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Police arrest Khao Sarn restaurant manager who punched a British tourist


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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

I'm not. It is disgusting they refuse a tourist to use the bathroom. I understand the anger of the Britton, force him to order something and then still refuse to use the bathroom. WELCOME TO THAILAND.

And how can you throw a 20bt note in some ones face?

Attacking the tourist is WRONG, no matter what.

These people will never come back to Thailand and they will warn all their friends.

Heres the technique youll need for money chucking.......


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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

I'm not. It is disgusting they refuse a tourist to use the bathroom. I understand the anger of the Britton, force him to order something and then still refuse to use the bathroom. WELCOME TO THAILAND.

And how can you throw a 20bt note in some ones face?

Attacking the tourist is WRONG, no matter what.

These people will never come back to Thailand and they will warn all their friends.

'Facilities for Customers Only' is a common sign round the world. Especially in a crowded bar.

Quite a few in OZ, if you are not using their facilities U R not using their facilities, and Christ don't ask for a drink of water ,that costs 5 bucks, flushing toilets every 5 min costs money, persons off the street are not spending money .

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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

That's what you THINK. It's a f**ing toilet and doesn't cost a business owner anything to let passers by come in and use the bathroom. I've been to many places where you don't have to buy something to take a leak and I haven't seen this "constant streem of people" that you refer to. It's a figment of your imagination or supposition.

Why should the non-customer general public be allowed to use a restroom in a business? Doesn't cost, eh? Unless the dweeb leaves a mess or uses all the tissue and soap, or worse yet, makes a customer wait. Cheap retards need to just order a cup of tea--and pay for it--and use the toilet.

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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

I'm not. It is disgusting they refuse a tourist to use the bathroom. I understand the anger of the Britton, force him to order something and then still refuse to use the bathroom. WELCOME TO THAILAND.

And how can you throw a 20bt note in some ones face?

Attacking the tourist is WRONG, no matter what.

These people will never come back to Thailand and they will warn all their friends.

'Facilities for Customers Only' is a common sign round the world. Especially in a crowded bar.

Quite a few in OZ, if you are not using their facilities U R not using their facilities, and Christ don't ask for a drink of water ,that costs 5 bucks, flushing toilets every 5 min costs money, persons off the street are not spending money .

And, if this cheap lying twit would have just paid for his drinks, there would most likely be no story.

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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

So you and all your 'likers' are condoning violence to solve issues with rowdy and rude customers? Says it all. Wait until you get punched in your face by some retarded bar manager/bouncer.

People that condone any kind of violence are usually not too bright. 9 out of 10 times they are halfwits themselves.

Nobody here knows what happened previous to the attack. Maybe he asked in a very normal way to use the toilet and the staff said; CAN NOT. BUY DRINK. What if the poor guy had a bad stomach and was almost exploding? Been there, seen it many times.

Not saying the guy is innocent but I've seen 100's, if not 1000's of nice, decent tourists being treated like dirt by lowlife 'hospitality' staff here. So for you bunch to come along and say he deserved what he got just because of seeing a short vid at the end of it all is pretty simple minded. And taking the Thai managers/staff word above that of the tourist is even more simple minded and apologist behaviour.

No matter what happened, staff have no right to hit 'customers'. They could've restrained him and called the police to deal with this matter. End of story

Edited by DaveinAsia
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I thought that Thais were supposed to be all happy, and welcoming and friendly..... refusing to allow a person to use the bathroom......

Low behavior.

Toilets in restaurants and pubs are there for the customers, do you think it's fair that customers should have to queue up and wait while

passers by can just walk in and use it?

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I thought that Thais were supposed to be all happy, and welcoming and friendly..... refusing to allow a person to use the bathroom......

Low behavior.

Toilets in restaurants and pubs are there for the customers, do you think it's fair that customers should have to queue up and wait while

passers by can just walk in and use it?

Wait until you had a rotten prawn in your curry and can't even wait 30 seconds to find a toilet. I'm sure you'll be talking differently

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I thought that Thais were supposed to be all happy, and welcoming and friendly..... refusing to allow a person to use the bathroom......

Low behavior.

Toilets in restaurants and pubs are there for the customers, do you think it's fair that customers should have to queue up and wait while

passers by can just walk in and use it?

Wait until you had a rotten prawn in your curry and can't even wait 30 seconds to find a toilet. I'm sure you'll be talking differently

Then pay for a drink become a customer.. or are you such a cheap guy that you want to solve your problems at an other guys cost.

So an other guy with a business must oblige you because you have a problem and are to cheap to buy a drink and become a customer.

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The opportunist behaviour is ridiculous. The guy could've been a potential customer together with his 4 or 5 buddies but rather than using their brain they just say; CAN NOT USE. BUY DRINK 1ST

Start running a bar / restaurant if you think your so much better at it. Show us all how you are right by making loads of money from all those deadbeats that want something for free.

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I thought that Thais were supposed to be all happy, and welcoming and friendly..... refusing to allow a person to use the bathroom......

Low behavior.

Toilets in restaurants and pubs are there for the customers, do you think it's fair that customers should have to queue up and wait while

passers by can just walk in and use it?

Wait until you had a rotten prawn in your curry and can't even wait 30 seconds to find a toilet. I'm sure you'll be talking differently

and then anyone who wants a leak will just walk in and say " I eat something bad and need toilet quick" bah.gifbah.gif

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You are really making a lot of assumptions now. It makes you look stupid. What we know was that an assault occured that was serious enough that the owner of a Khao San road establishment was called into the police station for further questioning.

As far as the Subway story goes there could be charges to be filed but nobody assaulted that individual.

Most of what I wrote are facts from the story .

Its quite easy to fill the gaps in as to why he acted in the way he did .

Why didnt the felang guy just walk away and go somewhere else?

Why did he have to use that particular toilet ?

Why didnt he just order one drink ?

Why did he throw the money into his face

It seems obvious to me

Because Will is a prick.

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A bit odd this, plenty of police in that area, why not just call them.

Having said that, the brit was an <deleted>, as for throwing the 20 Baht note in the guys face??? He obviously doesn't know how insulting to Thais that is, not surprised he got hit.

Hope the manager gets off lightly, idiots like that make us Brits look bad, not the Thais.

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....billions in tourist revenue....

...no garbage cans anywhere....get fined for littering...

...no toilets anywhere.....get fined or arrested for relieving yourself in the street.....*** except if you are a Thai taxi driver...

..oh yeah....get arrested for feeding the fish....

...but okay to electrocute them....and yourself if we are lucky....

..unless you are a foreigner...then it's suicide for any type of death....

...pretty hard to follow all of this...but we are trying....

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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

no you don't ! I owned a bar and it don't happen that way. Few people just wonder in without buying something.
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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

seems to be a business model that does not hurt McDonalds one bit. personally its quite nice to have a place that sells food and drinks that doesnt require anyone using the toilet to buy something first. i often grab a bite or a drink or a coffee after relieving myself. the goodwill goes a lot further to help business than the cost of a flush and handwash (water is very cheap in BKK) they already have salaried employees to keep it clean or even better, the toilet maitre d in his office.

i dont agree with the brit trying to not pay the bill but it does not justify being assaulted.

i do not advocate fighting but imagine if one day such an altercation happens and the tourist is a mma pro....headline; tourist assaulted by restaurant owner and multiple male employees go to hospital. would the police call it self defense?

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Regardless of who is in the right or wrong, Thai men are way too fast to solve issues by assulting people and beating them senseless. It has to stop, at least as far as tourists go. The country can't keep on having foreign tourists bashed all day every day.

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The restaurant manager was in the wrong for using violence and would be charged with assault in any civilised country. Saying that, he was severely provoked. His course of action should have been to call the police to sort it out. There seems to be some mitigating circumstances regarding the price of the cocktail. 700 baht? Maybe the Brit figured he was being taken for a mug. Still no excuse for throwing the 20 baht note at the manager who obviously didn't want to lose face.

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What a f***ing ki-nok.

expect to blow in off the steet walk and use the facilities that are there for paying customers.

He could have made a good will jesture of a 20 baht tip straight up, and probably would have been no problem.

But i guess that would require some brainpower, which these smelly **** backpacker types are severely lacking.

Actually, they could easily avoid all the trouble by slipping in the loo's in a McDonalds or the Hungry jacks, but i guess that would also involve using the noggin a bit.

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Well strange to see all the posters who would quietly step back and do nothing after dealing with this idiot. In Wales he would be lucky to get out with just a bloody. And why should decent patrons have to put up with streams of drunken idiots using the we if they are not patrons theirs selves..I understand the managers reaction.

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