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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

Nope this is BS Unpresidential behaviour and that is why logical people are cringing

This idiot will be a USA embarrassment but if that's what his supporters like and being a national ridicule that's fine too

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No serious person could try seriously to defend Trump on this or try to diminish its historic significance or impact. No serious persons could do anything other than to recognise Donald Trump is a racist lunatic crackpot wild man who has seized control of the Republican party with the direct assistance of a whole lot of Republicans led by the radical reactionary right.

US Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) wrote an open letter to Donald Trump:

I would like to end this letter in a more diplomatic fashion, but I think that you, of all people, understand why I cannot. I will not presume to speak on behalf of every American of Mexican descent, for every undocumented worker born in Mexico who is contributing to our country every day or, for that matter, every decent citizen in Mexico. But, I am sure that many of these individuals would agree with me when I say: “Mr. Trump, you’re a racist and you can take your border wall and shove it up your ass."

Republicans know that in order to win they need to get 65% of the white vote in November, both male and female. The percentage keeps getting greater and greater. Mitt Romney in 2012 needed 'only' 62% of it but got 59%. The Republican party wall keeps getting higher and higher in each election.

The Republican wall with Hispanics is already up to the clouds. Republicans to win need 40% of the Hispanic vote. Romney got 27% of Hispanics and McCain before him got 32%.....as GW Bush in 2000 got 43% of Hispanic voters. Note the regression.

In 2016 the rightwhinge has gone so far off the political spectrum none of 'em can present any reasonable statement sympathetic to Donald Trump or the Republican party no matter how calm and reasonable they try to sound or seem.

The judge is an innocent victim period. Donald Trump is the mugger and political thug who's protesting that he wasn't there or anywhere near the mugging hit that he himself executed.

Trump is a brazen political thug.

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Finally a candidate is speaking in non-PC terms and the special snowflakes are getting their little feelers hurt?

What's an embarassment is the thought of electing a Crooked Hillary - that takes the cake! whistling.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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Unfortunately Trump used the ethnicity of Curiel which quickly became fodder for left wing pundits.

Mistake? Not sure, Trump has often used inflammatory speech for publicity purposes. Donald Trump assumed that Curiel would be biased, an Obama appointee, a reasonable assumption to make with the judge's ties to law firm Robins Geller Rudman & Dowd who paid Bill & Hillary $450,000 for speeches made in 2013 and 2014 who also pursued a lawsuit against Trump in 2013. Senior partner Darren Robbins contributed $2,700 to Hillary Clinton's campaign on May 12, 2015..Also law firm Zaldes Haeggquist & Eck LLP who donated to MoveOn.Org a group organising protests at Trump rallies.

Robbins Geller Obtains Class Certification on Behalf of Trump University Students
October 28, 2014

In an opinion dated October 24, 2014, the Honorable Gonzalo P. Curiel of the Southern District of California certified a nationwide class against Donald J. Trump for violations of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), 18 U.S.C. §1962© on behalf of all persons in the United States who purchased Live Events from “Trump University” from January 1, 2007 to the present. The court appointed Robbins Geller to serve as class counsel. Robbins Geller will continue to aggressively pursue the case and prepare for trial. http://www.rgrdlaw.com/news-item-Trump-University-Class-Cert-102814.html


Is it not unethical of the judge to release sealed documentary evidence in a civil case prior to trial? If he abused his judicial powers he should recuse himself for this if for nothing else.

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Yea, unrelated. It's amazing the degree to which people peddle agenda masked as other.

The SDLRLAs website includes a side-panel on their site titled Community which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza. Curious if they've uncoupled this and start sterilizing other connections.

SDLRLA, includes community links to Nat Counc LR. It's actually not stretching a darn thing to connect the dots. No one in their right mind would choose La Raza for an associative name unless by specific choice. Irrespective of word soup La RAza has been long self defined as racist. Commonly known but ignored out West.

If I set up an org called 'The Race' and used all LRLA preambles and replaced 'Latino' or 'Hispanic' with 'white' I'd be run out of town. "...an organization to help/defend white people... represent white people interests..." Etc

How fatuous that Reuters and others muster the falsity to obscure this issue. If I started a lawyers firm called 'KKK lawyers' or 'Weathermen Underground' lawyers association the public would scream affiliation...and they'd be correct. These names, irrespective of what they're parts could be rationalized as meaning, have been defined in the public space previously. So too has La Raza long emblazoned the meaning of La Raza to be a racist activist agitprop group. The thing is it's evolved in a friendly environment without great critique.

If my Lawyers group linked to David Duke College Fund or The White Race advocacy group the world would scream. Apologists now stamp their feet and say "unrelated," yet clearly the lawyers group advocates La Raza. It can't be defended, as Alberto Gonzales, former Attny General allows. La Raza affiliates with La Raza.

Of course The White Race Lawyers Association would be racist. You can scream 'White' means cloud not Caucasian Race, but it's a lie! America gets what it deserves. Crap in crap out.

* If it was the Celtic Army and a Celtic Army lawyers association, yes, there may be connection. What's offered above is false analogy. Thing is, I doubt the poster sees it.

Edit: add- http://spectator.org/rigged-the-trial-of-trump-university/

If I..., If I..., If I....

I feel a song coming on:

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

This idiot will be a USA embarrassment... -snip-

Embarrassment to whom? Liberals who want communism or foreigners who've given up their borders and sovereignty to an unelected group and who are being overrun by rapefugees?

Obama has been the embarrassment with his apology tours and lack of leadership. He has no respect from world leaders because he's a wimp. Merkel and Cameron are embarrassments as they let their countries disintegrate.


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Is it not unethical of the judge to release sealed documentary evidence in a civil case prior to trial? If he abused his judicial powers he should recuse himself for this if for nothing else.

Correct, it is not unethical.

The Friday ruling, in which Judge Gonzalo Curiel cited heightened public interest in presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, was issued in response to a request by The Washington Post.

If you're trying to claim that it is not in the public interest, I'd suggest that you're very, very wrong.

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He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Yea, unrelated. It's amazing the degree to which people peddle agenda masked as other.

The SDLRLAs website includes a side-panel on their site titled Community which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza. Curious if they've uncoupled this and start sterilizing other connections.

SDLRLA, includes community links to Nat Counc LR. It's actually not stretching a darn thing to connect the dots. No one in their right mind would choose La Raza for an associative name unless by specific choice. Irrespective of word soup La RAza has been long self defined as racist. Commonly known but ignored out West.

If I set up an org called 'The Race' and used all LRLA preambles and replaced 'Latino' or 'Hispanic' with 'white' I'd be run out of town. "...an organization to help/defend white people... represent white people interests..." Etc

How fatuous that Reuters and others muster the falsity to obscure this issue. If I started a lawyers firm called 'KKK lawyers' or 'Weathermen Underground' lawyers association the public would scream affiliation...and they'd be correct. These names, irrespective of what they're parts could be rationalized as meaning, have been defined in the public space previously. So too has La Raza long emblazoned the meaning of La Raza to be a racist activist agitprop group. The thing is it's evolved in a friendly environment without great critique.

If my Lawyers group linked to David Duke College Fund or The White Race advocacy group the world would scream. Apologists now stamp their feet and say "unrelated," yet clearly the lawyers group advocates La Raza. It can't be defended, as Alberto Gonzales, former Attny General allows. La Raza affiliates with La Raza.

Of course The White Race Lawyers Association would be racist. You can scream 'White' means cloud not Caucasian Race, but it's a lie! America gets what it deserves. Crap in crap out.

* If it was the Celtic Army and a Celtic Army lawyers association, yes, there may be connection. What's offered above is false analogy. Thing is, I doubt the poster sees it.

Edit: add- http://spectator.org/rigged-the-trial-of-trump-university/

If I..., If I..., If I....

I feel a song coming on:

Lol too funny.

'If I were a Trumpkin, and you were a lady'

'Would you marry me anyway, would you have my babyyyyyyyyy'

Lol cheesy.gif

Edited by NumbNut
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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

This idiot will be a USA embarrassment... -snip-

Embarrassment to whom? Liberals who want communism or foreigners who've given up their borders and sovereignty to an unelected group and who are being overrun by rapefugees?

Obama has been the embarrassment with his apology tours and lack of leadership. He has no respect from world leaders because he's a wimp. Merkel and Cameron are embarrassments as they let their countries disintegrate.


Returning to the comfortable high ground of attacking Obama.

And really...rapefugees? Come on, man

Trump needs to pull off a major transformation of his persona to quell the revolt in his party and this is only June. Leopard, let me introduce you to your spots.

This is the disintegration of the Republican party. Ain't it fun!

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

This idiot will be a USA embarrassment... -snip-

Embarrassment to whom? Liberals who want communism or foreigners who've given up their borders and sovereignty to an unelected group and who are being overrun by rapefugees?

Obama has been the embarrassment with his apology tours and lack of leadership. He has no respect from world leaders because he's a wimp. Merkel and Cameron are embarrassments as they let their countries disintegrate.


Returning to the comfortable high ground of attacking Obama.

And really...rapefugees? Come on, man

Trump needs to pull off a major transformation of his persona to quell the revolt in his party and this is only June. Leopard, let me introduce you to your spots.

This is the disintegration of the Republican party. Ain't it fun!

Here you go. Trump's speech as he racked up a lot more delegates tonight in the last 5 states. This guy is good.

Trump is going to win the election for president and do what he says by the sheer strength he has that you don't see.


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Both nominees are idiots and cannot command a world stage

Clinton has proven to be a family of liars who can lie like bush for a war or any excuse and is dangerous as they lack integrity

Trump will invoke any kind of words you what to used to describe an idiot in the English language and still it will fall short of describing his brains and his thinking pattern

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"Incapable of doing his job because of his race." Definition of racism? Of course it is.

There was never any beer at Trump University, everyone just seemed to be drinking the Kool-Aid.

Poor Paul Ryan, you almost feel sorry for him. Just as the GOP was lining up to get between the sheets with Trump, he poops the bed. cheesy.gif

This election is the BEST

Edited by Pinot
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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

Trump is perfectly free to say whatever he pleases. As are his critics. Apparently, though, according to you when his critics speak, what they're doing is not exercising their right to free speech, but somehow exercising censorship. Double standard much?

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

We can't have an intelligent debate if you keep making such stupid comments. Pretty much everything you've said is untrue.

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

Everyone is a racist to some degree? Oh come on, that's ridiculous. On your planet maybe, hopefully not mine!

No need to throw out the baby with the bath water either regarding PC. If the concept of PC stops even one racist, thoughtless act then it has served it purpose. The reason I'm pro PC is because I hate seeing people cop shit purely because they're 'different' in some way from their peers. We fought wars in the last century to stop persecution of innocent parties. And it's simply not good enough in the 21st century!

PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

If you find that PC does not allow you to call a spade a spade then you really need to broaden your vocabulary a bit.

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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.

I would have thought that with 'Free Speech' comes a level of responsibility. For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!

Same principle applies here with your nominee for the GOP. You're hiding behind the negative perceptions of PC and your own constitution to give the green light to racist hate speech that is tearing your country apart. And all for the political advantage of a political nominee who, let's be honest, would not stand a snowflake in hell chance of being elected in previous elections due to his polarising, hateful speeches.

What has your country come to?

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Trump was just calling a spade a spade.

Don't know why y'all can't deal with that?

That's right! Everything that doesn't conform to the Lib theology is Racist!!!

BS wink.png

You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

We can't have an intelligent debate if you keep making such stupid comments. Pretty much everything you've said is untrue.

With the programmed automatic calling out RACIST by the Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists the impact becomes nil and the truth is - Well Not truth...

Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists would call a tree stump Racist if they thought it would help win a losing argument or persuade others.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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You are correct, Trump was being a racist. Everyone knows this. So why can't Trump stop this PC BS? If Trump would just admit once and for all that he's a lifelong racist, all this will be over. But he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Face it, Trump is a coward.

Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

We can't have an intelligent debate if you keep making such stupid comments. Pretty much everything you've said is untrue.

With the programmed automatic calling out RACIST by the Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists the impact becomes nil and the truth is - Well Not truth...

Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists would call a tree stump Racist if they thought it would help win a losing argument or persuade others.

It sounds like you'd come out with any statement to win an argument. Tree stumps? Puh-leeeeeze! facepalm.gif

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I have no idea if Trump is a racist. He is a narcissist and he will say whatever he wants to get his way. He is pandering to the basest instincts in many of us. I've said worse things than Trump, but they were said in bars with mates who laugh and know the context. They are things I wouldn't say at the dinner table where my grandmother was sitting.

Trump is the epitome of a people user and if he has no immediate use for someone he will trash them and ruin their character.

Because of this judges ethnic background he is condemned. Because he belongs to an association, he is condemned. I have belonged to many organizations, but none of them persuaded me to change my views.

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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


Lordy, in your rush to defend Trump at all cost, you've refrained from making any sense. I don't see anyone arguing that Americans shouldn't have freedom of speech. But with that right, there is responsibility. No one is preventing Trump from saying anything he damn well pleases. But he MUST be held accountable for what he says if he wants to be President of all Americans. If a politician was to say "I hate black people!"...are you suggesting that the media doesn't have a right to question him about this? I guess my question is, do you really understand what the 1st amendment is about?

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"For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!"

You lost it right there because Trump hasn't yelled "fire" in a crowded theater. He is redressing grievances against the government - a specific Constitutional right. He is giving his opinions about everything he thinks is wrong in the country - a Constitutional right. He is holding assemblies to rail against the government - a Constitutional right.

You don't need to go over the top and exaggerate what Trump is doing. He is making political speech about things he hates seeing happen to our country.

BTW I was watching TV and in demonstrations in Europe there were people holding up Trump signs.



For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!

Edited by NeverSure
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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.

I would have thought that with 'Free Speech' comes a level of responsibility. For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!

Same principle applies here with your nominee for the GOP. You're hiding behind the negative perceptions of PC and your own constitution to give the green light to racist hate speech that is tearing your country apart. And all for the political advantage of a political nominee who, let's be honest, would not stand a snowflake in hell chance of being elected in previous elections due to his polarising, hateful speeches.

What has your country come to?

The fire in the theater is the classic definition... one because a false alarm could physical harm not just hurt their feelings. There is no guarantee in the U.S. Constitution to prevent speech that may be hurtful of someone's feelings... It has been that way since the founding - and only in the past 20-25 years or so have some modernist trying to change it by introducing Political Correctness to censor speech.. And the first Amendment says Free Speech ... not censored speech. We cannot even define a problem in PC muffled speech not to mention finding a solution.

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"For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!"

You lost it right there because Trump hasn't yelled "fire" in a crowded theater. He is redressing grievances against the government - a specific Constitutional right. He is giving his opinions about everything he thinks is wrong in the country - a Constitutional right. He is holding assemblies to rail against the government - a Constitutional right.

You don't need to go over the top and exaggerate what Trump is doing. He is making political speech about things he hates seeing happen to our country.

BTW I was watching TV and in demonstrations in Europe there were people holding up Trump signs.



For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!

Nice deflection, but please answer my original question if you can.

'Can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US?' I am interested to know this.

As to going over the top, I'll leave that to the man himself and his acolytes. I can't top the drivel coming out of both parties there!

C'mon NeverSure, it's not Rocket Surgery. And Cheers to you as well me old mukker, mine's a Tiger Draught thanks

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