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we told a bloke once his gf was cheating on him with all sorts, including a gang bang with motor cy blokes. Pointed out that 'his baby' could not possibly be his as she had it 7.5 months after he was last in Bkk, he still would not believe us and never talked to us again. Oh and she was married and lived with a Thai bloke as well but he was only interested in his amulet collection. She was a right one, frequented the nana disco as a freelancer.

Yeah, I remember that one! "Preggy" we called her, because the belly started to show... Me boys and I had quite some fun that night - she was gooooooddd! :)

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...pretty sad.....

,,,'they' stick up for each other.....

...'we'....every guy is smarter than the next.....

...until he finds himself on the receiving end...

I agree with you 100%. If the staff saw me bringing another girl back to my place they would have no problems telling my lady that I was doing such a thing. In fact, I was gone for quite a while for business and the taff claimed to my lady that I probably left her and wouldnt be coming back. ! Double standards but I really think I am damned if I do damned if I don't. I have others safety to consider though too. The staff wanted me to tell him because they feel responsible for his condo as it is his property and not hers. I have no interest in getting involved in their drama. Maybe they can sucker someone else into doing the dirty deed.

How many of you guys have had relationships with prostitutes back in your own country? I would hazard a guess that it would be less than 1%. Yet you all come over here and try and start deep meaningful relationships with prostitutes simply because they are called "BAR GIRLS" not prostitutes. They are one and the same. Think about it. No matter what the tale is they are still dirty prostitutes you are bedding that probably had enough dick in their time that it would be counted in miles not feet. Take the dirty skanks for what they are. They are for playing with not for taking home to meet the family and for marrying.

As far I as know she worked on one of the islands before they got together. I have no idea what she did .. Probably receptionist wai2.gif

Isn't this just crap or more Thai visa shyt clickbait? You close threads with no 'evidence', yet let this nonsense go?

No. Its a true story.. Sounds like Thai TV drama show. If everyone knew how much of an evil B she is they would want me to tell him. She is really raking all his dough and is not a nice person either. Something really bad is going to happen when he finds out. I don't know if he is violent but its sure a long way down.


How many of you guys have had relationships with prostitutes back in your own country? I would hazard a guess that it would be less than 1%. Yet you all come over here and try and start deep meaningful relationships with prostitutes simply because they are called "BAR GIRLS" not prostitutes. They are one and the same. Think about it. No matter what the tale is they are still dirty prostitutes you are bedding that probably had enough dick in their time that it would be counted in miles not feet. Take the dirty skanks for what they are. They are for playing with not for taking home to meet the family and for marrying.

I will take issue with you. Not for what you say but because you are only 50% right. In my own Country NZ I have had friends who were "working Girls" 50% are ok 50% bad. Any other women you meet it is the same odds. You can say all Bar Girls are bad but my experience is that half I have met are ok. 50% I would not give you tuppence for. Guess I have been around and still learning . A few of my friends in Thailand are married to ex Bar Girls and have great wives for past 10-15 years. Others done over by them. Same odds as normal women. Maybe only when you came to Thailand did you interact with the other side of Midnight but I have travelled since I was 20 so while a few illusions of Thailand and Thai women were shattered my eyes are wide open. If they cheat they cheat. Better to know and walk away than live an illusion


Administrators.. Why did this get classified into Farang pub forum? I said nothing about my neighbor being an ex bar girl. This is a legitimate problem in a non Pattaya city. Little racist against Thai women are we??


Take the dirty skanks for what they are. They are for playing with not for taking home to meet the family and for marrying.

"...as if whores and addicts and young black men were little more than unwanted pets, as if they had never run laughing to the return of a parent, or said a first word, or spent long nights wondering what their stocking would hold."

from 'The Straw Men'

- Michael Marshall, 2002


Man, that is so old even the guy in the video must have moved on

it does not matter young or old, most gals cheat here, what i ve discovered recently is that they also hide their gigs cleverly from their Thai bfs, one visible sign that the woman you recently met is cheating on someone is her refusal to invite you back to her place, many women here sleep with others on lunch time for example.

Your talk shit


Stay out of it.

Yes, indeed. I lost a very good friend by telling him he was being cuckolded. Even after he found out himself, he doesn't want to speak to me.

Then that means he was not a good friend


we told a bloke once his gf was cheating on him with all sorts, including a gang bang with motor cy blokes. Pointed out that 'his baby' could not possibly be his as she had it 7.5 months after he was last in Bkk, he still would not believe us and never talked to us again. Oh and she was married and lived with a Thai bloke as well but he was only interested in his amulet collection. She was a right one, frequented the nana disco as a freelancer.

He is a f???wit and she is a bigger f???wit


The thing is Thai's do not seem to place much importance on fidelity,that and their legendary lack of foresight add up to them making nonsensical decisions often when drunk,for instance my ex wife cheated on me with a Thai guy,who she now lives with,on the few occasions i have seen him he has been prostrate in a hammock,she gives him money,and brought him a motorbike,the last time i saw her she told me she was worried for the future[ a first for her],and her resturant was not doing well and she had very little money,i just told her "som nam na',and walked off.


Personally, yes I would want to know, then I would get rid of the lying cheating bxtch.

But I would not want to be the person to tell him.

If she is posting the reality on say Facebook, which has a translate facility, (poor as it is) he could figure things out.

If you don't really know the guy nor talk to him much, there is no situation to approach. Leave it to someone closer.


so he dont have to spend HIS money on her family and her krap

how about if I tell you I ve known some guys who had spent more then 100,000 Baht per month on their Thai gf, yet their gfs were still cheating on them, they were young and handsome, worse they were going out and paying for expenses by that guy s money, this is the fault of the guys who didn't learn how to game women here, the rule is any person who comes easy to you will be also easy to others too !!

I agree with you and completely believe the examples you cited.

These guys just make some idiotic decisions that then set expectations for the rest of the farangs who prefer to do their thinking with the big head.

Especially if they call them pro's (which i dont neccesarily agree in the tagging of anyway)

Who does that in the west anyway ? Buy a house you cannot technically own, never mind pro or not.

Then have the nerve to come on here and say they got scammed.

You GAVE it, it IS NOT a scam!!!

You can choose not to give it and hence not have to come on TVF crying.

same with this guy, the OP. If ever hes not forking out or otherwise not providing what the gf demands she will be off in a shot to find another farang and they have no qualms about setting another one up ready to go, before they leave the whitey meal ticket.

to think otherwise is naive in the extreme.

I think this thread is just a thinly veiled excuse to ridicule a fellow farang and smugly think that you are smarter than him, when in fact the same thing can happen to all of you at any time


There is also the possibility that he knows exactly whats going on.

I've known people to have..ahem.. "arrangements" of a more open and free relationship.

Heck, i used to drop my ex 5k to get out of town for a few days....did i ask where and with who?

Nope. because while little kitty was away this little tomcat went out to play

and she ask no questions either.

Indeed, you are assuming things based on your own sets of morals.

I'd wager the guy would be more annoyed at you posting tattletales on TV and would probably prefer to give you a good kick in the bum before he starts on anyone else

Well, of course this is a possibility, but it is highly unlikely. I've found that the low class of farangs who settle in Thailand tend to be very backward and conservative where progressive modes of thought like open relationships are concerned. Most likely, he is unaware of his girlfriend's infidelity.

That said, my advice to the OP is to do nothing...stay out of it.

Not because of how the hapless farang boyfriend will react, but because of how the girlfriend may react if she ever finds out it was you who outed her. Only 1000 years ago, these people were warriors living practically naked, in the jungles of southern China, and many of them still do indeed live by "the law of the jungle" (and are proud of it). If she finds out it was you who blew the whistle, she would likely think nothing of having some thugs beat you to a bloody pulp, or much worse. Please keep this in mind as you proceed.

Only 1000 years ago, eh?

My ancestors were raping and pillaging then.


What sort of condo has staff and other people including op knowing all this anyway? Alot of people seem to have no life, no offense


wait until you know they are both at home then go and knock on his door. Tell him of your concerns. Take your mobile phone with you and record what happens next.

Post said video on TV for our amusement.


Stay out of it.

Yes, indeed. I lost a very good friend by telling him he was being cuckolded. Even after he found out himself, he doesn't want to speak to me.

Then that means he was not a good friend

Possibly, but I think he is simply embarrassed.


What sort of condo has staff and other people including op knowing all this anyway? Alot of people seem to have no life, no offense

Yeah, reminds me of an old joke. A little old lady calls the police to report some young men for indecent exposure. When the police arrive at her house she explains the young men live next door and run around naked. One of the police officers looks out her window and says, "I can't even see into their house." "You can if you stand on that table," she insists.


wait until you know they are both at home then go and knock on his door. Tell him of your concerns. Take your mobile phone with you and record what happens next.

Post said video on TV for our amusement.

P.S. Better take a second videographer to record what happens to you.


yeah go on dob the little bitch in, just hope you dont live in a high rise block, as we will reading about your sad demise on thaivisa, as another low balcony statistic


every one of my "girlfriends" has cheated on me, but there again they are gone from my condo the next morning.got one now stays with her idiot boyfriend from FRANCE for 2 months, he goes home soon and she comes back to stay with me, she loves spending his money.


Don't tell him under any circumstances. I told my brother that his issan terak of three years had been getting rattled twice a week for the last six months, hasn't spoke to me for years. Mind you, I was me who was bangin her so I can see his point.


If he was cheating on her, would you tell her?

FK no but then again it is HIS condo she is bringing other dudes over to. That is why the staff feels the need to get involved. To help protect his property (and possibly him)

What sort of condo has staff and other people including op knowing all this anyway? Alot of people seem to have no life, no offense

Everyone knows except him it seems.

1. Because she sits down in the office telling the staff everything. I have no idea why she does this. ! She must be an idiot or wanting to pay some extortion money. Not only does she tell them but she also insults them by telling them how to do their job. She isn't the brightest fish in the bowl.

2. She does it in plain view but hidden from her boyfriend. He is new to the complex and doesn't fraternize with anyone. Today I just found out that she went into the lobby and was sweet talking another foreigner on video chat . She is most guys nightmare of a girlfriend. I am starting to think she might be a sex addict lol .

Don't tell him under any circumstances. I told my brother that his issan terak of three years had been getting rattled twice a week for the last six months, hasn't spoke to me for years. Mind you, I was me who was bangin her so I can see his point.



There really are some nasty "farangs" who seem incapable of keeping their nose out of other peoples business.

It's brotherly love. I wish "we farangs" would be a bit more united as there is no one else who looks after our interests.

I would certainly like to be told.


There really are some nasty "farangs" who seem incapable of keeping their nose out of other peoples business.

It's brotherly love. I wish "we farangs" would be a bit more united as there is no one else who looks after our interests.

I would certainly like to be told.

I wouldn't unite with some of the farangs here if you paid me. Awful people.


What????? Of course he should be told. Like, right now! I would tell him immediately. People do the things they do, because they want the same things to be done to them. So tell on the hoe. Its a good deed. She has been mistreating a good man.
By the way, i dont get it. Women always have a problem with men cheating on them. But from personal experience, i happen to know, that they cheat on their men all the time, even if they say they are in love.
But they are not to blame, because its a fact, that polygamy is the true nature of human beings. Monogamy is only forced on you by society.


Nobody's forcing monogamy on you. You don't have to do it.

Just don't tell someone you're going to be monogamous if you're not prepared to do so.


I know so many guys here that think they have perfect wives and gf's. Its best to let them just keeping on thinking it......nothing good ever comes of letting them know.


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