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Physicist Stephen Hawking baffled by Donald Trump's rise


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Physicist Stephen Hawking baffled by Donald Trump's rise

LONDON (AP) — Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity.

Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

"He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator," Hawking says in prerecorded comments to be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. London time (0500 GMT, 1 a.m. EDT) Tuesday.

Hawking , who speaks through a computer system operated with his cheek, also made a plea for British voters to choose to remain in the European Union in the June 23 referendum.

He said it is important not only for economic and security research but also to further scientific research.

Hawking says: "Gone are the days we could stand on our own, against the world. We need to be part of a larger group of nations, both for our security, and our trade."

Hawking has a form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig's disease, that has gradually paralyzed him since he was first diagnosed at age 21.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-31

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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

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Definitely in Trump's new world as we see here and elsewhere, the intelligent, educated, thoughtful and those who have made a life for themselves are to be frowned upon. Keep 'em stupid and believing in the tooth fairy is usually the mantra of movements like this.

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Definitely in Trump's new world as we see here and elsewhere, the intelligent, educated, thoughtful and those who have made a life for themselves are to be frowned upon. Keep 'em stupid and believing in the tooth fairy is usually the mantra of movements like this.

Nice to see a sensible comment on this thread.

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Steven Hawking telling it like it is, but no worries lads, attack the messenger not the message, good work there.

So when another's views are in accord with one's own it's "telling it like it is," but couldn't it be possible that the opposing view is just as "telling"?

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Steven Hawking telling it like it is, but no worries lads, attack the messenger not the message, good work there.

So when another's views are in accord with one's own it's "telling it like it is," but couldn't it be possible that the opposing view is just as "telling"?

Oh no worries OMG, sorry to spoil your corn flakes, I'll take Bubba's 'opposing view' over Steven Hawking's 'view' anyday.

Jeez, it's working, I'm feeling smarter already. All thanks to Bubba!

Win win!

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Wish foreigners would butt out of our business, whether in the UK or rioting in San Diego or Albuquerque.

That you Bubba?

Mate, normally I wouldn't give two <deleted(s)> who you blokes vote on being Head Dog Catcher, but this is different. There's too much at stake.

Trump is going to take everyone down, not just 'Merica. So by default it has become everyone's business who considers themselves a citizen of the free world.

By the way, Aussie's got an upcoming Federal election too in a few months time, feel free to comment, no skin off my nose. Knock yourself out son!

Edited by NumbNut
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Wish foreigners would butt out of our business, whether in the UK or rioting in San Diego or Albuquerque.

Hahahahahahaha, are you serious? Can I just get this straight, are you from the US? And are you saying you wish foreigners would butt out of US business? And you are serious?

Can't......stand.....the......irony...........must ......try to stop laughing!

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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

That is the process, not the explanation. The explanation of seemingly ludicrous electoral outcomes is much less tangible - how did Dubya manage to get a first terms let alone a second one? How did Cameron get a majority in Westminster? These are just a couple of examples of situations that rationally should never have happened, but events conspired and we suffered the first and continue to suffer the second. Democracy doesn't explain either of those.

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Steven Hawking telling it like it is, but no worries lads, attack the messenger not the message, good work there.

So when another's views are in accord with one's own it's "telling it like it is," but couldn't it be possible that the opposing view is just as "telling"?

Oh no worries OMG, sorry to spoil your corn flakes, I'll take Bubba's 'opposing view' over Steven Hawking's 'view' anyday.

Jeez, it's working, I'm feeling smarter already. All thanks to Bubba!

Win win!

The ad hominem attack is the form of argument of a child...just so you know.

Dr. Hawking may know physics...but that doesn't mean he knows anything about political science or people in general. Many scholars who spend their life in the academy have little contact or knowledge of the concerns and struggles of ordinary people. I'm not saying that's bad per se...only maybe that's why he doesn't understand Trump's popularity.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Steven Hawking telling it like it is, but no worries lads, attack the messenger not the message, good work there.

So when another's views are in accord with one's own it's "telling it like it is," but couldn't it be possible that the opposing view is just as "telling"?

Oh no worries OMG, sorry to spoil your corn flakes, I'll take Bubba's 'opposing view' over Steven Hawking's 'view' anyday.

Jeez, it's working, I'm feeling smarter already. All thanks to Bubba!

Win win!

The ad hominem attack is the form of argument of a child...just so you know.

Dr. Hawking may know physics...but that doesn't mean he knows anything about political science or people in general. Many scholars who spend their life in the academy have little contact or knowledge of the concerns and struggles of ordinary people. I'm not saying that's bad per se...only maybe that's why he doesn't understand Trump's popularity.

Jeez, I DID spoil your corn flakes... sorry OMG, won't happen again, play the ball not the man (especially in Pattaya, you can never be too careful can you. How do you tell though?)

And I stand corrected too, how can Steven Hawkings know ANYTHING! Apart from String Theory I suppose...

Nothing to see here, moving right along...

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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

That is the process, not the explanation. The explanation of seemingly ludicrous electoral outcomes is much less tangible - how did Dubya manage to get a first terms let alone a second one? How did Cameron get a majority in Westminster? These are just a couple of examples of situations that rationally should never have happened, but events conspired and we suffered the first and continue to suffer the second. Democracy doesn't explain either of those.

The explanation is still perfectly simple, but you first have to understand that not everyone thinks like you do, and in fact that a majority (in the above cases) appeared to disagree with you.

Your lofty sneering that the outcomes were "ludicrous" and not achieved "rationally" doesn't alter the fact that this was democracy in action -- one person, one vote.

Alternatively, if you are one of those people who thinks that stupid and irrational people should not be allowed to vote, fine. There are many people who would agree that that would make a "better" system. But it wouldn't be democracy.

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I am surprised that Hawkins doesn't understand this phenomena since Einstein explained it many years ago.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein

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Wish foreigners would butt out of our business, whether in the UK or rioting in San Diego or Albuquerque.

Yeah we feel like that when the US butts in everyone else's business all over the world....so now you can join the club

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Apparently anyone who doesn't agree with one's own views is a "demagogue."

I suggest Dr.Hawking keep his keen intelect focused on the heavens as things seem to go blurry and out of focus when he's on terra firma.

..he might get a little 'woody' ...what with Saturn and Mars so close.

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Further evidence that one can be a genius in a subject......in Stephen Hawking's case, Theoretical Physics and Astro-Physics,... and yet at the same time be totally devoid of common sense.

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Further evidence that one can be a genius in a subject......in Stephen Hawking's case, Theoretical Physics and Astro-Physics,... and yet at the same time be totally devoid of common sense.

Remember the case of Paul Frampton...?


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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

That is the process, not the explanation. The explanation of seemingly ludicrous electoral outcomes is much less tangible - how did Dubya manage to get a first terms let alone a second one? How did Cameron get a majority in Westminster? These are just a couple of examples of situations that rationally should never have happened, but events conspired and we suffered the first and continue to suffer the second. Democracy doesn't explain either of those.

The explanation is still perfectly simple, but you first have to understand that not everyone thinks like you do, and in fact that a majority (in the above cases) appeared to disagree with you.

Your lofty sneering that the outcomes were "ludicrous" and not achieved "rationally" doesn't alter the fact that this was democracy in action -- one person, one vote.

Alternatively, if you are one of those people who thinks that stupid and irrational people should not be allowed to vote, fine. There are many people who would agree that that would make a "better" system. But it wouldn't be democracy.

You are making a lot of assumptions about me. Of course I understand that not everyone thinks like me. But suggesting that it was pure democracy that, for example, elected the current Tory government is misguided. If we had a truly democratic system, the disparity between votes received and MPs elected would not be as stark as it is - UKIP received 12.7% of the vote and got 1 MP; the SNP received 4.7% and have 56 seats. So your assertion of 'one person, one vote' falls flat there.

I don't think I was being either lofty or sneering in my statement; possibly tainted with bias but certainly not superior. However I stand by my position that a UK cabinet consisting almost entirely of public school educated mulit-millionaires makes no sense in a country that is largely working class or middle class.

As for banning people from voting, count me out.

Edited by RuamRudy
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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

What you say is, sadly, very true.

Actually, the concept of democracy started in ancient Greece where it was intended as one for vote for each of an elite of educated, well-informed, selected citizens of a single city.

I like that you put "democracy" in quotes, because the modern meaning of the word has nothing to do with this.

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