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Turkey warns Germany over vote on Armenian mass killings


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Yeah, Islam had no place in Christian Europe and got its ass kicked out, it still has no place in Europe and can quite happily FRO.

Well, I guess you can tell that to the Bosnians and the Albanians. It was part of one of the worlds great civlizations. And far more tolerant than Christian Europe was back then. ANd far more advanced. Many advances in science, math, and architecture. It actually reintroduced Christian Europe to science.

Anyway, it was there 8 centuries in Spain.It's been gone for about 5 centuries. Who knows, maybe in 3 centuries we will say it's Christianity that had no business being in Europe. Of course that would be stupid. About as stupid as saying Islam had no place in Europe. About as stupiid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography.

Your comment -"About as stupid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography." Then perhaps you could explain why the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (as well as parts of Sudan and Somalia) implements an absolute 100% intolerance to other religions gaining a foot hold on its sovereign geography? Oh, I remember it's Islam and they are THE exception to the rule - sorry. Islam does not recognise international borders as it is a world jihad that has been implemented by ISIS who are only carrying out the foreign policy of the Saud regime. Saudi Arabia is a committed Islamic state to world jihad and its Imams preach it all the time to people. They condone modern slavery in the form of migrant workers doing jobs they will not do for pittance wages and sometime they receive nothing but a hovel and meagre food to sustain them - is this melodramatic, no it is a human tragedy carried out by "superior brothers of Islam" who have their own bigoted attitude to inferior peoples. We are all infidels whether you accept it or not and you can not change the Muslim mindset by negotiations or subservience to their requests hidden as demands! The sooner the mosques are controlled and Sharia law condemned and outlawed the sooner we will take our continent back. Its that serious and the only alternative will be massive blood letting when the "mob" takes control of the streets. I, personally, don't believe British servicemen and women will shoot at their own people - the divide is that horrendous. Then the mosques will be shut for a long time - it is the goal of Islam to make this civil war a reality - read my earlier post. If you wish to live as a second class citizen under Islamic rule you keep trusting them - I for one can never accept their (un)holy book or that evil prophet!

So you're saying Saudi Arabia's policy is not stupid? Thanks to their insane version of Islam, and despite all their wealth, they cannot even manage to properly educate their own people. Their economy is on the verge of tanking. Even if the price of oil goes back up, their rapid population growth fueled by religious believe insures that things there can't continue. Yet you apparently think their approach is not stupid.

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OK, interesting lunch with highly qualified Turkish Engineer from Ismir. You wouldn't know to look at him with round eyes and pale complexion like any Western European. Muslim, but drinks like a fish!

1) Common complaint amongst Turks is that Western press ignores atrocities they suffer. Istanbul v Paris for example

2) Erdogan suggested safe zones along North Syria and North Iraq right at the start. Supported by Putin, it was not supported by the West. If we had done this there would be no Syrian refugee problem

3) Big issue with Eastern Anatolia is the mineral rights. The British got the Turks to sign an agreement forbidding mineral extraction including oil for 100 years (Lausanne in 1923 I think). No way Turkey will give up land on the second richest oil fields in the world to the Kurds!

4) USA wants a strategic corridor from N Iraq to the Mediterranean. Russia wants to maintain same. KGB pointing finger at ISIS for aviation disasters in Russia and Egypt air to justify continued presence

5) And now, the Armenians. It seems that in 1915, the Turks were at least holding back the Russians in NE Anatolia. At that time, the Ottomans conscripted Turks but not Armenians who were pretty well integrated. So young Armenian males were left behind. Russia, on the back foot, encouraged an Armenian uprising with the promise of land. Half the Turkish army left the front and went home to defend against the Armenians. Turkey lost the war. Turks then drove out the Armenians. It is true they were not fed or watered. However there is plenty of evidence of Armenian massacre of Turks but not Turkish massacre of Armenians. Erdogan offered independent discussions in Switzerland with both sides. It was declined.

6) Most Turks resent Erdogan's move toward a Muslim state. Turkey has historically welcomed all faiths including Jews, Orthodox Christians and Catholics

Don't shoot the messenger! Just reporting what I learned as promised!

Been watching documentaries about the Armenians, Turks and First World War. I conclude that it was indeed genocide. No other word for it. The Turks need to understand that, apologise and move on.

Agree Grouse. You're closer to the mark then your detractors. I reckon modern Japan is in a similar position re their WWII war crimes. Would be nice if both Turkey and Japan could acknowledge what happened in their collective recent past. And teach their children!

By the way, grouse nick you got yourself there Grouse! Famous even!

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Yeah, Islam had no place in Christian Europe and got its ass kicked out, it still has no place in Europe and can quite happily FRO.

Well, I guess you can tell that to the Bosnians and the Albanians. It was part of one of the worlds great civlizations. And far more tolerant than Christian Europe was back then. ANd far more advanced. Many advances in science, math, and architecture. It actually reintroduced Christian Europe to science.

Anyway, it was there 8 centuries in Spain.It's been gone for about 5 centuries. Who knows, maybe in 3 centuries we will say it's Christianity that had no business being in Europe. Of course that would be stupid. About as stupid as saying Islam had no place in Europe. About as stupiid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography.

Your comment -"About as stupid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography." Then perhaps you could explain why the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (as well as parts of Sudan and Somalia) implements an absolute 100% intolerance to other religions gaining a foot hold on its sovereign geography? Oh, I remember it's Islam and they are THE exception to the rule - sorry. Islam does not recognise international borders as it is a world jihad that has been implemented by ISIS who are only carrying out the foreign policy of the Saud regime. Saudi Arabia is a committed Islamic state to world jihad and its Imams preach it all the time to people. They condone modern slavery in the form of migrant workers doing jobs they will not do for pittance wages and sometime they receive nothing but a hovel and meagre food to sustain them - is this melodramatic, no it is a human tragedy carried out by "superior brothers of Islam" who have their own bigoted attitude to inferior peoples. We are all infidels whether you accept it or not and you can not change the Muslim mindset by negotiations or subservience to their requests hidden as demands! The sooner the mosques are controlled and Sharia law condemned and outlawed the sooner we will take our continent back. Its that serious and the only alternative will be massive blood letting when the "mob" takes control of the streets. I, personally, don't believe British servicemen and women will shoot at their own people - the divide is that horrendous. Then the mosques will be shut for a long time - it is the goal of Islam to make this civil war a reality - read my earlier post. If you wish to live as a second class citizen under Islamic rule you keep trusting them - I for one can never accept their (un)holy book or that evil prophet!

So you're saying Saudi Arabia's policy is not stupid? Thanks to their insane version of Islam, and despite all their wealth, they cannot even manage to properly educate their own people. Their economy is on the verge of tanking. Even if the price of oil goes back up, their rapid population growth fueled by religious believe insures that things there can't continue. Yet you apparently think their approach is not stupid.

lostmypass - Confused here. . . I was quoting a previous post's final comment hence the quotes. And of course the Saudi regime is horrendous and stupid to the extreme. But their policy of jihad is business as usual. And people choose to believe progressive/liberal rhetoric and politicians rather than face the truth about Islam.

as for "utterly crap" should have been utter crap and it isn't. And as for ISIS being fed propaganda by my comments - hardly - all my comments do is put some other Islam lovers noses out of joint -- get real - Islam does not love you! Despite what you hope and pray for. Time to hug a Muslim.

Western people are not happy and trying to whitewash Islam with Merkel like dogma doesn't work anymore - people are tired and fed up of SJWs trying to shove disinformation down our throats. And if you are happy with the Islamic way of life - if you already haven't - go and live amongst them in an Islamic country in the Middle East. Enjoy being a dhimmi -

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Interesting link with archive photos of the 1915 Armenian genocide.

!.5 million Armenians killed, some even by crucifixion.


This Daily Mail link also has eyewitness accounts from German railway engineers who where working in the region at the time.


Edited by katana
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