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Thai junta leader defends crackdown on social media

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I recall starting a thread on TV, perhaps a decade ago, suggesting that the rising level of communication via social-media would make it increasingly hard for the powers-that-be to keep a lid on the information which was freely-available to the masses, unlike with television or newspapers previously.

The Chinese have arguably shown that it might be possible, to keep a lid on things, but only with draconian actions which I don't yet see being effectively applied here.

Perhaps the politicians and poo-yais should learn to accept that the world has changed, and give up on their attempts to control what people think or say to each other, in the long-run they're backing a loser ?

The Chinese got their controls in place early in the development of social media, what the people never had for the most part they don't miss. Here it is too late. Every week one or other of the networks is offering a base model smartphone for less than ThB1000. There must be tens of millions of users. Bolt the stable door, but the horse is gone, and galloping over the horizon. If I was in the junta (!) that is what would be keeping me awake at night.

Especially the students communicating in code cheesy.gif

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Whenever I see the word crackdown, a dirty thought goes through my mind. Well thank goodness scientists haven't found a way to read our thoughts because if they did, this government would be the first to establish the thought police.

In the words of General Preecha Chan-ocha "Big brother is watching you."

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The Chinese have arguably shown that it might be possible, to keep a lid on things, but only with draconian actions which I don't yet see being effectively applied here.

That requires a bunch of administrative type people getting organised and putting some effort in to doing something for future gain.

I can't see that happening here either.

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I recall starting a thread on TV, perhaps a decade ago, suggesting that the rising level of communication via social-media would make it increasingly hard for the powers-that-be to keep a lid on the information which was freely-available to the masses, unlike with television or newspapers previously.

The Chinese have arguably shown that it might be possible, to keep a lid on things, but only with draconian actions which I don't yet see being effectively applied here.

Perhaps the politicians and poo-yais should learn to accept that the world has changed, and give up on their attempts to control what people think or say to each other, in the long-run they're backing a loser ?

I used to be quite hopeful about social media but you can see how the west keep a lid on it.

They swamp the media with irrelevance and dumbed down entertainment. Folks are more interested in Kardashians and celebrity gossip than real news. Heck my phone even offered up Kardashian in predictive text.

We children of the sixties are maybe the last generation to be politically aware. The younger generation are more interested in celebrity big brother than worrying about big brother as we first understood that term

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"We have enforced the law only when the law is broken....."

Unless you are a powerful monk (with or without tigers) or perhaps an idiot with a fast car and a billionaire father"

Please feel free to add more............

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I recall starting a thread on TV, perhaps a decade ago, suggesting that the rising level of communication via social-media would make it increasingly hard for the powers-that-be to keep a lid on the information which was freely-available to the masses, unlike with television or newspapers previously.

The Chinese have arguably shown that it might be possible, to keep a lid on things, but only with draconian actions which I don't yet see being effectively applied here.

Perhaps the politicians and poo-yais should learn to accept that the world has changed, and give up on their attempts to control what people think or say to each other, in the long-run they're backing a loser ?

making huge amounts of money while being officially on a very low income is not backing a loser. think of the number of extremely wealthy police and army in Thailand, they arent giving up such a lucrative system without a fight

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Shut down Thailand's entire network communication system. Problem solved...

When " The Time" comes it may give them the excuse to do just that - at least whilst they take care of the most important "business". To hell with the consequences, the stakes will be as high as they can get... Edited by JAG
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Shut down Thailand's entire network communication system. Problem solved...

When " The Time" comes it may give them the excuse to do just that - at least whilst they take care of the most important "business". To hell with the consequences, the stakes will be as high as they can get...

What if all those Generation Y kids go paranoia coma 4ever due to lack of social media..... the poor parents..... All the young souls are gonna die quickly...

Thank you in advance.

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In my few years here I have built an array of connections. Thai people some who are very very nice and educated as they went OVERSEAS for their education and formative years.

ALL of them fear what is about to explode in Thailand and ALL have urged me to depart ASAP for my own safety and good. Some of these are people in VERY HIGH placements and places. I am taking heed of their valuable and esteemed knowledge and rushing to the departure gates.

THINK carefully as this country is about to explode on so many fronts never before seen here.

No need to rush as you will have 60 days to get out of Dodge before the dust underfoot erupts and then settles down again after maybe one year.

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"We have enforced the law only when the law is broken ... so taking action is not in violation of human rights," he said.

When laws are unjust and immoral they are a violation of human rights.

Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good. They are more concerned about a few people who want to revert it back to a point where mega corruption is acceptable to every one.

There is just no way you can change any thing and still carry on the same way. The New Government has put a stop to it and is in the long process of a new constitution to give the people more say in the Government. An idiot will think it is not perfect so therefore don't install it. Leave things as they were. It will not improve every thing 100% just 53% so forget it.

People conveniently think it can be done over night forgetting that the PM said itr would take 20 years to bring unity to Thailand. They think it will only take 10 minutes just every one bow down and kiss a Shinawatra rear end.

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"We have enforced the law only when the law is broken ... so taking action is not in violation of human rights," he said.

When laws are unjust and immoral they are a violation of human rights.

Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good. They are more concerned about a few people who want to revert it back to a point where mega corruption is acceptable to every one.

There is just no way you can change any thing and still carry on the same way. The New Government has put a stop to it and is in the long process of a new constitution to give the people more say in the Government. An idiot will think it is not perfect so therefore don't install it. Leave things as they were. It will not improve every thing 100% just 53% so forget it.

People conveniently think it can be done over night forgetting that the PM said itr would take 20 years to bring unity to Thailand. They think it will only take 10 minutes just every one bow down and kiss a Shinawatra rear end.

I hold the current Junta and Shinawatras in equal regard, disliking both. Neither have the interest of Thailand and the vast majority of people at heart imo.

As for further comment on unjust and immoral laws I wish I could explain further.

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Agreed with Ed. The native mindset is enrich yourself by any means as long as it lasts. The army had already major power and assets. Since the junta I'm sure a lot of chess is being played behind the curtain. The establishment is getting prepared and positioned for the thing we can only mention cryptically. Wait and see junta lovers ? ? ?

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"We have enforced the law only when the law is broken ... so taking action is not in violation of human rights," he said.

When laws are unjust and immoral they are a violation of human rights.

Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good. They are more concerned about a few people who want to revert it back to a point where mega corruption is acceptable to every one.

There is just no way you can change any thing and still carry on the same way. The New Government has put a stop to it and is in the long process of a new constitution to give the people more say in the Government. An idiot will think it is not perfect so therefore don't install it. Leave things as they were. It will not improve every thing 100% just 53% so forget it.

People conveniently think it can be done over night forgetting that the PM said itr would take 20 years to bring unity to Thailand. They think it will only take 10 minutes just every one bow down and kiss a Shinawatra rear end.

"Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good."

Maybe because it isn't true? If it were true do you really believe you would be the only person to recognise it?



Edited by Winniedapu
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"We have enforced the law only when the law is broken ... so taking action is not in violation of human rights," he said.

When laws are unjust and immoral they are a violation of human rights.

Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good. They are more concerned about a few people who want to revert it back to a point where mega corruption is acceptable to every one.

There is just no way you can change any thing and still carry on the same way. The New Government has put a stop to it and is in the long process of a new constitution to give the people more say in the Government. An idiot will think it is not perfect so therefore don't install it. Leave things as they were. It will not improve every thing 100% just 53% so forget it.

People conveniently think it can be done over night forgetting that the PM said itr would take 20 years to bring unity to Thailand. They think it will only take 10 minutes just every one bow down and kiss a Shinawatra rear end.

"Well I have read enough it appears that no body is aware of the reality that Thailand has never had it so good."

Let me just stop you there for a moment: According to whom?

Also which people are concerned about a few who want to revert it back to a point where mega corruption is acceptable to every one: surely they are insignificant anyway?

Furthermore if this mega corruption is indeed acceptable to every one, why has the status quo not been maintained and how dare some faction decide to ride roughshod over the popular will of everyone? What kind of blueprint could that possibly be for any kind of strong and prosperous unity for the future?

Edited by baboon
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"Countries should look at "sovereignty in less traditional terms," Prayuth said."

So, maybe he should concede the South to those who want it!?

He loves his dim sum

no, its a very convenient area for all sorts of shady exchanges to take place without public or foreign scrutiny, and the fighting provides even more cover. as long as the army is controlling Thailand thats not going to change

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