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All vocational colleges to open English Program courses over next 5 years


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And quite frankly, if the children have reached vocational college without a reasonable profiency in basic English, they don't have a hope in hell.

They should be drenching these kids in English by native speakers at kindergarten and prathom level. Then bring in the Philippinoes and Thai English teachers for grammar at vocational level. They are starting at the asewhole, when they should be starting at the mouth.

I think for languages a child picks up the best around 3 to 5 years, then they adopt bad habits , I did.

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Last year when it was one year to go to the launch of the AEC wasn't it said the necessary English level would be reached or words to that effect.

I'm surprised at a five year plan as usually things here are projected to happen almost overnight.

U mean fast track NKK

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Been talking about this for a decade and nothing happened. Weren't they going to stop having native English speaking teachers and have them replaced with more qualified thai speaking English teachers.

Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Sweet Jesus. the 'if you don't like it, go home' brigade puts in an appearance, only to look foolish - again.

It's not racist to pass a comment on something ridiculous, just because it doesn't happen to be in one's birth country.

PC gone crazy just makes you look desperate to find something wrong with a post that is quite right but which you don't happen to like.

Must try harder.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Last year when it was one year to go to the launch of the AEC wasn't it said the necessary English level would be reached or words to that effect.

I'm surprised at a five year plan as usually things here are projected to happen almost overnight.

U mean fast track NKK

Oh no not more fast tracking.

The roads are already fast tracks and railways to come so why not language training ?

There's a problem though about going too fast but of course things rarely go wrong here.

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Not racist in the least just a statement of fact.

It is very racist, judgmental and ignorant of what true Thainess actually is.

You actually know what Thainess is?

Please enlighten me, because I have no idea what is actually meant by the phrase.

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Not racist in the least just a statement of fact.

It is very racist, judgmental and ignorant of what true Thainess actually is.

You actually know what Thainess is?

Please enlighten me, because I have no idea what is actually meant by the phrase.

I know what it means to me right enough, and it isn't very complimentary. Though I too would be interested in hearing what others believe it to be. As far as I can see, it's like the word 'multiculturalism' in that it doesn't have a meaning at all, and is up to the individual to decide what it means to them.

Politicians and numbskulls love words that can mean anything depending on who hears it, but which, if you challenge them, makes you *look* unpatriotic or stupid. Scoundrels who wrap themselves in the flag in order to garner support love them too. They're called nominalisations, and they're used to appeal to the listener to place their own interpretations on what is said - usually positive interpretations without the need to say anything that is actually positive, but often phrased in such a way that to disagree is automatically counted as a point or two against the listener.

eg. "We must protect Thainess at all costs", actually means nothing at all, but if you disagree, then you're clearly 'not a Thai'. whatever that means.

It's just psychological manipulation. The two muppets who act as mouthpieces for the junta know all about this, and use it regularly on the Thai people. Sansern someone and Wanchai someone else I think... very dishonest people.


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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

That would be "Untrained, Native Geordie and Brummie speakers."

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My stepson went through vocational college a few years ago. They had a couple of Filipinos, but no one else on the staff spoke English. I am not complaining, it is a Thai college after all, but one wonders how they will manage this upgrade.

Thats because they can pay a Filipino the same low wage as a Thai..if they higher an American, Autralian or European....they have to get paid a higher salary...So Thailand would rather pinch a few baht instead of getting the proper teachers

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Filipino English teachers seem to be in vogue at the moment. The college bosses seem to have created a way of creaming off the commissions paid for the employment of these recruits to their colleges. Seems the commissions paid for Filipino teachers is more than that paid for other categories. Filipinos speak a bastardised American version of English.

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My stepson went through vocational college a few years ago. They had a couple of Filipinos, but no one else on the staff spoke English. I am not complaining, it is a Thai college after all, but one wonders how they will manage this upgrade.

Thats because they can pay a Filipino the same low wage as a Thai..if they higher an American, Autralian or European....they have to get paid a higher salary...So Thailand would rather pinch a few baht instead of getting the proper teachers

Let's just hope they hire someone who can spell correctly.

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If you expect to speak English as a nation, it would have to seriously start earlier than with 18-year-olds.

Maybe the government wants vocationally trained people to help the economy by working overseas to send hard currencies back like they did for generations from the North East. or to be employed in foreign-owned and managed factories in BOI zones.

I used to work at a vocational school before I and the US educated department head left to retain what little sanity we had left.

The school was owned by a Thai husband and wife who also just happened to own an overseas employment agency so the recruitment to the school contained more than the hint of a well paid job overseas to follow. The students, all from rural areas, were 100% on government grants so the school never had worries about fees being paid.

Apart from the engineering aspect there were also courses on commercial subjects and internet studies.

The students in the commercial and internet streams had more English classes than the engineers most of who weren't interested anyway. In the main their classes were taken by a teacher who had a degree in hotel management and whose main exposure to English had been a six month internship in a BKK hotel where she had to use English sometimes.

He English standard was crap and that's being polite but there she was passing it on to young men to prepare then to supposedly work overseas.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Not racist in the least just a statement of fact.

It is very racist, judgmental and ignorant of what true Thainess actually is.

Which is what?


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Does anybody know if foreigners are allowed to become a general, or admiral in this country?

One of my students is 50-50 Thai-English. He has been working his way up the ranks in the army but has told me that he is only allowed to go so far. It's a shame as he is incredibly smart, respectful and level headed.

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Before making generalizations, you should visit a selection of schools. Sure, many rural areas struggle to find teachers who can speak English but they try to give some teaching. Many schools employ teachers who speak very good English too. Local to me they have 30 teachers on the English Programme of which 25 speak excellent English.

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Been talking about this for a decade and nothing happened. Weren't they going to stop having native English speaking teachers and have them replaced with more qualified thai speaking English teachers.

Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Sawan Chan 7, I hope you are a Thai person;If you are farang, you have a problem. . Your posts are interesting, but sometimes you attempt to defend the indefensible.

There is no need to use the old "If you don't like or respect Thais, then go home" mantra. People who post on TVF are concerned about Thailand's future one way or another.

There are just too many items on this forum illustrating why the Thai people and their government need to take a hard look in the mirror.

There's the constant reference to Thailand being a hub of this and that. One day they will need a reality check, but not today, maybe tomorrow or whenever.

Mai pen rai.

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

That would be "Untrained, Native Geordie and Brummie speakers."

Hey, hey, steady on old chap, I resemble that remark.
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My stepson went through vocational college a few years ago. They had a couple of Filipinos, but no one else on the staff spoke English. I am not complaining, it is a Thai college after all, but one wonders how they will manage this upgrade.

Thats because they can pay a Filipino the same low wage as a Thai..if they higher an American, Autralian or European....they have to get paid a higher salary...So Thailand would rather pinch a few baht instead of getting the proper teachers

Let's just hope they hire someone who can spell correctly.

And the college bosses get a higher commission on Filipino teachers.

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Does anybody know if foreigners are allowed to become a general, or admiral in this country?

One of my students is 50-50 Thai-English. He has been working his way up the ranks in the army but has told me that he is only allowed to go so far. It's a shame as he is incredibly smart, respectful and level headed.

And i have a friend who has a Thai gf who teaches English at a vocational college. When we have a conversation in English I can barely understand whatever it is she is trying to say.

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Been talking about this for a decade and nothing happened. Weren't they going to stop having native English speaking teachers and have them replaced with more qualified thai speaking English teachers.

Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Sawan Chan 7, I hope you are a Thai person;If you are farang, you have a problem. . Your posts are interesting, but sometimes you attempt to defend the indefensible.

There is no need to use the old "If you don't like or respect Thais, then go home" mantra. People who post on TVF are concerned about Thailand's future one way or another.

There are just too many items on this forum illustrating why the Thai people and their government need to take a hard look in the mirror.

There's the constant reference to Thailand being a hub of this and that. One day they will need a reality check, but not today, maybe tomorrow or whenever.

Mai pen rai.

I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

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Been talking about this for a decade and nothing happened. Weren't they going to stop having native English speaking teachers and have them replaced with more qualified thai speaking English teachers.

Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Maybe I am missing something but what exactly is racist about that comment? Most Thai's can not speak decent English that is a fact. Lots of ideas are banded around on every subject possible but almost always end up with nothing achieved.

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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

Now there's Thainess for you boyo.

This is an English language forum but you complain it's insane you are not emitted to use Thai. cheesy.gif

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This girl at my office just started a vocational school course this past week. She showed me her English "textbook". Was a very thin workbook and the front cover claimed a Thai author and a farang. I'd be surprised if more than 3% of the book was correct or made any sense. It was just a pile of random and incoherent sentences with massive grammar mistakes.

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

How about trained natives.

That is so open to comments that would get you a posting ban.

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We have very usefully been given, further up above, a definition at last of what Thainess involves. The following elements were specified (let's cast a glance at each):

1. 'Showing respect'. This begs the question: 'to whom?' Does that include showing respect to poor and powerless Burmese workers on Koh Tao - or fitting them up for rape and murder, instead? Does that include showing respect to poor and powerless Thai workers, for that matter - who have no power to hit back at exploiters and abusers? My experience in Thailand would suggest it does not.

2. 'Speech'. Again, does this embrace verbal politeness to those who are much further down the social totem-pole than oneself? Does this respectful language extend to the example-setters who presume to lead the nation (no names mentioned here!)? Or is bossiness and imperiousness of manner and language much more often the way of the hi-so Thais to their underlings? You decide!

3. 'Dress conduct'. That's a good one. Externals are all-important in Thailand. What you look like is far more important than what you are inside. This reminds me of the rule in some universities here that students cannot take an exam if their shirt is not neatly tucked into their trousers. Never mind that their heads are empty (that is no big deal) - but they MUST tuck their shirts into their trousers. Yes, that is a part of ethical 'Thainess'.

4. 'Deference'. The best one of all - and the most widely practised. A Thai should always be subservient, grovelling, unquestioning and obsequious to those higher than him on the social ladder (he or she can, in turn, kick those further down in the figurative backside - no problem). A Thai should - to follow Thai ethics - always defer to the wisdom, brilliance and moral perfection of those who hold more power and social status than he or she does. And of course: those who hold such superb qualities just happen to be the ones who choose what happens in this highly moral land and what precisely constitutes 'Thainess'.

It is said that 'history is written by the victors'. We might also say: 'Thainess is decided by those who most profit from its flexible definition'!

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