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Muslims Slam Allegations of Plot to Destroy Buddhism


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One observation over the last few months in Thailand that I have noticed is that the Muslim women here are dressing far diffrently than before.

Before a simple headscarf covering their hair, now far more wering Burka style clothing.

As a non religious person I don't like to see this, and why any woman would want to cover herself up is completely beyond me, especialy in the name of religion.

I've lived in Thailand for many years,in the south in a Muslim town to be precise.

When I first came,I never noticed any women wearing the Burka,but since 9/11 there does seems to be an ever increasing number that are. Still a small number but as I say increasing. Take a look at what has happened in Egypt in the last 50yrs. Then many of the women wore European style cloths,at least those that were educated. Now they too are more inclined to be attired in the Burka.

Edited by nontabury
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Agreed but no one has the right to attempt to wipe out other religions. Remember the statues in Afghanistan, the law against practicing any religion other than Islam in the Middle East? Unfortunately it is enshrined in Islam to remove all other religions throughout the world and have only Islam as the world religion.

In theory your argument is 100% but unfortunately the religion of Islam does not agree with you

Bigots of all faiths/non faith may well disagree. No faith has a monopoly on bigotry.

Or on personal faith

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"The Muslim"..."The Negro"..."The Jew"...there are Millions of Muslims in the world (Billions even)...and they are not all alike!

The great majority suffers under a radicalized minority!

The same as with everything: football- hooligans, motorcycle- gangs...oh...and Buddhists, who demand their faith to be the state religion of Thailand!

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The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

In relation to your opening sentence, no it doesn't.

As for the rest: the faiths and followers of them don't create these problems and abuses, unscrupulous, exploitative people, in effect scum, do.

May i know why does a particular faith have the ability to attract moderates to join its ranks to fight "infidels"?

Ps so far have not heard of christians calling for a crusade in hundreds of years. What happened?

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The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

In relation to your opening sentence, no it doesn't.

As for the rest: the faiths and followers of them don't create these problems and abuses, unscrupulous, exploitative people, in effect scum, do.

May i know why does a particular faith have the ability to attract moderates to join its ranks to fight "infidels"?

Ps so far have not heard of christians calling for a crusade in hundreds of years. What happened?

All faiths have their bigots prepatred to do horrific things.

Buddhists in Burma, Christians in Bosnia/across Adfrica, and yes Muslims in various conflict zones.

Don't give me this BS about only Muslims.

Edited by Bluespunk
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One observation over the last few months in Thailand that I have noticed is that the Muslim women here are dressing far diffrently than before.

Before a simple headscarf covering their hair, now far more wering Burka style clothing.

As a non religious person I don't like to see this, and why any woman would want to cover herself up is completely beyond me, especialy in the name of religion.

I've lived in Thailand for many years,in the south in a Muslim town to be precise.

When I first came,I never noticed any women wearing the Burka,but since 9/11 there does seems to be an ever increasing number that are. Still a small number but as I say increasing. Take a look at what has happened in Egypt in the last 50yrs. Then many of the women wore European style cloths,at least those that were educated. Now they too are more inclined to be attired in the Burka.

I first witnessed this in the 80's in the UK. I went to a larger inner City College in Manchester. Very multi -cultural, black, muslim, indian, Asian and a white minority.

The first couple of years everything ok, Muslim women dressed in western style and mixed very well, but after that and for no apparent reason, they started dressing very differently. Head scarfs the norm and became very secular. The atmosphere changed dramatically and problems became common place and frequent.

It was not pleasant to witness and as said I could see no reasoning for the sudden change.

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The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

In relation to your opening sentence, no it doesn't.

As for the rest: the faiths and followers of them don't create these problems and abuses, unscrupulous, exploitative people, in effect scum, do.

May i know why does a particular faith have the ability to attract moderates to join its ranks to fight "infidels"?

Ps so far have not heard of christians calling for a crusade in hundreds of years. What happened?

All faiths have their bigots prepatred to do horrific things.

Buddhists in Burma, Christians in Bosnia/across Adfrica, and yes Muslims in various conflict zones.

Don't give me this BS about only Muslims.

Why only buddhists in burma? Can the buddhists in burma and thailand call for the buddhist version of a "jihad" to help them? I think no it just wouldn't work. Also what about the calling for a crusade? Why haven't any christians done so? Please answer this.

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Agreed but no one has the right to attempt to wipe out other religions. Remember the statues in Afghanistan, the law against practicing any religion other than Islam in the Middle East? Unfortunately it is enshrined in Islam to remove all other religions throughout the world and have only Islam as the world religion.

In theory your argument is 100% but unfortunately the religion of Islam does not agree with you

Bigots of all faiths/non faith may well disagree. No faith has a monopoly on bigotry.

Or on personal faith

No one said anyone did...

Well I didn't...

However, the group behind the FB page the OP refers to seem to feel only one faith should be allowed in Thailand.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

And that is what muslims expect as the non muslim world is extremely weak with their idiotic laws. Muslims

want to control the world and they are slowly doing it as they breed like rabbits. They will form their own

political parties and eventually take over countries as the west doesn't want to offend someone's rights ! Already

a muslim mayor in London !! Who would vote for a muslim mayor..... muslims.

You see burmese doing the right thing and same with thailand on this issue and you have unreasonable muslim defenders like bluespunk.

The one thing i noticed is how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally. Like the monk who spoke out against islam and the roginhya is considered a bad guy while muslims who kill christians in say nigeria for not being muslim are not even given any coverage at all.

I think the stupidest ppl around are the non muslims defending muslims because they probably wouldn't defend non muslims.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

And that is what muslims expect as the non muslim world is extremely weak with their idiotic laws. Muslims

want to control the world and they are slowly doing it as they breed like rabbits. They will form their own

political parties and eventually take over countries as the west doesn't want to offend someone's rights ! Already

a muslim mayor in London !! Who would vote for a muslim mayor..... muslims.

You see burmese doing the right thing and same with thailand on this issue and you have unreasonable muslim defenders like bluespunk.

The one thing i noticed is how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally. Like the monk who spoke out against islam and the roginhya is considered a bad guy while muslims who kill christians in say nigeria for not being muslim are not even given any coverage at all.

I think the stupidest ppl around are the non muslims defending muslims because they probably wouldn't defend non muslims.

Careful now, the full rainbow of hate you espouse is showing.

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

George Gordon Byron

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That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

They spread their faith through violence and not through peaceful means whereby a person's opinion is respected.

Go read on how muslims forced others to convert while christians have ppl that want to spread christianity and convert others like evangelicals but so far they have not really been violent about it.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

And that is what muslims expect as the non muslim world is extremely weak with their idiotic laws. Muslims

want to control the world and they are slowly doing it as they breed like rabbits. They will form their own

political parties and eventually take over countries as the west doesn't want to offend someone's rights ! Already

a muslim mayor in London !! Who would vote for a muslim mayor..... muslims.

You see burmese doing the right thing and same with thailand on this issue and you have unreasonable muslim defenders like bluespunk.

The one thing i noticed is how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally. Like the monk who spoke out against islam and the roginhya is considered a bad guy while muslims who kill christians in say nigeria for not being muslim are not even given any coverage at all.

I think the stupidest ppl around are the non muslims defending muslims because they probably wouldn't defend non muslims.

Careful now, the full rainbow of hate you espouse is showing.

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

George Gordon Byron

For you to use some erogenous accusation and then find some silly quotation to back up your accusation is indeed telling on your methods to shut down sensible and reasonable debate no different from say certain ppl who just simply shout and call others a racist without even debating on their points.

So please answer my points in my last statement whereby i wrote i notice "how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally."

See you didn't even bother to write back intelligently to disprove my posting but just simply call me a name or make a baseless accusation at me and think that somehow that stands.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Interesting here i simply make a comment that everyone needs to somehow always bend over backwards to accomodate muslims like you know halal food/no alcohol etc and you counter with everyone has a right to their faith but how come they have a right to their faith at the expense of someone else's freedom? So all because muslims have a right to their faith someone cannot eat pork or non halal food?

Does this apply equally to all religions like should beef not be sold because it offends hindus for example? I mean hindus have a right to their religion right?

Blood sacrifices should be allowed because satanists have a right to their religion too right?

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That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

They spread their faith through violence and not through peaceful means whereby a person's opinion is respected.

Go read on how muslims forced others to convert while christians have ppl that want to spread christianity and convert others like evangelicals but so far they have not really been violent about it.


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Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

They spread their faith through violence and not through peaceful means whereby a person's opinion is respected.

Go read on how muslims forced others to convert while christians have ppl that want to spread christianity and convert others like evangelicals but so far they have not really been violent about it.


crusades were meant as a defensive measure. If someone is violently defending himself should be be as guilty as the one violently and aggressively attacking him?

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

And that is what muslims expect as the non muslim world is extremely weak with their idiotic laws. Muslims

want to control the world and they are slowly doing it as they breed like rabbits. They will form their own

political parties and eventually take over countries as the west doesn't want to offend someone's rights ! Already

a muslim mayor in London !! Who would vote for a muslim mayor..... muslims.

You see burmese doing the right thing and same with thailand on this issue and you have unreasonable muslim defenders like bluespunk.

The one thing i noticed is how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally. Like the monk who spoke out against islam and the roginhya is considered a bad guy while muslims who kill christians in say nigeria for not being muslim are not even given any coverage at all.

I think the stupidest ppl around are the non muslims defending muslims because they probably wouldn't defend non muslims.

Careful now, the full rainbow of hate you espouse is showing.

Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.

George Gordon Byron

For you to use some erogenous accusation and then find some silly quotation to back up your accusation is indeed telling on your methods to shut down sensible and reasonable debate no different from say certain ppl who just simply shout and call others a racist without even debating on their points.

So please answer my points in my last statement whereby i wrote i notice "how did muslims end up on the politically correct spectrum as the victims whereby if you speak out against them you are the one in the wrong and it seems to apply to all faiths equally."

See you didn't even bother to write back intelligently to disprove my posting but just simply call me a name or make a baseless accusation at me and think that somehow that stands.

The hate and intolerance you preach got the response it deserved. There was no intelligence in your post.

Damn you cannot even get your quotation tags in order.

See here it comes again. Blind accusations with nothing to back them up. Calling a spade a spade can now be shut down just by making some accusation. In future should you flame satanists you are a hate monger and an intolerant slob.

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It seems many guys are indeed ignorant of many facts in the Muslim religion.Even those Muslims mainly in S.E.Asia,many seem to confuse their culture with the religion as well as misinterpret certain facts.

I have a dog in my garden but many malay who see my dog tell me as a Muslim am not allowed to keep a dog, when I challenge them to prove it ,they fail.Few muslims indeed are completely off their rockers

killing innocent people including many muslims.I wonder where it all started, why and by whom?

Check dates......location..etc etc

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10 Evil Crimes Of The British Empire.


At its height, the British Empire was the largest to have ever existed. Aside from covering most of the globe, it was responsible for some of the greatest advances in engineering, art, and medicine that the world will ever know. The Empire gave us steam engines, penicillin, radar, and even television.However, life under the British wasnt all just incredible inventions. Alongside the good stuff the Empire did sat a whole ream of not-so-good stuff, and alongside that a whole load of other stuff so evil itd make Dick Dastardly balk.

10 The Boer Concentration Camps

We all now know about the horrors of concentration camps, but during the time of Boer Wars, rounding up tens of thousands of innocent people and detaining them in camps seemed like a stroke of genius. The British needed the South African populace under control and had the means and manpower to detain them. What could possibly go wrong?Try just about everything. Pitched under the white hot African sun and crawling with flies, the camps were overcrowded, underequipped, and lethally prone to disease outbreaks. Food supplies were virtually non-existent, and the callous guards would dock peoples meager rations for the slightest perceived offense. The result: sickness and death spread like wildfire, killing women by the thousands and children by the tens of thousands. In a single year, 10 percent of the entire Boer population died in the British campsa figure that gets even worse when you realize it includes 22,000 children. But the atrocity didnt stop there. While rounding up the Boers, the British also decided to detain any black Africans they encountered, 20,000 of whom were worked to death in slave labor camps. All told, British policy in the war killed 48,000 civilians. Thats 18,000 more than the number of soldiers lost on both sides. 9 Adens Torture Centers

Photo credit: Brian Harrington Spier

The Aden Emergency was a 1960s scramble to control the once-vital port of Aden in modern Yemen. Although the port had long been under British rule, a nationalist wave sweeping Yemen led to strikes, riots, and a general desire that the Brits leave as soon as possible. A desire the British decided to quell by opening torture centers. Harsh and brutal, these centers housed the sort of horrors that would make Kim Jong-Un feel ill. Detainees were stripped naked and kept in refrigerated cells, encouraging frostbite and pneumonia. Guards would stub their cigarettes out on prisoners skin and beatings were common. But perhaps worst of all was the sexual humiliation. Locals who had been detained could expect to have their genitals crushed by guards hands, or to be forced to sit naked on a metal pole; their weight forcing it into their anus. By 1966, an Amnesty report on these abuses had caused global outrage. Faced with international condemnation, the British apologized. They then kept right on using the torture centers for another full year.8 The Chinese Resettlement

Photo credit: L joo

In 1950, the Empire had a problem. Armed Communist insurgents were trying to take over Malay and most of the population seemed willing to let them do so. Reasoning that their forces stood no chance against a hidden army that could call upon the peasants for supplies, the British hit upon an ingenious solution. Rather than fight, theyd simply imprison all the peasants. Known as New Villages, the camps constructed to house Malays poor were heavily fortified and watched over by trigger-happy guards. Inmates were forced to do hard labor in return for scraps of food, and contact with the outside worldincluding familywas forbidden. Once in a village, you lost all right to freedom and privacy. At night, harsh floodlights flushed out the shadows to stop clandestine meetings. Expressing any political sentiment could get your rations docked. But perhaps most uncomfortable of all was the racist nature of the camps. Of the 500,000 people detained during the decade-long Emergency, only a handful were anything other than ethnic Chinese. Outside the barbed wire walls, another half a million Chinese were meanwhile being deported, sent into exile, or forced from their homes. In short. it was a racist policy that harmed nearly a million people, all so the British could cut off supplies to a handful of rebels.

7 The Amritsar Massacre

On April 13, 1919, thousands of peaceful protesters defied a government order and demonstrated against British rule in Amritsar, India. Men, women, and children all descended on the walled Jallianwala Gardens, hoping to make their voices heard. What happened next was one of the lowest points in British history.At 4.30pm, troops blocked the exits to the Garden and opened fire on the crowd. They kept firing until they ran out of ammunition. In the space of ten minutes, they killed between 379 and 1,000 protesters and injured another 1,100. A stampede caused a lethal crush by the blocked exits. Over 100 women and children who looked for safety in a well drowned. Rifle fire tore the rest to shreds. When the news reached London, Parliament was so shocked it recalled the man who ordered the massacre, Brigadier Reginald Dyer. In a depressing twist of fate, the British public labeled him a hero and raised £26,000 (around $900,000 in todays money) for the man who saved India. He died peacefully, convinced right to the end that his mindless slaughter had been morally justifiable. 6 The Cyprus Internment

The big myth of the British Empire is that it nobly withdrew from its colonies when it realized the days of Imperialism were over. Yet one look at Cyprus proves the myth to be just a feel-good fairy tale. Between 1955 and 1959, the British responded to a Cyrpus rebel bombing campaign by rounding up and torturing 3,000 ordinary Cypriots.The victims of this internment campaign were often held for years without trial and violently abused for being suspected terrorists. Detainees received regular beatings, waterboarding, and summary executions. Children as young as 15 had burning hot peppers rubbed in their eyeballs, while others reported being flogged with whips embedded with shards of iron. Those found guilty of rebel sympathies were relocated to London, where a UK opposition party inspection found inmates with their arms broken and jagged scars running across their necks. In short, it was an appallingly sadistic policy, one that showed the British to be even lower than the terrorists they were meant to be fighting. 5 Crushing The Iraqi Revolution

In 1920, the newly-formed nation of Iraq was tiring of British rule. Charged with guiding the new state towards independence, the Empire had instead installed puppet leaders. turning the place into a de facto colony. Fed up with their imperial overlords, the Iraqis turned to revolution, only for the British to unleash wave after wave of atrocities against them.First the RAF conducted nighttime bombing raids on civilian targets. Then they deployed chemical weapons against the fighters, gassing whole groups of them. But the real horrors came in the aftermath, when the victorious British decided to use collective punishment against the offending tribes. From that point on, any tribe that caused a fuss would have one of its villages randomly annihilated. Specific orders were given to exterminate every living thing within its walls, from animals to rebels to children. Other villages were subject to random searches. If the British found a single weapon, they would burn the place to the ground, destroy the crops, poison wells, and kill livestock. Theyd sometimes target weddings to terrorize the population. In short, the British deliberately targeted civilians in a campaign that lasted the better part of half a decade, all because a few Iraqis had dared to ask for their country back.

4 The Partitioning Of India

As a servant of the British Empire in 1947, Cyril Radcliffe has the distinction of killing more people with the stroke of a pen than anyone else in history. With almost zero time to prepare himself, Radcliffe was tasked with drawing the border between India and newly-created Pakistan that would split the subcontinent forever along religious lines. It was a tricky task, one that had the potential to cause massive displacement and ethnic violence even if handled carefully. Radcliffe, on the other hand, was asked to make some of the most-important decisions during the course of a single lunch.The result was a border that made no ethnic or geographical sense. Terrified of being caught on the wrong side, Hindus in modern Pakistan and Muslims in modern India upped sticks and ran. The result was 30 million people trying desperately to escape one country or the other, a situation that quickly spiraled into mind-numbing violence. Gangs of armed Muslims held up border trains and slaughtered any non-Muslims onboard. Hindu mobs chased and battered Muslim children to death in broad daylight. Houses were ransacked, villages burnt, and half a million people killed. It was a ridiculous waste of life, one that could have been largely avoided simply by giving the unfortunate Cyril Radcliffe enough time to do his job properly. 3 Exacerbating The Irish Famine

If you want to see why large parts of Ireland still despise anything remotely British, look no further than the Irish Famine. What started out as an ordinary if brutal famine soon became something more like genocide when London sent the psychopathic Charles Trevelyan to oversee relief work.A proud Christian who believed the famine was Gods way of punishing the lazy Irish, Trevelyan was also a fierce devotee of Adam Smith. How fierce? Well, he passionately felt that government should never, ever interfere with market forces, to the extent that he refused to hand out food to the starving Irish. Inst

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

True, lot of irrational hate shown towards Muslims just because of their faith by bigots in europe. Good point.

Yes, they never act like bigots?

Muslim states block 11 LGBT groups from attending UN Aids meeting
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I like to point out to people that Islam is a hate cult that:

1/ Treats woman as animals.

2/ Forces girl's to undergo genital mutilation.

3/ Condemns gays to death because they are gay....even if moslem.

4/ See's nothing wrong with lying to non-moslems.

5/ Is intolerant to any other religion.

6/ And it seems, aren't capable of doing a decent days work....preferring instead to bludge on the dole!

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The point which most morons here are missing here is that the Buddhist organization is calling for Buddhism to be officially recognized as the national religion. At present, in theory all religions are recognized and given the freedom to practice and is surely the best policy in a country which has provinces which have Muslim majorities.

This Buddhist group is actually displaying an intolerance that could lead to the kind of movement we've seen in Myanmar and is part of the whole ultra-nationalist militaristic sentiment that some people are already saying is making life more difficult here in Thailand. If you only focus on the Muslim aspect of this you're missing a much bigger picture.

Quite true, or Sri Lanka. Whilst they are technically correct, the hard core Muslims around the world do want to convert, or kill the lot of us infidels, but this is just scaremongering to push their agenda for a Non Secular State. For what purpose you may ask.

Sick of the PC Brigade though. Shouting down those who do not agree with them by labelling them Bigots and Racists. Gets rather wearisome. Dan Pena reckon's PC is a manifestation of low self esteem. I tend to agree with him.

The Colonisation of Europe? Big mistake. The leaders have failed their people miserably. History will be their judge,

24th May, 2016, Top Australian Radio talkback host Alan Jones talks to Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Dutch-American activist, author, and former politician of Somali origin. She is a leading opponent of female genital mutilation, and calls for a reformation of Islam. She is supportive of women's rights and is an atheist


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Says it all really doesn't it.

I'm not sure it says much of anything, as it appears to be 14 or 15 countries on both maps. And out of your "least religious" countries, at least 6 don't appear on your "most peaceful" countries map. And of your "most peaceful" countries map, at least 6 also don't appear on your "least religious" map. Only the outsized splotch of red given to Canada and Australia make it look like there is a strong worldwide correlation.

So you seriously believe there is no correlation between religion and violence?

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One observation over the last few months in Thailand that I have noticed is that the Muslim women here are dressing far diffrently than before.

Before a simple headscarf covering their hair, now far more wering Burka style clothing.

As a non religious person I don't like to see this, and why any woman would want to cover herself up is completely beyond me, especialy in the name of religion.

I've lived in Thailand for many years,in the south in a Muslim town to be precise.

When I first came,I never noticed any women wearing the Burka,but since 9/11 there does seems to be an ever increasing number that are. Still a small number but as I say increasing. Take a look at what has happened in Egypt in the last 50yrs. Then many of the women wore European style cloths,at least those that were educated. Now they too are more inclined to be attired in the Burka.

I first witnessed this in the 80's in the UK. I went to a larger inner City College in Manchester. Very multi -cultural, black, muslim, indian, Asian and a white minority.

The first couple of years everything ok, Muslim women dressed in western style and mixed very well, but after that and for no apparent reason, they started dressing very differently. Head scarfs the norm and became very secular. The atmosphere changed dramatically and problems became common place and frequent.

It was not pleasant to witness and as said I could see no reasoning for the sudden change.

Make up your mind, did "headscarfs become the norm" or did the women "become very secular"? You're describing two opposite behaviors.

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

True, lot of irrational hate shown towards Muslims just because of their faith by bigots in europe. Good point.

Oh it's our resident muslim apologist again. This guy always defends islam to the core (yet in other postings, he seems to express a very low opinion of Thailand and Thai people). Have you checked what's going on in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat over the past few years? They want to drive out all the Buddhists and declare their region an islamic caliphate. Thousands have been killed.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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Says it all really doesn't it.

That can't be right. Laos and Vietnam are way more peaceful than France and Sweden. The latter two countries have recently experienced a surge in violence thanks in no small part to the Islamic invasion from north Africa and the middle east. Sweden is even projected to become a third world country within the next 15 years or so.

Personally I'd rather live in virtually any country in East Asia than Sweden - much higher quality of living. Sweden was good up until the 1970s. Not anymore though.

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I agree that Thailand's official religion should be declared as Buddhism. Frankly, I'm surprised this isn't already the case. Even the CIA World Factbook lists Buddhism as Thailand's state religion. The sooner this is done, the better for the country. Keeping this status quo going could be very dangerous for Thailand in the future, especially the south, which could split along ethnic and religious lines otherwise.

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