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I can open my wallet so wide I win everyday.


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I spend so much more than the TV reader that I can hardly believe how much I win. Don't get me wrong I cheat my maids, avoid paying hookers how provide a great service. I just prefer to win all the time. You can't believe if I am in your country how I can avoid paying my bills, yet live above my station.

Just today I had a lunch which is more than the average TV poster's life is worth. That's right I paid about $19 for a buffet at a minor hotel. You can't believe the amount of win. Imagine there are more than twelve of me in any country.

I sell my wifi connection to the nearest mcdonalds.

I have convinced Naam to buy me a yacht and have saved him money. There is no reason guys like me should be able to troll this badly, but I make a million dollars everyday from click bait redirects.

I can take $3 a day and live off the interest, this is how much I win. In fact my original $10 investment has made me around $10,000,000 to date.

I am absolutely set for life and any response to this makes me another million dollars.

Surely I can't be alone it is so simple that anybody can just go online and live like me.

Yet my main trouble in life is I simply can not spend my money fast enough.

I win so much you would be bored of paying attention to me.

I make more than the admin of this site just by my inane contributions. It is so insane that they can't see how great I am.

Every time I hit reply I get more than $100 my life is great.

If you do not spend at least $100,000 a day you are not maximizing your potential.

I thought about what Naam said about saving money on a yacht but I just can't bring myself to skimp the way he does. I hope he takes this as a friendly wake up call. You can't take it with you.

My self worth is proportionately valued to my net worth and I am not going to cheat myself these days. I deserve it more than others.

Either you have it or you don't. I win so much I get bored.

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