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Embassies In Bangkok Receives Attacking Threat


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S. Korean embassy in Thailand receives attacking threat

SEOUL, April 21 (Xinhuanet) -- The South Korean Embassy in Bangkok received a letter threatening to destroy major roads and buildings in countries that have decided to dispatch troops to Iraq, reported South Korean Yonhap News Agency on Wednesday.

The letter, sent from a group calling itself the "Yellow-Red Overseas Organization," said the group would launch terrorist attacks on major facilities in eight countries, including South Korea, between April 20 and 30, said Yonhap.

The other specified countries were Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Kuwait and Pakistan.

Upon receiving reports from the embassy, Thai police have immediately begun an investigation, said Yonhap.

The threat came at a time that Seoul government insisted going on with its additional troop dispatch plan despite of the deteriorated security situation in the Middle East country and withdrawal of Spanish troops from there.

In February, the South Korean National Assembly approved a government proposal to deploy 3,600 additional troops, including combat personnel, which will make South Korea's military presence in the war-torn country the third-largest after the United States and Britain.

South Korea has already dispatched two separate batches of hundreds of army engineers and medics to southern Iraq.

South Korea's initial plan to deploy the troops to the northern city of Kirkuk by April under an independent operational command was cancelled last month because of a US demand for joint offensive operations in the region.

Seoul said earlier that it plans to dispatch the troops to either Sulamaniyah or Irbil, both Kurdish autonomous towns in northern Iraq, by June. And the final choice of the deployment place will be announced sometime next week, according to local media reports.

--Agenciews 2004-04-22

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The other specified countries were Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Kuwait and Pakistan.

it looks like that Spain and Honduras got out in time ...

are we entering stage two ... muslim's world war?

worried :o


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Guest chingy
it looks like that Spain and Honduras got out in time
you give in to terrorist they will run your life, do you sit when they tell you to sit, i feel sorry that spain make the wrong move, it should get tougher and not giving in.
are we entering stage two ... muslim's world war?

this is not about muslim or any kind of religious, it about terrorist, killer, and muderer.

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it looks like that Spain and Honduras got out in time

you give in to terrorist they will run your life, do you sit when they tell you to sit, i feel sorry that spain make the wrong move, it should get tougher and not giving in.

are we entering stage two ... muslim's world war?
this is not about muslim or any kind of religious, it about terrorist, killer, and muderer.

If it is not religious why do the Muslims call it a "holy War". :o

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Guest chingy

you got to be kidding me right "Moving", did you just came out of the closet. never mind what i say, i'm not gonna going into it

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TERROR SCARE: Embassies on red alert

Korean, Pakistan missions receive letters threatening American allies

BANGKOK: -- Police have beefed up security around several foreign diplomatic missions after the South Korean and Pakistani embassies received letters this week threatening terrorist attacks this month against countries supporting the US-led operations in Iraq.

On Wednesday, the South Korean Embassy received a letter by regular post from the Yellow-Red Overseas Organisation, a previously unheard of group.

It warned of attacks on major facilities in Australia, Japan, Kuwait, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand between last Tuesday and next Friday, a Korean diplomat in Bangkok said. The letter, typed in English, is being examined by Thai authorities, first secretary Ryoo Jung -young said, adding that the embassy was operating normally.

"This is a serious problem. They threatened embassies, air flights and other interesting places [in the eight nations]," Ryoo was quoted by AFP as saying.

After being notified of the letter Seoul immediately requested increased security for its mission and the Korean community here, he said.

The Pakistani Embassy received a similar warning letter from the same group on Monday, police said.

"The Pakistan Embassy was the first to receive the threatening letter, on April 19," a senior Special Branch officer said.

"It was forwarded to the National Security Council for investigation, and later authorities found that the South Korean Embassy received the [same] letter on the 21st," he said.

The threatening letters precede a visit by Pakistani Prime Minister Zafarullah Jamali. Jamali is due in Bangkok at the end of next week for talks with Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Metropolitan Police chief Lt-General Thanee Somboonsap ordered security tightened at the South Korean Embassy, on Thiam-Ruammit Road in Huai Khwang, after it alerted him about the letter on Wednesday night.

Police from Lumpini and Bang Rak stations were instructed to step up patrols at offices of foreign airlines, particularly Korean Air, Thanee said.

Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai said necessary precautions were taken after the letter was reported to authorities.

"Embassies are entitled to seek extra security, and the Thai government cannot ignore those requests. We have ordered intelligence and security increased around the embassy," Surakiart said.

A South Korean foreign ministry spokesman said from Seoul that the letter was addressed to "all US alliance forces in Iraqi operations", and eight countries were mentioned by name.

"We are looking into the credibility of the letter from various points and also collecting additional information," Kim Sung-chul said. "We have also been in contact with all related countries."

A security alert imposed in South Korea last month ahead of the general election has been extended until the end of the month in response to the threat, while South Korean embassies overseas have also been asked to reinforce security, he said.

In January, South Korean authorities boosted security at airports after Korean Air's Bangkok office received a letter from an unknown group identifying itself as the "Anti-Korean Interest Agency" and warning of attacks on flights to the country.

Eight days earlier the group had warned Seoul's embassy in Bangkok of attacks on South Korean assets and aircraft in Southeast Asia.

--AFP 2004-04-23

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So much for security!

I was outside a certain high profile embassy which shall remain nameless this week and the security car parked outside had the back door wide open with with a shotgun laying on the back seat while the guard chatted 6 feet away! I could have walked up, grabbed it and blown half the embassy away if I was a terrorist. :o


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Perhaps a good reason to stay away from the Big Mango for the next ten days.

A bit of a co-incidence that the Australian, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade put out two travel alerts on Thailand within the space of a few hours on Wednesday 21 April.

Somethings gotta be going down.

I would also perhaps give the ANZAC day events at the bridge a miss on Sunday.

If they want to make a statement that would be as good a place as any to start.

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Chingy --- It most definitely is a religious holy war. Unfortunately, it looks like the muslims started WWIII on 911. The muslims have declared war on the "infidels". Which is basically anyone not living in the 17th century, and listening to them. So if you are using electronic products, cell phones, and don't treat women like dogs, then you are an infidel, and you are a target.

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I remember reading a post about the Bali Bomber...

Filth of the Crucifix and Greedy Zionists

These people want to take over the world and make everybody live their life style.

Are you kidding me saying this is not a religious thing, Islamic Jihad!

They are killing tolerant peace loving people everyday, <deleted> we ought dust the lot and end their party!

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LPCustom69....What you have written is very idiotic and racist !

I, myself, am an agnostic and I am not a big fan of 'organized religion' at all but stereotyping a group of people this way can only come from a bigot !

Racists, chauvinists and anti-gays in this forum really make me sick.


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I agreed with Chingy 100%

Spain got bombs, Spain pullout their troops.

Hondulas got scared as the same, so they pullout their troops.

Terrorists saw the opportunity that they can scares someone and they will run with the tail between their legs.

Even someone in this forum thinking of moving ? You kidding right, I hope.

Either you stand up and fight or lay down and let them step on you, of cause, the choice is your.

I admired the government of Thailand had desire to keep the troops there with out fear, South Korea also will send more troops to Iraq. If every countries had done the same it would makes this world more safer place to live.

I plan to be in Bangkok early May, and it doesn't change my mind, in fact I will try to walk around those embassy more often, just incase I have a chance to meet one of those coward barbaric terrorist, of cause I'm not able to fight with them I just want to show them that I'm not afraid them.

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Chingy --- It most definitely is a religious holy war. Unfortunately, it looks like the muslims started WWIII on 911. The muslims have declared war on the "infidels". Which is basically anyone not living in the 17th century, and listening to them. So if you are using electronic products, cell phones, and don't treat women like dogs, then you are an infidel, and you are a target.




JemJem Posted: Thu 2004-04-22, 23:02:43 

LPCustom69....What you have written is very idiotic and racist !

I, myself, am an agnostic and I am not a big fan of 'organized religion' at all but stereotyping a group of people this way can only come from a bigot !

Racists, chauvinists and anti-gays in this forum really make me sick.


Hi Jem,

calling LPCustom69`s remarks simply idiotic and racist, in my humble opinion makes things a bit too easy for you. Even if the remarks are slightly exaggerated and strong, he seems to have his point. Only in the exaggeration it becomes clear. And I am afraid he is not so far from what I feel.

Even as an agnostic you should recognize that other people simply do have their fears about that global threat.

Why - for heavens`s sake - do I have to let myself call an "infidel", just because I do not share the muslims belief? To me this is an insult and arrogance in itself.

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Lets's stop pussyfooting around and call it what it is!! ,,,,bin ladin has said it himself, many times,, """turn to Islam or die!!!""" If this isn't about religion,, then you don't understand how to tie your shoes! It's time to wake up!!!!!!

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I would suggest any of you who have formed your opinions of what is going on through prime time news to do a little more research before declaring war on "Muslims"

If you hadn't noticed, this 'war' is much more about Poor vs Rich, and Rich nations trapping poor nations in cycles of poverty. Also just poor being poor .. South asia, the middle east, north africa, and even in the south of SEA .. poor, hard lives. Bored teenagers with nothing watching TV and wondering why they are getting screwed. In the harsher parts, watching their brothers and parents suffer and die (ie. Palestinian refuge camps). Getting angry, desperate.

The Muslim faith among it's many features is one that by nature provides a large safety net, hence, the support it receives in poorer areas.

The excuse of terror in most places is Palestine, which under any investigation what so ever, is a terrible travesty of justice. The creation of the state of Israel, and the violent, racist, fearful and paranoid attitudes has caused imense amount of suffering, kicked millions of innocent people out of their homes and off their land.

If Israel were to be forced to show some compassion, the terrorists would be robbed of their Justification, and I believe would rapidly deflate.

Ok now i feel better. If you care to form opinions about this issue, please go and get the facts before making public comments against 'Muslims'. Terrorists might make .0001 percent of all Muslims in this world, and have successfully hijacked the muslim label. That's sad.

Islam is a very respectful and respectable way of life that has nothing to do with terror.

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very definately about poor people, why just take a look at the people that have just been arrested in Sydney, lets see we had a poverty stricken architect, a mr Lodi and then a poor stuggling medical student.

Not wanting to sound racist but both pakistani muslims.

Then of course youve got the 4 muslims that raped the Aussie girl, they showed no remorse, thought it was their right as a muslim and she infadel, oh well, wont be seeing them for a while, no 126 virgins for a while but 88 years in a NSW jail.

I hope they get sent to an agricultural prison and get made to look after the swine.

jem your a dreamer :o

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it looks like that Spain and Honduras got out in time

you give in to terrorist they will run your life, do you sit when they tell you to sit, i feel sorry that spain make the wrong move, it should get tougher and not giving in.

are we entering stage two ... muslim's world war?
this is not about muslim or any kind of religious, it about terrorist, killer, and muderer.

But these terrorists, killers, murderers all call themselves devout muslims and carry out their killings in the name of Allah, the merciful (MBBUH).

Please understand that any muslim condemning these people will be subject to much abuse, be ostracised, so on. The muslim community must solve this problem - outsiders cannot. Any attack from non-believers will only strengthen the hand of the fanatic fringe. Look at Iraq and the idiot Americans there. Listen to the Americans in charge and it is easy to understand why the Iraqi community is joining together to get rid of these people who understand absolutely nothing of the circumstances, beliefs,ambitions and hopes of the local people.

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bronco is correct although terrorists account for only .0001 percent of all muslims, and no one here is suggesting all muslims should be round up and shot you have to realise that these terrorists do recieve a lot of support from non terrorist muslims because their actions are based on their religeous beliefs

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Withnail , you've hit the nail on the head .

I refuse to grow a beard and my girlfriends face is to pretty to be covered, does this make us legitimate targets?

Are there any sane women on this forum who could defend the Muslim religion after seeing how there fellow sisters were treated in places like Afghanistan. :o

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I've been trying to come up with jokes about the spanish all week... something to do with a dogs running with their tails between their legs.


No, seriously... I think all these countries pulling out of Iraq are the shiznit.

Its sad to realize that some governments (maybe all) don't realize their mistakes before or while they make them.


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So much for security!

I was outside a certain high profile embassy which shall remain nameless this week and the security car parked outside had the back door wide open with with a shotgun laying on the back seat while the guard chatted 6 feet away! I could have walked up, grabbed it and blown half the embassy away if I was a terrorist. :o


Are you sure it was loaded?

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Hi everyone in this lalaland,

This is my first post. Any way what made me post was that some people here dont understand or dont have enought knowledge of Islam and giving many stupid remarks of somthing they dont understand.

Well onething Terrorist and muslims are two different things there are more non muslim terrorists then muslim terrorist. In Islam there is no place for Terrorism and thoes who carry out such things are not muslims according to Islam and are cirminals I would say "they are illiterate extremists criminals".I am a Muslim and a proud one too. But what Osama or his followers are doing is wrong and against our religion.

Someone said above that Muslims are starting WWIII or a muslim war GEEZ dude come on Dont you see Pakistan(Islamic republic of Pakistan) is also being threatened and kuwait and resently boomings in saudi capital. This is clearly not a muslim war, Its a group of people fighting against american policy.

I have read that many have used the word Infidel. Do you guys even know what it means look it up in a dictionary prior to 1980.I dont trust the new ones as they are changed according to the western interstes.An infidel, in common usage, is one who denies Christianity and the truth of the Scriptures, so it can be used by any religion not only Muslims, Tell me what about the Crusade that bush talked about or are you just using double standards.

And one more thing In Islam you dont need to have a beard and women dont need to cover there face go to pakistan egypt kuwait uae qatar etc.I guess you got that idea from the media cnn or bbc (the views of western intersts and used to cover up there mess).Yes in afghanistan the majority are illitarate people and beating women is very serious crime in Islam. And to shock you all Women have equal rights in Islam.

I think i had enought to say for my first post.

Takecare all.

P.S Live and Let Live.

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The true terrorist state is Israel and Sharon has always been a major terrorist.. They want us all to live like they do.

W. is now helping that along.

Most of the problem stems from the aftermath of WWII and the creation of artificial nations.

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Are you sure it was loaded?

Are you joking? Whether the shotgun was loaded or not is hardly the point.

It was allegedly left on the back seat of an open car - any loonie could have jumped in and grabbed it.

I think the point Simon was trying to make was about the lax security present in this particular embassy. If the so-called terrorists of the world see Bangkok's embassies as an easy target, where shotguns are left on car seats, then it might inspire them to have a go.

On the subject of terrorism - lets say for a minute that this latest letter of threat, from the Yellow Red Overseas organization, is a hoax.

It has still achieved it's goal of terrorism, because it scares the sh*t out of everybody and makes them start to worry about going about their daily business.

Terrorism isn't always about blowing up cars with great big bombs, it can be implied as well, IMHO


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The following is an excerpt from William Blum's book "Killing Hope". Blum is an avowed US Patriot but he cannot understand why the US is constantly interfering with other countries' futures and thereby increasing the global threat profile.


Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War.

When a range of years is given, the effort to overthrow was not necessarily an active operation each year of the period.

* = successful ouster of a government

China 1949, 1950s

Albania 1949-53

East Germany 1950s

Iran 1953 *

Guatemala 1954 *

Costa Rica mid-1950s

Syria 1956-7

Egypt 1957

Indonesia 1957-8

British Guiana 1953-64 *

Iraq 1963 *

North Vietnam 1945-73

Cambodia 1955-70 *

Laos 1958-60 *

Ecuador 1960-63 *

Congo 1960 *

France 1965

Brazil 1962-64 *

Dominican Republic 1963 *

Cuba 1959 to present

Bolivia 1964 *

Indonesia 1965 *

Ghana 1966 *

Chile 1964-73 *

Greece 1967 *

Costa Rica 1970-71

Bolivia 1971 *

Australia 1973-75 *

Angola 1975, 1980s

Zaire 1975

Portugal 1974-76 *

Jamaica 1976-80 *

Seychelles 1979-81

Chad 1981-82 *

Grenada 1983 *

South Yemen 1982-84

Suriname 1982-84

Fiji 1987 *

Libya 1980s

Nicaragua 1981-90 *

Panama 1989 *

Bulgaria 1990 *

Albania 1991 *

Iraq 1991

Afghanistan 1980s *

Somalia 1993

Yugoslavia 1999

Ecuador 2000 *

Afghanistan 2001 *

Venezuela 2002 *

Iraq 2003 *

END OF EXCERPT (add Haiti)

A major issue for me - a non-US person - is trying to understand why the US seems so persistently war-mongering and why it has embroiled the world in a major illegal and unjust war in Iraq. (The fact that my own country is also participating with the US in this war amazes and angers me). Spain's actions are very courageous. knowing in advance the knee-jerk reactions it would receive. As those countries who have supported the USA in Iraq are involved generally without the support of the voters, it is to be expected that as Governments change, more troops will be pulled out.

From a post elsewhere on this topic: "although terrorists account for only .0001 percent of all muslims, and no one here is suggesting all muslims should be round up and shot you have to realise that these terrorists do recieve a lot of support from non terrorist muslims because their actions are based on their religeous beliefs". My own country has had many terrorust attacks, mainly from the IRA over many years. What was the main fund-raising organisation for the IRA? Noraid, based in USA and channelling funds to the provisionals in Ireland who would then bomb fairly indiscriminately. Did the US do much to stop the fund raising? Not at all, because "terrorists do recieve a lot of support from non terrorist muslims (Irish?) because their actions are based on their religeous beliefs".

this is a first post and way too long, sorry about that


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The following is an excerpt from William Blum's book "Killing Hope"

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War.

When a range of years is given, the effort to overthrow was not necessarily an active operation each year of the period.

* = successful ouster of a government

Australia 1973-75 *

Surely he is taking the p*ss?

Any forum members want to shed some light onto this one?

How on earth was the U.S. possibly trying to oust the Aussie government between 1973-1975? (Whitlam era from memory, Kerr sacking the PM etc)


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