain individuals who are only interested in getting the B2 of the hook and not about justice or the truth.

also another rumor on the internet is a group of activists went to the pre trial hearing and pretending to be Hannah's family, this might explain why she said the judge made disrespectful remarks to her family maybe these people lied to her about that and remarks made by judge

In view of the fact that Laura has stated that she has been repeatedly threatened and followed in her car, it's understandable that Hannah's friends want to stay out of this. And it shows just how brave Laura was to go public. And such a callous, petty and small-hearted response from the Thai authorities too, with no offer to investigate the the threats (which could have gone either way: if they came from B2 supporters conducting 'black ops' as previously suggested on here by the hang 'em high brigade, what a publicity coup!).

Time for you to ramp up the personal attacks on Laura, Dan.

I have never attacked Laura she has the right to say what she believes just as the Millers do.

and she took down her Facebook post maybe it was just a bad day added with the feeding of false info from certain people.

A young girl being told how bad Thailand is by a group of expat women or the Thai police who is she going to trust ? If I was in her position I would most probably trust them too.

I believe she has put her trust in them and has been badly let down.

(Islandlover has already revealed details about Laura (stating Hannah's body was damaged on the way home) that are not in the public domain she has also admitted to running thailandjustice.) you are still welcome to provide a link to prove me wrong about the Laura comment.

As for the threats the Thais had no reason to threaten her, before the trial started her family made a statement saying there was strong evidence to say they were guilty. the so called thai Mafia had nothing to gain from threatening her.

Where as someone who wants to make it look like its them would.

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Dan, I know the mods have asked us to keep the personal stuff out of this, but I sincerely believe that you are doing yourself and your arguments no favours with the sustained attacks, based on nothing more than wild speculation, on Laura Witheridge. If you can't see that they are personal attacks, then you really need to take a step back and have a good look at yourself. You are casting yourself in a very bad light.

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Once again so many long posts from people that care about justice and people that don't..

I have followed this subject from day one as Im keen to see justice been seen to be taking places and have said it before and I will say it again now

There is still no evidence that's been clearly collected ,logged ,obtained or gathered that remotely can suggest or in fact prove without reasonable doubt that the B2 were any part of this crime. None whatsoever despite lots of theories and suggestions and possible events lived out in court ,and on here and in many other areas of media and the Internet.

This is a fact as despite the alleged DNA links , cigarette butts , murder weapon/s, clothing and other issues including the phone/s nothing actually proves in any way they had anything to do with it.

In fact for my experience from what's been offered up its quite clearly raised more questions than answers.

No murder weapon !! Don't argue this one as a proven murder weapon would have at least the prints of the accused never mind the blood of the victims ! It didn't . Where's the other weapons used ?? David's wounds. Where's the proof of DNA found and the chain of custody produced. Where's the witnesses..there isn't any to the crime that are able to come forward !! I'm sure there is some !! Where's the internationally accepted methods of investigation that should have been followed. Where's the proof that methods of interviewing the suspect were as they should have been !!

Yes and so many holes in this case and still after so long NOTHING has been submitted that clearly states that the B2 were there wthe crime was committed... Maybe they were, I don't believe so, but nothing concrete links to this crime.

Good luck Thai justice system .. You dug the hole so good luck to you getting out of it. The world !! is watching !

Edited by Nigeone
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This case, although not forgotten by the public, basically was the first major case that the junta/RTP etc; had to contend with and has been followed by an enormously sized litany of other junta/RTP foul ups.

The common factors in almost every case since Koh Tao has been incompetence, lack of leadership, smells of corruption and xenophobia.

The world stage never forgets such things.

What a terrible future Thailand has under the current administration and it's peons and both groups primary education level critical thinking and problem-solving skill sets!

Edited by streetsweeper
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FAO DiscoDan

Ref : Your Post # 158

"Where you have zero prove of your claims.

And if you think I have more covert reasons you will have to supply proof of that as well".


I am less inclined to make assumptions than your friend 'Moonsterk', who thinks they should be allowed in a capital murder case.

So, please tell, where is the blond hair, Hannah's clothes, original DNA (s), crime scene 'photos, hours of CCTV ?

The saga of David's phone intrigues me too. Never was quite sure of the actual number of phones the police were juggling with immediately after the murders.

As for cremated/buried, where is the man in the number 9 T shirt? Who/where exactly is the lady beach cleaner who stumbled on the crime scene in the early hours of September 15th 2014, a date that will live in infamy for many a long year?

Finally, please note I asked a question about covert reasons, that's why I ended the sentence with a question mark (?).

Edited by joebrown
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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

Disco if you were being sarcastic , fair enough, however with the placement of the '?' then it is reasonable to assume otherwise.

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This case, although not forgotten by the public, basically was the first major case that the junta/RTP etc; had to contend with and has been followed by an enormously sized litany of other junta/RTP foul ups.

The common factors in almost every case since Koh Tao has been incompetence, lack of leadership, smells of corruption and xenophobia.

The world stage never forgets such things.

What a terrible future Thailand has under the current administration and it's peons and both groups primary education level critical thinking and problem-solving skill sets!

Much as we all like to knock the RTP I don't think this was a case of their "foul ups." This was deliberate obfuscation and false testomony after a pretty good start in the circumstances.

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Dan, I know the mods have asked us to keep the personal stuff out of this, but I sincerely believe that you are doing yourself and your arguments no favours with the sustained attacks, based on nothing more than wild speculation, on Laura Witheridge. If you can't see that they are personal attacks, then you really need to take a step back and have a good look at yourself. You are casting yourself in a very bad light.

Its not personal Thailandjustice has close ties to the defense team,

If i said I am working for someone who is close to the prosecution and was revealing private info thats not in the public domain, would you not be questioning it?

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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

What do you mean not contesting the match?

The evidence presented to the court said their profiles matched I have not seen the defense claim they don't so in the appeal they will only be able to contest how dna was collected tested etc. but not the fact that even after all these mistakes they have meant to have made they still came up with a match.

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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

What do you mean not contesting the match?

The evidence presented to the court said their profiles matched I have not seen the defense claim they don't so in the appeal they will only be able to contest how dna was collected tested etc. but not the fact that even after all these mistakes they have meant to have made they still came up with a match.

Your reasoning and logic defies me.

' they will only be able to contest how dna was collected tested etc'

If they are contesting how the dna was tested , then it follows that the result of the contested testing is being challenged.

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Indeed, one of the challenges (accoeding to the Drummond site) is the prosecution claim that there is a 100% match. This is a statistical impossibility with what the police claim was a mixed sample.

There is also an issue of whether Hannah was actually raped. The UK autopsy has apparently asserted that her internal damage was caused by the Thai autopsy.

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Khun Han, Parents don't want to accept their children have died because of their own excesses and abuse of alcohol and substances . it's natural- ' My boy/ girl couldn't have done that' - especially when it's public news, it's shameful.

Jean was suffering from various ailments as you well know, especially from his diving, are you suggesting the 'Koh Tao mafia ' were lying in wait in Surat, knowing he would leave the ferry moments before the departure to buy cigarettes??

Every death has a litany of excuses. Every possible excuse jumped all over and done to death. But when these deaths are looked into by anyone with intelligence and integrity, the investigations and official conclusions never quite add up. Though it's not as though this fabulously rich and well connected and organised mafia are going to advertise their 'accomplishments', is it? Isn't it bizarre and desperately unlucky for such a small island to have so many strange deaths connected to it in such a relatively short space of time? It must be one of the unluckiest islands in the history of the world in that respect.

I suppose you put Kirsty Jones's mother in the "my girl couldn't have done that" catergory? A case, by the way, that echoes this one in many respects.

It's not bizarre at all to have people die of either overdoses or misadventure when they're abusing substances and alcohol I'm surprised more don't die but then when young, people have strong constitutions. .

What on earth has the Kirsty Jones case got to do with the deaths of David and Hannah?

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and she took down her Facebook post maybe it was just a bad day added with the feeding of false info from certain people.

A young girl being told how bad Thailand is by a group of expat women or the Thai police who is she going to trust ? If I was in her position I would most probably trust them too.

I believe she has put her trust in them and has been badly let down.

(Islandlover has already revealed details about Laura (stating Hannah's body was damaged on the way home) that are not in the public domain she has also admitted to running thailandjustice.) you are still welcome to provide a link to prove me wrong about the Laura comment.

As for the threats the Thais had no reason to threaten her, before the trial started her family made a statement saying there was strong evidence to say they were guilty. the so called thai Mafia had nothing to gain from threatening her.

Where as someone who wants to make it look like its them would.

Hope I haven't screwed up the posts too badly!

Who are the "group of expat women"?

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Why not david? ??

What stands out for me is why are the defense no longer whining on about getting dna from UK. Could it be the end of the road for them?

Could it be they know exactly what would be in a dna report?

Is it possible that the UK does in fact have dna from hannah ?

What a pity thailand has a death sentence. Who knows what little gems they have on this case.

I think they didn't realize I was being sarcastic when I said there was no chance the western couple Maung Maung saw could be Hannah and David.

So seems they are not contesting that the dna matches.

So they will have to explain how it is possible to do a dna test incorrectly and still manage to get 2 matches from a mixed dna sample.

What do you mean not contesting the match?

The evidence presented to the court said their profiles matched I have not seen the defense claim they don't so in the appeal they will only be able to contest how dna was collected tested etc. but not the fact that even after all these mistakes they have meant to have made they still came up with a match.

Good grief (head in hands) sad.png .

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Khun Han, Parents don't want to accept their children have died because of their own excesses and abuse of alcohol and substances . it's natural- ' My boy/ girl couldn't have done that' - especially when it's public news, it's shameful.

Jean was suffering from various ailments as you well know, especially from his diving, are you suggesting the 'Koh Tao mafia ' were lying in wait in Surat, knowing he would leave the ferry moments before the departure to buy cigarettes??

Every death has a litany of excuses. Every possible excuse jumped all over and done to death. But when these deaths are looked into by anyone with intelligence and integrity, the investigations and official conclusions never quite add up. Though it's not as though this fabulously rich and well connected and organised mafia are going to advertise their 'accomplishments', is it? Isn't it bizarre and desperately unlucky for such a small island to have so many strange deaths connected to it in such a relatively short space of time? It must be one of the unluckiest islands in the history of the world in that respect.

I suppose you put Kirsty Jones's mother in the "my girl couldn't have done that" catergory? A case, by the way, that echoes this one in many respects.

It's not bizarre at all to have people die of either overdoses or misadventure when they're abusing substances and alcohol I'm surprised more don't die but then when young, people have strong constitutions. .

What on earth has the Kirsty Jones case got to do with the deaths of David and Hannah?

It was a police cover up, in which they tried to create a scapegoat with fake evidence in order to protect the well-connected real murderer. Much the same as this case. I believe the UK police have since named the real murderer aftet doing their own investigations after Kirsty's mum ran a campaign for them to do so.

Thai police have done bugger all about the UK police findings in the Kirsty Jones case, so it's understandable if the UK police feel that they are wasting their time and resources going any further than the observer visit that resulted from the public petition raised.

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Dan, I know the mods have asked us to keep the personal stuff out of this, but I sincerely believe that you are doing yourself and your arguments no favours with the sustained attacks, based on nothing more than wild speculation, on Laura Witheridge. If you can't see that they are personal attacks, then you really need to take a step back and have a good look at yourself. You are casting yourself in a very bad light.

Its not personal Thailandjustice has close ties to the defense team,

If i said I am working for someone who is close to the prosecution and was revealing private info thats not in the public domain, would you not be questioning it?

Dan, it seems as though Hannah's family have a very different opinion to yourself on this matter. You have to respect that, and respect any decisions they make to work with others to seek what they perceive as justice for Hannah. Calling them 'brainwashed' and trying to discredit their stance is incredibly demeaning and insulting toward them. And you do yourself and your argument no favours trying to do this.

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As I have said before Laura has a right to say what she has if she says she or her parents witnessed any of these remarks the judges made I will believe her.

Just as I trust what the Millers said because they sat through the trial.

I don't doubt for one second she has had threatening phone and I don't doubt she has been followed in her car the question is by who ?

But I know the women that refer to 2 possible killers as Cute, adorable etc will do anything to have these 2 men found innocent even if it means damaging a family that has already been through an awful experience.

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and she took down her Facebook post maybe it was just a bad day added with the feeding of false info from certain people.

A young girl being told how bad Thailand is by a group of expat women or the Thai police who is she going to trust ? If I was in her position I would most probably trust them too.

I believe she has put her trust in them and has been badly let down.

(Islandlover has already revealed details about Laura (stating Hannah's body was damaged on the way home) that are not in the public domain she has also admitted to running thailandjustice.) you are still welcome to provide a link to prove me wrong about the Laura comment.

As for the threats the Thais had no reason to threaten her, before the trial started her family made a statement saying there was strong evidence to say they were guilty. the so called thai Mafia had nothing to gain from threatening her.

Where as someone who wants to make it look like its them would.

Hope I haven't screwed up the posts too badly!

Who are the "group of expat women


The rumor is

There are 2 groups 1 group is pro Andy Hall and The other group hate him.

Also 1 who is a real lunatic by all accounts got dropped by Andy Hall after trial because she was such a liability.

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