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Ex Cop 70 to marry Thai girl 17 - I wasn't being insulting says Facebook poster


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Female exploitation at its worse.

Why can't so many women get access to a decent job, enough not to have to sell your their body to have a normal life?

Well, let's see; a decent job you say? You mean one which requires skills so you can earn a decent wage, or just one that pays a meager wage but is socially acceptable? If you're referring to the former, an education or some unique skills are needed. If you're referring to the latter, lying on your back may be easier work and garners more pay.

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if he gets too excited she still could be a virgin for her next husband.


At 17 ?? in Thailand?? yeah, right,

She most likely already spent 2 years serving punters down at the local karaoke bar. and seems lucky she not popped out a child already.

And I am also not being insulting....

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Poor girl - what a life!

So, you know her past life?

I don't need to - I know her future life will be terrible, right up until the bloke that's more than four times her age dies!

Leally? Did Makro have that sale on crystal balls again?

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As long as he approached the family and ask themfor permission to marry their daughter he is on the up and up in the Thai way of doing things. Guys we are not talking love here but a business arrangement. They both get what they want she get security and he gets someone to take care of him. Looks likea win win situation.

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if he gets too excited she still could be a virgin for her next husband.


At 17 ?? in Thailand?? yeah, right,

She most likely already spent 2 years serving punters down at the local karaoke bar. and seems lucky she not popped out a child already.

And I am also not being insulting....

You kind of are...

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'Old Snakehead', a common Thai term for this kind of old geezer [who is seeking the last press of youth], seems appropriate. I never see old westerners with girls this age nowadays, they seem to go for 30+ with tats.

They are more gullible now, though getting conned by ex pattaya prostitutes who are to old and cab pick up oldies from "thai lust lines" and similar sites.
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Seems that considering it an insult is an admission that something is a bit off in this pairing. I feel sorry for old geezer that he would want a 17 yr old. Maybe he's never spent time with that bracket....[/quote)

Disgusting !!


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Not sure what so many are getting so hot and bothered by this situation. It is the kind of reaction I would expect in a (falsely) puritanical area like California, or other parts of the US, where fulfillment is virtually prohibited. So what? As long as she is not being coerced into it, who cares? More than likely, at the age of 27 she will be looking at a nice inheritance and she will move on with her life. And good on him. What a nice way to live out his last years of his life.

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It's funny how men start to gossip like women as they get old.

Maybe the low production of testosterone is to blame.

I think this is their business and their lives.

The opinions of others does not matter in the least.

I wish them a happy marriage.

I'd like to see you trying to defend yourself for marrying a 17 year old back in the good ol' US

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It's funny how men start to gossip like women as they get old.

Maybe the low production of testosterone is to blame.

I think this is their business and their lives.

The opinions of others does not matter in the least.

I wish them a happy marriage.

I'd like to see you trying to defend yourself for marrying a 17 year old back in the good ol' US

That's probably why he's here so he can fulfill his perversions. I wonder if his wife has a tattoo?

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This shows it is not only old farangs going after and marrying young girls.

Must be his good looks she is marrying him for.

Of course it's his good looks, would have nothing to do with his government pension and healthcare benefits, now would it?

But good luck to him, trust everything is still in good working order - for both their sakes.

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if he gets too excited she still could be a virgin for her next husband.


At 17 ?? in Thailand?? yeah, right,

She most likely already spent 2 years serving punters down at the local karaoke bar. and seems lucky she not popped out a child already.

And I am also not being insulting....

You kind of are...

He is not being insulting, that would take some intelligence which seems to be lacking with the statement "She most likely already spent 2 years serving punters down at the local karaoke bar. and seems lucky she not popped out a child already."

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Young enough to be his grand-daughter? Let's see...If he had had a child at 17 he'd be a father...If that child had had a child at 17 he'd be a grandfather at 34...if that child had had a child at 17 he'd be a great-grandfather at 51...if that child had had a child at 17 he'd be a great-great-grandfather at 68...Thus, she's young enough to be his great-great granddaughter. Realistically anyway.

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I'll bet her parents are delighted and much better off too.

I don't think that his parents are going to make the wedding,do you ?


Wonder if he has an older brother to be best man / represent the parents ?

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"Jasmine Dearden said: "The bride is so white."


Gawd, showcases the crazy "white" thing. Not only Thailand of course, all of SE Asia, and China, etc etc.

Farang snakeheads go for the 'tan' variety. Much more beautiful . . .

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An acquaintance of mine retired and settled in Uttaradit. When he was 65, he met a girl who was a few months short of 17 and they clicked. She continued to live with her family until she was 18 and then they married. Now she's 21 and he's 69. They're still together and seem to be very happy. And, by the way, his pension is small - less than 30,000 baht per month. He gave her parents 50,000 baht when they married and they haven't asked for anything since because they know he doesn't have much money. When he dies she'll get what's in their joint bank account -- he told me that they're saved about 200,000 now. (And since it's a joint account, she could take it and do a runner any time.) So it seems that it's not always about money, sometimes its about compatibility and -- dare I say -- love.

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I cannot imagine this kid really wants to be with this sack of bones...obviously pressured by the parents, who should be ashamed for blatantly selling their daughter....

The only good thing about this story is that this old dude will surely die in the next few years...and she'll be free again...

and yes, I'm being disrespectful...

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