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Monk arrested after threatening to post sexy pictures of ex online


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Amazing how much human detritus the Buddhist monkhood attracts. This was not the worst story we've read about monks' misconduct over the years. Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe. Well, I guess that happens when every Jim and Johnnie is allowed to become a monk to allegedly "redeem" himself.

I never have and never will "wai" a monk, because I can never be sure whether I might actually offer my respect to a crook, felon, or worse.

Wow, another foreigner who integrates well into Thai society.

You sound like you are proud never waing a monk, are you?

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Amazing how much human detritus the Buddhist monkhood attracts. This was not the worst story we've read about monks' misconduct over the years. Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe. Well, I guess that happens when every Jim and Johnnie is allowed to become a monk to allegedly "redeem" himself.

I never have and never will "wai" a monk, because I can never be sure whether I might actually offer my respect to a crook, felon, or worse.

"Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe Catholic church.

I know the topic is THAI Buddhism and its abuses, but just for the sake of balance, let's try this..............http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/secrets-of-the-vatican/

Religion, bringing happiness to the world.

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What's the difference between a beggar and a monk? One accepts who he is, another pretends to be something great.
I refuse and never donate. If they were that good, they would be giving to society instead of receiving from society. They should be farming and producing food, and helping those that need. Instead, they mumble and beg.

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Amazing how much human detritus the Buddhist monkhood attracts. This was not the worst story we've read about monks' misconduct over the years. Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe. Well, I guess that happens when every Jim and Johnnie is allowed to become a monk to allegedly "redeem" himself.

I never have and never will "wai" a monk, because I can never be sure whether I might actually offer my respect to a crook, felon, or worse.

"Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe Catholic church.

I know the topic is THAI Buddhism and its abuses, but just for the sake of balance, let's try this..............http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/secrets-of-the-vatican/

Religion, bringing happiness to the world.

Why is it so many of us introduce the alleged and proven wrongs done in the catholic church while discussing the alleged and proven wrongs in the monkhood.

Is it like saying because the catholic church did wrong so it is ok for the Buddhist clergy to do the same.

Much of the wrongs of the church are discussed, and something, maybe not enough, is done about it.

The wrongs, real or alleged in Buddhism should also be discussed and something should be done about it.

I am not a religious person, but I can imagine and understand religion can be important to others.

The fact religion is often used to control others is criminal.

Even so, there are many in this world who need religion.

So be it.

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Amazing how much human detritus the Buddhist monkhood attracts. This was not the worst story we've read about monks' misconduct over the years. Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe. Well, I guess that happens when every Jim and Johnnie is allowed to become a monk to allegedly "redeem" himself.

I never have and never will "wai" a monk, because I can never be sure whether I might actually offer my respect to a crook, felon, or worse.

They are called Rouge Monks.


btw, you don't actually wai the monk, but what the Monk represents.

Just like rapist/abusive catholic priests represent something nice, in the eyes of the naive.


Edited by Travel2003
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What's the difference between a beggar and a monk? One accepts who he is, another pretends to be something great.

I refuse and never donate. If they were that good, they would be giving to society instead of receiving from society. They should be farming and producing food, and helping those that need. Instead, they mumble and beg.

The beggar is personal stuff.

The monk is supposed to give you the opportunity to donate something, and then you gain merit.

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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

What is wrong is the same as the problems with all beliefs and religions. They all hold so much power over the public that corruption is inevitable. With power comes responsibility unfortunately many consider becoming a monk as way to immunity. There should be strong vetting procedures before anyone is allowed to wear the robes but it doesn't happen.

They vet Catholic priests quite well too? Point is, it's hard to know.

The question is not what is wrong with the monks. You have to understand that Thailand is a 3rd world country with 3rd world standards.This guy was reported to the cops previously by his ex girlfriend and nothing was done to it. Now that he's been caught it is revealed. "Police discovered that the same woman had made a complaint against her ex at another station before." If Thailand can uplift them self to a higher standard of humanity you will not find all these corruption in Thailand.

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What's the difference between a beggar and a monk? One accepts who he is, another pretends to be something great.

I refuse and never donate. If they were that good, they would be giving to society instead of receiving from society. They should be farming and producing food, and helping those that need. Instead, they mumble and beg.

The beggar is personal stuff.

The monk is supposed to give you the opportunity to donate something, and then you gain merit.

Haha nice scam. I've always laughed at these so called holy followers. We're supposed to do something for them to gain merit. What have they themselves done to gain merit? Mumble things? Go trick other people, can't fool me.

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