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Angelina Jolie to teach at London School of Economics


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Angelina Jolie to teach at London School of Economics

LONDON (AP) — Oscar-winning actress and activist Angelina Jolie has been appointed a visiting professor at one of Britain's most prestigious universities.

The London School of Economics announced Monday that Jolie will be working with students studying for a master's degree in Women, Peace and Security.

Among others appointed to teach the course is former British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

"I hope other academic institutions will follow this example, as it is vital that we broaden the discussion on how to advance women's rights and end impunity for crimes that disproportionately affect women, such as sexual violence in conflict," Jolie said in a statement.

"I am looking forward to teaching and to learning from the students as well as to sharing my own experiences of working alongside governments and the United Nations."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-24

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

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Wall Street and banks vie with one another to nab graduates from top Universities, ...graduates with prestigious business degrees. Some of those top U's are Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Trump's alma mater; Wharton. The quote below shows some recent settlements which were caused by some of those $millions-per-year business degree hot shots......

In 2014, JPMorgan Chase agreed to pay $13 billion, Citigroup came to a $7 billion deal with federal investigators, and Bank of America itself agreed to pay nearly $17 billion in a settlement with federal regulators over allegations that it misled investors into buying risky, mortgage-backed securities. In 2015, Morgan Stanley agreed to a $2.6 billion mortgage-backed-securities settlement. Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $5 billion for misleading investors about mortgages.


Remember the "Occupy Wall Street" protests? Businessmen laughed at them, :"ha ha ha, they're never going to accomplish anything." Well, they probably wouldn't have accomplished anything with big biz lovers like Bush Jr or Trump as prez, but with Obama in charge, some successful lawsuits were launched. See quote above.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

There are always a few know-nothing guys with chips on their shoulders who carry their prejudices into the outside world.

Edited by SheungWan
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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

You should check out the position of the LSE both in the UK and international league tables. The next thing you might do is work out what a 'visiting professor' is. Some sneered at Mick Jagger being given an honorary degree at the LSE not so long ago.

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I just hope that her teaching is better than her acting......

Would that be the same Angelina Jolie who has received an Academy Award, 2 Screen Actor Guild Awards and 3 Golden Globe Awards? ...or maybe at one point being the highest paid actress in Hollywood?

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Wall Street and banks vie with one another to nab graduates from top Universities, ...graduates with prestigious business degrees. Some of those top U's are Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Trump's alma mater; Wharton. The quote below shows some recent settlements which were caused by some of those $millions-per-year business degree hot shots......

In 2014, JPMorgan Chase agreed to pay $13 billion, Citigroup came to a $7 billion deal with federal investigators, and Bank of America itself agreed to pay nearly $17 billion in a settlement with federal regulators over allegations that it misled investors into buying risky, mortgage-backed securities. In 2015, Morgan Stanley agreed to a $2.6 billion mortgage-backed-securities settlement. Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $5 billion for misleading investors about mortgages.


Remember the "Occupy Wall Street" protests? Businessmen laughed at them, :"ha ha ha, they're never going to accomplish anything." Well, they probably wouldn't have accomplished anything with big biz lovers like Bush Jr or Trump as prez, but with Obama in charge, some successful lawsuits were launched. See quote above.

Yes, but how many bankers were criminally charged and convicted? Obviously, bankers are much more deterred by possible criminal prosecution than by making a financial deal to pay off Uncle Sam to go away.

As I understand it, AG Holder came from a law firm that does white-collar criminal defense for deep-pocket clients. It's funny how many more bankers were prosecuted way back for the S&L bank scandal than were prosecuted by Holder (839 to 1).


Regarding the settlements mentioned, don't they get some kind of tax write-off on these thus reducing their costs? Also, do these settled amounts actually cut into profits gained by their misbehavior thus rendering the amounts paid just the cost of doing business?

Obama does not deserve credit for enforcing the law against Wall Street. He even admitted that he kept people with "pitchforks" away from the bankers. Part of Obama's legacy will be his failure to prosecute Wall Street, the same people who so much helped finance his 2008 election campaign. Or, as the bankers would say, "Yes, we can!"

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She is going to teach the economic advantages of breast implants in the entertainment industry and work in general, girls please listen carefully.

I guess you are trying to be funny in reference to her double mastectomy which took place at the end of her acting career? Or maybe you wish to refer to her later activities as as director, producer, screenwriter? or with the UN?

Edited by SheungWan
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"Students studying for a master's degree in Women, Peace and Security". Only in a PC world would a degree in that actually lead to any employment. Not to say women don't experience inequality, but is inflicting the leftist doctrine of political correctness really the answer? Jolie is an accomplished actor with the ego that success brings, but let us not forget that a showbiz family and copious amounts of body reconstruction perhaps helped her career more than her towering intellect and thespian aptitude.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

You should check out the position of the LSE both in the UK and international league tables. The next thing you might do is work out what a 'visiting professor' is. Some sneered at Mick Jagger being given an honorary degree at the LSE not so long ago.

She is a visiting lecturer and is not a professor. Yes, I know the media have run with the description "professor", but the UCU has a collective agreement in place with the LSE that addresses the position of professors. It is not unusual to have visiting lecturers. I had them and they provided life experiences that applied the theories were taught. In this case though, I don't know what she brings to the classroom as she is not qualified in anything and has no practical experience. If she had been a human rights activist who got her hands dirty, I'd get it. If she had been a forensic investigator, I'd get it. However, I expect there will be blowback from those who have paid their dues in the trenches of life. I can think of no greater insult to those who have done something worthwhile, then to have some microphone chomping arrogant hypocrite get parachuted in to a job like this.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif You don't have a formal education do you? I make a wonderful wage and have lovely perks because of my education. I worked hard for it and still work hard. I thank my father for paying for it too. thumbsup.gif Best part of it was that he never held it over my head, but he did teach me a lesson about investing in people. In some cases it doesn't pay to invest in some people because there is nothing to work with, Right?

My university diplomas were indeed relevant to my hiring. If you are comfortable having your medical condition treated by Apoo, the graduate of the school of hard knocks, good for you. I prefer that my physician graduated from a reputable university and that he did his/her residency at a reputable facility. When I discuss my foreign taxes with the person preparing my filing, I expect that the person is a graduate of a reputable accounting program and passed the necessary exams to offer advice. When I consult with legal counsel, I expect that counsel went through the basic principles of law and the appropriate statutes in law school, and did not pick it up by way of the internet. When the contractor did work in my (western) flat, I made sure he was using graduates of a qualified trade school which in my country trains people over a period of 1-3 years depending on their specialty and gives them a diploma. (I checked the license online and you can't get the license without the education and work experience.)

I did rather well with my education. wink.png

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

You should check out the position of the LSE both in the UK and international league tables. The next thing you might do is work out what a 'visiting professor' is. Some sneered at Mick Jagger being given an honorary degree at the LSE not so long ago.

She is a visiting lecturer and is not a professor. Yes, I know the media have run with the description "professor", but the UCU has a collective agreement in place with the LSE that addresses the position of professors. It is not unusual to have visiting lecturers. I had them and they provided life experiences that applied the theories were taught. In this case though, I don't know what she brings to the classroom as she is not qualified in anything and has no practical experience. If she had been a human rights activist who got her hands dirty, I'd get it. If she had been a forensic investigator, I'd get it. However, I expect there will be blowback from those who have paid their dues in the trenches of life. I can think of no greater insult to those who have done something worthwhile, then to have some microphone chomping arrogant hypocrite get parachuted in to a job like this.

You are incorrect. The LSE has appointed Angolina Jolie Visiting Professor In Practice. Your opinion as to her experience contradicted by that of the LSE and her CV.


Edited by SheungWan
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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

What's the matter Humpty, did someone with a degree take your job? It seems you think having a degree means you have never had any experience. A degree is nothing more than having a series of tickets punched, just like any series of job certifications. Only the degree is more scarce and requires more time and sagacity, even if it is in a cushion-less chair. Having a degree does not ensure you can do the job; just like having a series of job certifications does not mean you can do the job either, does it Humpty?

Just a scam, yeah, so is having a union to help you get paid because you can't get a good salaried job. And, people with few skills claiming they don't get paid enough; for what, 20 years worth of six months experience. Or my personal favorite; ". . . those damn locals can never learn my job . . .," a quote from an old friend of mine who operated a piece of factory equipment. The entire factory moved to Guatemala; now some dumb Guat is doing his job for a fraction of his wage.

If your job requires no education and can be learned in a few months, you can be replaced by someone with a few months experience and no education. If your job can be proceduralized; then, you can be replaced by anyone who can read. If your job is repetitive or requires only limited skills, you can be replaced by a robot, or some pimply-faced kid with no education and little experience.

Do the research--if you are so good at it without being taught--college educated workers get paid more than high school educated workers, who get paid more than high school drops-outs all the world over. Sure there are exceptions, college drop-outs or never-goes who made it big. However, they all have unique talents and maybe a bit of luck. And, there are those who work regular jobs in isolated/hazardous places for extended periods of time; jobs that would not earn nearly the money, if they were safe at home.

I have to laugh every time I hear one of them say, "Oh, what I have to give up just to provide for my family"--that was your choice, why didn't you just stay home and sell insurance; then you could be with your family every day. Oh, that's right, you don't have a degree and the good insurance jobs require one.

Why do you think so many good paying jobs require a degree? I say be smarter than the problem, if companies want a degree, get one; just like you need to get a job certification to get a job. What you do with the education, like what you do with the certification, is up to you.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

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Well you got that wrong about university degrees.

It's like learning calculus when you don't initially need it. It's like learning a programming language when you don't initially need it. It's like learning to read, write and speak Thai, or Australian.

It's like working out all the things you can do with half a viagra.

It's about stimulating your mind.

If you have ever learnt a trade, and got a 5 year trade certificate, then done some certificate courses, then diploma courses, then university degree, .... you would know the feeling.

Oh what a feeling ....

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

You should check out the position of the LSE both in the UK and international league tables. The next thing you might do is work out what a 'visiting professor' is. Some sneered at Mick Jagger being given an honorary degree at the LSE not so long ago.

She is a visiting lecturer and is not a professor. Yes, I know the media have run with the description "professor", but the UCU has a collective agreement in place with the LSE that addresses the position of professors. It is not unusual to have visiting lecturers. I had them and they provided life experiences that applied the theories were taught. In this case though, I don't know what she brings to the classroom as she is not qualified in anything and has no practical experience. If she had been a human rights activist who got her hands dirty, I'd get it. If she had been a forensic investigator, I'd get it. However, I expect there will be blowback from those who have paid their dues in the trenches of life. I can think of no greater insult to those who have done something worthwhile, then to have some microphone chomping arrogant hypocrite get parachuted in to a job like this.

You are incorrect. The LSE has appointed Angolina Jolie Visiting Professor In Practice. Your opinion as to her experience contradicted by that of the LSE and her CV.


Can you show us her CV?

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Does she need to show her CV?

If i was a young keen uni student I'd love to listen to what she says, and then take it from there.

You can't take away all her life experiences and what she would bring to a lecture.

She was chosen wisely.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

boomerangutang: Would you prevent your children from going to University ??????

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Does she need to show her CV?

If i was a young keen uni student I'd love to listen to what she says, and then take it from there.

You can't take away all her life experiences and what she would bring to a lecture.

She was chosen wisely.

It's not difficult to Google Angelina Jolie's record as a worker & then ambassador for the UN, especially for refugees.

I'd be far more concerned with what William Hague has to offer.

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You are incorrect. The LSE has appointed Angolina Jolie Visiting Professor In Practice. Your opinion as to her experience contradicted by that of the LSE and her CV.


Train drivers are called engineers. Would you retain one to construct an office tower?

HVAC technicians term themselves heating and air conditioning engineers. They do not design the ventilation systems for multi tenant structures do they?

Yes, the LSE has called her a visiting professor. However, she is not. The collective agreement in place at LSE defines lecturers, professors etc. The LSE also explains that she is not on the same level as its actual professors. This is a PR position that serves the interests of Jolie and LSE. She is not being remunerated. Do you know why? Because she is not a qualified university professor. She is a guest lecturer given a fancy title. Believe what you want. At least you are illustrating the benefit of an education as a means of not easily being suckered.

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You are incorrect. The LSE has appointed Angolina Jolie Visiting Professor In Practice. Your opinion as to her experience contradicted by that of the LSE and her CV.


Train drivers are called engineers. Would you retain one to construct an office tower?

HVAC technicians term themselves heating and air conditioning engineers. They do not design the ventilation systems for multi tenant structures do they?

Yes, the LSE has called her a visiting professor. However, she is not. The collective agreement in place at LSE defines lecturers, professors etc. The LSE also explains that she is not on the same level as its actual professors. This is a PR position that serves the interests of Jolie and LSE. She is not being remunerated. Do you know why? Because she is not a qualified university professor. She is a guest lecturer given a fancy title. Believe what you want. At least you are illustrating the benefit of an education as a means of not easily being suckered.

You are the sort of nit-picker who would want to point out also that those in receipt of an honorary doctorate haven't really achieved that award because it isn't a real PhD. So, you are in a position to inform the university appointments and honours system that they are not legit? As for not being on the same level as FT staff, that is not the point, nor is the pay. What is the point is that many universities recognise that certain individuals life experiences are either rewarded for an honorary degree or brought on board to contribute to the academic curriculum at varying levels and in the case of Angelina Jolie this is exactly the case. As the LSE's Media statement says, a number of individuals have been added to the academic input for a particular MSc programme. Their input will contribute to the curriculum which will be assessed. That means just to be precise that her and others' input will contribute to the material assessed at Master's level. Across the university sector there are some visiting lecturers who are full time academic staff at other universities. There are others who are considered to be leaders in their area of expertise and in the process of being added to the academic staff input are recognised for the level of their input. Maybe you can amuse us further by telling us that it is not really a MSc. So far your understanding of how universities work is somewhat on the thin side. Have a proper look at the LSE statement and see why leading practitioners are a key part of the academic input to this particular degree.

Edited by SheungWan
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You should check out the position of the LSE both in the UK and international league tables. The next thing you might do is work out what a 'visiting professor' is. Some sneered at Mick Jagger being given an honorary degree at the LSE not so long ago.

She is a visiting lecturer and is not a professor. Yes, I know the media have run with the description "professor", but the UCU has a collective agreement in place with the LSE that addresses the position of professors. It is not unusual to have visiting lecturers. I had them and they provided life experiences that applied the theories were taught. In this case though, I don't know what she brings to the classroom as she is not qualified in anything and has no practical experience. If she had been a human rights activist who got her hands dirty, I'd get it. If she had been a forensic investigator, I'd get it. However, I expect there will be blowback from those who have paid their dues in the trenches of life. I can think of no greater insult to those who have done something worthwhile, then to have some microphone chomping arrogant hypocrite get parachuted in to a job like this.

You are incorrect. The LSE has appointed Angolina Jolie Visiting Professor In Practice. Your opinion as to her experience contradicted by that of the LSE and her CV.


Can you show us her CV?

This one will probably do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

Actually university degrees do teach lateral thinking that is one of their strong points. I do agree though a degree in sheep dipping is probably not going to get you very far. Having said that you cant blame a university for the stupidity that some people with degrees seem to have and I might add consider it a plus. I assume you are talking about degrees that you pay to enroll for. Most universities use thee money to conduct research. Possible why overseas students go for th useless degrees like humanities. Of no value but easy to pass and the university gains from the cash.

Most students shy away from the difficult subjects like Engineering, Maths and the sciences and opt for the easy ones which have no value apart from putting your coffee cup on.

I agree, having a degree does not automatically make you successful as Bill and Steve demonstrated. Most of the degrees issued in SEA apart from Singapore are not worth the paper they are written on..

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

Actually university degrees do teach lateral thinking that is one of their strong points. I do agree though a degree in sheep dipping is probably not going to get you very far. Having said that you cant blame a university for the stupidity that some people with degrees seem to have and I might add consider it a plus. I assume you are talking about degrees that you pay to enroll for. Most universities use thee money to conduct research. Possible why overseas students go for th useless degrees like humanities. Of no value but easy to pass and the university gains from the cash.

Most students shy away from the difficult subjects like Engineering, Maths and the sciences and opt for the easy ones which have no value apart from putting your coffee cup on.

I agree, having a degree does not automatically make you successful as Bill and Steve demonstrated. Most of the degrees issued in SEA apart from Singapore are not worth the paper they are written on..

It's been a while since I was in University, but Humanities was a very difficult subject when I attended. The two most failed subjects for incoming freshmen was Humanities and English (actually, it was Composition).

All the subjects are easy if you like them and are good at them and they tend to be difficult if you don't care for the subject.

Ms. Jolie has a tremendous amount of experience and as someone who traveled extensively and been involved with humanitarian efforts, she is well qualified to teach in the narrow, but important, sphere of her experience.

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Angelina Jolie a professor? No wonder students question the value of a degree. There again it is at the LSE so I guess it fits

University degrees are one of the largest and most money-sucking scams in modern history. If I'm interviewing for a position in a company, a U degree is far down the list of qualifications. Indeed, a person with a U degree is likely to be less adept in their field of expertise. A U degree signifies being able to sit in a cushionless chair for hundreds of hours while facing the front of the class - little more.

University degrees can't teach anything about innovative thinking, problem solving, how to research, toughness under pressure, ....than a person can learn out in the real world. Just one of billions of examples: MacNamera was a Rhodes scholar and he kept the US in the Vietnam war for years longer than need-be (indeed, the US should have never interfered in French Indochina, as it was known then).

On the other side of the coin, both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, arguably among the most successful entrepreneurs of recent decades, dropped out of universities.

There are always a few know-nothing guys with chips on their shoulders who carry their prejudices into the outside world.

and there are some who will keep their head in the sand all their lives.....

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