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Swedish guy poked a handicapped Thai woman in the eye, claims Facebook user


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I witnessed an assault today. 5 Thai young guys on a single Thai taxi driver. I saw one reaching for what was probably a knife in his pocket and another trying to take a bat away from the driver to continue the beating. The driver was seriously injured. Best I could do was video the incident as becoming a second victim would not have helped anyone. I am in contact already with police and hopefully something will come of my assistance. I wish I could have done more but it was a suicide mission. I wish I had been there when this foreigner attacked this women though. Those odds I am willing to accept. With relish.

Have you read the tread today about taxi Thai drivers ?

p.s I don't condone gang bashing. Cowards way of dealing with a bad situation.

Actually I have missed it and usually taxi drivers drive me nuts. I never understand how someone who drives for a living can drive so badly (in any country mind you). But from what I saw, this was a dispute of infringing on personal space and no vehicles ever made contact. The driver stopped to discuss the dispute but quickly realized he was outnumbered. He re-entered his van and tried to drive off but was cut off by the mob who beat him without mercy. Believe me, I wanted to be in my country, carrying my licensed firearm, but as a second class citizen here I was helpless. At any rate, no one deserves a 3 on 1 beating for and accident. I can tell you, this guys head was split wide open, and for what?

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The mentally ill guy was fine enough to board the plane? I'm going to be a keyboard warrior here and just say I would have kicked him so hard he wouldn't think of poking anything else until the rest of his life.


ahhh, the brave intellectually gifted and his followers.

somehow by the 21st century most of us figured out and come to realize the treatment for mental illness is not getting beaten to the ground.

looks like the guy lives on the streets, has no shower or does not care about it, may or may not have associated drug-alcohol use.

it would seem he needs to be subdued, evaluated and treated. lots of alcoholics get beat up all the time but the thing is it usually the last thing that teaches them a lesson or gets them sober. you should submit an article to the european psychiatry society journal outlining your treatment for mental illness.

is it clear where the guy is actually from?

It appears he comes from Sweden. Seems everyone else can work that out except you. Yes it seems he lives on the streets and needs a shower and you assess him as an alcoholic. One does not need to be very perceptive to draw the conclusion that you are also an alcoholic and the two of you would be a good double in life. Thailand can do without you pair of wasters. Be gone!

the story mentions sweden but the bottom line when dealing with-evaluating people in that state of mind involves confirmation because people in that state of mind are known to not always tell the truth 100% (understatement) those that have worked in the healthcare system are very familiar with this. Case in point true story; police bring a guy to the ER with alcohol on breath, appearing intoxicated. story is he made a commotion at a local church service claiming he was jesus christ. he had no id on him. what should we have done? assume he is from nazareth??? or encharge the police and social worker to establish definitive identity. ??

re-read what i wrote as i absolutely did not assess him as an alcoholic "may or may not have associated drug-alcohol use." when people like the guy in the story are admitted to hospitals part of the workup always includes drug and alcohol testing. the mentally ill can self medicate with alcohol and or drugs or the opposite scenario is drug-alcohol addiction can cause the state of mental illness. how do i know this??/ from working in big city hospital emergency rooms.

reread what i wrote and try to find the focus, the points.

then you say "One does not need to be very perceptive to draw the conclusion that you are also an alcoholic and the two of you would be a good double in life."

your statement and reasoning is totally bizarre. are you saying having low perception ability makes it easy to conclude i am also an alcoholic? if that be the the case then congratulations as it seems you have the lowest perceptive ability on the forum as you were the sole participant to see i am an alcoholic.

holding on to anger is like holding hot coals in your hands, you only get get burnt and suffer.

Edited by atyclb
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I witnessed an assault today. 5 Thai young guys on a single Thai taxi driver. I saw one reaching for what was probably a knife in his pocket and another trying to take a bat away from the driver to continue the beating. The driver was seriously injured. Best I could do was video the incident as becoming a second victim would not have helped anyone. I am in contact already with police and hopefully something will come of my assistance. I wish I could have done more but it was a suicide mission. I wish I had been there when this foreigner attacked this women though. Those odds I am willing to accept. With relish.

Have you read the tread today about taxi Thai drivers ?

p.s I don't condone gang bashing. Cowards way of dealing with a bad situation.

Actually I have missed it and usually taxi drivers drive me nuts. I never understand how someone who drives for a living can drive so badly (in any country mind you). But from what I saw, this was a dispute of infringing on personal space and no vehicles ever made contact. The driver stopped to discuss the dispute but quickly realized he was outnumbered. He re-entered his van and tried to drive off but was cut off by the mob who beat him without mercy. Believe me, I wanted to be in my country, carrying my licensed firearm, but as a second class citizen here I was helpless. At any rate, no one deserves a 3 on 1 beating for and accident. I can tell you, this guys head was split wide open, and for what?

Stuff like this is why I'm so nervous to drive in Thailand. And being a foreigner you know you are in for a beat down

<deleted> lawless

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The mentally ill guy was fine enough to board the plane? I'm going to be a keyboard warrior here and just say I would have kicked him so hard he wouldn't think of poking anything else until the rest of his life.


ahhh, the brave intellectually gifted and his followers.

somehow by the 21st century most of us figured out and come to realize the treatment for mental illness is not getting beaten to the ground.

looks like the guy lives on the streets, has no shower or does not care about it, may or may not have associated drug-alcohol use.

it would seem he needs to be subdued, evaluated and treated. lots of alcoholics get beat up all the time but the thing is it usually the last thing that teaches them a lesson or gets them sober. you should submit an article to the european psychiatry society journal outlining your treatment for mental illness.

is it clear where the guy is actually from?

It appears he comes from Sweden. Seems everyone else can work that out except you. Yes it seems he lives on the streets and needs a shower and you assess him as an alcoholic. One does not need to be very perceptive to draw the conclusion that you are also an alcoholic and the two of you would be a good double in life. Thailand can do without you pair of wasters. Be gone!

the story mentions sweden but the bottom line when dealing with-evaluating people in that state of mind involves confirmation because people in that state of mind are known to not always tell the truth 100% (understatement) those that have worked in the healthcare system are very familiar with this.

re-read what i wrote as i absolutely did not assess him as an alcoholic "may or may not have associated drug-alcohol use." when people like the guy in the story are admitted to hospitals part of the workup always includes drug and alcohol testing. the mentally ill can self medicate with alcohol and or drugs or the opposite scenario is drug-alcohol addiction can cause the state of mental illness. how do i know this??/ from working in big city hospital emergency rooms.

reread what i wrote and try to find the focus, the points.

then you say "One does not need to be very perceptive to draw the conclusion that you are also an alcoholic and the two of you would be a good double in life."

your statement and reasoning is totally bizarre. are you saying having low perception ability makes it easy to conclude i am also an alcoholic? if that be the the case then congratulations as it seems you have the lowest perceptive ability on the forum as you were the sole participant to see i am an alcoholic.

holding on to anger is like holding hot coals in your hands, you only get get burnt and suffer.

Unfortunately, TV has a big contingent of people who used to like alcohol, but, because of their inability to control it, they were forced to give it up, and now they have found solace in God.

The word 'hypocritic' comes to mind, but, unfortunately, if we like a social drink, we are tarred with the same brush.

Because of their problem, we are despised.

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The mentally ill guy was fine enough to board the plane? I'm going to be a keyboard warrior here and just say I would have kicked him so hard he wouldn't think of poking anything else until the rest of his life.


Pathetic and the 7 people that liked your post. The guy is ill and you want to beat him up. You're probably a retired little tax inspector that was bullied at school.

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There is only one place for the violent drunk or the alleged "mentally ill" person who attacks at random and that is a secure place where these people cannot pose a threat to others.

The man who attacked this lady needs finding and removing from the streets.

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The mentally ill guy was fine enough to board the plane? I'm going to be a keyboard warrior here and just say I would have kicked him so hard he wouldn't think of poking anything else until the rest of his life.


Pathetic and the 7 people that liked your post. The guy is ill and you want to beat him up. You're probably a retired little tax inspector that was bullied at school.

My girlfriend was taking a picture in Amsterdam and pushed over by some young dude, high as a kite. I wanted to beat him up too

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There is only one place for the violent drunk or the alleged "mentally ill" person who attacks at random and that is a secure place where these people cannot pose a threat to others.

The man who attacked this lady needs finding and removing from the streets.

So I assume you are now teetotatal, due to your inability to control your drinking habits in the past ? It probably explains why you are on TV 24 hours a day.

Whilst I am not condoning the Scandis action, I can assure you, despite your viewpoint of people who like to go out and socialise, it is not a common occurrence for people to behave in this manner.

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A few are ready to give the guy a kicking..... Now, we don't know if he's mentally deranged and needs urgent psychiatric help or not.. we just don't...

BUT... for those so ready to 'give him a kicking' would they themselves also accept a kicking when dementia sets in and they start doing stupid stuff which may impact or even hurt others???

Some people are so quick to react and type out a stupid comment that all the are really doing is adversing the fact that they are simple minded enough to forget their own humanity......

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There is only one place for the violent drunk or the alleged "mentally ill" person who attacks at random and that is a secure place where these people cannot pose a threat to others.

The man who attacked this lady needs finding and removing from the streets.

So I assume you are now teetotatal, due to your inability to control your drinking habits in the past ? It probably explains why you are on TV 24 hours a day.

Whilst I am not condoning the Scandis action, I can assure you, despite your viewpoint of people who like to go out and socialise, it is not a common occurrence for people to behave in this manner.

Does your "socialising" involve random violent attacks on people ? If so you are another that needs removing from the streets.

Did I say or suggest these attacks are "common" ?

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There is only one place for the violent drunk or the alleged "mentally ill" person who attacks at random and that is a secure place where these people cannot pose a threat to others.

The man who attacked this lady needs finding and removing from the streets.

So I assume you are now teetotatal, due to your inability to control your drinking habits in the past ? It probably explains why you are on TV 24 hours a day.

Whilst I am not condoning the Scandis action, I can assure you, despite your viewpoint of people who like to go out and socialise, it is not a common occurrence for people to behave in this manner.

Does your "socialising" involve random violent attacks on people ? If so you are another that needs removing from the streets.

Did I say or suggest these attacks are "common" ?

You obviously have issues with alcohol, hence your 24 hour obsession with TV.

Some of your input is informative, but, learn to deal with things without your previous problems.

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The guy needs help, not criticism...

Easy to slaughter from the relative comfort of your 'keyboard'.

Who believes this tosh reporting, a few photographs, idle reporting, bit of antagonism...

I hope he is in good and safe hands...shame on you perfect creatures out there.

Good night.

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I wonder how someone can end up in such a feckless state after just 6 days here...

Lemme guess:

1. he read TVF for those 6 days ?

2. he met some TVF dinosaurs in Pattaya during those 6 days ?

3. he was lectured by a TVF mod on how to behave on TVF ...


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Take a look at the picture again, looks like he had a haircut not to long ago. Seriously doubt he is a street person. Ones again my bet is valium and alcohol which he probably enjoyed in his hotel room, then things went downhill and he wandered off and did a very stupid thing which he wont remember.

Edited by Kaalle
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The guy needs help, not criticism...

Easy to slaughter from the relative comfort of your 'keyboard'.

Who believes this tosh reporting, a few photographs, idle reporting, bit of antagonism...

I hope he is in good and safe hands...shame on you perfect creatures out there.

Good night.

You seem to be the only one with any sense of decency and common sense.

The tip off that something is wrong with this kid are his feet and legs. Absolutely filthy and barefoot. No one in his right mind would walk around in Bangkok barefoot.

If this isn't a bogus event, then this kid is seriously messed up and in need of help, not ignorant condemnation.

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Seems like a soap story.

In a nutshell, scumbag, soap dodging backpacker has too much to drink and commits the all-to-common henious crime of poking someone in the eye. I remember the Thai version a month back when one (no a pack) got drunk and poked a pensioner in the eye (oh no again they kicked and stamped on her head).

She "probably" was a burns victim. The poke in the eye made her bleed??? The dirty looking vermin stood and was restrained by her talking to him for 5 minutes.

Something tells me that she's over-dramatizing this for her own sake.

I hate backpackers especially when they look like this one. I'd publically castrate him on Kho Sarn road just for looking like that and stick his private bits on a secret map to a secret island where other like-minded dirty backpackers can seek solitude and Ed Sheeran. However........this story doesn't add up. The one thing they got right is Thai men aren't man enough to fight a foreigner unless they're in a pack or weilding weapons.

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Take a look at the picture again, looks like he had a haircut not to long ago. Seriously doubt he is a street person. Ones again my bet is valium and alcohol which he probably enjoyed in his hotel room, then things went downhill and he wandered off and did a very stupid thing which he wont remember.

That sounds like a legal defense by some sleazy lawyer.

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The guy needs help, not criticism...

Easy to slaughter from the relative comfort of your 'keyboard'.

Who believes this tosh reporting, a few photographs, idle reporting, bit of antagonism...

I hope he is in good and safe hands...shame on you perfect creatures out there.

Good night.

Actually I believe anyone who is being a nuisance, touches or attacks someone at random should be punished. Yes, he should be helped but please spare us the bleeding hearts liberal "Stockholm syndrome" claptrap.

If I had seen the exchange I would have pushed him or helped restrain him and called the police to come and get him.

Thai society has enough problems without foreign vermin adding to the problems we already have here.

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