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Muslims Slam Allegations of Plot to Destroy Buddhism


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The simple and most basic tenet of Islam is the imposition of Sharia upon the rest of the world.

This is the will of Mohammed and cannot be denied or refuted by any practising Muslim.

Those not converted are subject to the mercy of Muslims, and must pay taxes to exist.

It will then be a peaceful world.

Lots to look forward to.

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The simple and most basic tenet of Islam is the imposition of Sharia upon the rest of the world.

This is the will of Mohammed and cannot be denied or refuted by any practising Muslim.

Those not converted are subject to the mercy of Muslims, and must pay taxes to exist.

It will then be a peaceful world.

Lots to look forward to.

And yet in many Muslim majority countries other faiths exist and do not pay extra taxes to do so...how strange...

Stranger still


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Here is a survey of 2013.

Amazing how high the proportion in many countries of the Sharia proponents.
It is obvious that there must then inevitably be conflicts in countries where a different legal system exists.

Shockingly, I find also the high numbers,
which support the death penalty for those who want to leave Islam.

And also the percentages in some countries with regard to, if suicide bombing in defence of islam is often/sometimes justified.
e.g. Afghanistan has 30 Million inhabitants, 99,9% are muslims and 39% said yes.


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A: you don't know anything about which I have knowledge of. "Humble"

B: the point of my post stands regardless. "open to the discussion"

So much love and tolerance... and anyone who disagree is a fascist, full of hate, bigot etc

If you are going to quote someone then have the courage to reference them.

Now as to your post.

A: the accusation was made that I know nothing about the teachings of the Koran. I'm not an expert but that statement is incorrect.

B: Disagree with me, no problems with that.

However calling for the approach that was taken in Burma towards the Rohingya (as one poster, not Connda, did), now that's a different matter.

Or are you in favour of that approach?

How courage has anything to do here? and anyway it was obvious, if I refer to someone tagging anyone who disagree as bigot, you immediately know who I'm talking about.

As for the Rohingya, I have lived few month in Myanmar, and I saw the BBC documentary on tv saying that they were living in very hard condition, but everyone in Myanmar is living in very hard condition, do their life matter more than the burmese?

I hope Thailand will stay a buddhist country, there is enough Muslim countries, I have lived also in Qatar and I'm from France, most Muslim I met were not tolerant, Islam in France is used as a banner, not really a religion, it's more a politic.

There is good people following islam but there is so much more who are making the life of non believer a hell.

It's a very long subject but I don't think you are open to any discussion and the more you are using the word bigot the more it sounds like a propaganda, and the more you sound like the fascist you are criticizing.

What has happened to the rohingya is a crime against humanity.

To justifyand support it is a terrible thing to do.

Equally to deny anyone the right to their faith of choice is wrong. No matter who is responsible..

Condemn all or none.

and no matter the faith? so if some crazy satanist decide to kill and burn for the glory of a god, we should or condemn all religion or let them do.

That's just beautiful and again very open minded.

and you probably have no idea (apart from the propaganda pro muslim) of what happened there.

Few month ago a thai muslim was posting on facebook how French were horrible people who burn muslim refugees camp, it appears that it was actually the muslims fighting each others.

I think Buddhist have a legitimate right to protect their religion and country, Islam propagate by destroying other religions, by the force and fear if necessary.

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If you are going to quote someone then have the courage to reference them.

Now as to your post.

A: the accusation was made that I know nothing about the teachings of the Koran. I'm not an expert but that statement is incorrect.

B: Disagree with me, no problems with that.

However calling for the approach that was taken in Burma towards the Rohingya (as one poster, not Connda, did), now that's a different matter.

Or are you in favour of that approach?

How courage has anything to do here? and anyway it was obvious, if I refer to someone tagging anyone who disagree as bigot, you immediately know who I'm talking about.

As for the Rohingya, I have lived few month in Myanmar, and I saw the BBC documentary on tv saying that they were living in very hard condition, but everyone in Myanmar is living in very hard condition, do their life matter more than the burmese?

I hope Thailand will stay a buddhist country, there is enough Muslim countries, I have lived also in Qatar and I'm from France, most Muslim I met were not tolerant, Islam in France is used as a banner, not really a religion, it's more a politic.

There is good people following islam but there is so much more who are making the life of non believer a hell.

It's a very long subject but I don't think you are open to any discussion and the more you are using the word bigot the more it sounds like a propaganda, and the more you sound like the fascist you are criticizing.

What has happened to the rohingya is a crime against humanity.

To justifyand support it is a terrible thing to do.

Equally to deny anyone the right to their faith of choice is wrong. No matter who is responsible..

Condemn all or none.

and no matter the faith? so if some crazy satanist decide to kill and burn for the glory of a god, we should or condemn all religion or let them do.

That's just beautiful and again very open minded.

and you probably have no idea (apart from the propaganda pro muslim) of what happened there.

Few month ago a thai muslim was posting on facebook how French were horrible people who burn muslim refugees camp, it appears that it was actually the muslims fighting each others.

I think Buddhist have a legitimate right to protect their religion and country, Islam propagate by destroying other religions, by the force and fear if necessary.

And those who propagate hate towards Islam are no better.

Everyone has a right to their faith or no faith at all.

Those who would deny anyone this choice are just another group of fundamentalists.

Elvis Costello had it right.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

What if their religion demands the destruction of all other religions by violence? How does that reconcile with your high horse posturing?
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The simple and most basic tenet of Islam is the imposition of Sharia upon the rest of the world.

This is the will of Mohammed and cannot be denied or refuted by any practising Muslim.

Those not converted are subject to the mercy of Muslims, and must pay taxes to exist.

It will then be a peaceful world.

Lots to look forward to.

And yet in many Muslim majority countries other faiths exist and do not pay extra taxes to do so...how strange...

Stranger still


Indeed most religions have sucked the lifeblood from the populations in which they have instilled their fear of the supernatural . Shame on them and shame on the German Government for continuing this abhorrent tithing to these parasites.

Yet Islam is particular in its treatment of non-believers. There are no doubt some islamic countries that do not yet impose Jizya, good on them, but it is almost inevitable that

as it is mandated by the prophet it would be compulsory once the religion is in supremacy :


Apologists for this vile creed will tell you how most muslims are "moderates" check out these attacks on Christians:


Islam intends absolutely to destroy not only Buddhism but every faith, every atheist even every muslim who is the "wrong " kind of muslim. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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What has happened to the rohingya is a crime against humanity.

To justifyand support it is a terrible thing to do.

Equally to deny anyone the right to their faith of choice is wrong. No matter who is responsible..

Condemn all or none.

and no matter the faith? so if some crazy satanist decide to kill and burn for the glory of a god, we should or condemn all religion or let them do.

That's just beautiful and again very open minded.

and you probably have no idea (apart from the propaganda pro muslim) of what happened there.

Few month ago a thai muslim was posting on facebook how French were horrible people who burn muslim refugees camp, it appears that it was actually the muslims fighting each others.

I think Buddhist have a legitimate right to protect their religion and country, Islam propagate by destroying other religions, by the force and fear if necessary.

And those who propagate hate towards Islam are no better.

Everyone has a right to their faith or no faith at all.

Those who would deny anyone this choice are just another group of fundamentalists.

Elvis Costello had it right.

To propagate hate toward crime and insanity would be no better? everyone has a right to anything? rapists, murderers, thieves?

And nobody denied this right to Muslims but a lot of people are asking them to let them in peace.

Why in every countries Muslims are making trouble and chaos? even in Muslim countries.

This religion/politic is perverted despite having a lot of good people following it. It starts with a message of good way of life and love, then when it goes deeper it preach hatred and intolerance toward anyone else.

So many countries have open their door and mind (some with a political agenda) to this religion and so many regret, why it isn't a problem with any other religion?

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

What if their religion demands the destruction of all other religions by violence? How does that reconcile with your high horse posturing?

And yet Muslim majority countries still have other faiths quite legally following their faith. There's a puzzler eh.

All falths have their intolerant followers.

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The simple and most basic tenet of Islam is the imposition of Sharia upon the rest of the world.

This is the will of Mohammed and cannot be denied or refuted by any practising Muslim.

Those not converted are subject to the mercy of Muslims, and must pay taxes to exist.

It will then be a peaceful world.

Lots to look forward to.

And yet in many Muslim majority countries other faiths exist and do not pay extra taxes to do so...how strange...

Stranger still


Indeed most religions have sucked the lifeblood from the populations in which they have instilled their fear of the supernatural . Shame on them and shame on the German Government for continuing this abhorrent tithing to these parasites.

Yet Islam is particular in its treatment of non-believers. There are no doubt some islamic countries that do not yet impose Jizya, good on them, but it is almost inevitable that

as it is mandated by the prophet it would be compulsory once the religion is in supremacy :


Apologists for this vile creed will tell you how most muslims are "moderates" check out these attacks on Christians:


Islam intends absolutely to destroy not only Buddhism but every faith, every atheist even every muslim who is the "wrong " kind of muslim. Wake up and smell the coffee.

It is not faiths we should fear but rather the intolerance of their fundamentalist followers and those that misrepresent their teachings. Intolerance is the danger not faith. Everyone has the right to their faith.

Hate destroys us all.

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What has happened to the rohingya is a crime against humanity.

To justifyand support it is a terrible thing to do.

Equally to deny anyone the right to their faith of choice is wrong. No matter who is responsible..

Condemn all or none.

and no matter the faith? so if some crazy satanist decide to kill and burn for the glory of a god, we should or condemn all religion or let them do.

That's just beautiful and again very open minded.

and you probably have no idea (apart from the propaganda pro muslim) of what happened there.

Few month ago a thai muslim was posting on facebook how French were horrible people who burn muslim refugees camp, it appears that it was actually the muslims fighting each others.

I think Buddhist have a legitimate right to protect their religion and country, Islam propagate by destroying other religions, by the force and fear if necessary.

And those who propagate hate towards Islam are no better.

Everyone has a right to their faith or no faith at all.

Those who would deny anyone this choice are just another group of fundamentalists.

Elvis Costello had it right.

To propagate hate toward crime and insanity would be no better? everyone has a right to anything? rapists, murderers, thieves?

And nobody denied this right to Muslims but a lot of people are asking them to let them in peace.

Why in every countries Muslims are making trouble and chaos? even in Muslim countries.

This religion/politic is perverted despite having a lot of good people following it. It starts with a message of good way of life and love, then when it goes deeper it preach hatred and intolerance toward anyone else.

So many countries have open their door and mind (some with a political agenda) to this religion and so many regret, why it isn't a problem with any other religion?

All faiths have those who follow an intolerant path.

All faiths face persecution.

No one has the right to deny another their faith.

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Islam will eventually conquer and destroy the world. Australia didn't learn from Europe and we now see riots and violence in our streets as cultures clash. I definately don't want my wife, daughters and future grand daughters living under sharia law where they can be abused and mutilated in the name of their cult leader. Taking civilisation back 2,000 years isn't the way to go.

Mods: Please remove this post if considered as off topic.

It would make a pleasant change if a post was actually on topic.

On the issue of Sharia Law, with relevance to the OP, Sharia Civil Law has been legally recognised & practiced in a number of Thai Provinces from the late 1940s. Sharia Criminal Law in Thailand is a complete non starter (read the latest version of the Constitution).

The recent street clashes in Oz have primarily been deliberately generated by the far right United Patriotic Front. Should you wish to rabbit on about legal pluralism might be a good idea to first read an example Oz government discussion paper.


As a brother to 3 sisters and father to 3 daughters I vehemently oppose any legal system that doesn't recognise the equality of women. It is this basic tenet of islam, coupled with the teaching that any woman dressed "inappropriately" has low moral standards, that cause so many of the cultural clashes in Oz. And, surprise, surprise, why so many muslim men are jailed for rape and sexual assault.

Again off topic, but will reply so long as permitted by the Mods.

If you're living in a Western country or Thailand why would your siblings / children be subjected to Sharia Civil Law? Reading news reports of rape & violence against women in Thailand, Thai 'Buddhists' aren't behind the eight ball in offending.

Personally, other than one exception, I have never heard of women being viewed as of low moral standards being the cause of cultural clashed in Oz. As far as I know sexual / violent crimes against women are not reported statistically by faith of the offender in Oz. Just reading or viewing news reports the vast majority of sexual & domestic violence offences against women is committed by white and Aboriginal Australians. In fact by far the highest percentages by way of population representation of sexual / domestic violence is by Aboriginal Australians.

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And who has denied Muslims their faith? In fact western society has been completely open in allowing all faiths to practice their thing.

The Buddhist philosophy is tolerant of others spirituality .

The exception to tolerance is Islam , which means "submission" and expects all people of whatever faith or indeed of no faith to submit to it.

This is not a minority or "those who follow an intolerant path" it is the stated aim of Islam, to achieve worldwide governance by Sharia through the means of Jihad, as proscribed by the prophet.

Do not ever tell lies about the intentions of Islam, its intentions are now completely understood and trying to weasel away with "moderate muslim" platitudes and "Islam is a religion of peace" nonsense is so last millennium.

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And who has denied Muslims their faith? In fact western society has been completely open in allowing all faiths to practice their thing.

The Buddhist philosophy is tolerant of others spirituality .

The exception to tolerance is Islam , which means "submission" and expects all people of whatever faith or indeed of no faith to submit to it.

This is not a minority or "those who follow an intolerant path" it is the stated aim of Islam, to achieve worldwide governance by Sharia through the means of Jihad, as proscribed by the prophet.

Do not ever tell lies about the intentions of Islam, its intentions are now completely understood and trying to weasel away with "moderate muslim" platitudes and "Islam is a religion of peace" nonsense is so last millennium.


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In this day and age why can't most humans give up religion and superstitions?

Religion is outdated and backward.. and hold back progress and human rights.

For those people who are defending Muslims... go and talk to one. Ask him or her what will happen to you if you do not believe in their god or follow their religion.... ask the woman if her husband will let her be in public without her head scarf on, ask them what would happen to their children if they grew up to be gay or lesbian.

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Bluespunk, have you seriously not noted the rise of radical Islam, the persecution of Christians in Egypt, Pakistan et al?

The Paris bombings, Syria, Isil, Saudi Arabia with its commitment to total suppression of free speech and beheadings for sorcery and dissent?

The radicalisation of prisoners in western jails by Jihadists. beheading of a UK soldier in broad daylight in London by Jihadis. Brussels terror attacks, Charlie Hebdoe,

9/11, now a diplomatic issue with Saudi Arabia as the US has documents linking the Saudi Government to the biggest mass murder ever on US soil.

The hundreds of thousands killed over the last years by the Sunni-Shia hatred. Boku Harem in Nigeria, the imposition of Sharia in parts of Indonesia where public floggings of women, (yes it is always the poor women who receive the greater part of the wickedness of this vile cult), for meeting with men outside their family.

The inbreeding in Pakistan where cousin marrying is producing a nation of low I.Q. children, also happening in the UK, don't marry your cousins, doh!

The mass migration of Muslim young men into Europe with the expressed intent to interbreed with western women and have muslim children. The rape crisis in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, where European women and young girls are being used and even murdered by muslims as they are considered fair game.

The taharrush game of mass attacks on defenceless women by hundreds, yes hundreds of muslim men all over Europe on new years eve last, great game, great respect for the countries giving them refuge.

If that is all nonsense in your eyes then I pity you.

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Bluespunk, have you seriously not noted the rise of radical Islam, the persecution of Christians in Egypt, Pakistan et al?

The Paris bombings, Syria, Isil, Saudi Arabia with its commitment to total suppression of free speech and beheadings for sorcery and dissent?

The radicalisation of prisoners in western jails by Jihadists. beheading of a UK soldier in broad daylight in London by Jihadis. Brussels terror attacks, Charlie Hebdoe,

9/11, now a diplomatic issue with Saudi Arabia as the US has documents linking the Saudi Government to the biggest mass murder ever on US soil.

The hundreds of thousands killed over the last years by the Sunni-Shia hatred. Boku Harem in Nigeria, the imposition of Sharia in parts of Indonesia where public floggings of women, (yes it is always the poor women who receive the greater part of the wickedness of this vile cult), for meeting with men outside their family.

The inbreeding in Pakistan where cousin marrying is producing a nation of low I.Q. children, also happening in the UK, don't marry your cousins, doh!

The mass migration of Muslim young men into Europe with the expressed intent to interbreed with western women and have muslim children. The rape crisis in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, where European women and young girls are being used and even murdered by muslims as they are considered fair game.

The taharrush game of mass attacks on defenceless women by hundreds, yes hundreds of muslim men all over Europe on new years eve last, great game, great respect for the countries giving them refuge.

If that is all nonsense in your eyes then I pity you.

I know about all those things and see them as the actions of intolerant fundamentalists. Just as I view blanket statements condemning all Muslims because of those acts as wrongful thinking.

You can't condemn the actions of the intolerant and make equally intolerant statements.

It is not the faith that is to blame but the bigots who exploit it. It is intolerance that is the danger not Islam.

To blame all Muslims for the actions of the intolerant is to hand them the propoganda victory they seek.

Just as you cannot blame all buddhists for the actions of those persecuting the Rohingya or the sri lankan nationalists, just as you cannot condemn all orthodox serbs for the genocidal actions of the Bosnian war, just as you cannot blame all Catholics for the attrocities of the Croats in the same conflict, you cannot blame all Muslims for the actions of the intolerant.

Oh yeah, I neither want nor need your pity.

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Off Topic / Flaming posts Removed

Topic is not Nazi Germany, elections in Australia, or anything else. There are forums available where Blanket/Bigot/Racist posts are welcome. It is not here.

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A: you don't know anything about which I have knowledge of. "Humble"

B: the point of my post stands regardless. "open to the discussion"

So much love and tolerance... and anyone who disagree is a fascist, full of hate, bigot etc

If you are going to quote someone then have the courage to reference them.

Now as to your post.

A: the accusation was made that I know nothing about the teachings of the Koran. I'm not an expert but that statement is incorrect.

B: Disagree with me, no problems with that.

However calling for the approach that was taken in Burma towards the Rohingya (as one poster, not Connda, did), now that's a different matter.

Or are you in favour of that approach?

How courage has anything to do here? and anyway it was obvious, if I refer to someone tagging anyone who disagree as bigot, you immediately know who I'm talking about.

As for the Rohingya, I have lived few month in Myanmar, and I saw the BBC documentary on tv saying that they were living in very hard condition, but everyone in Myanmar is living in very hard condition, do their life matter more than the burmese?

I hope Thailand will stay a buddhist country, there is enough Muslim countries, I have lived also in Qatar and I'm from France, most Muslim I met were not tolerant, Islam in France is used as a banner, not really a religion, it's more a politic.

There is good people following islam but there is so much more who are making the life of non believer a hell.

It's a very long subject but I don't think you are open to any discussion and the more you are using the word bigot the more it sounds like a propaganda, and the more you sound like the fascist you are criticizing.

Actually there's always two sides to EVERY story.

The Rohingya issue needs to be looked at from the side of truth, and I think that the Burmese/Rakhine are far more likely to know what this is than any westerner.

As it turns out, the Bengalis have slaughtered their way into Rakhine state from Bangladesh killing innocent local Buddhist villagers for many years. One of the first major massacres took place in 1942.

Then a Buddhist mob in 2012 drags 10 Bengalis off a bus and kills them, reportedly as revenge for the rape of a Buddhist villager by Bengalis.

There are no winners in this tale but I am highly suspicious of any attempt to portray the Rohingya as being more "victims" than the Rakhine Buddhists. This is simply one-sided biased propaganda exploited by SJWs who take one story of a small massacre and blow it out of proportion, when it turns out that MORE Buddhists have been killed by the so-called Rohingya (actually they are Bengalis) than the other way round.

Anyway, I wouldn't be listening to western media on this issue. Westerners are prohibited from visiting western Rakhine state, so you're better off following Burmese news sources with actual people on the ground - such as the Irrawaddy, Mizzima etc. Then there's also this blog from a Burmese dissident. http://hlaoo1980.blogspot.com/p/islamic-genocide-of-native-buddhists.html

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A: you don't know anything about which I have knowledge of. "Humble"

B: the point of my post stands regardless. "open to the discussion"

So much love and tolerance... and anyone who disagree is a fascist, full of hate, bigot etc

If you are going to quote someone then have the courage to reference them.

Now as to your post.

A: the accusation was made that I know nothing about the teachings of the Koran. I'm not an expert but that statement is incorrect.

B: Disagree with me, no problems with that.

However calling for the approach that was taken in Burma towards the Rohingya (as one poster, not Connda, did), now that's a different matter.

Or are you in favour of that approach?

How courage has anything to do here? and anyway it was obvious, if I refer to someone tagging anyone who disagree as bigot, you immediately know who I'm talking about.

As for the Rohingya, I have lived few month in Myanmar, and I saw the BBC documentary on tv saying that they were living in very hard condition, but everyone in Myanmar is living in very hard condition, do their life matter more than the burmese?

I hope Thailand will stay a buddhist country, there is enough Muslim countries, I have lived also in Qatar and I'm from France, most Muslim I met were not tolerant, Islam in France is used as a banner, not really a religion, it's more a politic.

There is good people following islam but there is so much more who are making the life of non believer a hell.

It's a very long subject but I don't think you are open to any discussion and the more you are using the word bigot the more it sounds like a propaganda, and the more you sound like the fascist you are criticizing.

Actually there's always two sides to EVERY story.

The Rohingya issue needs to be looked at from the side of truth, and I think that the Burmese/Rakhine are far more likely to know what this is than any westerner.

As it turns out, the Bengalis have slaughtered their way into Rakhine state from Bangladesh killing innocent local Buddhist villagers for many years. One of the first major massacres took place in 1942.

Then a Buddhist mob in 2012 drags 10 Bengalis off a bus and kills them, reportedly as revenge for the rape of a Buddhist villager by Bengalis.

There are no winners in this tale but I am highly suspicious of any attempt to portray the Rohingya as being more "victims" than the Rakhine Buddhists. This is simply one-sided biased propaganda exploited by SJWs who take one story of a small massacre and blow it out of proportion, when it turns out that MORE Buddhists have been killed by the so-called Rohingya (actually they are Bengalis) than the other way round.

Anyway, I wouldn't be listening to western media on this issue. Westerners are prohibited from visiting western Rakhine state, so you're better off following Burmese news sources with actual people on the ground - such as the Irrawaddy, Mizzima etc. Then there's also this blog from a Burmese dissident. http://hlaoo1980.blogspot.com/p/islamic-genocide-of-native-buddhists.html

The rohingya are not being painted as victims. They are recognised by the UN as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.

Oh and by the way way the first recorded mention of the rohingya living in the region they inhabit at present is during the time of the French Revolutionary wars.

Edited by Bluespunk
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