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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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Had he been a "commoner", INTERPOL would have issued a warrant for his arrest when he fled to Singapore. As far as I know, failing to appear for a court summons on a serious charge will immediately lead to an arrest warrant being issued. How many chances has this skinny clown been given, and still no arrest warrant issued??? Makes me want to hurl...

Recently there has been a lot of media attention of cases where the rich are literally getting away with murder, so the Thai people know very well what is going on. It is not just us Farangs who find this repulsive; most of my Thai friends are also upset and are fed-up. The only way to change things would be collective action. Holding a demonstration outside the courthouse may result in being sent for "attitude adjustment", so the way to go for now would be an online campaign...

Interpol won't issue a Red Notice for anyone unless there's a request made by the member country involved and the crime etc falls within the Interpol charter.

As far as I know Thailand hasn't bother with such a request yet and maybe never will.

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Since this forum is made up of diverse group of international members, is there anyone here that comes from a country where the police "invite" you to come in for a chat after killing someone ?

I'm from a country where we say: Book em, Danno! You heard me right! Book em! Now

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Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?

A policeman was recklessly and irresponsibly killed, Here is a case where Prayuth should definitely intervene and prove his promises to represent all the people.

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Had he been a "commoner", INTERPOL would have issued a warrant for his arrest when he fled to Singapore. As far as I know, failing to appear for a court summons on a serious charge will immediately lead to an arrest warrant being issued. How many chances has this skinny clown been given, and still no arrest warrant issued??? Makes me want to hurl...

Recently there has been a lot of media attention of cases where the rich are literally getting away with murder, so the Thai people know very well what is going on. It is not just us Farangs who find this repulsive; most of my Thai friends are also upset and are fed-up. The only way to change things would be collective action. Holding a demonstration outside the courthouse may result in being sent for "attitude adjustment", so the way to go for now would be an online campaign...

No doubt online campaigns are very effective, however we need to understand the Dear Leader's comments about Facebook and Twitter.

I was watching his Friday night's performance a few weeks ago when he specifically mentioned those social media.

In his words they were a concern for the government and for all governments around the world ???? and Thailand needed to act to control them.

From that, it's clear that they see uncontrolled social media as a threat to their control over the Thai population.

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Amazing how Thai police communicate with suspects by press release.

And even warn them how to evade the summons.

Outstanding, I really don't know why people think the RTP are a clown-car, I really don't.


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This behavior is not only condoned, it's expected. As long as you are in the upper strata of Thai society, government, business, etc., you will be given special consideration. You can literally get away with murder. This has been the case for centuries. And it's not only in Thailand but in most, if not all, countries. It's just a matter of degree.

I'm not saying it's right, just that it is. Please don't flame the messenger.

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The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

It's a pittance.

I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

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One or more of the families involved here from this "Well Connected" axxhole should get large money settlements then buy a good rifle and "Drop a Dime" on The Bastard.I see that as the only solution here.

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Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

'Relatively Innocent ' ! Are you joking; they are the ones that paid off the Cops family to get the little shit off the hook and prior to that had tried to get a servant to take the blame for the accident aided and abetted by a bent Police Officer of high rank. If the parents had any morals whatsoever they would drag the scumbag to the Police Station by the scruff of the neck and stop teaching him to live in constant denial of wrongdoing. The whole family should be in custody awaiting trial !

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Since this forum is made up of diverse group of international members, is there anyone here that comes from a country where the police "invite" you to come in for a chat after killing someone ?

I'm from a country where we say: Book em, Danno! You heard me right! Book em! Now

You have it wrong. In your country you wouldnt need anything after the "!"

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The family of the cop settled for 3 million Baht? These people are USD BILLIONAIRES. 3 million baht won't last long with a tribe of kids to feed and educate. But that's peripheral to the point.

It's a pittance.

I read a article at least a decade ago that the grandfather was making 11 million baht a day just in Thailand before it was launched as a energy drink worldwide. The company is probably on a few hundred million baht a day now.

Shows what these red bull people are really like, even rip off the dead cops family with a miserable payment of just 3 million B, ( if that is correct ) Sure not enough to last for long,, the dead cop will be dead for much longer !!!

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Why am I, a farang with no real investment in Thailand's current or future culture, feel more outrage than the Thais on the street? You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

Listen up Thailand...for the 99.99% of the population who struggle here...your lot in life will not get better until you rid yourselves of apathy...

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Words fail

How long have you lived in Thailand?

This is normal, <deleted> get on with your own lives and stop sticking your noses where they're neither welcome or will be taken any notice of.

This is the way Thailand works. I accepted it in 1985 when I moved here and personally prefer it to the way things are done in the UK, and certainly the US.

Wow, The UK sure lost a good one when you moved!

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