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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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Yup. The Libs have done lost the plot and in the face of an impending President Trump, their 'safe spaces' are torn asunder! biggrin.png

What? 'safe spaces' like respect for other Nationalities and religions, acts of torture, fear-mongering walls, women's right to choose, respect for human rights, the killing innocent people, the rights and respect to minorities? You mean those 'safe spaces'?

I think the Right Wingers get caught up in the mirage that is Trump and forget what he actually stands for.

Fortunately there are protesters that keep what Trump actually stands for fresh in the minds of his supporters. They should be forced to do the 'walk of shame' every day till they wake up to themselves.

Trump is killing innocent people? Obama and Clinton invaded Libya without approval from Senate or Congress. Tried to put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt and now they are destroying Syria. You want more of the same. Soros, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE control Clinton. You want a president that serves the people or Clinton.

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Two people throwing rocks is a long way from a riot. Seemed to indicate one was arrested so as soon as they arrest the second one can we come out from under the bed? The Police don't seem to be very well trained, all the gear but not a clue.

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.


The violence is the responsibility of the people perpetrating the acts of violence.

The right commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

The left commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

Sound about right?

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.


The violence is the responsibility of the people perpetrating the acts of violence.

The right commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

The left commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

Sound about right?

Like playing chess against a pigeon it is with debating Libs...wink.png

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

Come on, JT. You're better than this.

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.


The violence is the responsibility of the people perpetrating the acts of violence.

The right commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

The left commits acts of violence = the rights fault.

Sound about right?

Like playing chess against a pigeon it is with debating Libs...wink.png

Well it is statistically proven that people who support Left Wing views are more educated so yes it is difficult to convince people who are intelligent of something occurring when it is obvious it didn't.

From what I can see the Police weren't very well trained and more than likely injured themselves than being injured by protesters. Racist Trump supporters had to do the 'walk of shame'. I am sure they will survive. I couldn't see that a guy in a wheelchair was assaulted and nor did Officer Plod a few meters away.

Just a childish Right Wing beat up this one.

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

Come on, JT. You're better than this.

Not the same thing at all.

But I see you like to obnoxiously PERSONALLY BAIT just like SUPER TROLL trump.

Discuss the TOPICS, not the POSTERS.

Desist unless you freely choose to be on my ignore list.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

Come on, JT. You're better than this.

Pretty stupid analogy chuckd. A more accurate analogy would be a person inciting people to rape the girl in the short shorts and the girl is subsequently raped. The rapist would be guilty of a criminal offence and the person who incited the rape would also be guilty of incitement.

So Trump incites hatred and violence and it occurs so he is complicit in the act of violence.

It is an interesting point whether Trump should actually be charged for incitement to violence when one of his coward redneck supporters actually king hit a protester from behind at a rally.

but nice try

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Big riot my friend. Police cars stoned. Wheelchair Trump supporters assulted.

Believe you're a Troll, buddy! smile.png


Couldn't see where the guy in the wheelchair was assaulted. I could see he had a pretty big mouth on him. Even Officer plod ignored him. Maybe next time he should just get rolled into the Trump rally and not get so gobby with protesters.

I saw footage of Police pushing a woman over injuring her and firing tear gas and pushing horses up into people and it was a very small crowd. Militarised Police forces in America are getting a little too enthusiastic. That's always going to turn out bad.

Looked at all the evidence the pro Trumpsters have put up and I wouldn't describe it even close to a riot.

You and slippery getting carried away a bit I think.

So next time the man in the wheelchair should keep his mouth shut to avoid being assaulted?

It's his fault for being assaulted because he got "gobby" with protesters?

You'd hit a disabled person yourself if you felt they were being gobby? Last time I checked, words didn't hurt.

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Big riot my friend. Police cars stoned. Wheelchair Trump supporters assulted.

Believe you're a Troll, buddy! smile.png


Couldn't see where the guy in the wheelchair was assaulted. I could see he had a pretty big mouth on him. Even Officer plod ignored him. Maybe next time he should just get rolled into the Trump rally and not get so gobby with protesters.

I saw footage of Police pushing a woman over injuring her and firing tear gas and pushing horses up into people and it was a very small crowd. Militarised Police forces in America are getting a little too enthusiastic. That's always going to turn out bad.

Looked at all the evidence the pro Trumpsters have put up and I wouldn't describe it even close to a riot.

You and slippery getting carried away a bit I think.

So next time the man in the wheelchair should keep his mouth shut to avoid being assaulted?

It's his fault for being assaulted because he got "gobby" with protesters?

You'd hit a disabled person yourself if you felt they were being gobby? Last time I checked, words didn't hurt.

I didn't see him get assaulted at all, neither did Officer Plod standing a few meters away. Something did seem to occur but who instigated it I couldn't tell. Yes probably wise to not get gobby with protesters if you have a fat mouth on you whether you are in a wheelchair or not. If your a bigoted racist sometimes you are going to have to have that pointed out to you. No point in getting all gobby and rambunctious about it. Just accept your 'walk of shame' and move on with your miserable life would be my free advice.

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Big riot my friend. Police cars stoned. Wheelchair Trump supporters assulted.

Believe you're a Troll, buddy! smile.png


Couldn't see where the guy in the wheelchair was assaulted. I could see he had a pretty big mouth on him. Even Officer plod ignored him. Maybe next time he should just get rolled into the Trump rally and not get so gobby with protesters.

I saw footage of Police pushing a woman over injuring her and firing tear gas and pushing horses up into people and it was a very small crowd. Militarised Police forces in America are getting a little too enthusiastic. That's always going to turn out bad.

Looked at all the evidence the pro Trumpsters have put up and I wouldn't describe it even close to a riot.

You and slippery getting carried away a bit I think.

So next time the man in the wheelchair should keep his mouth shut to avoid being assaulted?

It's his fault for being assaulted because he got "gobby" with protesters?

You'd hit a disabled person yourself if you felt they were being gobby? Last time I checked, words didn't hurt.

I didn't see him get assaulted at all, neither did Officer Plod standing a few meters away. Something did seem to occur but who instigated it I couldn't tell. Yes probably wise to not get gobby with protesters if you have a fat mouth on you whether you are in a wheelchair or not. If your a bigoted racist sometimes you are going to have to have that pointed out to you. No point in getting all gobby and rambunctious about it. Just accept your 'walk of shame' and move on with your miserable life would be my free advice.

What is the walk of shame...? That sounds moronic? You mean you think people are shameful when they walk by you idiots?

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Just off the top of my head: brown people. Mexicans, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Indonesians, Filipinos. Try to figure out why.

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The vile monster -- "they're rapists" ... (Mexicans)

A normal politician would have been finished saying something like that. Instead that's how the vile monster opened his campaign. Not surprising from the super troll who was a leader of the racist birther movement against Obama.

It's no secret. The core of his base includes white male racists.

Decent Americans will never accept the vile monster as a normal politician. Keep your hate out of the United States.

Edited by Jingthing
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ohhhhhhhh boy.

This is worse than I thought.

1....No Trumpers feel that they are intellectually superior...when in fact, have only demonstrated the opposite.

2....No Trumpers feel they are above the law. They can verbally, physically assault people that are exercising their right to choose a candidate.

3 ...No Trumpers feel that Trump wants to rule as a Dictator, when it is the no trumpers who are dictating who we must follow. (or be shamed)

4....No Trumpers feel that insulting people is smart..when in fact it alienates them from mainstream society

5....No Trumpers feel that Hillary can do anything she deems appropriate...regardless of laws or procedures

well...the list is going to be excessively long..but you get the point.

Go to ell no trumpers.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Mexicans, Latin America and the entire Middle East were labelled drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Mexicans, Latin America and the entire Middle East were labelled drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

Ok -one at a time.

A long time ago, the Columbians were the kings of the cocaine trade. Mexican drug lords now make more money than the Columbians on the Coke that goes into America. The Mexicans are basically running massive amounts of cocaine and other drugs into America.

So yes - Mexicans are bringing drugs into America. That is a crime. Mexicans drug cartel gangs are on the US side too.


So yes, there are indeed a LOT of unsavory characters going across the border from Mexico. To state this is not racism. It's fact.

It is also a fact that Mexico is completely corrupt. Drug cartels pay young men to join the police cadets so that they have a large percentage of Mexican police on their payroll.

It is also no secret that Islamist are bent on causing havoc across the Western world and having having a border with a country that has a totally corrupt government is an opportunity for Islamists wanting to infiltrate the US.

There is nothing racist in wanting people to come to your country legally either.

What you call racism is somebody repeating facts that are hard for liberals to bear because the reality of policies implemented in their name is far from the way they imagined things to play out.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Just off the top of my head: brown people. Mexicans, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Indonesians, Filipinos. Try to figure out why.

You are not describing policies there.

Making a list of brown people is not proving that someone is racist.

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They may not feel it, probably don't, but yes people who have supported disgustingly racist political movements in U.S. history, such as George Wallace and the vile monster movement, indeed if they were DECENT human beings would feel shame.

What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Just off the top of my head: brown people. Mexicans, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Indonesians, Filipinos. Try to figure out why.

You are not describing policies there.

Making a list of brown people is not proving that someone is racist.

Don't blame these people...they don't have a clue. Somebody told them that Trump has all these policies written down and that we are going to round up brown people....yellow people....red people...but not Orange people.

Sounds pretty loony to me, as well.

They are just parroting what they think the Democratic Party believes/wants Trump to be.

Mindless but damaging.

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What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Mexicans, Latin America and the entire Middle East were labelled drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

Ok -one at a time.

A long time ago, the Columbians were the kings of the cocaine trade. Mexican drug lords now make more money than the Columbians on the Coke that goes into America. The Mexicans are basically running massive amounts of cocaine and other drugs into America.

So yes - Mexicans are bringing drugs into America. That is a crime. Mexicans drug cartel gangs are on the US side too.


So yes, there are indeed a LOT of unsavory characters going across the border from Mexico. To state this is not racism. It's fact.

It is also a fact that Mexico is completely corrupt. Drug cartels pay young men to join the police cadets so that they have a large percentage of Mexican police on their payroll.

It is also no secret that Islamist are bent on causing havoc across the Western world and having having a border with a country that has a totally corrupt government is an opportunity for Islamists wanting to infiltrate the US.

There is nothing racist in wanting people to come to your country legally either.

What you call racism is somebody repeating facts that are hard for liberals to bear because the reality of policies implemented in their name is far from the way they imagined things to play out.

So all Mexicans, Latin Americans and every person from the Middle East are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

You agree with that statement?

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What specifically is racist about Trump?

Please explain which of his policies are against any specific race of people.

Mexicans, Latin America and the entire Middle East were labelled drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

Ok -one at a time.

A long time ago, the Columbians were the kings of the cocaine trade. Mexican drug lords now make more money than the Columbians on the Coke that goes into America. The Mexicans are basically running massive amounts of cocaine and other drugs into America.

So yes - Mexicans are bringing drugs into America. That is a crime. Mexicans drug cartel gangs are on the US side too.


So yes, there are indeed a LOT of unsavory characters going across the border from Mexico. To state this is not racism. It's fact.

It is also a fact that Mexico is completely corrupt. Drug cartels pay young men to join the police cadets so that they have a large percentage of Mexican police on their payroll.

It is also no secret that Islamist are bent on causing havoc across the Western world and having having a border with a country that has a totally corrupt government is an opportunity for Islamists wanting to infiltrate the US.

There is nothing racist in wanting people to come to your country legally either.

What you call racism is somebody repeating facts that are hard for liberals to bear because the reality of policies implemented in their name is far from the way they imagined things to play out.

So all Mexicans, Latin Americans and every person from the Middle East are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

You agree with that statement?

No - but that is your statement and not what Trump said.

He never at any point said that all Mexicans were rapists, criminals or drug smugglers.

You may wish he'd said that but he didn't.

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Which other recent major party candidate in modern history was supported by rabid white supremacist hate groups including Nazis? They refer to him as Trumpenfeuhrer with admiration. Get a clue. It isn't a normal candidate.

Yep I sincerely think anyone that doesn't see that has a major screw loose and/or sympathizes with white supremacists.

Don't think the vile monster will ever be able to normalize his fascist movement ... even if it wins.

That does not make Trump racist.

You jumping through hoops trying to claim a man is racist, yet the most simple way to do that would be to point out his racist policies.

We both know that you cannot do that.

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Yes, clearly, the vile monster, also known as SUPER TROLL in the flesh, has indeed BAITED violence from the beginning. It's part of his game plan. And anti-vile monster protesters playing into his TROLL game, falling for the BAIT, waving Mexican flags, sadly, indeed do help the vile monster.

You mean like that sweet young thing in the short shorts invited her rapist to have his way with her?

Come on, JT. You're better than this.

Not the same thing at all.

But I see you like to obnoxiously PERSONALLY BAIT just like SUPER TROLL trump.

Discuss the TOPICS, not the POSTERS.

Desist unless you freely choose to be on my ignore list.

You do whatever turns you on.

It makes not one bit of difference to me either way but please don't try and tell me how to post.

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Posts containing inflammatory or offensive content have been removed:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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So all Mexicans, Latin Americans and every person from the Middle East are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals.

You agree with that statement?

No - but that is your statement and not what Trump said.

He never at any point said that all Mexicans were rapists, criminals or drug smugglers.

You may wish he'd said that but he didn't.

So what are the names of the Mexicans and Latin Americans and the people from the Middle East that are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals?

So let me get this right - if I don't know their names, they don't exist?

First of all, let's put drug smugglers and criminals in the same category. I'm not sure what you want here because the situation is very well known and the topic of much research and many scholarly books. You somehow seem to imply that if some fella in Thailand can't name the people involved, then they cannot exist.

Here's a good source to whet your appetite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Mexican_Drug_War

It is estimated that Mexican drug cartels earn $64.34 Billion dollars from selling drugs in the US - http://www.latinpost.com/articles/113055/20160203/how-mexican-drug-cartels-earn-billions-drug-trade.htm

Mexican gangs operating around the borders...

"Keith Slotter, special agent in charge, San Diego: It's not just people being killed, it's people being killed, mutilated, and dehumanized in a very disturbing manner. There's a lot of people out there that their loved one just disappeared one day and they have no idea whatever happened ... That's the way they do business. Because they not only want to kill, they want to send a message every time they kill someone.'

"Drug trafficking. Human smuggling. Extortion. Murder. Corrupt public officials. All these crimes represent a multi-billion dollar industry and they pose a threat not only to communities on both sides of the border, but to our national security as well."

- https://www.fbi.gov/news/videos/crime-on-the-southwest-border

The Mexican cartel gangs effectively muscled the Columbians out of the way through sheer ruthlessness. They operate in Mexico and the US and you get on the wrong side of them they will kill you after raping your wife and daughter. And if you want proof, the cartels video that and post it all on line.

So perhaps Trump was a little unfair - he missed out extortion and human smuggling....

If this stuff was going on in your backyard, would you not want protecting from it?

"But what of rapes" I hear you cry!

The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions. Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

  • 193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

  • 426 sexual assault convictions

  • 303 kidnapping convictions

  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions

  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions

  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

  • 303 flight escape convictions


It's all there if you want to find out the truth.

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Sure appears to be a full-blown riot to this impartial objective poster?


Probably Trump's fault then, eh? If he hadn't appeared at the fundraiser, we wouldn't be having a riot - indeed...thumbsup.gif

Really Boon Mee. That is a riot? You have to be having me on.

Funny when the Police gassed themselves. Idiots.

Even the woman beat Officer Plod in the 'tug-o-war' with the guard rail. lol

The Police were being aggressive when there was really no need to.

Storm in a tea cup really.

Funny when the Police gassed themselves. Idiots.


Only time most local police in US know what they're doing is when they can shoot some unarmed guy in the black back -- multiple times. When they can't shoot somebody they're lost. Can't even get out of the way of a stone lobbed at 'em by some girl.

To you they're "idiots" which is fine and accurate but to me they're rightwingers whose fraternal brotherhood unions and the like always endorse the Republican for Potus (except for Romney who was against unions on principle). The Fraternal Order of Police which is the largest national one will endorse Trump guaranteed. Absolutely.

The Trump people are trying to seize on this event cause Trump needs violence to succeed. And the vast number of donut hole police across the US know this.

Trump and his fans putting every demographic against all the rest of 'em isn't complete unless violence accompanies it. So the trumpeteers have to transmogrify this into a riot that we libtards endorse and support.

Trump meanwhile stands up wherever he goes the past couple of dayze to bellow out "Pocahantas!"

Edited by Publicus
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So what are the names of the Mexicans and Latin Americans and the people from the Middle East that are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals?

So let me get this right - if I don't know their names, they don't exist?

First of all, let's put drug smugglers and criminals in the same category. I'm not sure what you want here because the situation is very well known and the topic of much research and many scholarly books. You somehow seem to imply that if some fella in Thailand can't name the people involved, then they cannot exist.

Here's a good source to whet your appetite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Mexican_Drug_War

It is estimated that Mexican drug cartels earn $64.34 Billion dollars from selling drugs in the US - http://www.latinpost.com/articles/113055/20160203/how-mexican-drug-cartels-earn-billions-drug-trade.htm

Mexican gangs operating around the borders...

"Keith Slotter, special agent in charge, San Diego: It's not just people being killed, it's people being killed, mutilated, and dehumanized in a very disturbing manner. There's a lot of people out there that their loved one just disappeared one day and they have no idea whatever happened ... That's the way they do business. Because they not only want to kill, they want to send a message every time they kill someone.'

"Drug trafficking. Human smuggling. Extortion. Murder. Corrupt public officials. All these crimes represent a multi-billion dollar industry and they pose a threat not only to communities on both sides of the border, but to our national security as well."

- https://www.fbi.gov/news/videos/crime-on-the-southwest-border

The Mexican cartel gangs effectively muscled the Columbians out of the way through sheer ruthlessness. They operate in Mexico and the US and you get on the wrong side of them they will kill you after raping your wife and daughter. And if you want proof, the cartels video that and post it all on line.

So perhaps Trump was a little unfair - he missed out extortion and human smuggling....

If this stuff was going on in your backyard, would you not want protecting from it?

"But what of rapes" I hear you cry!

The document reveals that the 36,007 convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in many instances had multiple convictions. Among them, the 36,007 had nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

  • 193 homicide convictions (including one willful killing of a public official with gun)

  • 426 sexual assault convictions

  • 303 kidnapping convictions

  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions

  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions

  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions

  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions

  • 303 flight escape convictions


It's all there if you want to find out the truth.

So only Mexicans, Latin Americans and Middle Eastern people commit drug smuggling, rapes and criminal activities in the US?

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