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Well yesterday went into Cambodia to 'The Preah Vihear Temple'

Well yesterday went into Cambodia to 'The Preah Vihear Temple' But how did this come about, well these four mates came round with there partners and beer and food and conversation started flowing


Then as the evening was drawing to a close and the moaquitos were joining in we decided what shal we do the next day, and the above Title explains it so they all left and we arrnged to meet the next morning at 0900 hrs having consulted the map one of the guys estimated 180 kilokmetres and One half hours to get there, I said in my wisdom Two hours and its further I would think.

Well the wife and I were up at our usual time 0600 hrs did the usual chores between us then we had a big cooked breakfast eggs bacon tomatoes sausage baked beans toast and coffee prepared by my good wife.

0830hrs we set off to Andy's house I decided to take my two way radios with me so we had one in each truck.

We set off about 45 mins later heading for Surin then sisaket Kantaraluk then down to the National park yes it took us about two and half hours approximately 220 k so I was right.


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Well we started walking up towards the border a steady climb I was concerned for my wife who is 7 months pregnant but what a lass she really is No1 in my book.

The views were wonderful looking out into Kmer laos and Thailand, we progressed cameras all ready at work from all angles. Then dropping down the the border crossing, no passports were required as the introduction leaflet will explain.

We walked and came to the base of the mountain which lead up to another plateau where the were four more levels and for Temples dating back 10 Centuries, But to get to these levels we had to climb 162 steps and I was worried about the wife apart from me puffing and panting, but we had breaks on the way and there were plenty of locals selling cool drinks. We all made it to the first Temple and indeed the other levels.

Well a good day out stopping in Surin about 1900hrs for BBQ and cool beer then home, I recommend the visit very interesting, below is a link where you can see some pic's that I took not just for me but to share with you all.


Edited by macb
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Are they still digging up landmines next to the pathways there? It makes it more exciting seeing all those skull and cross bone signs as you walk across that little stream. The Halo trust guys were working only yards away when I was there.

It’s definitely worth a visit.

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WEll there is a sign saying they were all cleared in the 1960's I think the info is on one of the pics in my link however there are still these signs at various points althoug locals say all cleared now


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WEll there is a sign saying they were all cleared in the 1960's I think the info is on one of the pics in my link however there are still these signs at various points althoug locals say all cleared now


Cleared in the 1960's? Ha. Propaganda.

Last time I was there (18 months ago), there were about 7-8 teams of experts clearing mines. Just prior to that visit, we heard that a tourist who stepped into the bushes to relieve himself got a rude reaction from the bushes, thanks to a landmine. Pay attention to those skull-&-crossbones signs!

Been to this tourist site three times in four years, and it just gets better each time! Some day I want to approach the temple from the Cambodian side which is really quite an adventurous trip up the rough mountain track from the valley below.

A short funny experience. We ate breakfast about 9a.m. at the local vendors on the Thai side of the park boundary (across the street from the visitor's center). Next to us was a table with about six or seven Thai policemen who regularly patrol the area. It was 9 a.m. but every one of them were dead drunk already! Of course, a drunk Thai becomes quite bold, and the fear of farangs fade away. Several stumbled over to our table and coerced us into a few beers to enjoy with them. "Enjoy" is relative. I still don't fancy a couple of beers for breakfast.

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was the old helicopter still up there ?, when i first went there, they had tiger skins for sale on the border, sick, but thats life, also ivory walking sticks, bear skins from the sun bear, been there about 3 times since, the latest was about 2 years ago, no signs of skins been sold, which is good news, but it is a great place to visit.



Check my other pic's at www.gandajones.co.uk

Edited by Thaicoon
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I'll definately be going back for a visit. The view into Cambodia from the top was great. You get to see how under developed the country is. It was so quiet and I could hear a solitary motorbike puttering along from that village in the distance.

The land mines are still in the national park on the Thai side and along the border from what i've been told. A couple of teeneagers were injured trying to sneak across a week before my trip last year.

I've visited another Khmer temple near Pakxe. Although it was bigger I like Preah Vihear more.

My only annoyance with Preah Vihear were the touts on the Thai side and the little kids following me on the Khmer side.

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Hi to all!!

Hope you'll come and visit me on Suan Loong Daeng Farm, next time you go to Khao Phra Wiharn. I'm on rd 2248 ( going from 221) approx 20k towards Nam Yun.

You'll find my website (with good maps) on FC's links.

For TV members - First beer on me! :D:D (you have to remind me though, i tend to forget :D )

Oh and there might be an Ubon party coming soon. Everyone welcome!

Announcement will be put on TV.


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WEll there is a sign saying they were all cleared in the 1960's I think the info is on one of the pics in my link however there are still these signs at various points althoug locals say all cleared now

I agree, a very nice trip and well worth the hot walk.

One sign that amused me was a poorly translated sign which read "This minefield sponsored by the French Government" !

Down the cliff are some nice little bas refliefs...

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