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Bottled OJ Contains Fecal Bacteria


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To the director of medical science and the Food and Drug Administration. Thumbs up for a job well done. Our orange juice is safe from the Vietnamese migrant poisoners. I feel safe now in Los. "Ahh, breath in the clear fresh air. Zzzzzz, zzzzz, damn mozzies, zzzz, shhh, zzika. Shhh!"

Point taken.

On the other hand, why aren't the various government agencies monitoring and checking these things every day and taking appropriate actions / why aren't the senior officials of these agencies proactively building / strengthening an infrastructure to continuously test these products?

Seems to me the agencies involved are totally derelict and are more at fault than anybody in this scenario.

The FDA is a corrupt organisation that the world needs protecting from. The board is chock full of ex pharmaceutical executives and big food' executives passing dangerous drugs and letting the food industry put whatever they like into processed gunk without having to pass safety testing. All they have to do is deem it GRAS (generally recognised as safe) and they can add as much as they want!!

It is criminal to say the least how the FDA has given Monsanto the green light to develop frankenseeds and splash carcinogenic glyphosate over crops at all stages of development and sell it to unwitting customers.

Lobbyists in the senate for these criminal companies are raking in a fortune for doing their dirty work in trying to pass laws that protect these companies from future prosecution (PCB's) for example and try to defeat the labeling of GMO containing products as they know that if people know that it contains GMO's then they won't buy it.

Why should they worry about piffling amounts of faeces in sugary drinks?

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i think i heard / read some where that 'Fecal Bacteria' are present on every toothbrush tested in western households...

population on this planet increases daily, people grow older and older, what are you worried about?

statistically, you will live a longer life than your parent generation.

edit: spelling error

Edited by manfredtillmann
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i think i heard / read some where that 'Fecal Bacteria' are present on every toothbrush tested in western households...

population on this planet increases daily, people grow older and older, what are you worried about?

statistically, you will live a longer life than your parent generation.

edit: spelling error

With all of the junk food consumed today in the States it is estimated by experts that the time when the parents bury their kids is not too far off!!

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I don't believe that at all.The thais make that up because they hate it if anybody none thai selling a good or better product.Thais normaly only cry and complain about how bad life treats them.Failed state

Do you and your likers truly believe the Thai health authorities actually lied about finding fecal bacteria in the orange juice ... and did so because the vendor was not Thai?

"Failed state"?? Exaggerate much?

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I don't believe that at all.The thais make that up because they hate it if anybody none thai selling a good or better product.Thais normaly only cry and complain about how bad life treats them.Failed state

Do you and your likers truly believe the Thai health authorities actually lied about finding fecal bacteria in the orange juice ... and did so because the vendor was not Thai?

"Failed state"?? Exaggerate much?

Yes. Because the first claim didn't stick. So for their concept of face, they needed to come out and say something else, no matter how ridiculous.

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I don't believe that at all.The thais make that up because they hate it if anybody none thai selling a good or better product.Thais normaly only cry and complain about how bad life treats them.Failed state

Do you and your likers truly believe the Thai health authorities actually lied about finding fecal bacteria in the orange juice ... and did so because the vendor was not Thai?

"Failed state"?? Exaggerate much?

I think what most sane people believe is that yes, theThai authorities did find decal matter in the Viets' juice and if they were to look into the contents of Thai owned street vendors stalls they would also find a lot of nasties.

The thing is they aren't checking any Thai owned stalls - why do you think that is?

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