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Sanders: Democratic convention could be 'messy'


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Sanders: Democratic convention could be 'messy'

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bernie Sanders predicted Monday that the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia could be "messy" as he pushed the party to adopt his progressive agenda, but added: "Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle."

The Democratic presidential candidate said in an interview with The Associated Press that his supporters hoped to see a platform at the July convention that reflects the needs of working families, the poor and young people as opposed to one that represents Wall Street and corporate America.

The Vermont senator said he will "condemn any and all forms of violence" but his campaign was bringing in newcomers to the process and first-time attendees of political conventions. He said the Democratic party could choose to be more inclusive.

"I think if they make the right choice and open the doors to working class people and young people and create the kind of dynamism that the Democratic party needs, it's going to be messy," Sanders said. "Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle but that is where the Democratic party should go."

Asked if the convention could be messy, Sanders said, "So what! Democracy is messy. Everyday my life is messy. But if you want everything to be quiet and orderly and allow, you know, just things to proceed without vigorous debate, that is not what democracy is about."

Sanders is vying for support ahead of California's June 7 primary, a day that also includes contests in New Jersey and four other states. Rival Hillary Clinton has 271 more pledged delegates than Sanders and is just 90 delegates shy of clinching the nomination when the total includes superdelegates, the party officials and elected leaders who can support the candidate of their choice.

Sanders said he had a "shot" at winning the June 7 California primary against Hillary Clinton and said given his deficit among delegates it was "imperative" that he perform well.

"What happens if I win a major victory in California? Will people say, 'Oh we're really enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton despite the fact that Bernie Sanders has now won whatever it may be, 25 states, half the states?'" he said adding that if that happens, superdelegates "may rethink that. That is why you want the process to play out."

The senator spoke after the Democratic National Committee announced a 15-member platform drafting committee, which write the first draft of platform and will include allies of both candidates.

Sanders said the drafting of the platform would be an "excellent time to educate the American people. There are two sides to every issue and I'm sure that Secretary Clinton will have very vigorous proponents of her point of view as we will have."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-24

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Bernie's strongest political card is he would get a greater majority of votes against Trump, than Hillary.

Also on the menu, he has motivated younger voters like no one since JFK. That's massive, because it's so easy for youngsters to get cynical about politics, like their parents. He's got millions engaged in the political process who would ordinarily not care. Feel the bern!

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Hillary is such a loser. She can't shake a wobbly old socialist even though her party anointed her long before the primaries started. Her Royal Thighness aka the Pantsuit Monster will lose this election one way or another - either to Bernie or to Trump.


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Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

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The degree to which America has changed in the last 8 years is evident from the fact that for the first time in presidential history the word "socialist" can be used without anyone screaming "commie" at the same time. Back in 1988, Dukakis went to marathon lengths to avoid using the word "liberal" for fear he would bring on the "commie" word. Today the word "liberal" is bandied around with total freedom.

The question is: why has this huge change occurred?

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Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

Perhaps in a sane world. But political reality says: if Bernie goes 3rd party, he splits the democratic vote, and Trump wins = America barreling downhill on a wheeled soapbox.

The degree to which America has changed in the last 8 years is evident from the fact that for the first time in presidential history the word "socialist" can be used without anyone screaming "commie" at the same time. Back in 1988, Dukakis went to marathon lengths to avoid using the word "liberal" for fear he would bring on the "commie" word. Today the word "liberal" is bandied around with total freedom. The question is: why has this huge change occurred?

Mostly true, but there are intelligence-challenged Republicans who still equate the two words. Same folks who think the world was created in 7 days, that Noah brought 2 of each species on his ark, that the earth's surface is not warming, that evolution is the devil's work, and that smoking pot leads inexorably to sex-crazed fiendishness.

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Hillary is such a loser. She can't shake a wobbly old socialist even though her party anointed her long before the primaries started. Her Royal Thighness aka the Pantsuit Monster will lose this election one way or another - either to Bernie or to Trump.


...or the FBI, their criminal investigation is still underway.

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Also on the menu, he has motivated younger voters like no one since JFK. That's massive, because it's so easy for youngsters to get cynical about politics, like their parents. He's got millions engaged in the political process who would ordinarily not care. Feel the bern!

I think a better comparison would be the Gene McCarthy campaign in 1968 and his run based almost solely on an anti war platform. The Democratic establishment certainly preferred Humphrey (after RFK was killled) and made sure he was the nominee dispite polls showing McCarthy might do better against Nixon.

The behavior of the protesters outside the convention (as portrayed by the media of the day) almost guaranteed a Nixon win anyway. Shades of the Nevada convention don't you think...

The headline of this article is misleading as the most important thing Bernie said was not the "messy" line but his hopes for a Democratic platform out of the convention that incorporates much of his campaign promises. Bernie is walking a very fine line these days between keeping his supporters enthused while at the same time not hurting Hillary's long term chances of beating Trump.

I think (and hope) that at the convention we get a Bernie speech that lays out his platform followed by a prolonged attack on Trump and a call to make sure he is defeated. That was certainly missing by McCarthy in 68 and contributed, along with the riot outside the convention, to Nixon's win.


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The degree to which America has changed in the last 8 years is evident from the fact that for the first time in presidential history the word "socialist" can be used without anyone screaming "commie" at the same time. Back in 1988, Dukakis went to marathon lengths to avoid using the word "liberal" for fear he would bring on the "commie" word. Today the word "liberal" is bandied around with total freedom.

The question is: why has this huge change occurred?

Perhaps because the conservatives are so dumb now they don't know the meanings of the words.

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Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

Presidential elections in the US don't work that way. Look up "US Electoral College" and read up.

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The US electorate after being cheated, stolen from, lied to; and utterly deceived by government after government and almost bankrupt from the greedy business interests and the wealthy have finally seen the light and said enough. People don't care about labels anymore. They want a President who will redistribute the wealth that has been stolen; create jobs that pay more than the minimum wage; reduce a defense budget that is the highest in the World; reform a tax system that favors the rich; develop a real national health care system that does not favor insurance companies and Big Pharma and generally puts the power back in the hands of the people. The only candidate who even acknowledges these issues is Bernie Sanders. If he were elected, everything would change and that is why the wealthy and greedy business fear him.

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Bernie is the only one who can salvage this disaster of a presidential election

A violent contender, who condones violence (see remarks in article)..

How does this make him the saviour?

Trump turned out to be a peaceable man...despite rhetoric to the contrary. There was only one or two punches thrown, on his behalf. LOL, the "one" old guy with a cowboy hat who sucker punched an antagonizer.

The craziest thing is, all the predictions of violence by Trump turned out to be smoke. The Republican National Convention will be a peaceful.

The Democrats are the thugs...as I knew all along.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I am certain that neither Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton will do anything to upset their paymasters who are the 1% -the wealthy and the business interests they represent. Neither Trump nor Clinton have any real plan to 'make America Great Again'. I won't vote for either of them and their election means nothing to the majority of Americans who keep working, struggling and can't make any progress because the greedy won't allow it. Sanders is the best choice to make the necessary changes America needs. He doesn't have the money behind him to get elected because what he proposes is anathema to those that would see their privileged positions change. Yet, in their own minds, they better realize- it is only a matter of time.

Truth is on the march and even their billions of ill gotten dollars can't stop it and it will continue its march in many places and many countries in the World. If you think I m wrong- simple Math will show you the light. Take 1% of the World's Population as this represents the wealthy and then take 99% of the World's population which represents the rest.. Which figure is larger? In pure numbers- who holds the real power? They haven't exercised it yet- but they will.

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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

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I don't know whether HRC is evil but for sure she knows nothing about the struggling poor and middle class people. It's just more of the same for Americans, but , yes, I agree the worst choice would be Trump who is just another ignorant blowhard who would embarrass America. At least Hillary will give a few things to the people because I believe Sanders will force it on her. Some of the things I have read about the 'real' personality of HRC is plain scary. Could explain Bill's behavior.

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Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

Presidential elections in the US don't work that way. Look up "US Electoral College" and read up.

what I said above is exactly correct. In order to become president from the general election one must have 270 electoral votes. If that number is not met then the House will select the president.

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Bernie is the only one who can salvage this disaster of a presidential election

A violent contender, who condones violence (see remarks in article)..

How does this make him the saviour?

Trump turned out to be a peaceable man...despite rhetoric to the contrary. There was only one or two punches thrown, on his behalf. LOL, the "one" old guy with a cowboy hat who sucker punched an antagonizer.

The craziest thing is, all the predictions of violence by Trump turned out to be smoke. The Republican National Convention will be a peaceful.

The Democrats are the thugs...as I knew all along.

hahaha.... Too funny !
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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

My vote in that case would be a write in with Bernie Sanders. My vote will count as a protest and it and millions will be noticed in the future and will have a better chance of changing minds and hearts than giving one of those liars my vote. Bernie or bust !!!
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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

That's certainly what Clinton is counting on from the electorate. It's not a universally held opinion though

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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

That's certainly what Clinton is counting on from the electorate. It's not a universally held opinion though

it sounds like Sanders isn't about to say he will tell his supporters to vote for Clinton, at least not at this point. He said Hillary will have to reach out to them. Sanders does not like the way he and his supporters have been treated by the DNC and I think he may just consider a third party run. I hope he does !
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The biggest problem I personally have with Sanders is that the promises he make to the naive younger population that he can legalize pot, socialized medicine and other subject that he will never get thru congress or the house. Then his age, even if he's healthy he may do 1 period but if he don't achieve his promises the republicans will win after 4 years. Democrats need a better candidate and I think Hilary can do the job, us did a lot improvement under Bill.

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The biggest problem I personally have with Sanders is that the promises he make to the naive younger population that he can legalize pot, socialized medicine and other subject that he will never get thru congress or the house. Then his age, even if he's healthy he may do 1 period but if he don't achieve his promises the republicans will win after 4 years. Democrats need a better candidate and I think Hilary can do the job, us did a lot improvement under Bill.

and Hillary can keep everything the same .... Screwed up ! I want someone who is pushing for change not someone who is fat and happy taking money from everyone to get into the .01 percent. Hillary is as bad as trump but in a different way.
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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

That's certainly what Clinton is counting on from the electorate. It's not a universally held opinion though

it sounds like Sanders isn't about to say he will tell his supporters to vote for Clinton, at least not at this point. He said Hillary will have to reach out to them. Sanders does not like the way he and his supporters have been treated by the DNC and I think he may just consider a third party run. I hope he does !

Sanders has good reason to be upset. The media and DNC has ignored his campaign as much as they possibly can.

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The degree to which America has changed in the last 8 years is evident from the fact that for the first time in presidential history the word "socialist" can be used without anyone screaming "commie" at the same time. Back in 1988, Dukakis went to marathon lengths to avoid using the word "liberal" for fear he would bring on the "commie" word. Today the word "liberal" is bandied around with total freedom.

The question is: why has this huge change occurred?

Maybe people are just now starting to awaken to the fact that there is effectively one party with two branches who work for the same paymaster and not the people. Any other year and people like Bernie & Trump would have been run out long ago. I wish they would have both run Independent. As ugly as things look right now, this whole thing may be going in a positive direction in the future.

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Bernie is toast. His continuation just dragging Hilary down. Trump's not-so secret weapon for now. On the other hand quite quaint reading above all the European-style forum socialists lining up to 'er vote for Bernie and his populist drivel. Sort of like Jeremy Corbyn without the charm sad.png

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Bernie is toast. His continuation just dragging Hilary down. Trump's not-so secret weapon for now. On the other hand quite quaint reading above all the European-style forum socialists lining up to 'er vote for Bernie and his populist drivel. Sort of like Jeremy Corbyn without the charm sad.png

Dragging down Hillary, hahaha ... Now that's a laugh. How much further down can one go ? Hillary and Trump are as low as they can go, lie, cheat, maybe even kill to get want they want ...
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Hillary is scared out of her panties....

Is going back on her word to attend 3 debates.

The old witch is rolling down hill, and with her, any chance of the Democrats pursuing 4 more years of unpopular rule.

70 *Seventy* percent of Americans want changes.

By July, the Democratic Party will be in complete disarray...and Trump will be serving up Steaks.

Of course...stupid democrats will try to ruin it outside the Republic National Convention..as they are basically...in a state of desperation, confusion, violence, and just outright bitterness.

Poor losers..them democrats... they will wreak havoc, and disruption....

I am actually worried that is their strategy. They know they can't win...but if they act like dumbos and block streets, riot, create civil unrest....Obama could actually declare a state of emergency...and serve a 3rd term, utilizing a little known loophole that allows 3rd Term Presidents, under emergency powers.


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