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Khmer Times/Mom Kunthear

The government has allocated $5 million across the Kingdom’s 46 sub-districts and towns to help with waste management by national and local institutions. Pok Sokundara, the secretary general of the National League of Communes/Sangkats (NLC/S), said yesterday during a Dissemination Workshop on the Survey Results in Solid Waste Management Practices at municipal and district levels, that the NLC/S in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS Cambodia) intended to help in the decentralization of waste management.

“To implement the regulations, we need capacity building and to train district officials on their new roles and responsibilities,” Mr. Sokundara said, adding that at a local level, human resources in the waste management sector are still inexperienced. “For the budget, the government has provided $5 million at the local level in order to work on waste management. The big problem on this work is we have not set exact roles yet. Recently the Ministry of Environment transferred responsibilities of waste management to lower levels.

“That is a new responsibility, that’s why we need to train local authorities on roles and responsibility,” said Mr. Sokundara. Leng Vy, an under-secretary at the Interior Ministry, told Khmer Times yesterday that the ministry is preparing information about waste management for the general public.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25476/millions-given-for-waste-management/

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