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We will get you one way or another - DSI warns fugitive jet setting monk


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We will get you one way or another - DSI warns fugitive jet setting monk


Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: The Department of Special Investigation(DSI) has warned fugitive monk Wirapol Sukphol that they are following his movements as he jet sets around the globe.

Latest pictures on social media show the former Luang Pu Nen Kham living it up in Hawaii.

The DSI said that all cases against him are prepared with documents at the relevant courts. He faces charges in connection with computer crime, fraud against the public, sex crimes and money laundering.

The cases are of great interest to the public and the DSI assured people that the wheels of justice are in motion and they are pursuing all avenues against Wirapol including having him extradited back to Thailand though they concede this will depend on the authorities in countries where he visits.

There are no statutes of limitation on the crimes that he faces, they reiterated.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-05-29

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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

Edited by Pimay1
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I'd suggest he's entitled to say " Oh No you won't " and he must be buoyed by what's happening locally as the DSI can't or won't act.

So they're following his movements around the world but has a request ever been made to Interpol for a Red Notice to be sent to all member countries to hopefully have him detained and they can get on with extradition ?

As with lese majesty fugitives they seem to think all they do is ask countries to send them, and him, back with the minimum of legal niceties if any at all.

With the way the DSI are currently operating, or not to be more accurate, they really should be quiet and not make bigger fools of themselves with such a ridiculous statement.

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He must have tweaked some influential folks? Or hasn't been liberally applying the appropriate service fees.

Someone seems to want him very badly as the charges seem to increase every year.

The sex with a minor charge would probably get him extradited from many countries?

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He must have tweaked some influential folks? Or hasn't been liberally applying the appropriate service fees.

Someone seems to want him very badly as the charges seem to increase every year.

The sex with a minor charge would probably get him extradited from many countries?

Would have thought so, but I strongly suspect that many countries will have suspended any extradition agreements because of the whole coup/military court thing. Thai soldiers still think that everyone loves a man in uniform. which is why even government drones wear military-style uniforms in Thailand. This campaign ribbon for knowing where the khazi is, this one for the coffee machine etc etc. In other countries, they don't have great regard for soldiers except when the country is threatened. Soldiers are the equivalent of a penicillin jab in the bum when you're afraid you've got a dose of the clap (again).

In Thailand,, there are no external enemies so the army is redundant except for suppressing uppity Thais and reminding them of who

s the boss - so get on your belly and start crawling quickish.


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He must have tweaked some influential folks? Or hasn't been liberally applying the appropriate service fees.

Someone seems to want him very badly as the charges seem to increase every year.

The sex with a minor charge would probably get him extradited from many countries?

Would have thought so, but I strongly suspect that many countries will have suspended any extradition agreements because of the whole coup/military court thing. Thai soldiers still think that everyone loves a man in uniform. which is why even government drones wear military-style uniforms in Thailand. This campaign ribbon for knowing where the khazi is, this one for the coffee machine etc etc. In other countries, they don't have great regard for soldiers except when the country is threatened. Soldiers are the equivalent of a penicillin jab in the bum when you're afraid you've got a dose of the clap (again).

In Thailand,, there are no external enemies so the army is redundant except for suppressing uppity Thais and reminding them of who

s the boss - so get on your belly and start crawling quickish.


I'd say they have many enemies just none stupid enough to invade and then have to deal with the Thainess mentality. The invasion would be over in a few days, if not hours after the hisos and military negotiate to keep their status.

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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

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Why not use Interpol?

You ring we bring!

Is he guilty of any international crimes ? Thailand's neighbors are not overly enthusiastic about extraditing the Thai most wanted, nor would countries with an elected government be interested to send people back to face a military court. The monks alleged guilt notwithstanding, who really wants to go out of their way to help Thailand right now ?

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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

Edited by teacherpaul
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D.S.I. we will get youcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

D.S.I. are no better than the keystone cops.

They could not even catch a cold, let alone a monk who has the money to do whatever he wants.

Go where ever he wants (or money can buy).

There is a monk supposedly hiding in a temple very close , and yet hey are powerless to do anything.

Talk is cheap, lets see less talk more action.

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Don't worry monk, there's a nice safe house waiting for you in Dubai if it gets too hot.

Wow! I bet that took some upper IQ to work out. Its amazing the in depth knowledge that we learn on TV from the intelligentcia, and so cleverly funny too.

Edited by oldsailor35
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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

Why has the monk (boy) at the back not had his head shaved . whistling.gif

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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

Why has the monk (boy) at the back not had his head shaved . whistling.gif

Agreed on that pops. A real interesting brain teaser for you there.

That's something for you to chew on, eh?

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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

Merit, societal cohesiveness and promises of a better life in the hereafter.

You can ask the same about any religion. They are all used to exert power over the believers and make the managers rich.

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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

Merit, societal cohesiveness and promises of a better life in the hereafter.

You can ask the same about any religion. They are all used to exert power over the believers and make the managers rich.

Karl Marx was right ...

It is the opium of the people

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I had an open mind 12 years ago when I arrived here but having lived in Issan and Bangkok my mind is against the Monks.

They take money from poor people who cannot afford it.

Many of their Temples are Filthy ( certainly in Issan )

They do not work.

They live free on donations of Food and Money and do nothing.

Get privileged seating on trains etc.

It is common knowledge that many are ex crooks or indeed still crooks as the current scandals show.

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I had an open mind 12 years ago when I arrived here but having lived in Issan and Bangkok my mind is against the Monks.

They take money from poor people who cannot afford it.

Many of their Temples are Filthy ( certainly in Issan )

They do not work.

They live free on donations of Food and Money and do nothing.

Get privileged seating on trains etc.

It is common knowledge that many are ex crooks or indeed still crooks as the current scandals show.

I was 'invited' to give alms to a monk a few weeks ago, but refused. I told my companion and the monk in Thai that I had seen Buddha Issara, and that any organisation that allowed him to be a member would have to find a way to do without my donations.


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As i am not much into any religion, neighter buddhism, but as far i see that way of acting monks only in Thailand!!!!!!!

And as monks are nearly untouchable( even i see after a crime just turn into monk) there is sure nobody who will act against a high ranking monk!

I wonder how they can build sooo many new temples and live a life like millionaires. Don't people see that but still go an praise them?? How can they be respected??

Sure not all are like that but the fish stink always from the head first!

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He must be quaking in his orange flip-flops, waiting for the Thai Mossad.

What's interesting here is the bald statement that there are no statute of limitations for "computer 'crimes', fraud, sex crimes, and money laundering", all of which could apply to any of us here. This certainly is not any int'l standard of justice.

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He must have tweaked some influential folks? Or hasn't been liberally applying the appropriate service fees.

Someone seems to want him very badly as the charges seem to increase every year.

The sex with a minor charge would probably get him extradited from many countries?

Would have thought so, but I strongly suspect that many countries will have suspended any extradition agreements because of the whole coup/military court thing. Thai soldiers still think that everyone loves a man in uniform. which is why even government drones wear military-style uniforms in Thailand. This campaign ribbon for knowing where the khazi is, this one for the coffee machine etc etc. In other countries, they don't have great regard for soldiers except when the country is threatened. Soldiers are the equivalent of a penicillin jab in the bum when you're afraid you've got a dose of the clap (again).

In Thailand,, there are no external enemies so the army is redundant except for suppressing uppity Thais and reminding them of who

s the boss - so get on your belly and start crawling quickish.


I'd say they have many enemies just none stupid enough to invade and then have to deal with the Thainess mentality. The invasion would be over in a few days, if not hours after the hisos and military negotiate to keep their status.

You may be right, certainly Thailand has no friends, even China drives them away by not agreeing to preferential interest rates (they even refused to give Thailand the same rates they gave Laos, that must have been really humiliating for Prayuth), Putin's opinion of Prayuth is clear from his very eloquent body language, he appears to think that Prayuth is a clown - same as me really.

But the point is valid, no need for the army. Especially now ASEAN is a reality. Thailand would be better defended by putting the boy scouts on the border and abolishing the military budget and giving it to new educators - foreign ones. From Finland perhaps.


Edited by Winniedapu
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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

I view it as more of a social security system. One that you are allowed to milk as much as you want depending on how cunning one is. Their ranks are full of ex-cons and those of an underprivileged background, using the system to get food,clothes, medical and an education for "free".

It can for the most part be view as a good thing as without it these people would be turning to other means of survival. It is just that their ranks seem to be swelling more and more with greedy, unsavoury types. Most Thais are now aware of it. Probably have been for a while but monks such as this guy in the OP have really stir Thais sick of the hard earned donations going into the hands of these free loader types.

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Latest pictures on social media show the former Luang Pu Nen Kham living it up in Hawaii.

When Dhammachayo read that he thought: "Damn, I could be sipping Mai Tais with a few wahines just like that dude!" and then he fainted again.

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