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The world according to Trump; unashamedly white, and right


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Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

Epistemic closure. It applies to people who manage to lock out bad news or cluelessly discredit it. I remember in the last presidential election when the right wing press was claiming that the polls were skewed and Romney was going to win. It wasn't even close. A few polling organization like Rasmussen and Gravis gave Republicans what they wanted to hear, They're doing it again.

So, most likely, you'll probably shut out these 2 separate polls about Asian Americans.( Oh, and by the way, about 71 percent of asian americans went for Barack Obama in the last election. You could look that one up. But I'll spare you the trouble.

http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/poll-obama-won-71-of-asian-vote-085013 )



Here's some more info. The highest correlation of voters for Trump is white without a high school diploma.


What is your point?

Should they not be entitled to vote? Do you look down upon them? Do you feel superior?

Is that what your education gave you?

It is interesting how some overlook the fact that someone without a high school diploma and a college professor both have one vote. But often the "educated" seem to think their vote is more valuable or should be worth two.

This is what happens when you leave out some of the relevant quotes. I realize that Thaivisa limits the number of nested quotes allowed but there are ways to work around it. Anyway, the exchange started out with this comment from Darren84310

darren84310, on 28 May 2016 - 12:21, said:
The left wing socialist do-gooders with their politically correct agenda have long ignored the views of hard working people and now it's time for payback.
To which I replied:
Odd. Asian Americans are often pointed out as the hardest working highest achieving Americans. Yet they overwhelmingly oppose Trump. On the other hand opiate addiction and poverty are overwhelming white rural Americans. And yet the polls indicate they overwhelmingly support Trump. One of us lives in opposite-land.
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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

It looks like you don't understand why so many have voted and why he is so popular and why he has arisen in the first place.If your wages had not improved in a decade or more then you would be voting for him too, nevermind the morality - which you can't eat

No, Trump is popular because his fans are full of hate.

Oh I'm sure there would be some. Just as in Black Lives Matter. It's no good shooting the messenger or his supporters.The electorate that supports Trump feel betrayed, angry, are worried about their future because the political class has failed them. Gradually the status quo is leading towards disaster. If Trump doesn't win the people will be as mad as hell and there could be a major collapse in confidence in government. Time will tell

Trump's core base is mostly haters. Some indeed. His goal now is to mesmerize enough other people. I wish him bad luck with that.
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The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

I find your comment offensive. Jewish Americans are Americans. Israel policy is indeed an important issue to most Jewish Americans ... yes. So are many other issues such as civil rights, health care access, environment, etc. Also don't assume that most Jewish Americans are as right wing as most Israelis on Israel policy which of course they aren't. That said, it is well understand Israelis are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more liberal from a long distance.

It is true there are always some ONE issue voters for different issues. Such as gun fanatics, they vote for the NRA choices. But more thoughtful voters consider multiple issues.

My impression is that the only scenario where the democrats would lose a significant number of Jewish voters is if the candidate was explicitly hostile to Israel. I don't think Obama was that even though many Israelis do, and clearly neither did most Jewish voters electing Obama two times.

Netanyahu has been a pain in the tuchus and it's been clear Obama and Netanyahu hate each other ... but I don't think that meant that Obama was against the right of Israel to exist and defend itself, it's just that he wanted a less fear mongering and more reasonable Israeli PM to deal with.

Ironically, the man that could lose the most Jewish votes might be Bernie Sanders ... he seems to crossing lines with some of his allies. He seems to me to be a BDS type ... that's going too far.

But supporting the vile monster ... NEVER!

It is great that Jewish Americans are allowed to vote based on a wide range of issues. Some day maybe other groups the Democrats like to scare will be able to do the same. Imagine a world where women don't have to vote based solely on gender issues? Or black & Hispanics don't have to vote only based on racial issues? Imagine a gay voter being able to look past LGBT issues and vote based on issues like the economy, national debt, national security, etc. Such a world would doom the Democrats. That is why they are so ready to attack members of those groups whenever they support someone other than a Democrat.

Oh, and are you calling Hillary or Trump a "vile monster"?

I wasn't aware that woman have to vote based solely on gender issues. That blacks and Hispanics only vote on racial issues. Or that gay voters were unable to look past LBGT issues. Personally, I don't get why more Christians can't look past certain issues and support the Satanist party.

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No, Trump is popular because his fans are full of hate.

Oh I'm sure there would be some. Just as in Black Lives Matter. It's no good shooting the messenger or his supporters.The electorate that supports Trump feel betrayed, angry, are worried about their future because the political class has failed them. Gradually the status quo is leading towards disaster. If Trump doesn't win the people will be as mad as hell and there could be a major collapse in confidence in government. Time will tell

Trump's core base is mostly haters. Some indeed. His goal now is to mesmerize enough other people. I wish him bad luck with that.

Looking at the major anti Trump posters here a review of the name calling and insulting descriptions you lead the anti Hillary folks 99 to 1 for hate speech. Starting with the fellow who calls him a vile monster, American Mussolini, trump fascist movement, Trump the Master Whinger and so on. I'd have to say the anti Trump posters here are quite rude, and ungentlemanly. I hardly think they have room to call out anyone else for being haters.

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trump has got to be biggest SLEAZE BALL to ever represent a major party in American history.

Are Americans so stupid as to elect him?

They've been stupid before, George W. Bush, the one time he actually won (the first time he stole it).

This story relevant to thread because trump attacked the judge's ethnicity in a racist, hateful, and rather INCORRECT way.

This would be funny if it wasn't so real.

Trump hit back calling Curiel a “hater”, a “total disgrace” and “biased”. “I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump. A hater. He’s a hater,” Trump said at a rally near the courthouse in San Diego. “His name is Gonzalo Curiel. And he is not doing the right thing ... [He] happens to be, we believe, Mexican.”

Curiel, who is Hispanic, is American and was born in Indiana.


If you look at the facts of this case, this shows someone who was absolutely shameless in his willingness to lie to people, to say whatever it took to induce them into his phony seminars,” Schneiderman said.


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Conservative third party challenger?

David French gets how RACIST the trump base is.

"The party of Lincoln is in ruins. A minority of its primary voters have torched its founders' legacy by voting for a man who combines old-school Democratic ideology, a bizarre form of hyper-violent isolationism, fringe conspiracy theories and serial lies with an enthusiastic flock of online racists to create perhaps the most toxic electoral coalition since George Wallace," French wrote in March.


I think there should be more attention on trump's ISOLATIONISM. In some ways, his politics remind me of Henry Ford, good at building cars, bat sheit CRAZY (and hateful) in his politics.


... The Chinese analyst is right: A Trump presidency could open the way for China’s strategic dominance in Asia and elsewhere.

Trump’s call to “Make America Great Again” is incoherent because it is accompanied by inward-looking, reactive policies. Like Trump’s own businesses, it’s more a franchising operation than a plan for real investment and growth. Trump may indeed have a formula for greatness — but the “winner” in this story would likely be Beijing.

It's no coincidence that the best real long term friends of the USA (UK, Western Europe, Israel, Canada, Mexico, etc.) are solidly against trump, while rivals/enemies (Russia, China, North Korea) are FOR him.

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Trump is nuts ---- end of story really. And he does not have 10% of the money he says he does. He is a scam artist --- and not even a good one.

He's demagogued his way to the republican nomination ... so we can't take him lightly any more.

But he DEFINITELY is not nearly as rich as he says he is.

He's still very rich.

The sin here is his exaggeration and now he needs to cover it up.

Many people think the rich must be right only because they're rich.

Happens in other countries. Thailand, Italy, etc.

I agree he's definitely a NUT JOB.

The way he can't control his vindictiveness towards all kinds of people that don't suck up to him.

It's the OPPOSITE of what any ration person wants in their president.

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Trump is nuts ---- end of story really. And he does not have 10% of the money he says he does. He is a scam artist --- and not even a good one.

". And he does not have 10% of the money he says he does"


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Racism from the vile monster again.

This is what you get if you elect it president.

It's no wonder that it's nausteating base of hard core racists want it as their president.

Trump’s attack on Curiel is a warning, not just about who Trump is but also about how blasé we’ve become. On Sunday, Trump’s chief strategist, Paul Manafort, and his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, were interviewed on major network news shows. Neither one wasasked about Trump’s tirade against the judge. Meanwhile, Republican senators shilled for Trump as usual. Overt race-baiting has become normalized.

This is how it happens. It happens when you’re not looking. It happens because you weren’t looking.


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The only shame in being white...is having to tolerate those who hate you and would kill you given an opportunity...because you are unashamedly white...how stupid is that?

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

It looks like you don't understand why so many have voted and why he is so popular and why he has arisen in the first place.If your wages had not improved in a decade or more then you would be voting for him too, nevermind the morality - which you can't eat

No, Trump is popular because his fans are full of hate.

Absolutely - hate for establishment politicians

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The only shame in being white...is having to tolerate those who hate you and would kill you given an opportunity...because you are unashamedly white...how stupid is that?


Does "how stupid is that?" refer to what precedes it? Are you actually whining about what the poor oppressed white people have to tolerate? Really? Poor you, what a shame.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham admitted, “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” We can add paranoid angry white guys to that.

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